The TINY Language
The TINY Machine
CS106 — Compiler Principles and Construction
Fall 2014
Zhiyao Liang
TINY Dr. Zhiyao Liang
Basic Architecture of the Tiny Machine
#define IADDR_SIZE …
/* size of instruction memory*/
#define DADDR_SIZE …
/* size of data memory */
#define NO_REGS 8 /* number of registers */
#define PC_REG 7
Instruction iMem[IADDR_SIZE];
int dMem[DADDR_SIZE];
int reg[NO_REGS];
TINY Dr. Zhiyao Liang
TM performs a conventional
fetch-execute cycle
/* fetch */
currentInstruction = iMem[reg[pcRegNo]++];
/*execute current instruction */
While (!(halt || error));
TINY Dr. Zhiyao Liang
RO Instructions
opcode r, s, t
Opcode Effect
HALT Stop execution
(operands ignored)
IN reg[r] integer value read from the standard input
OUT reg[r] the standard output (s and t ignored)
ADD reg[r] = reg[s] + reg[t]
SUB reg[r] = reg[s] – reg[t]
MUL reg[r] = reg[s] * reg[t]
DIV reg[r] = reg[s] / reg[t]
(may generate ZERO_DIC)
TINY Dr. Zhiyao Liang
RM instructions
opcode r, d(s) a = d + reg[s]
Opcode Effect
LD reg[r] = dMem[a] (load r with memory value at a)
LDA reg[r] = a (load address a directly into r)
LDC reg[r] = d (load constant d directly into r—s is ignored)
ST dMem[a] = reg[r] (store value in r to memory location a)
JLT If (reg[r] < 0) reg[PC_REG] = a
(jump to instruction a if r is negative, similarly for the following)
JLE If (reg[r] <= 0) reg[PC_REG] = a
JGE If (reg[r] >= 0) reg[PC_REG] = a
JGT If (reg[r] > 0) reg[PC_REG] = a
JEQ If (reg[r] == 0) reg[PC_REG] = a
JNE If (reg[r] != 0) reg[PC_REG] = a
TINY Dr. Zhiyao Liang
* This program inputs an integer, computes
* Its factorial if it is positive
* And prints the result
0: IN 0,0,0 r0 = read
1: JLE 0,6(7) if 0 < r0 then
2: LDC 1,1,0 r1 = 1
3: LDC 2,1,0 r2 = 1
* repeat
4: MUL 1,1,0 r1 = r1 * r0
5: SUB 0,0,2 r0 = r0 – r2
6: JNE 0, -3(7) until r0 == 0
7: OUT 1,0,0 write r1
8: HALT 0,0,0 halt
* End of program
TINY Dr. Zhiyao Liang
Typical code arrangement for if-statement
TINY Dr. Zhiyao Liang
Code before if-statement
Code for if test
Conditional jump
Code for TRUE case
Unconditional jump
Code for FALSE case
Code after if-statement
Typical code arrangement for while-statement
TINY Dr. Zhiyao Liang
Code before while-statement
Code for while test
Conditional jump
Code for body of while
Unconditional jump
Code after while-statement