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ECE657A – Data and Knowledge Modelling and Analysis
Project Pitch Session – Peer Review Form – Winter 2017

Due Wednesday February 1, 11:59pm

Project title / short description:

Presenters group number :

Proposal Pitch Session [15 points]
Each group should pitch what their project idea is, how it will expand their knowledge and skills in data
analysis, and why it will be educational for the class. As a peer reviewer you should ask questions to
clarify your understanding of their proposal, give them feedback on how they presented their ideas and
make suggestions for improving the proposal idea further.

Remember, your feedback will be anonymous to your classmates and will not affect their grade on the
project, so be honest but constructive.

Your feedback of other groups will be graded. For every group you hear a pitch from you need to fill out a
feedback form online at (https://goo.gl/forms/YpMlLC2qAsC5YXJW2, see post on LEARN) These
forms will be graded for accuracy, clarity and the substance of the feedback.

1) [0 points] How confident are you that you clearly understood the group’s idea?
(0 – note sure I understand it) — (5 – very sure I understand it)

2) [5 points] Provide a concise, accurate explanation of the group’s project idea (be specific;
what dataset are they planning to use? what algorithms? what type of analysis will they
be doing?)


3) [5 points] Do you think the project is too easy, too hard or just right? What (metric) do

you base that upon, why do you think that, try to be concrete.

4) [5 points] Give some substantial, constructive suggestion for improving their project.

Explain how your suggestion would improve the project’s ability to teach the class about
something new.

ECE657A – Data and Knowledge Modelling and Analysis
Project Pitch Session – Peer Review Form – Winter 2017
Project title / short description:
Presenters group number :
Proposal Pitch Session [15 points]