Lecture 10 – Optimization
Dr John Armstrong King’s College London August 3, 2016
Modern Portfolio Theory Markowitz’s theory
The ecient frontier
quadprog for quadratic optimization
Calibrating models
The jump diusion model
Incomplete market models
fminunc for unconstrained, nonlinear optimization
Dynamic optimization
Revision of delta hedging strategy
The Galerkin method
fmincon for constrained, nonlinear optimization
Strange terminology
Programming is another term for optimization.
Linear programming = solving linear optimization problems
Quadratic programming = solving nonlinear optimization problems
Linear programming is so-called because it was originally used for optimizing military questions, which was phrased as how best to conduct military programs.
Operations Research, is, according to Wikipedia, a discipline that deals with the application of advanced analytical methods to help make better decisions.
The name comes from military operations
If you apply optimization to real world business problems, you are performing operations research.
Find x that minimizes f (x ) subject to the constraint x ∈ X .
If x exists it may not be unique. This is not a problem it just
means that two equally good solutions can be found.
When nding numerical solutions, there may be a variety of equally good solutions found
When testing the correctness of your optimization, you should see if two competing methods both give the same value for
f (x ) rather than seeing if they give the same value for x .
For convex functions f on convex domains X, a local minimum is a global minimum.
For this reason it is much easier to minimize a convex function numerically than a general function.
Convex problems have lots of nice properties, e.g. a theory of dual problems. We won’t cover this in this course.
There are many optimization algorithms. We will let MATLAB choose the best algorithm for us. For large/dicult problems one may wish to choose the algorithm carefully.
Dierent algorithms exist for small, medium, large and ridiculously large problems.
Specialist algorithms exist for certain problems (e.g. quadratic and linear problems)
Most algorithms assume f is smooth, but algorithms do exist for non-smooth, convex f .
We will be interested in local algorithms that nd local minima. This is obviously not a problem for convex problems. Global algorithms are, inevitably, slower.
Modern Portfolio Theory
Modern Portfolio Theory
Modern Portfolio Theory
Modern Portfolio Theory
Theory developed my H. Markowitz in 1950’s. Not very modern! There are n assets whose returns over some xed time period T are random variables Ri .
Ri = price of asset i at time T – current price of asset i current price of asset i
The random variables Ri are assumed to follow a multivariate normal distribution.
R ∼ N(μ,Σ)
We wish to invest a xed amount P over the time period T in a xed portfolio of the assets.
The portfolio is determined by choosing the weights wi to assign to each asset with wi = 1.
We are allowed to short sell so the wi may take any real values.
Modern Portfolio Theory
Optimization problem
Suppose we wish to have an expected return on our portfolio of r, what portfolio should we choose to minimize the standard deviation of the portfolio?
If w is the vector of weights, then the return of the portfolio is normally distributed with mean:
and variance:
μTw wTΣw
So problem can be stated as: Minimize w T Σw
Subject to the constraints i wi = 1 and μT w = r. Σ is a positive denite matrix, μ is a vector.
Modern Portfolio Theory
Quadratic optimization problem
1xTHx +fTx 2
Optionally subject to constraints of the form:
Ax ≤ b
A′x = b′ l≤x≤u
For some matrices A and A′ and vectors vecb, b′, l and u. We write x ≤ y if every entry of the vector x is less than or equal to the corresponding entry in y.
The vectors l and u may contain the values −∞ and +∞ respectively.
To solve this problem simply use quadprog
Modern Portfolio Theory
MATLAB quadprog
For a problem as dened on the previous slide with A′ = Aeq and b′ = beq
x is the optimal value of the vector fVal is the value of 1xTHx +fTx
exitFlag indicates whether the optimization worked. You
must check this!
You can use the empty array [] where a constraint is not needed.
The options parameter allows you to ne tune the optimization if you wish. It can be omitted.
quadprog standard for quadratic programming
Modern Portfolio Theory
Markowitz problem as quadratic optimization
The condition i wi = 1 and μT w = r can be rewritten Aw = b where
111…1 1 A=μμμ…μ,b=r
123 n
Thus the Markowitz problem is just a special case of quadratic programming.
