Missing value test is failing
The function is_missing always returns False. When the input to this function is ‘99999.9’ it should return True.
The correct behaviour of this function is tested in the test_data.py unit tests by the function test_is_missing.
Read the comments for the is_missing function in data.py and modify its code so that it behaves correctly.
The `bom_data_url` function always returns the same address
The bom_data_url function in data.py should return addresses that correspond to the station ID and statistic values passed in as arguments. Currently, the function always returns the address for the station ‘070351’ and the statistic ‘min’.
Close this issue once the unit test test_bom_url in test_data.py is passing.
Date parsing is broken
The function parse_date does not work properly. No matter what string is passed in, the function always returns the value None.
The comments for the function document its correct behaviour and the test test_parse_date in test_data.py provide a couple of examples of what is required of this function.
Fix the parse_date function and close this issue once the unit test for it passes.
The `make_reading` function is not implemented
The date and temperature data from the files at the BoM site need to be converted into a more useful data structure.
The comments for the make_reading function describe how a string representing a date in YYYYMMDD format along with a string representing a temperature should be converted into a Python dictionary for use by other functions.
Implement the make_reading function as described in its comments and close this issue once the unit test in test_make_reading passes.
Hint: You may wish to make use of the parse_date function to implement this, once the parse_date function has been correctly implemented.
Looking up station names is unimplemented
The function station_id_to_name should look up the human-readable name for a given station ID by searching for a line that starts with the given station ID in the file stations.txt and returning the name that appears on the same line as the ID.
There are a few examples of how this function should behave in the unit test test_station_id_to_name.
Implement this function and make sure the associated test passes before closing this issue.
The function `hottest_year` is not implemented
The hottest_year function should take in a list of readings in the format output by the make_readings function and find which year in those readings had the hottest recorded temperature.
Carefully read the comments for this function and implement it accordingly. There are a few tests of its behaviour in the test_hottest_year function in test_data.py. Once you have implemented this function and those tests all pass you may close this issue.