程序代写代做代考 Cs 361

Cs 361
Project I
Description—Phase 1

1. We wish to simulate the command and control of a US Navy Aircraft Carrier Battle Group consisting of:
a. 1 Aircraft Carrier
b. 1 Guided Missile Cruiser
c. 1 DDG – Lamps
d. 1 Frigate – Lamps
e. 1 DDG – Non-Lamps
f. Resupply ship
g. 1 Submarine
2. All will be derived from a base class ship
a. Private member data: designation string
b. Supply state (on a scale 0 to 100)
c. Supply Use Rate dependent upon speed
3. Derived objects will be either
a. Submarine
b. Surface
4. All surface ships (types a-f) will have their specific private member data
Type a: list of squadrons
Type f: resupply occurs at 13 knots at a constant distance of 200 yards
5. ACBG movement will be achieved by assigning each surface vessel a sector (a relative bearing and a range +- delta) relative to the guide (Aircraft carrier). Commands are then given to the Aircraft Carrier and all other ships adjust automatically according to their sector

6. Submarines do not resupply via type f vessels
Submarines are not assigned a sector

Submission Criteria
All classes must be defined appropriately with accessors and mutators.
Initialize the position and formation of the fleet
Command the movement of the fleet from the keyboard
Graphical display using gnuplot
Automatic fleet course and speed settings during re-supply

Learning objectives
1. Multiple lists using the STL
2. Implement inheritance and composition
3. String manipulation
4. Random number generation and usage using C++11
5. Integrate with gnuplot.