程序代写代做代考 algorithm Reinforcement Learning: Homework Assignment 2

Reinforcement Learning: Homework Assignment 2
(Semester 2 – 2016/17)

Subramanian Ramamoorthy and Svetlin Penkov

3 March 2017


• This homework assignment is to be done individually, without help from
your classmates or others. Plaigarism will be dealt with strictly as per Uni-
versity policy.

• Solve all problems and provide your complete solutions (with adequate rea-
soning behind each step, and citations where needed) in a computer-printed

• This assignment will be marked out of a 100 points, and will count for 10%
of your final course mark. It is due at 4 pm on 28 March 2017.

1 Actor-Critic Architecture [25 points]

1. Describe the actor-critic architecture for temporal difference based reinforce-
ment learning. Your task is to read about this method and write the descrip-
tion in your words. In addition to the basic description,

• Give a description of one application example where this architecture
has been used, and explain why the actor-critic architecture was bene-
ficial in that application.

• How does the SARSA algorithm relate to the actor-critic architecture.

(As a guideline, we expect your answer to this question to need not more than 1
page. A starting point for your reading is Sec 6.6 of the Sutton and Barto text book,
print edition.)


2 RL with Function Approximation [75 points]

1. Consider the following linear approximation of theQt(s, a) state-action value
function at time t:

Qt(s, a) = θ
t φs,a =


s,a (1)

where θit and φ
s,a denote the i

th component of the corresponding n − dim
vectors. Explain how the features vector φs,a and the parameters vector
θt should be constructed in order to reproduce the tabular case of the Q
function. [10 points]

2. We can write an off-policy TD update rule for the linear approximation of
the state-action value function in (1) as follows:

θt+1 = θt + α

rt+1 + γmax

Qt(st+1, at+1)−Qt(st, at)

∇θtQt(st, at)


Implement a reinforcement learning agent for the Enduro game based on
equations (1) and (2) where the features vector φs,a includes at least one
feature corresponding to each of the following behavioural requirements:

• Collisions should be avoided
• Moving faster results in passing by more cars
• Staying in the centre of the road is preferred when possible

[20 points: 5 points for explaining your design of each feature; 5 additional
points for a functioning implementation of the learning agent.]

Note: The solution to assignment 1 is a good starting point for your imple-
mentation. Source code to help get started with this implementation will
also be made available by the Teaching Assistant on 6th March 2017 in the
following repository: www.github.com/ipab-rad/rl-cw2.

3. Based on your implementation of the learning agent,

(a) Provide the learning curve (i.e., plot(s) of performance achieved over
time) for your agent. Compare this against the learning curve of the
basic Q-learning algorithm (as in assignment 1). [15 points]

(b) Discuss the usefulness of each feature by visualising and inspecting the
weights associated with it. [15 points]



(c) Report on the convergence rate of the linear function approximation
model and analyse it with respect to that for the basic Q-learning algo-
rithm. [15 points]


Actor-Critic Architecture [25 points]
RL with Function Approximation [75 points]