Modern Portfolio Theory
MATLAB implementation
function [ ret , variance , w ] = r, mu, sigma )
markowitzOptimizeRet (…
H = n= f = Aeq beq
size(sigma ,1); zeros(n,1);
= [ ones(1,n); mu]; = [1; r];
[w,~,exitFlag] = quadprog(H,f,[],[],Aeq,beq,[],[],[]); assert(exitFlag >0);
ret = mu * w;
variance = w’ * sigma * w;
Modern Portfolio Theory
If you run the code on the previous slide, MATLAB prints out a lot of messages and a warning.
To switch o the messages you can customize the options
To switch o the warning you use the warning command to indicate that you aren’t interested in the specic warning message.
Modern Portfolio Theory
Quieter MATLAB implementation
function [ ret, variance, w ] = markowitzOptimizeRet( …
r, mu, sigma )
H = sigma;
n = size(sigma,1);
f = zeros(n,1);
Aeq = [ ones(1,n); mu];
beq = [1; r];
options = optimset(‘quadprog’);
options = optimset(options,’Display’,’off’);
ret = mu * w;
variance = w’ * sigma * w;
Modern Portfolio Theory
Creating options
To create a set of options rst call optimset passing in a single parameter, the name of the optimization routine you will call. This returns an options object.
options = optimset(‘quadprog’);
Call optimset a second time to modify the options. This time you should pass in your options object and then a set of key/value pairs that indicate what options you would like to set. We’re setting the option Display to off.
options = optimset(options,’Display’,’off’);
The function optimset returns the new modied options object.
Modern Portfolio Theory
Using the options
You can now pass this customized set of options object to the optimization function.
[w,~,exitFlag]=… quadprog(H,f,[],[],Aeq,beq,[],[],[],options);
The reason for this procedure is to make sure that you choose the default values for all options except the ones you wish to customize.
Modern Portfolio Theory
Available options
When optimizing in MATLAB you can use options to set things like:
How much information to print during the calculation (Display)
The actual algorithm to use (Algorithm) How accurate the answer needs to be
The maximum number of steps to perform of the algorithm before giving in
Consult the MATLAB documentation for details of the available options and their settings.
Modern Portfolio Theory
Portfolio optimization example
We wish to select an optimal portfolio of FTSE 100 stocks. The le ukx.xslx contains data downloaded from Bloomberg
for the FTSE 100 index.
It contains weekly prices for each of entry of the FTSE 100 since the year 2000
For the vast majority of FTSE 100 companies, we have a complete series of data
For a couple of companies there are missing entries. We will exclude those from our Portfolio.
For the remaining companies, we’d like to compute the weekly returns and hence estimate the sample covariance matrix Σ and the mean weekly vector μ for the FTSE 100.
We then assume that over the next week, the stock returns follow a multivariate normal distribution with parameters μ and Σ.
Modern Portfolio Theory
Reading the Excel data
function data = ukxData( nSecurities )
% Read the raw data from the excel file
bloombergData = xlsread( ‘ukx.xlsx’, ‘A3:KP736’ );
% n is the number of securities that we’ve read
n = min( nSecurities, floor(size(bloombergData,2)/3));
% Now eliminate the empty columns and any data
% for a security where
% we don’t have a full history of returns
index = 1;
for i=1:n
col = bloombergData(:,(i-1)*3+1);
if (~isnan(col(end)))
end end
index = index+1;
Modern Portfolio Theory
Scatter plot of UKX returns and sds
data = ukxData( nSecurities );
returns = (data(2:end,:) – data(1:end-1,:))./data(1:end-1,:);
% We assume that historical returns allow us to estimate
% expected return (mu) and covariance (sigma)
sigma = cov(returns);
mu = mean( returns );
% Plot a scatter plot of the return for each consitutent
sds = sqrt( diag( sigma ));
scatter( sds, mu );
xlabel(‘Standard deviation’);
ylabel(‘Expected return’);
Modern Portfolio Theory
Ecient frontier using all stocks
0.01 0.02
0.03 0.04
0.05 0.06 0.07
0.08 0.09
The Markowitz efficient frontier
Standard deviation
Expected return
Modern Portfolio Theory
Given an expectation r, there is a corresponding minimum standard deviation.
