程序代写代做代考 algorithm CSC373H Lecture 5

CSC373H Lecture 5
Dan Zingaro
October 17, 2016

All-Pairs Shortest Paths (APSP)
􏹩 Input:DirectedgraphG=(V,E)withintegeredgeweights w(e), but no negative-weight cycle
􏹩 Output: for each u, v ∈ V , the length of a minimum-weight path from u to v
􏹩 We already know how to solve this problem by reducing it to n invocations of a single-source shortest paths algorithm (once per vertex)
􏹩 e.g. if all edge weights are nonnegative, then n invocations of Dijkstra is O(nm lg n)
􏹩 For a dense graph where m = O(n2), this is O(n3 lg n)
􏹩 We can do better for dense graphs . . .

APSP: Two Characterizations
􏹩 Two ways to characterize subproblems
􏹩 Restrict number of edges on path
􏹩 Restrict the allowed intermediate vertices on a path (Floyd)
􏹩 We’ll study Floyd because it has better time complexity

Floyd: Step 1
􏹩 Arbitrarilynumberthevertices1,2,…,n 􏹩 Consider the shortest path P from u to v 􏹩 P is guaranteed not to have a cycle. Why?
􏹩 If it did, then we could remove the (non-negative weight) cycle from P to get an even shorter path
􏹩 Let k be the largest intermediate vertex on P

Floyd: Step 1…
Optimal substructure of shortest paths
􏹩 Claim: P consists of the shortest path p1 from u to k using vertices 1, 2, . . . , k − 1 followed by the shortest path p2 from k to v using vertices 1,2,…,k −1
􏹩 For contradiction, suppose that there is a shorter path p1′ from u to k using vertices 1,2,…,k −1
􏹩 Then replace p1 with p1′ in the shortest path from u to v to get an even better path
􏹩 If this even better path has a cycle, then remove the cycle to make it a simple path again
􏹩 (Analogous proof for p2)

Floyd: Step 2
􏹩 We have our first 3d array
􏹩 A[k, u, v] is the shortest path from u to v using intermediate
vertices in 1,2,…,k
􏹩 When k = 0, the paths have no intermediate vertices

Floyd: Step 3
0, 
 w[u,v],
A[k,u,v] = 
 min {A[k−1,u,v],A[k−1,u,k]+A[k−1,k,v]}
if k = 0 and u = v
if k = 0 and (u,v) ∈ E if k = 0 and (u,v) ̸∈ E if k > 0

Floyd: Step 4
for u in [1,…,n]: # base cases
for v in [1,…,n]:
if u == v:
A[0,u,v] = 0
else if (u,v) in E:
A[0,u,v] = w(u,v)
A[0,u,v] = infinity
for k in [1,…,n]: # general
for u in [1,…,n]:
for v in [1,…,n]:
if A[k-1,u,k] + A[k-1,k,v] < A[k-1,u,v]: A[k,u,v] = A[k-1,u,k] + A[k-1,k,v] else: A[k,u,v] = A[k-1,u,v] Floyd: Step 4... 􏹩 We have an n3 algorithm, and this is independent of number of edges in the graph 􏹩 The space used is n3 too 􏹩 Space optimization: we can improve the space to n2! 􏹩 Observation: on iteration k, imagine that we didn’t change any entry whose row or column is k 􏹩 Then we could drop the k subscript because we could use A[k , ...] instead of A[k − 1, ...] for entries whose row or column is k Floyd: Space Optimization 􏹩 Supposeuisk 􏹩 Then, to update A[k,k,v], we’d require A[k − 1, k , k ] + A[k − 1, k , v ] < A[k − 1, k , v ] 􏹩 Butthiswillneverhappen,becauseA[k−1,k,k]=0 􏹩 A similar argument holds when v is k Floyd: Step 4... for u in [1,...,n]: # base cases for v in [1,...,n]: if u == v: A[u,v] = 0 else if (u,v) in E: A[u,v] = w(u,v) else: A[u,v] = infinity for k in [1,...,n]: # general for u in [1,...,n]: for v in [1,...,n]: if A[u,k] + A[k,v] < A[u,v]: A[u,v] = A[u,k] + A[k,v] Floyd: Step 5 􏹩 It helps to store additional information to make step 5 easier 􏹩 We will store the largest intermediate vertex on a path from each u to each v 􏹩 Entries of new array B 􏹩 −1: no path 􏹩 0: largest intermediate vertex is 0 (i.e. no intermediate vertices at all) 􏹩 k > 0: k is largest intermediate vertex

