ShuffleNet: An Extremely Efficient Convolutional
Neural Network for Mobile Devices
Xiangyu Zhang∗ Xinyu Zhou∗ Mengxiao Lin Jian Sun
Megvii Inc (Face++)
We introduce an extremely computation efficient CNN architecture named Shuf-
fleNet, designed specially for mobile devices with very limited computing power
(e.g., 10-150 MFLOPs). The new architecture utilizes two proposed operations,
pointwise group convolution and channel shuffle, to greatly reduce computation
cost while maintaining accuracy. Experiments on ImageNet classification and MS
COCO object detection demonstrate the superior performance of ShuffleNet over
other structures, e.g. lower top-1 error (absolute 6.7%) than the recent MobileNet
system on ImageNet classification under the computation budget of 40 MFLOPs.
On an ARM-based mobile device, ShuffleNet achieves ~13× actual speedup over
AlexNet while maintaining comparable accuracy.
1 Introduction
Building deeper and larger convolutional neural networks (CNNs) is a primary trend in the develop-
ment of major visual tasks [19, 9, 30, 5, 25, 22]. The most accurate CNNs usually have hundreds of
layers and thousands of channels [9, 31, 29, 37], thus requiring computation at billions of FLOPs.
This report examines the opposite extreme: pursuing the best accuracy in very limited computational
budgets at tens or hundreds of MFLOPs, focusing on common mobile platforms such as drones,
robots, and phones. Note that many existing works [15, 20, 39, 38, 35, 24] focus on pruning, com-
pressing, or low-bit representing a “basic” network architecture. Here we aim to explore a highly
efficient basic architecture specially designed for our desired computing ranges.
We notice that state-of-the-art basic architectures such as Xception [3] and ResNeXt [37] become less
efficient in extremely small networks because of the costly dense 1 × 1 convolutions. We propose
using pointwise group convolutions instead to reduce computation complexity. To overcome the side
effects brought by pointwise group convolutions, we come up with a novel channel shuffle operation
to help the information flowing across feature channels. Based on the two techniques, we build a
highly efficient architecture called ShuffleNet. Compared with popular structures like [27, 9, 37], for
a given computation complexity budget, our ShuffleNet allows more feature map channels, which
helps to encode more information and is especially critical to the performance of very small networks.
We evaluate our models on the challenging ImageNet classification [4, 26] and MS COCO object
detection [21] tasks. A series of controlled experiments shows the effectiveness of our design
principles and the better performance over other structures. Compared with the state-of-the-art
architecture MobileNet [12], ShuffleNet achieves superior performance by a significant margin, e.g.
absolute 6.7% lower ImageNet top-1 error at level of 40 MFLOPs.
∗Equally contribution.
We also examine the speedup on real hardware, i.e. an off-the-shelf ARM-based computing core.
The ShuffleNet model achieves ~13× actual speedup (theoretical speedup is 18×) over AlexNet [19]
while maintaining comparable accuracy.
2 Related Work
Efficient Model Designs The last few years have seen the success of deep neural networks in
computer vision tasks[19, 33, 25], in which model designs play an important role. The increasing
needs of running high quality deep neural networks on embedded devices encourage the study on
efficient model designs[8]. For example, GoogLeNet[30] increases the depth of networks with
much lower complexity compared to simply stacking convolution layers. SqueezeNet[13] reduces
parameters and computation significantly while maintaining accuracy. ResNet[9, 10] utilizes the
efficient bottleneck structure to achieve impressive performance. The concept of group convolution,
which should be first introduced in AlexNet[19] for distributing the model over two GPUs, has shown
the potential to improve accuracy in [37]. Depthwise separable convolution proposed in Xception[3]
generalizes the ideas of separable convolutions in Inception series[31, 29]. Recently, MobileNet[12]
utilizes the depthwise separable convolutions and gains state-of-the-art results among lightweight
models. Our work generalizes group convolution and depthwise separable convolution in a novel
Model Acceleration This direction aims to accelerate inference while preserving accuracy of
a pretrained model. Pruning network connections[6, 7] or channels[35] reduces redundant con-
nections in a pre-trained model while maintaining performance. Quantization[28, 24, 36, 40] and
factorization[20, 15, 17, 34] are proposed in literature to reduce redundancy in calculations to speed
up inference. Without modifying the parameters, optimized convolution algorithms implemented by
FFT[23, 32] and other methods[2] decrease time consumption in practice. Distilling[11] transfers
knowledge from large models into small ones, which makes training small models easier. Compared
to these methods, our approach focuses on better model designs to improve performance rather than
accelerating or transferring an existing model.