As r varies, this traces out the ecient frontier.
The points represent the performance of individual stocks in
the FTSE 100
They all lie inside the ecient frontier.
Modern Portfolio Theory
Plotting the ecient frontier
% Now compute the efficient frontier and plot it
r = -0.01:0.0005:0.02;
frontierX = zeros(length(r),1);
frontierY = zeros(length(r),1);
for i=1:length(r);
[ret,var]=markowitzOptimizeRet( r(i), mu, sigma );
hold on;
plot( frontierX, frontierY );
title(‘The Markowitz efficient frontier’);
hold off;
Modern Portfolio Theory
Ecient frontier with 10 stocks
0.025 0.02 0.015 0.01 0.005 0 −0.005 −0.01
0.02 0.04
0.06 0.08 0.1
0.12 0.14 0.16 0.18 0.2
The Markowitz efficient frontier
Standard deviation
Expected return
Modern Portfolio Theory
Remarks on Markowitz theory
The Markowitz model has very unrealistic assumptions: Multivariate normal distribution for returns
Unlimited buying and selling
It tends to produce unreasonable portfolios that exploit quirks in the data.
Example: suppose X and Y are two highly correlated stocks with the same price. Markowitz optimization might construct a portfolio consisting of 1000 units of X and sell 999 units of Y .
Despite its shortcomings, it is enormously inuential and is where the idea of portfolio optimization originated.
Calibrating pricing models
Calibrating pricing models
Calibrating pricing models
The BlackScholes model does not t the data: Stock returns have fat tails
There is a volatility smile.
Many other models have been proposed, many of which are incomplete market models.
Stochastic volatility models: the volatility itself follows a stochastic process. E.g. the Heston model.
Jump diusion models: in addition to the usual white noise that changes the stock price continuously, there is also the possibility of instantaneous jumps in the stock price.
Calibrating pricing models
Incomplete market models
There is more than one source of randomness eecting the stock price, you can only hedge one source of risk by trading in the underlying
As a result there is more than one equivalent martingale measure
When using an incomplete market model:
Choose an equivalent martingale Q-measure
Use this to model both the underlying and vanilla option prices as discounted expectations for this measure.
Prices obtained in this way will be arbitrage free. If option prices and the stock follow the model, it will be possible to nd dynamic replication strategies for exotics by trading in both the underlying and in vanilla options.
Calibrating pricing models
A jump diusion model
Let Nt be an integer valued random process, representing the number of events that have occurred for a Poisson process with intensity λ.
We suppose that the risk neutral price process follows:
dSt =μdt+σdWt +(J−1)dNt St
J is a constant representing the size of a jump. When a jump event event occurs, the price jumps from St to JSt. Thus
J < 1 represents a xed downward jump and J > 1 represents a xed size upward jump.
It is easy to check that this process is a martingale so long as: μ = −(J − 1)λ + r
Fixed size jumps with constant intensity don’t give a very plausible nancial model, we’ve chosen this model because it
Calibrating pricing models
Option prices
We now assume that options can be priced as expectations of this model.
It is fairly easy to compute that the price of a call option is:
∞ ( λ T ) j
e−λT BS(K,T,S0e(μ−r)TJj,r,σ)
Here BS(K,T,S0,r,σ) is the usual Black Scholes pricing formula.
See Joshi The concepts and practice of mathematical nance chapter 15 for the derivation and a more thorough discussion of incomplete market models.
j! j=0
Calibrating pricing models
The relevance of optimization
How do we choose the parameters σ, λ and J?
By calibrating the model to market option prices.
i.e. we nd the values that give the best t to market prices.
Choose some metric to measure the error of the t, use optimization algorithm to minimize the error.
We will dene the error to be the sum of the squared errors when comparing the predicted price of an option with the market price. Using squared errors rather than absolute values ensures our error function is smooth.
Calibrating pricing models
The optimization problem
We have n exchange traded call options all with maturity T. Option i has strike Ki .
