COMS W4115 Programming Languages and Translators Homework Assignment 1
Prof. Stephen A. Edwards Columbia University
Submit your assignment on paper (e.g., printouts) at the begin- ning of class. Include a demonstration of your code working on some examples in addition to the source.
Do this assignment alone. You may consult the instructor or a TA, but not other students. All the problems ask you to use OCaml. You may download the compiler from
1. Write an OCaml function “oxford” that takes a list of strings
and returns them joined in an English-style string:
oxford [] = “”
oxford [“one”] = “one”
oxford [“one”; “two”] = “one and two”
oxford [“a”; “b”; “c”] = “a, b, and c”
oxford [“a”; “b”; “c”; “d”] = “a, b, c, and d”
2. Write a word frequency counter. Start from the following ocamllex program (wordcount.mll) that gathers in a list of strings all the words in a file, then prints them.
{ type token = EOF | Word of string }
rule token = parse
| eof { EOF }
| [’a’−’z’ ’A’−’Z’]+asword{Word(word)} | _ { token lexbuf }
Due September 26th, 2016 at 4:10 PM
Compiling and running my (20-more-line) solution:
$ ocamllex wordcount.mll
4 states, 315 transitions, table size 1284 bytes
$ ocamlc -o wordcount
$ ./wordcount < wordcount.mll
9 word
7 map
7 let
7 StringMap
6 in
3. Extendthethree-slide“calculator”exampleshownattheend of the Introduction to OCaml slides (the source is also avail- able on the class website) to accept the variables named $0 through $9, assignment to those variables, and sequencing using the “,” operator. For example,
should print “24”
Use an array of length 10 initialized to all zeros to store the values of the variables. You’ll need to add tokens to the parser and scanner for representing assignment, sequencing, and variable names.
The ocamllex rule for the variable names, which converts the numerals 0–9 into the corresponding literals, is
| ’$’[’0’-’9’] as lit
{ VARIABLE(int_of_char lit.[1] - 48) }
The new ast.mli file is
type operator = Add | Sub | Mul | Div type expr =
Binop of expr * operator * expr
| Lit of int
| Seq of expr * expr
| Asn of int * expr
| Var of int
My solution required adding just 20 lines of code across the four files.
in next [] in
List.iter print_endlinewordlist }
Replace the List.iter call with code that scans through the list and builds a string map whose keys are words and whose val- ues are the number of times each word was found. Then, use StringMap.fold to convert this to a list of (count, word) tuples; sort them using List.sort; and print them with List.iter. Sort the list of (count, word) pairs using
let wordcounts =
List.sort (fun (c1, _) (c2, _) −> c2 c1) wordcounts in
let lexbuf = Lexing.from_channel stdin in let wordlist =
let rec next l =
match token lexbuf with
| Word(s)−>next(s:: l)