3 Approach
3.1 Channel Shuffle for Group Convolutions
Modern convolutional neural networks [27, 30, 31, 29, 9, 10] usually consist of repeated building
blocks with the same structure. Among them, state-of-the-art networks such as Xception [3] and
ResNeXt [37] introduce efficient depthwise separable convolutions or group convolutions into the
building blocks to strike an excellent trade-off between representation capability and computational
cost. However, we notice that both designs do not fully take the 1 × 1 convolutions (also called
pointwise convolutions in [12]) into account, which require considerable complexity. For example, in
ResNeXt [37] only 3 × 3 layers are equipped with group convolutions. As a result, for each residual
unit in ResNeXt the pointwise convolutions occupy 93.4% multiplication-adds (cardinality = 32 as
suggested in [37]). In tiny networks, expensive pointwise convolutions result in limited number of
channels to meet the complexity constraint, which might significantly damage the accuracy.
To address the issue, a straightforward solution is to apply channel sparse connections, for example
group convolutions, also on 1 × 1 layers. By ensuring that each convolution operates only on
the corresponding input channel group, group convolution significantly reduces computation cost.
However, if multiple group convolutions stack together, there is one side effect: outputs from a certain
channel are only derived from a small fraction of input channels. Fig 1 (a) illustrates a situation of
two stacked group convolution layers. It is clear that outputs from a certain group only relate to the
inputs within the group. This property blocks information flow between channel groups and weakens
If we allow group convolution to obtain input data from different groups (as shown in Fig 1 (b)), the
input and output channels will be fully related. Specifically, for the feature map generated from the
previous group layer, we can first divide the channels in each group into several subgroups, then
feed each group in the next layer with different subgroups. This can be efficiently and elegantly
implemented by a channel shuffle operation (Fig 1 (c)): suppose a convolutional layer with g
Figure 1: Channel shuffle with two stacked group convolutions. GConv stands for group convolution.
a) two stacked convolution layers with the same number of groups. Each output channel only relates
to the input channels within the group. No cross talk; b) input and output channels are fully related
when GConv2 takes data from different groups after GConv1; c) an equivalent implementation to b)
using channel shuffle.
groups whose output has g × n channels; we first reshape the output channel dimension into (g, n),
transposing and then flattening it back as the input of next layer. Note that the operation still takes
effect even if the two convolutions have different numbers of groups. Moreover, channel shuffle is
also differentiable, which means it can be embedded into network structures for end-to-end training.
Channel shuffle operation makes it possible to build more powerful structures with multiple group
convolutional layers. In the next subsection we will introduce an efficient network unit with channel
shuffle and group convolutions.
3.2 ShuffleNet Unit
Taking advantage of the channel shuffle operation, we propose a novel ShuffleNet unit specially
designed for small networks. We start from the design principle of bottleneck unit [9] in Fig 2 (a). It
is a residual block. In its residual branch, for the 3 × 3 layer, we apply a computational economical
3× 3 depthwise convolution [3] on the bottleneck feature map. Then, we replace the first 1× 1 layers
with pointwise group convolution followed by a channel shuffle operation, to form a ShuffleNet
unit, as shown in Fig 2 (b). The purpose of the second pointwise group convolution is to recover
the channel dimension to match the shortcut path. For simplicity, we do not apply an extra channel
shuffle operation after the second pointwise layer as it results in comparable scores. The usage of
batch normalization (BN) [14] and nonlinearity is similar to [9, 37], except that we do not use ReLU
after depthwise convolution as suggested by [3]. As for the case where ShuffleNet is applied with
stride, we simply make two modifications (see Fig 2 (c)): (i) add a 3 × 3 average pooling on the
shortcut path; (ii) replace the element-wise addition with channel concatenation, which makes it easy
to enlarge channel dimension with little extra computation cost.