Let Ci denote the market price of the option i.
Let Ci′(σ, λ, J) denote the jump-diusion predicted price with
the given parameters. Dene:
error(σ,λ,J)=(C −C′(σ,λ,J))2 ii
The optimization problem is minimize the error subject to the constraints σ > 0, λ > 0, J > 0.
Bywritingσ=ex1,λ=ex2,J=ex3 wecanconvertthisto an unconstrained optimization problem of choosing (x1, x2, x3) to minimize the error.
Calibrating pricing models
The quadratic program we solved was convex. That is we wished to minimize a convex function dened over a convex domain.
Convexity ensures that the optimization problem is nice. For example a local minimum of the function is an absolute minimum.
The calibration problem is smooth, but non-convex. The solver we will use will only nd a local minimum of the problem. We’ll just have to hope that the error achieve for our t is small, we can’t guarantee that it is the best possible t.
Calibrating pricing models
Using fminunc
MATLAB provides a function fminunc for unconstrained optimization.
The name is short for “function minimization unconstrainted.
To use fminunc you must provide an objective function i.e. the function to minimize.
The objective function should take a vector of parameters and returns a single real number.
[x,fVal,exitFlag]=fminunc( @f, x0, options );
x0 is your initial guess at the solution.
x, fVal and exitFlag and options have the same meaning as for quadprog.
Calibrating pricing models
Data used for t
The le goog-options.xslx contains option data for Google taken from Bloomberg on 20 March 2014.
It contains strikes and mid prices for numerous options all with the same maturity date of 19 April.
The stock price was 1205.415
We will assume a risk free rate of 0.16% The time to maturity is 31/365.
Calibrating pricing models
A function to load the Bloomberg data
function [strike,T,S0,r,mid] = googOptionData()
% Read the raw data from the excel file
T = 31/365;
S0 = 1205.4;
r = 0.16/100;
bloombergData = xlsread( ‘goog-options.xlsx’, ‘C5:D54’ );
mid = bloombergData(:,1);
strike = bloombergData(:,2);
Calibrating pricing models
A jump diusion pricer
function total = jumpDiffusionPrice( …
K, T, S0, r, sigma, lambda, J )
total = 0.0;
coefficient = exp( – lambda*T );
j = 0;
mu = -(J-1)*lambda + r;
while true
term = coefficient * blackScholesCallPrice(…
K, T, S0*exp((mu-r)*T)*J^j, r, sigma );
total = total + term;
if (abs(term)/abs(total)<1e-6)
return; end
j = j+1;
coefficient = coefficient * lambda*T / j;
end end
Calibrating pricing models
Calibration function page 1
function [ sigma, lambda, J ] = calibrateJumpDiffusion()
[strike,T,S0,r,mid] = googOptionData();
function e = errorFunction( x )
sigma = exp(x(1));
lambda = exp(x(2));
J = exp(x(3));
fprintf( 'Sigma=%d, lambda=%d, J=%d\n',sigma,lambda,J );
e = 0;
for i=1:length(strike)
K = strike(i);
p1 = jumpDiffusionPrice(K,T,S0,r,sigma,lambda,J);
p2 = mid(i);
e = e + (p1-p2)^2;
end end
Calibrating pricing models
Calibration function page 2
% Note that we may only find a local minimum, so
% a good choice of x0 is important
x0 = [ log(0.25), 0.3,0.9 ];
[xOpt,~,exitFlag] = fminunc( @errorFunction, x0 );
sigma = exp( xOpt(1) );
lambda = exp( xOpt(2) );
J = exp( xOpt(3) );
Calibrating pricing models
Care with optimization
fminunc only nds local minima. Only if your problem is convex will it nd global minima.
The numerical algorithms assume that the problem is centered and scaled.
Centered: the interesting part of the problem is reasonably near the origin. We should expect to nd the local minimum somewhere near the origin.
Scaled: the natural scale of the problem is roughly 1. The vector space to search for the optimal solution should be reasonably similar to the unit cube.
