# JPEG encoder/decoder
# This code runs the JPEG encoder on an image, but stops after it
# collects the DC and AC components. There is no compression (using
# DPCM, RLE, or Huffman) of those component.
# Immediately after encoding, the JPEG decoder is run on the DC and AC
# components and the resulting image is shown. This is the image that
# would result after encoding, then decoding, the original image,
# since the missing parts (DPCM, RLE, and Huffman) are lossless.
import sys, os, math
import numpy as np
from PIL import Image
from OpenGL.GLUT import *
from OpenGL.GL import *
from OpenGL.GLU import *
# Globals
useTK = False
Nrows = 0 # image dimensions. Each is evenly divisible by 8.
Ncols = 0
inputImage = None # image read from a file
jpegImage = None # image after jpeg compressed/decompressed
outputImage = None # image being shown on screen
dctImage = None # image of DCT coefficients
errorImage = None # image of errors
compressionFactor = 1.0 # factor by which to multiply quantization table entries
errorFactor = 1.0 # factor by which shown errors are enhanced
showWalshHadamard = False # ‘d’ shows either DCT or Walsh-Hadamard basis functions
debugOutput = False # if true, output encoding to debug.txt
# “constants”
windowWidth = 600 # window width
windowHeight = 600 # window height
minLum = 16 # min luminance (Y) value storable
maxLum = 235 # max luminance (Y) value storable
blockSize = 8 # 8×8 DCT blocks
zoom = 1.0 # amount by which to zoom image
translate = (0.0,0.0) # amount by which to translate image
prevZoom = None
prevTranslate = None
imageDir = ‘images’
imageFilename = ‘nime.png’
YCbCr_white = (255,128,128)
texID = None
# File dialog
if useTK:
import Tkinter, tkFileDialog
root = Tkinter.Tk()
# Quantization tables
quantizationTable = np.array( [
[ [ 16, 11, 10, 16, 24, 40, 51, 61 ], # for Y
[ 12, 12, 14, 19, 26, 58, 60, 55 ],
[ 14, 13, 16, 24, 40, 57, 69, 56 ],
[ 14, 17, 22, 29, 51, 87, 80, 62 ],
[ 18, 22, 37, 56, 68, 109, 103, 77 ],
[ 24, 35, 55, 64, 81, 104, 113, 92 ],
[ 49, 64, 78, 87, 103, 121, 120, 101 ],
[ 72, 92, 95, 98, 112, 100, 103, 99 ] ],
[ [ 17, 18, 24, 47, 99, 99, 99, 99 ], # for Cr
[ 18, 21, 26, 66, 99, 99, 99, 99 ],
[ 24, 26, 56, 99, 99, 99, 99, 99 ],
[ 47, 66, 99, 99, 99, 99, 99, 99 ],
[ 99, 99, 99, 99, 99, 99, 99, 99 ],
[ 99, 99, 99, 99, 99, 99, 99, 99 ],
[ 99, 99, 99, 99, 99, 99, 99, 99 ],
[ 99, 99, 99, 99, 99, 99, 99, 99 ] ],
[ [ 17, 18, 24, 47, 99, 99, 99, 99 ], # for Cb
[ 18, 21, 26, 66, 99, 99, 99, 99 ],
[ 24, 26, 56, 99, 99, 99, 99, 99 ],
[ 47, 66, 99, 99, 99, 99, 99, 99 ],
[ 99, 99, 99, 99, 99, 99, 99, 99 ],
[ 99, 99, 99, 99, 99, 99, 99, 99 ],
[ 99, 99, 99, 99, 99, 99, 99, 99 ],
[ 99, 99, 99, 99, 99, 99, 99, 99 ] ]
] ).astype( np.intc )
# Zig-zag mapping from 2D DCT to 1D encoding
zigzag = np.array( [
[ 0, 1, 5, 6, 14, 15, 27, 28 ],
[ 2, 4, 7, 13, 16, 26, 29, 42 ],
[ 3, 8, 12, 17, 25, 30, 41, 43 ],
[ 9, 11, 18, 24, 31, 40, 44, 53 ],
[ 10, 19, 23, 32, 39, 45, 52, 54 ],
[ 20, 22, 33, 38, 46, 51, 55, 60 ],
[ 21, 34, 37, 47, 50, 56, 59, 61 ],
[ 35, 36, 48, 49, 57, 58, 62, 63 ]
] ).astype( np.intc )
