程序代写代做代考 algorithm python data science data structure Starting to program in Python for Data science – the essentials –

Starting to program in Python for Data science – the essentials –

Starting to program in Python for Data science
– the essentials –
Nick Szirbik
Sept. 2020
Week 2 of the DAPOM course (1)

What you did last week
Set up your programming environment (Python for the language, Atom with Teletype for editing, and Gurobi for optimization)

Learned how to execute a simple Python program

Learned how to open and read the content of a text file

A few elements of the Python language

What we do this week
Learning how to read and write a .csv file

Learning the basics about lists in Python

Learning about the iteration “for” statement in Python and how to apply it on lists

Learning about the conditional “if” statement in Python

What we will do in general: learn programming

…What is programming?
For those who start to learn programming: A different way of thinking (problem solving oriented)

An attitude (don’t give up)

Conceiving algorithms (hard)

Using existing algorithms (easy)

Building and using data structures (medium hard)

Writing effective code (easy)

Testing and debugging (hard)

What is an algorithm?
Specifically for Python, an Algorithm is: A procedural way (step by step, with iterations and choices, depending on the context) to solve a problem

Example of a typical OM/OR problem: Vehicle routing (optimization)

Necessary mechanism for such an algorithm: investigate alternatives

To get all the possible alternatives, one has generate routes via all permutations of the points to visit