The reasons for these requirements are:
We are using numerical methods with nonlinear functions and with rounding errors. We don’t want all the information in our problem to be hidden by rounding errors.
The numerical methods use discrete approximations to derivatives and dierential equations. They choose step sizes δx on the assumption of good scaling.
Calibrating pricing models
How fminunc works
For moderate sized problems, the algorithm MATLAB uses is roughly this:
MATLAB assumes your objective function is smooth
Given a guess xi , MATLAB estimates the rst and second derivatives of the objective function numerically
It then approximates your function with a quadratic and nds
an estimate for where the minimum will be using quadprog.
This is x ′ i+1
MATLAB searches along the line joining x and x ′ to nd i i+1
the minimum on this line using a line search algorithm. This gives the point xi+1.
Repeat until the derivative of the objective function is satisfactorily close to zero.
This is the Newton method.
Calibrating pricing models
Optional: providing a gradient and Hessian
In order to calculate the minimum, MATLAB will call your objective function repeatedly both to estimate the value and to estimate derivatives.
If you wish you can write your function so that it returns:
The value of the objective function, f at x
A vector representing the gradient of f at x. In other words
the vector of values ∂f . ∂xi
A matrix containing the second derivatives of f at x, ∂xi ∂xj .
This matrix is called the Hessian matrix.
Calibrating pricing models
Choosing options
fminunc gives us lots of choices.
When estimating derivatives what value should we use for δx?
When do we consider the gradient to be suciently close to zero?
How many steps of the algorithm should we perform before giving in?
Should we use a dierent algorithm entirely (e.g. for large scale problems where x is high dimensional)?
Typically the best approach is to ensure that your problem is centered and scaled and then use the defaults.
Always check the exitFlag however!
Calibrating pricing models
Fit of jump diusion model to data
0.3 0.29 0.28 0.27 0.26 0.25 0.24
1050 1100
1150 1200 1250 1300 1350
Market data smile
Jump diffusion smile
Calibrating pricing models
Remarks on jump diusion model
Our choice of jump diusion model is very crude. It wouldn’t t the full pricing surface at dierent maturities very well.
Notice that the parameters found by tting are for a risk neutral model and not the real world model.
This means that the model tells us as about market beliefs and risk preferences rather than about actual probabilities.
Calibrating pricing models
Calibration of other models
We chose a jump diusion model because it is easy to implement.
You can repeat a similar process for other incomplete models.
Note that fminunc makes many calls to our pricing function. So to calibrate a model, we need to be able to price vanilla options fast.
This is why traders like models that allow us to quickly price vanilla options.
The Heston model can be priced rapidly using fourier transform methods.
If you write down a random stochastic model for the stock it can probably only be priced by Monte Carlo, so it will be hard to calibrate.
Optimizing utility
Optimizing utility
Optimizing utility
General setup
Suppose that we have n assets X1, X2, …Xn and we have a stochastic model for the price of these assets.
There are various constraints on our trading for example we might only be allowed to buy or sell a certain quantity of each asset.
Suppose that we have a utility function u : R −→ R
We wish to nd the trading strategy that maximizes our expected utility.
Optimizing utility
Utility functions
A utility function is a concave function. Popular examples are: power utility with risk aversion parameter η
1−η η̸=1,x>0
u(x)= ln(x) η=1, x>0 −∞ x≤0
exponential utility with risk aversion parameter λ u(x) = 1 − e−λx
Note that power utility assigns innite negative utility to losing money. This means that only trading strategies that have 0 chance of bankruptcy will ever be considered. For example, using power utility in a Markowitz type problem would eectively mean prohibiting short selling.
Optimizing utility
Computing expected utility
Computing expected utility is just a matter of computing an expectation so we can use all the techniques we have developed for computing expectations
Rectangle rule, converges with rate . . . Trapezium rule, converges with rate . . . Simpson’s rule, converges with rate . . . Monte Carlo, converges with rate . . . Gaussian quadrature, converges with rate . . .
Optimizing utility
One period problem
A trader wishes to invest in a number of stocks that all follow a Black Scholes type model.
The covariance matrix between the Brownian motions of each stock price is given.
