程序代写代做代考 Dashboard design Proposal

Dashboard design Proposal

Dashboard design Proposal
Prepared for Melbourne Water

Default CSV file must be in the directory with the format:
Yearly data (one ledger). CostCentre, Amount columns
Search/ update function for cost center
Search cost centre either by name or id.
Can adjust multiple cost centres.
When individual cost is changed, yearly total amount will also change.
In case of missing linkage, an error message will be displayed.
Calculate button to work out level two activities and strategies
Display activity level2 spending and percentage of total.
Display strategies outcomes spending graph.
In case data is recalculated, strategy outcome graph will show % changed compared to previous result (TBD).

Goal Seek
Display 19 strategic outcomes based on Strategic Outcome tab in the Description page (will change to KPI outcomes)
Have the ability to update spending for each strategic outcome (thru input text-box) and auto-calculate % of total
Will calculate the allocation of cost centres and level2 activities from the desired spending on strategies

Descriptions page
Page where the descriptions of the activity structure, services and strategic outcomes can be viewed
Activity, service and strategy data files are stored in the folder of the dashboard.
Tabs on top to switch between tables.
Does not allow editing values in tables. To edit, reupload/edit appropriate csv files.

Cost-centre Activity Mapping
Translating between cost centre and ABC LEVEL2
Read/Update cost-centre activity mapping data file stored in the folder of the dashboard.
Pop up that allows to change for a cost-centre activity mapping
Adjusts cost centreID, cost centre description, ABC L2 and allocation
ABC L2, ABC L2 Desc will come from other file (from Activity Structure)
Allocation needs to sum to 1
Add new mapping: will pop up a dialogue box similar to above with blank values.
Error message for mismatching.

Service allocation

Read/Update service allocation data file stored in the folder of the dashboard.
Pop up that allows to change for the allocation of services to a cost centre
Adjusts cost centreID, service allocation
Services will come from a drop down box.
CostCentre Description, Service Desc will come from other files 
Allocation needs to sum to 1
Add new cost centre allocation: will pop up a dialogue box similar to above with blank values.
Error message for mismatching.

Strategies Mapping (to be updated)

Read/Update strategy mapping data file stored in the folder of the dashboard.
Pop up that allows to change for a strategy mapping
Adjusts service, strategy number and weightage
StrategyNo will come from a drop down box.
Strategy Desc will come from other file (from Activity Structure)
Weightings needs to sum to 1
Add new mapping: will pop up a dialogue box similar to above with blank values.
Error message for mismatching.

