程序代写代做代考 Scala Syntax Summary

Scala Syntax Summary

Language Elements Seen So Far:
We have seen language elements to express types, expressions and definitions.
Below, we give their context-free syntax in Extended Backus-Naur form (EBNF), where
| denotes an alternative,
[…] an option (0 or 1), {…} a repetition (0 or more).

Type FunctionType
SimpleType Types
= SimpleType | FunctionType = SimpleType ‘=>’ Type
| ‘(’ [Types] ‘)’ ‘=>’ Type = Ident
= Type {‘,’ Type}
A type can be:
▶ A numeric type: Int, Double (and Byte, Short, Char, Long,
▶ The Boolean type with the values true and false,
▶ The String type,
▶ A function type, like Int => Int, (Int, Int) => Int.
Later we will see more forms of types.

InfixExpr Operator PrefixExpr SimpleExpr
FunctionExpr Bindings
Binding Block
= InfixExpr | FunctionExpr
| if ‘(’ Expr ‘)’ Expr else Expr
= PrefixExpr | InfixExpr Operator InfixExpr = ident
= [‘+’ | ‘-’ | ‘!’ | ‘~’ ] SimpleExpr
= ident | literal | SimpleExpr ‘.’ ident
| Block
= Bindings ‘=>‘ Expr
= ident [‘:’ SimpleType]
| ‘(’ [Binding {‘,’ Binding}] ‘)’
= ident [‘:’ Type]
= ‘{’ {Def ‘;’} Expr ‘}’

Expressions (2)
An expression can be:
▶ An identifier such as x, isGoodEnough, ▶ A literal, like 0, 1.0, ”abc”,
▶ A function application, like sqrt(x),
▶ An operator application, like -x, y + x, ▶ A selection, like math.abs,
▶ A conditional expression, like if (x < 0) -x else x, ▶ Ablock,like{ val x = math.abs(y) ; x * 2 } ▶ An anonymous function, like x => x + 1.

Def FunDef
ValDef Parameter Parameters
= FunDef | ValDef
= def ident {‘(’ [Parameters] ‘)’}
[‘:’ Type] ‘=’ Expr
= val ident [‘:’ Type] ‘=’ Expr = ident ‘:’ [ ‘=>’ ] Type
= Parameter {‘,’ Parameter}
A definition can be:
▶ A function definition, like def square(x: Int) = x * x
▶ A value definition, like val y = square(2) A parameter can be:
▶ A call-by-value parameter, like (x: Int),
▶ A call-by-name parameter, like (y: => Double).