We wish to choose a static portfolio of given quantities in each stock to maximize the expected utility at time T. Trading at intermediate times is not allowed.
Optimizing utility
One period solution, sketch
Use . . . to generate normally distributed random variables with the desired correlation matrix.
Use the . . . method with one step to simulate log stock prices at time T. We simulate log stock prices so that . . .
Hence compute the expected utility at time T as a function of the proportions invested in each stock using the Monte Carlo method. This will converge at a rate . . .
Using fmincon or fminunc nd the optimal proportions values that minimize the expected disutility (=minus the utility).
Optimizing utility
Dynamic Programming Example hedging
X1 is the stock and it follows the Black Scholes model.
X2 is a call option on the stock. We know the payo at maturity and we know that we have a customer who is willing to buy one call option today at the Black Scholes price plus a small commission.
We have the following constraints on our trading:
We can sell up to one unit of the call option at time 0. We can’t buy the call option. We can’t trade in the call option at other times.
We can only trade in the stock at 20 evenly spaced time points. i.e. continuous time trading is not possible.
How should we trade?
Optimizing utility
Numerical methods for dynamic programming
Dynamic programming problems are very hard
General purpose algorithms exist, but they are not very ecient.
The basic problem is that the space of possible strategies is innite dimensional and it is hard to nd good low dimensional approximations.
To resolve this problem we use the Galerkin approach.
Optimizing utility
Galerkin method – idea
Choose a nite set of candidate strategies based on intuition and experience:
Strategy S1: delta hedging. Sell the customer the option, delta hedge at each time time point (and then pay out as required option).
Strategy S2: no hedging. Sell the customer the option and don’t bother hedging.
Strategy S3: stop-loss hedging. Sell the customer the option, perform stop-loss at each time time point.
Strategy S4: trade in the stock alone. Borrow money to buy the stock, wait till maturity and then sell the stock.
We can form linear combinations of strategies. Suppose that we’re a bank, we can instruct trader i to follow strategy i (scaled up or down by a factor of αi ) and then see what the net eect is. This is strategy αi Si .
Optimizing utility
Galerkin method
We have n strategies Sn.
We can calculate by Monte Carlo N possible scenarios for asset prices and compute the prot and loss of each strategy. This gives a vector x(i) of prot and loss for each strategy with rows corresponding to each scenarios.
Linear combinations i αi Si are also valid strategies (possibly subject to some constraints on the αi ). The prot and loss of the combined strategy in each scenario is i αix(i).
Find the values of αi , subject to constraints, that minimize
−1 u(αix(i)). Nj
The index j is running over scenarios. i is running over stratgies.
Optimizing utility
Output of the Galerkin method
The Galerkin method will give us a portfolio of strategies.
This combined strategy is unlikely to be a perfectly optimal solution to the problem, but it is guaranteed to be at least as good as any individual strategy.
Thus the Galerkin method allows you to improve performance by diversifying over strategies.
This generalizes the notion of diversication for static trading strategies to dynamic trading strategies.
Note that the method can be applied equally well to static trading strategies. This allows you to optimize static trading strategies even when Markowitz assumptions do not hoild.
Note: so long as the utility function is smooth and concave, this will be a smooth convex optimization problem.
Optimizing utility
Our example
We have already (in previous weeks) shown how to compute the prot and loss of strategies S1, S2 and S3 given scenarios for the stock price. S4, buying and holding stock, is trivial to evaluate.
Thus we can compute the vectors x(i).
The customer is only willing to buy up to one call option. We cannot sell call options. This gives constraints:
α1 ≥ 0
α2 ≥ 0
α3 ≥ 0
α1 + α2 + α3 ≤ 1
We can write the last equation in matrix form as (1 1 1 0)α≤1
Optimizing utility
function [ alpha ] = optimizeUtility( …
lambda, …
pnlArray, …
A, …
b, …
lb, …
function d = expectedDisutility( alpha )
pnl = pnlArray*alpha;
u = mean( 1 – exp(-lambda*pnl));
d = -u;
nStrategies = size(pnlArray,2);
alpha0 = zeros(nStrategies,1);
options = optimset(‘fmincon’);
options = optimset(options,…
‘Display’,’off’, ‘Algorithm’, ‘active-set’);
[alpha,~,exitFlag] = fmincon( …
@expectedDisutility, alpha0, A,b,[],[],lb,ub,[],options );
assert( exitFlag>0 );
Optimizing utility
fmincon is MATLAB’s function for constrained nonlinear optimization
It takes similar parameters to both quadprog and fminunc.
