程序代写代做代考 c++ ECS 50 Homework 1 Spring 2015

ECS 50 Homework 1 Spring 2015

Due: Smartsite Wed., 10/7, 11:55 p.m.
Files to Submit: changeOfBase.cpp, scientificFloating.cpp, triMatMult.cpp,

• If you are working in a group ALL members must submit the assignment
• All programs should compile with no warnings when compiled with the -Wall option
• All prompts for input and all output must match my prompts/output. We use a program to grade

your work and tiny differences can cause your work to be marked as a 0.
◦ The best way to avoid being deducted points is to copy the prompt/unchanging portion of

the outputs into your code. Make sure to get the spaces as well.
• You must also submit a file called ReadMe.txt. Include the names of all partners and any

trouble you had on the assignment
• An example ReadMe.txt has been included with this assignment
• The input in the examples has been underlined to help you figure out what is input and what is

• Submit your work on Smartsite by uploading each file separately. Do not upload any folders or

compressed files such as .rar, .tar, .targz, .zip etc.
• If you have any questions please post them to Piazza

1. Write a C++ program called changeOfBase.cpp that converts an integer number from one base
to another. The program should ask the user for the current base, the number in that current
base, and the new base to be converted to. Valid bases are between 2 and 36. Values of digits
from 10 – 35 will be represented by characters A – Z. You are guaranteed that all values will be
less than or equal to 2^(32) – 1.
1. Name your executable changeOfBase.out
2. Example 1

Please enter the number’s base: 10
Please enter the number: 25
Please enter the new base: 2
25 base 10 is 11001 base 2

3. Example 2
Please enter the number’s base: 6
Please enter the number: 405
Please enter the new base: 19
405 base 6 is 7G base 19

4. Example 3
Please enter the number’s base: 24
Please enter the number: GIG
Please enter the new base: 10
GIG base 24 is 9664 base 10

ECS 50 Homework 1 Spring 2015

2. Write a C++ program called scientificFloating.cpp that reads in a floating point number and
outputs its scientific base 2 format.
1. Name your executable scientificFloating.out
2. Example 1:

Please enter a float: 3.75

3. Example 2:
Please enter a float: 140.1

◦ You should use bitwise operators to pick out the fields that you need to work with.
◦ In order to do the appropriate bitwise operations on the float it must first be cast to an int but

(int) f (assuming f is the variable you have stored you float in) will not work as the cast will
convert the float representation to the 2’s compliment integer representation. The fix is to
take the address of the float, cast it as an unsigned int*, and then dereference
▪ unsigned int float_int = *((unsigned int*)&f);

3. An upper triangular matrix is a special type of matrix where all the values below the main
diagonal are 0. In order to save space we can store this matrix without the zeros. For example

1 2 3

0 4 5

0 0 6
Would be stored as

1 2 3 4 5 6

We would also like to be able to work with these matrices in their compressed format, again to
save space. Write a C++ program called, triMatMult.cpp,that accepts as arguments two files
that contain these compressed upper triangular matrices. The program should multiply the two
matrices together and then display the resulting compressed matrix in its compressed form.
• Name the executable triMatMult.out
• The names of the files will be given on the command line
• All matrices will be square, ie N X N
• All values will be integers
• File format:

◦ N (dimension of the matrix)
◦ number1
◦ number2
◦ number3 …

• For help on matrix multiplication see http://www.purplemath.com/modules/mtrxmult.htm.
• Restrictions: You cannot expand the compressed matrices to do the multiplication. If you

do this you will receive no credit for this portion of the assignment. Again the whole point
is to save space.

• In the examples below the values are shown on 1 line to save space


ECS 50 Homework 1 Spring 2015

Cat mat1.txt
1 2 3 17 4 51 25 6 31 9

cat mat2.txt
25 73 -4 -17 -99 81 -88 11 12 10

./triMatMult.out mat1.txt mat2.txt
25 -125 191 13 -396 885 510 66 382 90

This is equivalent to doing C = A * B where

A =

1 2 3 17

0 4 51 25

0 0 6 31

0 0 0 9

B =

25 73 -4 -17

0 -99 81 -88

0 0 11 12

0 0 0 10

C =

25 -125 191 13

0 -396 885 510

0 0 66 382

0 0 0 90