程序代写代做代考 flex algorithm Haskell The board

The board

For flexibility, we define constants for the row and column size of the board,
length of a winning sequence, and search depth for the game tree:

rows :: Int

rows = 6

cols :: Int

cols = 7

win :: Int

win = 4

depth :: Int

depth = 6

The board itself is represented as a list of rows, where each row is a list of
player values, subject to the above row and column sizes:

type Board = [Row]

type Row = [Player]

In turn, a player value is either a nought, a blank, or a cross, with a blank
representing a position on the board that is not yet occupied:

data Player = O | B | X

deriving (Ord, Eq, Show)

For example, here is a typical board:

test :: Board

test = [[B,B,B,B,B,B,B],






The user interface

The following code displays a board on the screen:


showBoard :: Board -> IO ()

showBoard b =

putStrLn (unlines (map showRow b ++ [line] ++ [nums]))


showRow = map showPlayer

line = replicate cols ’-’

nums = take cols [’0’..]

showPlayer :: Player -> Char

showPlayer O = ’O’

showPlayer B = ’.’

showPlayer X = ’X’

For example, showBoard test gives the following output:










Write a Haskell program

main :: IO ()

that allows a human player to play connect four against the computer, using
game trees and the minimax algorithm (as explained in the lectures) to im-
plement the computer player. Your solution should aim to be independent of
the precise values of the constants row, cols, win and depth.

Hint: construct your program from the bottom-up, starting by defining a
number of utility functions on rows and boards, and only then proceeding to
think about game trees, minimax, and the user-interface.