Thanks to pointwise group convolution with channel shuffle, all components in ShuffleNet unit can
be computed efficiently. Compared with ResNet [9] (bottleneck design) and ResNeXt [37], our
structure has less complexity under the same settings. For example, given the input size c× h× w
and the bottleneck channels m, ResNet unit requires hw(2cm + 9m2) FLOPs and ResNeXt has
hw(2cm + 9m2/g) FLOPs, while our ShuffleNet unit requires only hw(2cm/g + 9m) FLOPs,
where g means the number of groups for convolutions. In other words, given a computational budget,
ShuffleNet can use wider feature maps. We find this is critical for small networks, as tiny networks
usually have an insufficient number of channels to pass the information.
In addition, in ShuffleNet depthwise convolution only performs on bottleneck feature maps. Even
though depthwise convolution usually has very low theoretical complexity, we find it difficult to effi-
ciently implement on low-power mobile devices, which may result from a worse computation/memory
access ratio compared with other dense operations. Such drawback is also referred in [3], which
has a runtime library based on TensorFlow [1]. In ShuffleNet units, we intentionally use depthwise
convolution only on bottleneck in order to prevent overhead as much as possible.
Figure 2: ShuffleNet Units. a) bottleneck unit [9] with depthwise convolution (DWConv) [3, 12]; b)
ShuffleNet unit with pointwise group convolution (GConv) and channel shuffle; c) ShuffleNet unit
with stride = 2.
Table 1: ShuffleNet architecture
Layer Output size KSize Stride Repeat Output channels (g groups)
g = 1 g = 2 g = 3 g = 4 g = 8
Image 224 × 224 3 3 3 3 3
Conv1 112 × 112 3 × 3 2 1 24 24 24 24 24
MaxPool 56 × 56 3 × 3 2
Stage21 28 × 28 2 1 144 200 240 272 384
28 × 28 1 3 144 200 240 272 384
Stage3 14 × 14 2 1 288 400 480 544 768
14 × 14 1 7 288 400 480 544 768
Stage4 7 × 7 2 1 576 800 960 1088 1536
7 × 7 1 3 576 800 960 1088 1536
GlobalPool 1 × 1 7 × 7
FC 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000
Complexity2 143M 140M 137M 133M 137M
3.3 Network Architecture
Built on ShuffleNet units, we present the overall ShuffleNet architecture in Table 1. The proposed
network is mainly composed of a stack of ShuffleNet units grouped into three stages. The first
building block in each stage is applied with stride = 2. Other hyper-parameters within a stage stay the
same, and for the next stage the output channels are doubled. Similar to [9], we set the number of
bottleneck channels to 1/4 of the output channels for each ShuffleNet unit. Our intent is to provide a
reference design as simple as possible, although we find that further hyper-parameter tunning might
generate better results.
In ShuffleNet units, group number g controls the connection sparsity of pointwise convolutions.
Table 1 explores different group numbers and we adapt the output channels to ensure overall computa-
tion cost roughly unchanged (~140 MFLOPs). Obviously, larger group numbers result in more output
channels (thus more convolutional filters) for a given complexity constraint, which helps to encode
more information, though it might also lead to degradation for an individual convolutional filter due
1We do not apply group convolution on the first pointwise layer because the number of input channels is
relatively small.
2Evaluated with FLOPs, i.e. the number of floating-point multiplication-adds.
Table 2: Classification error vs. number of groups g (smaller number represents better performance)
Model Complexity Classification error (%)
(MFLOPs) g = 1 g = 2 g = 3 g = 4 g = 8
ShuffleNet 1× 140 35.1 34.2 34.1 34.3 34.7
ShuffleNet 0.5× 38 46.1 45.1 44.4 43.7 43.8
ShuffleNet 0.25× 13 56.7 56.3 55.6 54.5 53.7
ShuffleNet 0.5× (arch2) 40 45.7 44.3 43.8 43.2 42.7
ShuffleNet 0.25× (arch2) 13 56.5 55.3 55.5 54.3 53.3
to limited corresponding input channels. In Sec 4.1.1 we will study the impact of this number subject
to different computational constrains.
To customize the network to a desired complexity, we can simply apply a scale factor s on the number
of channels. For example, we denote the networks in Table 1 as “ShuffleNet 1×”, then “ShuffleNet
s×” means scaling the number of filters in ShuffleNet 1× by s times thus overall complexity will be
roughly s2 times of ShuffleNet 1×.
