程序代写代做代考 _



Lincoln School of Computer Science

Assessment Item Briefing Document

CMP 3060M – Project
Assignment One – Project Proposal

Indicative Weighting:


Learning Outcomes:

On successful completion of this assessment item a student will have demonstrated competence
in the following area:

LO1 – articulate the aim and objectives of a feasible project, identifying timescales and

This assignment takes the form of a written proposal and also forms the basis and justification for the
work that will be done in assignment two of the module. The emphasis for both these assignments is
on working independently, with the support of a supervisor, to achieve a set, feasible aim. In
assignment one, students must produce a project proposal, specifying a clear, specific, academically
justified, and appropriately scoped aim and set of objectives. For assignment two, students will work
independently to fulfil these objectives and, through this process, are expected to demonstrate the
application of practical and analytical skills, innovation and/or creativity, and the synthesis of
information, ideas and practices to generate a coherent problem solution. The generation of a
problem solution (or artefact) that represents an output from the software (or systems) development
life cycle ((SDLC) is a key requirement of assignment two. It is assignment one that lays the
foundation for this.

Assignment one, the Project Proposal, will take the form of a written proposal submitted electronically
to Blackboard. It should be noted that the project proposal is not a substantial piece of work – it
should be brief, and to the point, but it does require considerable thought and analysis. The proposal
is submitted early in the first semester and must include the following seven sections:

1. An introduction, of no more than 800 words, which explains the background and rationale for
carrying out the project and sets out why the project is relevant and beneficial with respect to
the particular programme of study (CS, CIS or GC).

2. The aim of the project and the objectives which must be met in order to achieve this aim. The
aim is decomposed into a number of objectives. Meeting these objectives will contribute to
achieving the stated aim. This section is to be no longer than 400 words.

3. A list of five pieces of academic literature which have been identified (by the student) as being
directly relevant to the project. After each piece of literature is listed, a short paragraph must
explain and justify its direct relevance to the project. This section is to be no longer than 500
words. (Note: This section is a precursor to a comprehensive review of the academic literature
which will form part of assignment two).

4. A documented project plan which encompasses the whole of the timeframe for the project and
shows timescales and milestones for achieving each of the project objectives. This may take


the form of a Gantt chart. It is acknowledged that tasks, at this early stage, may not yet be fully
defined. The level of granularity for this plan will be no more detailed than one week, i.e. the
plan will show the planned number of weeks (with calendar dates) required for each task and
show, graphically, where tasks are planned to overlap or run concurrently. The plan will be
accompanied by a separate written explanation which gives more detail to each task, where
required. This written explanation is to be no longer, in total, than 500 words.

5. A consideration of all the specific risks associated with the project. This should identify and
explain the specific risks, assign likelihood and assessed impact to each risk and set out how
each risk might be managed or mitigated. Generic risks (e.g. illness, loss of data, IT problems
etc.) are common to all projects and should NOT, therefore, be included here.

6. A List of References, in accordance with the University of Lincoln Harvard Referencing

7. Ethical Approval (EA) forms, completed correctly. Students must read the information
regarding ethical guidelines available in the Assessments section of this module Blackboard
site. After discussion with supervisors, students must complete the required EA forms
(typically forms EA1 and EA2) and these must be submitted as part of assignment one. EA
forms are subject to the approval of the second marker. If the second marker expresses ethical
concerns, the EA forms will then be referred to School members of the College of Science
Ethics Committee. No final mark for this complete module will be recorded unless and until
ethical approval has been granted at School level.

Useful Information

This assignment must be presented according to the Lincoln School of Computer Science guidelines
for the presentation of assessed written work.
Students should ensure that they have a clear understanding of the grading principles for this
component, as detailed in the accompanying Criterion Reference Grid.
If students are unsure about any aspect of this assessment component, they should seek the advice of
their supervisor or that of a member of the delivery team.

Project supervisors will be allocated by the beginning of week 2. A recommended schedule for the
first three meetings with your supervisor is given below:

Week 2 – Agree on the project to be undertaken. Discuss the project aim and objectives. Before next
meeting, send draft aim and objectives to supervisor by email.

Week 3 – Review draft aim and objectives. Discuss literature search methods and techniques.
Discuss project specific risks. Before next meeting, send draft risk mitigation plan to supervisor by

Week 4 – Review draft risk mitigation plan. Discuss EA forms. Before next meeting, send
completed EA forms to supervisor by email, for comment.

Submission Instructions

The deadline for submission of this work is included in the School Submission dates on Blackboard.


An electronic submission is required for this assignment.

DO NOT include this briefing document with your submission.