1. Design
According to the requirements, I design six features for each verb, including vform, agent, theme, ben:, exp, gap_type. Vform refers to the tense of the verb, ben refers to Beneficiary, exp refers to Experiencer, and gap_type refers to whether sleep belongs to subject or object. At the same time, I also design two feature (gap and rec) to save and transmit subject and object. I design one vp rule for every sentence without adding extra nonterminals.
2. Limitation
First of all, because I didn’t do too much processing on nouns, my grammar can’t parse the noun phase like “students” or “teachers”. Also, it can’t parse the present tense of verb like “the student try to sleep”.
3. Test strategy
I firstly test the sentence (“the teacher slept”, success) to confirm my grammar and features work well. Then I test all the sentences given in the assignment to make sure my grammar could meet the basic requirement. Also , I test whether the transitive verb and the intransitive verb can be distinguished well (“the student promised to sleep” and “the student tried the teacher to sleep”, all fail). At the same time, I test the noun phase (“student appeared the teacher to sleep”, fail). Of course, I don’t pay more attention to the noun phase so it just meet the rule (NP det N).