4 Experiments
We mainly evaluate our models on the ImageNet 2016 classification dataset [26, 4]. We use our
self-developed system for training, and follow most of the training settings and hyper-parameters used
in [37], with two exceptions: (i) we set the weight decay to 4e-5 instead of 1e-4; (ii) we use slightly
less aggressive scale augmentation for data preprocessing. Similar modifications are also referenced
in [12] because such small networks usually suffer from underfitting rather than overfitting. To
benchmark, we compare single crop top-1 performance on ImageNet validation set, i.e. cropping
224 × 224 center view from 256× input image and evaluating classification accuracy.
4.1 Ablation Study
The core idea of ShuffleNet lies in pointwise group convolution and channel shuffle operation
referenced in Sections 3.1 and 3.2. In this subsection we evaluate them respectively.
4.1.1 On the Importance of Pointwise Group Convolutions
To evaluate the importance of pointwise group convolutions, we compare ShuffleNet models of the
same complexity whose numbers of groups range from 1 to 8. If the group number equals 1, no
pointwise group convolution is involved and then the ShuffleNet unit becomes an “Xception-like” [3]
structure. For better understanding, we also scale the width of the networks to 3 different complexities
and compare their classification performance respectively. Results are shown in Table 2.
From the results, we see that models with group convolutions (g > 1) consistently perform better
than the counterparts without pointwise group convolutions (g = 1). Smaller models tend to benefit
more from groups. For example, for ShuffleNet 1× the best entry (g = 3) is 1.0% better than the
counterpart, while for ShuffleNet 0.5× and 0.25× the gaps become 2.4% and 3.0% respectively. Note
that group convolution allows more feature map channels for a given complexity constraint, so we
hypothesize that the performance gain comes from wider feature maps which help to encode more
information. In addition, a smaller network involves thinner feature maps, meaning it benefits more
from enlarged feature maps.
Table 2 also shows that for some models (e.g. ShuffleNet 1×) when group numbers become relatively
large (e.g. g = 4 or 8), the classification score saturates or even drops. With an increase in group
number (thus wider feature maps), input channels for each convolutional filter become fewer, which
may harm representation capability. Interestingly, we also notice that for smaller models such as
ShuffleNet 0.25× larger group numbers tend to better results consistently, which suggests wider
feature maps are especially important for smaller models. Inspired by this, for low-cost models we
slightly modify the architecture in Table 1: we remove two units in Stage3 and widen each feature
map to maintain the overall complexity. Results of the new architecture (named “arch2”) are shown
in Table 2. It is clear that the newly designed models are consistently better than the counterparts;
besides, pointwise group convolution still takes effect in the architecture.
4.1.2 Channel Shuffle vs. No Shuffle
The purpose of shuffle operation is to enable cross-group information flow for multiple group
convolution layers. Table 3 compares the performance of ShuffleNet structures (group number is
set to 3 or 8 for instance) with/without channel shuffle. The evaluations are performed under three
different scales of complexity. It is clear that channel shuffle consistently boosts classification scores
for different settings. Especially, when group number is relatively large (e.g. g = 8), models with
channel shuffle outperform the counterparts by a significant margin, which shows the importance of
cross-group information interchange.
Table 3: ShuffleNet with/without channel shuffle (smaller number represents better performance)
Model Cls err. (%, no shuffle) Cls err. (%, shuffle) ∆ err. (%)
ShuffleNet 1x (g = 3) 36.4 34.1 2.3
ShuffleNet 0.5x (g = 3) 46.1 44.4 1.7
ShuffleNet 0.25x (g = 3) 56.5 55.6 0.9
ShuffleNet 0.25x (arch2, g = 3) 56.6 55.5 1.1
ShuffleNet 0.5x (arch2, g = 8) 46.2 42.7 3.5
ShuffleNet 0.25x (arch2, g = 8) 57.3 53.3 4.0
4.2 Comparison with Other Structure Units
Recent leading convolutional units in VGG [27], ResNet [9], GoogleNet [30], ResNeXt [37] and
Xception [3] have pursued state-of-the-art results with large models (e.g. ≥ 1GFLOPs), but do not
fully explore low-complexity conditions. In this section we survey a variety of building blocks and
make comparisons with ShuffleNet under the same complexity constraint.
For fair comparison, we use the overall network architecture as shown in Table 1. We replace the
ShuffleNet units in Stage 2-4 with other structures, then adapt the number of channels to ensure the
complexity remains unchanged. The structures we explored include:
• VGG-like. Following the design principle of VGG net [27], we use a two-layer 3×3
convolutions as the basic building block. Different from [27], we add a Batch Normalization
layer [14] after each of the convolutions to make end-to-end training easier.
