Assessment Item 1
Input image ‘AssignmentInput.jpg’ MATLAB script ‘RuneMe.m’
Assessment Item 1
Assessment Item-1 briefing
Complete the MATLAB script ‘RuneMe.m’ to perform the following processing pipeline:
Step-1: Load the input image
Assessment Item 1
Assessment Item-1 briefing
Complete the MATLAB script ‘RuneMe.m’ to perform the following processing pipeline:
Step-1: Load the input image
Step-2: Convert the input image to greyscale
Assessment Item 1
Assessment Item-1 briefing
Complete the MATLAB script ‘RuneMe.m’ to perform the following processing pipeline:
Step-1: Load the input image
Step-2: Convert the input image to greyscale Step-3: Identify the type of noise and remove it
Assessment Item 1
Assessment Item-1 briefing
Complete the MATLAB script ‘RuneMe.m’ to perform the following processing pipeline:
Step-1: Load the input image
Step-2: Convert the input image to greyscale
Step-3: Identify the type of noise and remove it
Step-4: Enhance image if necessary (justify your choice)
Assessment Item 1
Assessment Item-1 briefing
Complete the MATLAB script ‘RuneMe.m’ to perform the following processing pipeline:
Step-1: Load the input image
Step-2: Convert the input image to greyscale
Step-3: Identify the type of noise and remove it
Step-4: Enhance image if necessary (justify your choice)
Step-5: Segment image into foreground and background binary
Assessment Item 1
Assessment Item-1 briefing
Complete the MATLAB script ‘RuneMe.m’ to perform the following processing pipeline:
Step-1: Load the input image
Step-2: Convert the input image to greyscale
Step-3: Identify the type of noise and remove it
Step-4: Enhance image if necessary (justify your choice)
Step-5: Segment image into foreground and background binary
Step-6: Use morphological processing to remove as many pixels which do not belong to starfishes as possible without compromising shape of starfishes
Assessment Item 1
Assessment Item-1 briefing
Complete the MATLAB script ‘RuneMe.m’ to perform the following processing pipeline:
Step-1: Load the input image
Step-2: Convert the input image to greyscale
Step-3: Identify the type of noise and remove it
Step-4: Enhance image if necessary (justify your choice)
Step-5: Segment image into foreground and background binary
Step-6: Use morphological processing to remove as many pixels which do not belong to starfishes as possible without compromising shape of starfishes
Challenge task – for additional credit: Step-7: Recognition of starfishes
Assessment Item 1
Report (60%)
• Maximum 8 pages, including figures but not cover page
• Explain each step you have taken and fully justify methods
• Illustrate outcome of each processing stage by adding figure(s) to your report
• Electronic submission of your report in PDF format
Assessment Item 1
Report (60%)
• Maximum 8 pages, including figures but • not cover page
• Explain each step you have taken and fully justify methods •
• Illustrate outcome of each processing
stage by adding figure(s) to your report •
• Electronic submission of your report in • PDF format
Code (40%)
Completed MATLAB script ‘RuneMe.m’ which produces the desired results and displays the outputs
Add comments to script to briefly explain what each section is doing (%….)
Make sure script does not throw any error
Put all the files (including input image) in a folder named with your name
• Compress folder into a zip file for submission
Assessment Item 1
Look at Blackboard