程序代写代做代考 algorithm Reinforcement Learning

Reinforcement Learning

Temporal-Difference (TD) Learning

Subramanian Ramamoorthy
School of Informa6cs

31 January, 2017

Learning in MDPs

•  You are learning from a long
stream of experience:

… up to some terminal state

•  Direct methods:
Approximate value func=on
(V/Q) straight away –
without compu=ng

Should you wait until episodes end
or can you learn on-line?

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Pass0 ,R


Recap: Incremental Monte Carlo Algorithm

•  Incremental sample-average procedure:

•  Where n(s) is number of first visits to state s

–  Note that we make one update, for each state, per episode
•  One could pose this as a generic constant step-size algorithm:

–  Useful in tracking non-sta=onary problems (task + environment)

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V (s) V (s) +

[R� V (s)]

V (s) V (s) + ↵[R� V (s)]

Example: Driving Home

State Elapsed Time

Time to Go

Total Time

leaving office 0 30 30

reach car, raining 5 35 40

exit highway 20 15 35

behind truck 30 10 40

home street 40 3 43

arrive home 43 0 43






4 Reinforcement Learning

Driving Home

Changes recommended by Monte
Carlo methods (α=1)

Changes recommended
by TD methods (α=1)

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What does DP Do?

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What does Simple MC Do?

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Idea behind Temporal Difference Procedure

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Temporal Difference Predic=on

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Temporal Difference Learning

•  Does not require a model (i.e., transi=on and reward prob.) –
learn directly from experience

•  Update es=mate of V(s) soon aeer visi=ng the state s

Actual 1-step reward
Discounted estimate
of future reward

Initial estimate
of future reward

This is better than ………………….. this

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TD(0) Update

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V (st) V (st) + ↵[rt+1 + �V (st+1)� V (st)]

TD(0) Algorithm for Learning V π

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Why TD Learning?


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Bootstrapping, Sampling

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Random Walk Example

Values learned by TD(0) aeer
various numbers of episodes

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TD and MC on the Random Walk

Data averaged over
100 sequences of episodes

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Understanding TD vs. MC

S+B Example 6.4:
•  You observe 8 episodes of a process:
A,0,B,0 B,1 B,1 B,1 B,1 B,1 B,1 B,0

•  Interpreta=on:
–  First episode starts in state A, transi=ons to B geing a reward of 0,

and terminates with a reward of 0
–  Second episode starts in state B, terminates with a reward of 1, etc.

Ques=on: What are good es=mates for V(A) and V(B)?

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S+B Example 6.4: Underlying Markov Process

V(A) = ?

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TD and MC Es=mated
•  Batch Monte Carlo (update aeer all episodes done) gets V(A) = 0.

–  This best matches the training data
–  It minimises the mean-square error on the training set

•  Consider sequen=ality: A to B to termina=ng state; V(A) = 0.75.
–  This is what TD(0) gets
–  Expect that this will produce beler es=mate of future data even

though MC gives the best es=mate on the present data
–  Is correct for the maximum-likelihood es=mate of the model of the

Markov process that generates the data, i.e. the best-fit Markov
model based on the observed transi=ons

–  Assume this model is correct; es=mate the value func=on – “certainty-
equivalence es=mate”

TD(0) tends to converge faster because it moves towards a be)er es=mate.

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TD for Control: Learning Q-Values

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TD for Control: Learning Q-Values

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Algorithm: SARSA

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Windy Gridworld

undiscounted, episodic, reward = –1 un=l goal

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Results of Sarsa on the Windy Gridworld

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Algorithm: Q-Learning

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Backup Diagrams: SARSA and Q-Learning

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ε-greedy, ε = 0.1

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Q-Learning vs. SARSA

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•  Idea of Temporal Difference Predic=on
•  1-step tabular model-free TD method
•  Can extend to the GPI approach:
–  On-policy: SARSA
–  Off-policy: Q-learning

•  TD methods bootstrap and sample, combining benefits of DP
and MC methods

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