• ResNet. We adopt the “bottleneck” design in our experiment, which has been demonstrated
more efficient in [9]. Same as [9], the bottleneck ratio3 is also 1 : 4.
• Xception-like. The original structure proposed in [3] involves fancy designs or hyper-
parameters for different stages, which we find difficult for fair comparison on small models.
Instead, we remove the pointwise group convolutions and channel shuffle operation from
ShuffleNet (also equivalent to ShuffleNet with g = 1). The derived structure shares the
same idea of “depthwise separable convolution” as in [3], which is called an Xception-like
structure here.
• ResNeXt. We use the settings of cardinality = 16 and bottleneck ratio = 1 : 2 as suggested
in [37]. We also explore other settings, e.g. bottleneck ratio = 1 : 4, and get similar results.
We use exactly the same settings to train these models. Results are shown in Table 4. Our ShuffleNet
models outperform most others by a significant margin under different complexities. Interestingly,
we find an empirical relationship between feature map channels and classification accuracy. For
example, under the complexity of 38 MFLOPs, output channels of Stage 4 (see Table 1) for VGG-like,
ResNet, ResNeXt, Xception-like, ShuffleNet models are 50, 192, 192, 288, 576 respectively, which is
3In the bottleneck-like units (like ResNet, ResNeXt or ShuffleNet) bottleneck ratio implies the ratio of
bottleneck channels to output channels. For example, bottleneck ratio = 1 : 4 means the output feature map is 4
times the width of the bottleneck feature map.
Table 4: Classification error vs. various structures (%, smaller number represents better performance)
Complexity (MFLOPs) VGG-like4 ResNet Xception-like ResNeXt ShuffleNet (ours)
140 56.0 38.7 35.1 34.3 34.1 (1×, g = 3)
38 – 48.9 46.1 46.3 43.7 (0.5×, g = 4)
13 – 61.6 56.7 59.2 53.7 (0.25×, g = 8)
40 (arch2) – 48.5 45.7 47.2 42.7 (0.5×, g = 8)
13 (arch2) – 61.3 56.5 61.0 53.3 (0.25×, g = 8)
Table 5: ShuffleNet vs. MobileNet [12] on ImageNet Classification
Model Complexity (MFLOPs) Cls err. (%) ∆ err. (%)
1.0 MobileNet-224 569 29.4 –
ShuffleNet 2× (g = 3) 524 29.1 0.3
0.75 MobileNet-224 325 31.6 –
ShuffleNet 1.5× (g = 3) 292 31.0 0.6
0.5 MobileNet-224 149 36.3 –
ShuffleNet 1× (g = 3) 140 34.1 2.2
0.25 MobileNet-224 41 49.4 –
ShuffleNet 0.5× (arch2, g = 8) 40 42.7 6.7
ShuffleNet 0.5× (shallow, g = 3) 40 45.2 4.2
consistent with the increase of accuracy. Since the efficient design of ShuffleNet, we can use more
channels for a given computation budget, thus usually resulting in better performance.
Table 4 also evaluates various models on a shallower but wider architecture (marked as “arch2”, see
4.1.1 for details). It can be observed that ShuffleNet still achieves outstanding results over other
Note that the above comparisons do not include GoogleNet or Inception series [30, 31, 29]. We find
it nontrivial to generate such Inception structures to small networks because the original design of
Inception module involves too many hyper-parameters. As a reference, Kim et al. have recently
proposed a lightweight network structure named PVANET [18] which adopts Inception units. Our
reimplemented PVANET (with 224×224 input size) has 35.3% classification error with a computation
complexity of 557 MFLOPs, while our ShuffleNet 2x model (g = 3) gets 29.1% with 524 MFLOPs
(see Table 6). So even though lack of direct comparisons, it is unlikely for Inception to surpass
ShuffleNet in trivial settings.
4.3 Comparison with MobileNets and Other Frameworks
Recently Howard et al. have proposed MobileNets [12] which mainly focus on efficient network
architecture for mobile devices. MobileNet takes the idea of depthwise separable convolution from
[3] and achieves state-of-the-art results on small models.