Just like fminunc you specify the objective function by creating an appropriate MATLAB function. In this case we use the exponential utility function to compute the objective.
Just like quadprog you specify constraints using various matrices and vectors such as A and b.
fminunc also allows you to specify a general non linear constraint function if necessary.
The same considerations of centering, scaling and non-uniqueness apply to fmincon as apply to fminunc.
Optimizing utility
Applying this to the problem
We can now nd the optimal combination of strategies to use for our problem.
We choose a concrete process for the price. S follows the Black Scholes model with K = 100, S = 100, T = 0.5,
r = 0.03, μ = 0.2, σ = 0.2
The customer is willing to pay 1.1 times the BlackScholes predicted price for the call option.
We can now generate 10000 stock price scenarios and compute the prot and loss vector x(i) for each strategy.
We then call optimizeUtility to nd the optimal combination of strategies.
Optimizing utility
The optimal portfolo of strategies
1.8 1.6 1.4 1.2
1 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0 −0.2
0 0.5 1 1.5 2
How much of each strategy is optimal?
Delta hedge strategy
Stop loss strategy No hedge strategy Invest in stock
Lambda (risk aversion)
Quantity of strategy
Optimizing utility
Interpretation of results
The optimal strategy depends upon risk preferences λ. Note that our model has a very high drift μ = 0.2. This
explains why investing in the stock seems like a good idea.
Our model is a discrete time model. So perfect delta hedging is impossible. This is reected in the charge the customer pays on top of the BlackScholes predicted price.
Delta hedging is not the optimal strategy. This is because it is risky in discrete time.
Depending upon our risk aversion we may prefer no hedging to delta hedging
If our risk aversion is high, we might prefer not to trade since no risk free strategy is available.
Optimizing utility
Remarks on using Galerkin method
It is likely that you would want to report the expected utility of the strategy. If you want to do this, note that the returned fval will not be an unbiased estimate of the disutility of performing our strategy. To estimate the utility correctly, you must try the portfolio on a new random sample of scenarios.
In general you should always test a strategy on out-of-sample data
At every time step you can re-run the Galerkin method to nd a new strategy which incorporates the information received since the previous time step.
Optimizing utility
This idea can be generalized easily.
Include transaction costs in the model. We simply need to change the computations of the prot and loss vectors to take this into account.
Use a dierent model to generate stock paths. You can use any model at all, or historic data, to simulate price paths and hence compute prot and loss vectors.
Add in other strategies, assets etc.
Although the Galerkin method does not nd the true optimal solution to the problem, it does allow us to nd improved solutions easily. Moreover it can be applied very generally.
We have seen how quadprog, fmincon and fminunc can be used to perform:
Static portfolio optimization Model calibration
Dynamic portfolio optimization
Markowitz : “Portfolio Selection”. The Journal of Finance (1952)
Koivu & Pennanen: “Galerkin methods in dynamic stochastic programming”. Optimization 59 (2010)
Exercises 1
8 Plot the ecient frontier for the Markowitz model with UKX data when short selling is not allowed.
8 Generate your own version of the plot showing the t of the jump diusion model to market prices.
8 The best t depends upon how you measure the error in the t. Suppose that instead of measure the sum of square errors in the price, you measure the sum of square errors in the implied volatities. Plot the new best t obtained with this dierent measure of error.
Exercises 2
8 When using the simple Black Scholes Model, it still needs to be calibrated. One choice is to take the mean implied volatility. How can this be interpreted in terms of optimization?
8 Complete Bonus Question 2.
8 Complete Bonus Question 3. Implement a solution in MATLAB.
8 Generate the plot shown in the slide The optimal portfolio of strategies.