# Apply JPEG compression to inputImage
# Store compressed values in two arrays: DCencoding[k][i] and ACencoding[k][i].
# k = 0,1,2 for Y,Cb,Cr
# i = index of next unused space in array
# ( i should be kept updated in DCencodingIndex[k] and ACencodingIndex[k]. )
DCencoding = None
ACencoding = None
DCencodingIndex = [0,0,0]
ACencodingIndex = [0,0,0]
debug = False
def forwardJPEG():
global DCencoding, ACencoding, DCencodingIndex, ACencodingIndex
# Set up arrays to receive DC and AC components
# DC array is 3 x numberOfBlocks x 1
# AC array is 3 x numberOfBlocks x 63 (63 = blockSize*blockSize-1)
DCencoding = np.empty( (3, int((Nrows/blockSize)*(Ncols/blockSize))), np.intc )
ACencoding = np.empty( (3, int((Nrows/blockSize)*(Ncols/blockSize)*(blockSize*blockSize-1))), np.intc )
# The DCencodingIndex and ACencodingIndex arrays keep track, for
# each channel k, of the next position in the DCencoding and
# ACencoding to store a value.
for k in range(3):
DCencodingIndex[k] = 0
ACencodingIndex[k] = 0
# Enumerate blocks in inputImage. Each is blockSize x blockSize.
dct = np.empty( (blockSize,blockSize), np.intc )
for i in range( 0, Nrows, blockSize):
sys.stdout.write( ‘\rencoding: %d ‘ % ((Nrows-i)/blockSize) )
for j in range( 0, Ncols, blockSize ): # Apply to block starting at i,j
for k in range(3): # Apply to channel Y (k=0), Cb (k=1), or Cr (k=2)
# Step 1. Compute DCT of this block of inputImage. The block
# has coordinates [i,i+blockSize-1]x[j,j+blockSize-1],
# and channel, k. Store the DCT in dct[u][v].
# YOUR CODE HERE [2 marks]
# Step 2. Apply quantization. This will modify the coefficients in dct[u][v].
# Be sure to use the Quantization Tables (above) and be sure to multiply
# each divisor by compressionFactor BEFORE USING that divisor; this
# allows you to adjust the compression.
# YOUR CODE HERE [1 mark]
# Step 3. Add DC component to DCencoding vector for this
# channel, k. See the comment where ‘DCencoding’ is
# defined. Use, then update, the current index in
# DCencodingIndex[k], which allows the next iteration
# of the loop to know where to put ITS DC component.
# YOUR CODE HERE [1 mark]
# Step 4. Add the 63 AC components to the ACencoding vector.
# Use and update the ACencodingIndex[k] so that the
# next iteration knows where to start putting ITS 63
# AC components.
# YOUR CODE HERE [2 marks]
# At this point, the ‘DCencoding’ and ‘ACencoding’ vectors are
# filled up. Normally, JPEG would use DPCM, RLE, and Huffman to
# further compress these, but this code will not do that.
# The inverseJPEG() function, below, will take those two vectors
# and decode them to reconstruct the original image.
sys.stdout.write( ‘\r \r’ )
# Output encodings for debugging
if debugOutput:
with open( ‘debug.txt’, ‘w’ ) as f:
for k in range(3):
f.write( “DCencoding[%d]\n” % k )
for i in range(DCencodingIndex[k]):
f.write( “%d ” % DCencoding[k,i] )
f.write( “\n\n” )
for k in range(3):
f.write( “ACencoding[%d]\n” % k )
for i in range(ACencodingIndex[k]):
f.write( “%d ” % ACencoding[k,i] )
f.write( “\n\n” )