Floyd: Step 5…
for u in [1,…,n]: # base cases
for v in [1,…,n]:
if u == v:
A[u,v] = 0; B[u,v] = -1
else if (u,v) in E:
A[u,v] = w(u,v); B[u,v] = 0
A[u,v] = infinity; B[u,v] = -1
for k in [1,…,n]: # general
for u in [1,…,n]:
for v in [1,…,n]:
if A[u,k] + A[k,v] < A[u,v]: A[u,v] = A[u,k] + A[k,v]; B[u,v] = k Floyd: Step 5... Now we can recursively reconstruct the path. def path(u, v): # assumes A and B are already generated if B[u,v] > 0:
return path(u, B[u,v]) + path(B[u,v],v)
else if B[u,v] == 0:
return ([u,v]) # single edge
return [] # no path

Transitive Closure
􏹩 Input:DirectedgraphG=(V,E)
􏹩 Output: for each u, v ∈ V , indicate true if the vertices are connected and false otherwise
􏹩 We can solve this already in O(n3) time using Floyd. How?
􏹩 Give each edge a weight of 1 and run Floyd on the graph
􏹩 Then, u and v are connected iff A[u,v] < ∞ 􏹩 However, we can actually do better than O(n3) for this problem! Transitive Closure... 􏹩 Start with adjacency matrix 􏹩 Diagonal is 1 because each vertex is connected to itself 􏹩 Rowu,columnvis1iffthereisanedgefromutov 1001 1100 1110 0001 Transitive Closure... Let’s square this matrix (multiply it by itself): 1001 1101 1002 1100 x 1100 = 2101 1110 1110 3211 0001 0001 0001 􏹩 e.g.A2[2,4]= A[2, 1]∗A[1, 4]+A[2, 2]∗A[2, 4]+A[2, 3]∗A[3, 4]+A[2, 4]∗A[4, 4] 􏹩 Itis≥1iffthereisapathofatmost2edgesfrom2to4 Transitive Closure... 􏹩 Our technique is to multiply by A a total of n − 1 times 􏹩 If matrix multiplication is O(n3), then we have an O(n4) algorithm Transitive Closure: Trick 1 Use logical and instead of multiplication, and use logical or instead of addition. 􏹩 e.g.A2[2,4]=A[2,1]∧A[1,4]∨A[2,2]∧A[2,4]∨A[2,3]∧ A[3,4]∨A[2,4]∧A[4,4] 􏹩 Nowitis1iffthereisapathofatmost2edgesfrom2to4, and 0 otherwise 􏹩 Why do this? 􏹩 Bool values take up less space than integers 􏹩 Bool operations may be faster than integer operations Transitive Closure: Trick 2 􏹩 RatherthancomputingA,A2,A3,...,wecanuserepeated squaring to reduce the number of matrix multiplications 􏹩 Compute A2, then (A2)2 = A4, then (A4)2 = A8 and so on 􏹩 Thisisonlylgnmatrixmultiplications 􏹩 So, if matrix multiplication is O(n3), then we now have an O(n3 lg n) algorithm Transitive Closure: Trick 3 􏹩 Matrix multiplication can be done in better than O(n3) time 􏹩 e.g. Strassen’s algorithm takes O(nlg2 7, which is O(n2.81) 􏹩 We now have an O(n2.81 lg n) algorithm