Table 5 compares classification scores under a variety of complexity levels. It is clear that our
ShuffleNet models are superior to MobileNet for all the complexities. Though our ShuffleNet network
is specially designed for small models (< 150 MFLOPs), we find it is still slightly better than
MobileNet for higher computation cost. For smaller networks (~40 MFLOPs) ShuffleNet surpasses
MobileNet by 6.7%. Note that our ShuffleNet architecture contains 50 layers (or 44 layers for
arch2) while MobileNet only has 28 layers. For better understanding, we also try ShuffleNet on a
26-layer architecture by removing half of the blocks in Stage 2-4 (see "ShuffleNet 0.5× shallow
(g = 3)" in Table 5). Results show that the shallower model is still significantly better than the
corresponding MobileNet, which implies that the effectiveness of ShuffleNet mainly results from its
efficient structure, not the depth.
4We do not report VGG-like structure on smaller networks because the accuracy is significantly worse.
Table 6 compares our ShuffleNet with a few popular models. Results show that with similar accuracy
ShuffleNet is much more efficient than others. For example, ShuffleNet 0.5× is theoretically 18×
faster than AlexNet [19] with comparable classification score. We will evaluate the actual running
time in Sec 4.5.
Table 6: Complexity comparison
Model Cls err. (%) Complexity (MFLOPs)
VGG-16 [27] 28.5 15300
ShuffleNet 2× (g = 3) 29.1 524
PVANET [18] (our impl.) 35.3 557
ShuffleNet 1× (g = 3) 34.1 140
AlexNet [19] 42.8 720
SqueezeNet [13] 42.5 833
ShuffleNet 0.5× (arch2, g = 8) 42.7 40
4.4 Generalization Ability
To evaluate the generalization ability for transfer learning, we test our ShuffleNet model on the task
of MS COCO object detection [21]. We adopt Faster-RCNN [25] as the detection framework and
use the publicly released Caffe code [25, 16] for training with default settings. Similar to [12], the
models are trained on the COCO train+val dataset excluding 5000 minival images and we conduct
testing on the minival set. Table 7 shows the comparison of results trained and evaluated on two input
resolutions. Comparing ShuffleNet 2× with MobileNet whose complexity are comparable (524 vs.
569 MFLOPs), our ShuffleNet 2× surpasses MobileNet by a significant margin on both resolutions;
our ShuffleNet 1× also achieves comparable results with MobileNet on 600× resolution, but has ~4×
complexity reduction. We conjecture that this significant gain is partly due to ShuffleNet’s simple
design of architecture without bells and whistles.
Table 7: Object detection results on MS COCO (larger numbers represents better performance)
Model mAP [.5, .95] (300× image) mAP [.5, .95] (600× image)
ShuffleNet 2× (g = 3) 18.0% 24.5%
ShuffleNet 1× (g = 3) 14.3% 19.8%
1.0 MobileNet-224 [12] 16.4% 19.8%
4.5 Actual Speedup Evaluation
Finally, we evaluate the actual inference speed of ShuffleNet models on a mobile device with an
ARM platform. As shown in Table 8, three input resolutions are exploited for the test. Due to
memory access and other overheads, we find every 4× theoretical complexity reduction usually
results in ~2.6× actual speedup in our implementation. Nevertheless, compared with AlexNet [19]
our ShuffleNet 0.5× model still achieves ~13× actual speedup under comparable classification
accuracy (the theoretical speedup is 18×), which is much faster than previous AlexNet-level models
or speedup approaches such as [13, 15, 20, 38, 39, 35].
Table 8: Actual inference time on mobile device (smaller number represents better performance)
Model Cls err. (%) FLOPs 224 × 224 480 × 640 720 × 1280
ShuffleNet 0.5× (arch2, g = 3) 43.8 40M 15.2ms 87.4ms 260.1ms
ShuffleNet 1× (g = 3) 34.1 140M 37.8ms 222.2ms 684.5ms
AlexNet [19] 42.8 720M 184.0ms 1156.7ms 3633.9ms
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1 Introduction
2 Related Work
3 Approach
3.1 Channel Shuffle for Group Convolutions
3.2 ShuffleNet Unit
3.3 Network Architecture
4 Experiments
4.1 Ablation Study
4.1.1 On the Importance of Pointwise Group Convolutions
4.1.2 Channel Shuffle vs. No Shuffle
4.2 Comparison with Other Structure Units
4.3 Comparison with MobileNets and Other Frameworks
4.4 Generalization Ability
4.5 Actual Speedup Evaluation