# Apply JPEG decompression
# Store image in jpegImage
# Use the compressed values from DCencoding[k][i] and ACencoding[k][i],
# which were filled in by forwardJPEG().
# No RLE or DPCM or Huffman coding is done.
def inverseJPEG():
global DCencoding, ACencoding, DCencodingIndex, ACencodingIndex, jpegImage
# Decode and put the Y, Cb, Cr components into image[k][x][y]
# After this: image[0][x][y] = Y
# image[1][x][y] = Cr
# image[2][x][y] = Cb
image = np.empty( (Nrows, Ncols, 3), np.intc )
for k in range(3):
DCencodingIndex[k] = 0
ACencodingIndex[k] = 0
# Enumerate blocks in image. Each is blockSize x blockSize.
dct = np.empty( (blockSize,blockSize), np.intc )
for i in range(0, Nrows, blockSize):
sys.stdout.write( ‘\rdecoding: %d ‘ % ((Nrows-i)/blockSize) )
for j in range(0, Ncols, blockSize): # Apply to block starting at i,j
for k in range(3): # Apply to channel Y (k=0), Cb (k=1), or Cr (k=2)
# — Fill the dct[u][v] from the DCencoding[k] and ACencoding[k] vectors. —
# Extract AC components from ACencoding vector and put
# them in dct[u,v]. This is the opposite of Step 4 in
# forwardJPEG(). Don’t forget to use and update ACencodingIndex.
# YOUR CODE HERE [1 mark]
# Extract DC component from DCencoding vector. This
# is the opposite of Step 3 in forwardJPEG(). Don’t
# forget to use and update DCencodingIndex.
# YOUR CODE HERE [1 mark]
# Reverse the quantization. This is the opposite of
# Step 2 in forwardJPEG().
# YOUR CODE HERE [1 mark]
# Compute inverse DCT of this block, [i,i+7]x[j,j+7],
# in this channel, k. This is the opposite of Step 1
# in forwardJPEG(). You should fill the image[x,y]
# array with the three-component pixel values, using
# dct[,] and dctBases[,,,].
# YOUR CODE HERE [1 mark]
sys.stdout.write( ‘\r \r’ )
# Copy Y, Cb, Cr from image[k][x][y] to jpegImage.pixels[]
jpegImage = image
# Compute DCT basis functions
# Fill in the dctBases[u][v][x][y] array with DCT basis functions
dctBases = np.empty( (blockSize,blockSize,blockSize,blockSize), np.single )
def computeDCTBases():
PI = 3.14159
recipRoot2 = 1/np.sqrt(2)
alphaU = 0.0
alphaV = 0.0
for u in range(blockSize):
alphaU = (recipRoot2 if u == 0 else 1)
for v in range(blockSize):
alphaV = (recipRoot2 if v == 0 else 1)
# Fill in dctBases[u][v]
for x in range(blockSize):
for y in range(blockSize):
dctBases[u][v][x][y] = 0.25 * alphaU * alphaV * np.cos( (2*x+1)*u*PI/(2*blockSize) ) * np.cos( (2*y+1)*v*PI/(2*blockSize) )
# Display the DCT basis functions
def showDCT():
global outputImage, dctImage, translate
# Find dimensions and factors
separator = 3
n = blockSize * blockSize + (blockSize+1) * separator; # rows & columns needed
minDim = 0 # min window dimension
if windowWidth < windowHeight:
minDim = windowWidth
minDim = windowHeight - 20 # 20 for message at bottom
factor = int(minDim / n) # factor by which to scale dctBases[][]
# Find min & max values
min = 0.0
max = 0.0
for u in range(blockSize):
for v in range(blockSize):
for x in range(blockSize):
for y in range(blockSize):
c = dctBases[u,v,x,y]
if c < min:
min = c
if c > max:
max = c
# We’ll assume that min<0 and max>0
# Set min and max to be equidistant from 0.
if -min > max:
max = -min
min = -max
# Draw the image
start = int(np.round_( factor*(0.5*separator) ))
end = int(np.round_( factor*(blockSize*blockSize + (blockSize+0.5)*separator) ))
dctImage = np.empty( (start+end+2,start+end+2,3), np.uint8 )
# white background
dctImage[:,:,:] = YCbCr_white
# Draw each basis function
for u in range(blockSize):
for v in range(blockSize):
for x in range(blockSize):
xStart = factor * (u*blockSize + (u+1)*separator + x)
for y in range(blockSize):
yStart = factor * (v*blockSize + (v+1)*separator + y)
if showWalshHadamard:
c = ( np.round_( (dctBases[u,v,x,y] – min) / (max-min) ) * 255, 128, 128 ) # grey level
c = ( np.round_( (dctBases[u,v,x,y] – min) / (max-min) * 255 ), 128, 128 )
for i in range(factor):
for j in range(factor):
dctImage[xStart+i,yStart+j] = c
# Separate with lines
start = int(np.round_( factor*(0.5*separator) ))
end = int(np.round_( factor*(blockSize*blockSize + (blockSize+0.5)*separator) ))
for u in range(blockSize+1):
x = int(np.round_( factor * (u*blockSize + (u+0.5)*separator) ))
for y in range(start,end+1):
dctImage[x,y,:] = ( 203, 86, 75 )
dctImage[y,x,:] = ( 203, 86, 75 )
outputImage = dctImage.copy()
# Display the difference between inputImage and jpegImage
def showError():
global errorImage
errorImage = np.empty( (Nrows,Ncols,3), np.uint8 )
for i in range(Nrows):
for j in range(Ncols):
c1 = inputImage[i,j]
c2 = jpegImage[i,j]
yErr = np.clip( errorFactor * (c1[0] – c2[0]) + 127.5, 0, 255 )
CrErr = np.clip( errorFactor * (c1[1] – c2[1]) + 127.5, 0, 255 )
CbErr = np.clip( errorFactor * (c1[2] – c2[2]) + 127.5, 0, 255 )
errorImage[i,j] = ( np.round_(yErr), np.round_(CrErr), np.round_(CbErr) )
# —————- I/O: OpenGL, mouse, keyword, and file —————-
# Draw to window
def display():
# Clear window
glClearColor ( 1, 1, 1, 0 )
glMatrixMode( GL_PROJECTION )
glMatrixMode( GL_MODELVIEW )
glOrtho( 0, windowWidth, 0, windowHeight, 0, 1 )
# Set up texturing
global texID
if texID == None:
texID = glGenTextures(1)
glBindTexture( GL_TEXTURE_2D, texID )
glTexParameterfv(GL_TEXTURE_2D, GL_TEXTURE_BORDER_COLOR, [1,0,0,1] );
# Put the image into a texture, then draw it
imgData = ycbcr2rgb( outputImage )
glBindTexture( GL_TEXTURE_2D, texID )
glTexImage2D( GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0, GL_RGB, outputImage.shape[1], outputImage.shape[0], 0, GL_RGB, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, imgData )
# Include zoom and translate for window coordinates
baseX = translate[0]
baseY = translate[1]
height = zoom * outputImage.shape[0] # actual height and width, in pixels
width = zoom * outputImage.shape[1]
# Include zoom and translate for texture coordinates
cx = 0.5
cy = 0.5
offset = 0.5
# Find lower-left corner
glEnable( GL_TEXTURE_2D )
glBegin( GL_QUADS )
glTexCoord2f( cx-offset, cy-offset )
glVertex2f( baseX, baseY )
glTexCoord2f( cx+offset, cy-offset )
glVertex2f( baseX+width, baseY )
glTexCoord2f( cx+offset, cy+offset )
glVertex2f( baseX+width, baseY+height )
glTexCoord2f( cx-offset, cy+offset )
glVertex2f( baseX, baseY+height )
glDisable( GL_TEXTURE_2D )
# if zoom != 1 or translate != (0,0):
# glColor3f( 0.8, 0.8, 0.8 )
# glBegin( GL_LINE_LOOP )
# glVertex2f( baseX, baseY )
# glVertex2f( baseX+width, baseY )
# glVertex2f( baseX+width, baseY+height )
# glVertex2f( baseX, baseY+height )
# glEnd()
# Status message: “image filename | compression = #.#”
msg = imageFilename
