程序代写代做代考 In [1]:

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#Task 1: Data Preparation
# “You will start by loading the CSV data from the file (using appropriate pandas functions) and checking whether the loaded data is equivalent to the data in the source CSV file.
# Then, you need to clean the data by using the knowledge we taught in the lectures. You need to deal with all the potential issues/errors in the data appropriately (such as: typos, extra whitespaces, sanity checks for impossible values, and missing values etc). ”

# Please structure code as follows:
# always provide one line of comments to explain the purpose of the code, e.g. load the data, checking the equivalent to original data, checking typos (do this for each other types of errors)
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# Task 2: Data Exploration
# 1. Choose 1 column with nominal values, 1 column with ordinal Values, and 1 column with numerical values

#Code goes after this line
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# Task 2: Data Exploration
# 2. Explore the relationships between columns; at least 3 visualisations with plausible hypothesis

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# Task 2: Data Exploration
# 3. Scatter matrix for all numerical columns

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