if compressionFactor >= 1:
msg = msg + ” | compression = %.1f” % compressionFactor
msg = msg + ” | compression = %.2f” % compressionFactor
msg = msg + ” | error enhancement = %.1f” % errorFactor
if debugOutput:
msg = msg + ” | DEBUG”
glColor3f( 0.5, 0.2, 0.4 )
drawText( windowWidth-len(msg)*8-8, 12, msg )
# Done
# Convert YCbCr numpy array to RGB
# From stackoverflow.com/questions/34913005/color-space-mapping-ycbcr-to-rgb
def ycbcr2rgb(im):
xform = np.array([[1, 0, 1.402], [1, -0.34414, -.71414], [1, 1.772, 0]])
rgb = im.astype(np.float)
rgb[:,:,[1,2]] -= 128
rgb = rgb.dot(xform.T)
np.putmask(rgb, rgb > 255, 255)
np.putmask(rgb, rgb < 0, 0)
return np.uint8(rgb)
# Draw text in window
def drawText( x, y, text ):
glRasterPos( x, y )
for ch in text:
glutBitmapCharacter( GLUT_BITMAP_8_BY_13, ord(ch) )
# Handle window reshape
def reshape( newWidth, newHeight ):
global windowWidth, windowHeight
windowWidth = newWidth
windowHeight = newHeight
glViewport( 0, 0, windowWidth, windowHeight )
# Handle mouse click
currentButton = None
initX = 0
initY = 0
initZoom = 0
initTranslate = (0,0)
def mouse( button, state, x, y ):
global currentButton, initX, initY, initZoom, initTranslate
if state == GLUT_DOWN:
currentButton = button
initX = x
initY = y
initZoom = zoom
initTranslate = translate
elif state == GLUT_UP:
currentButton = None
if button == GLUT_LEFT_BUTTON and initX == x and initY == y:
# Process a left click (with no dragging)
# Handle mouse dragging
# Zoom out/in with right button dragging up/down.
# Translate with left button dragging.
def mouseMotion( x, y ):
global zoom, translate
if currentButton == GLUT_RIGHT_BUTTON: # zoom
factor = 1 # controls the zoom rate
if y > initY: # zoom in
zoom = initZoom * (1 + factor*(y-initY)/float(windowHeight))
zoomRatio = zoom/initZoom
cx = windowWidth/2
cy = windowHeight/2
translate = ( zoomRatio*(initTranslate[0]-cx)+cx, zoomRatio*(initTranslate[1]-cy)+cy )
else: # zoom out
zoom = initZoom / (1 + factor*(initY-y)/float(windowHeight))
zoomRatio = zoom/initZoom
cx = windowWidth/2
cy = windowHeight/2
translate = ( zoomRatio*(initTranslate[0]-cx)+cx, zoomRatio*(initTranslate[1]-cy)+cy )
elif currentButton == GLUT_LEFT_BUTTON: # translate
translate = ( initTranslate[0] + (x-initX), initTranslate[1] + (initY-y) )
def keyboard( key, x, y ):
global image, imageFilename, inputImage, outputImage, jpegImage, showWalshHadamard, debugOutput, compressionFactor, errorFactor, translate, zoom, prevZoom, prevTranslate
if key == b’\033′: # ESC = exit
if prevZoom is not None:
zoom = prevZoom
translate = prevTranslate
prevZoom = None
if key == b’i’:
if useTK:
imagePath = tkFileDialog.askopenfilename( initialdir=imageDir )
if imagePath:
inputImage = loadImage( imagePath )
outputImage = inputImage
imageFilename = os.path.basename( imagePath )
elif key == b’c’:
inverseJPEG() # produces ‘jpegImage’
outputImage = jpegImage
elif key == b’o’:
outputImage = inputImage
elif key == b’j’:
if jpegImage is not None:
outputImage = jpegImage
elif key == b’d’:
showWalshHadamard = False
prevTranslate = translate
prevZoom = zoom
translate = ((windowWidth-outputImage.shape[1])/2, (windowHeight-outputImage.shape[0])/2)
zoom = 1
elif key == b’e’:
if jpegImage is not None:
showError() # produces ‘errorImage’
outputImage = errorImage
elif key == b’w’:
showWalshHadamard = True
prevTranslate = translate
prevZoom = zoom
translate = ((windowWidth-outputImage.shape[1])/2, (windowHeight-outputImage.shape[0])/2)
zoom = 1
elif key == b’x’:
debugOutput = not debugOutput
elif key in [ b’-‘, b’_’ ]:
if compressionFactor > 0.1:
compressionFactor /= 1.2
outputImage = jpegImage
elif key in [ b’+’, b’=’ ]:
compressionFactor *= 1.2
outputImage = jpegImage
elif key in [ b’<', b',' ]:
errorFactor /= 1.1
if jpegImage is not None:
outputImage = errorImage
elif key in [ b'>‘, b’.’ ]:
errorFactor *= 1.1
if jpegImage is not None:
outputImage = errorImage
elif key == b’?’:
print( ”’keys:
i get image from file (only if useTK = True in the code)
c compute and show JPEG after compression/decompression
e show error after JPEG compression/decompression
o show original image
j show JPEG after compression/decompression
d show DCT basis functions
w show Walsh/Hadamard basis functions
x toggle debugging output to debug.txt
– decrease compression
+ increase compression
< decrease error exaggeration
> increase error exaggeration
? help
ESC exit
mouse left drag – move the image
mouse right drag up/down – zoom the image”’ )
# Handle special key (e.g. arrows) input
def special( key, x, y ):
if key == GLUT_KEY_DOWN:
elif key == GLUT_KEY_UP:
# Load an image
# Return the image as a 2D numpy array of unsigned bytes
# IMPORTANT NOTE: Pillow’s conversion to YCbCr uses the *JPEG*
# conversion equations, which have all components in the full [0,255]
# range.
def loadImage( path ):
global translate, zoom, Nrows, Ncols
img = Image.open( path ).convert( ‘YCbCr’ ).transpose( Image.FLIP_TOP_BOTTOM )
print( ‘Failed to load image %s’ % path )
ret = np.array( img, np.uint8 ) # .reshape( (img.size[0],img.size[1],3) )
# ensure multiple-of-eight dimensions
if ret.shape[0] % 8 != 0:
ret = np.append( ret, [ [YCbCr_white]*ret.shape[1] ] * (8 – (ret.shape[0] % 8)), axis=0 )
if ret.shape[1] % 8 != 0:
ret = np.append( ret, [[YCbCr_white] * (8 – (ret.shape[1] % 8)) ]*ret.shape[0], axis=1 )
translate = ((windowWidth-ret.shape[1])/2, (windowHeight-ret.shape[0])/2)
zoom = 1
Nrows = ret.shape[0]
Ncols = ret.shape[1]
return ret
# —————- Initialization —————-
# The command line (stored in sys.argv) could have:
# main.py {image filename}
if len(sys.argv) > 1:
imageFilename = sys.argv[1]
imagePath = os.path.join( imageDir, imageFilename )
inputImage = loadImage( imagePath )
outputImage = inputImage.copy()
# Compute and store the DCT basis functions
# If commands exist on the command line (i.e. there are more than one
# argument), process each command, then exit. Otherwise, go into
# interactive mode.
if len(sys.argv) > 2:
# process commands
cmds = sys.argv[2:]
while len(cmds) > 0:
cmd = cmds.pop(0)
if cmd == ‘f’:
print( “””
command ‘%s’ not understood.
command-line arguments:
“”” % cmd )
# Run OpenGL
glutInitDisplayMode( GLUT_DOUBLE | GLUT_RGB )
glutInitWindowSize( windowWidth, windowHeight )
glutInitWindowPosition( 50, 50 )
glutCreateWindow( ‘JPEG encoder/decoder’ )
glutDisplayFunc( display )
glutKeyboardFunc( keyboard )
glutSpecialFunc( special )
glutReshapeFunc( reshape )
glutMouseFunc( mouse )
glutMotionFunc( mouseMotion )
glTexParameterfv(GL_TEXTURE_2D, GL_TEXTURE_BORDER_COLOR, [1,0,0,1] )
glEnable( GL_TEXTURE_2D )
glDisable( GL_DEPTH_TEST )