程序代写代做代考 algorithm EECS 340 Algorithms

EECS 340 Algorithms

2018 Spring Semester

Homework 6Homework 6

Due on April 25th, 12:45pm

Topics: Shortest paths, minimum spanning trees, and approximation algorithms.

1. Warm-Up

(a) Solve R-15.1 in the text. (?)

(b) Solve R-18.3 in the text. (?)

2. Dijkstra Revisited

Solve C-14.3 in the text. (? ?)

3. The Struggle of Commuter Students

Given an undirected weighted graph G = (V,E) with non-negative edge weights,
and two vertices s, t ∈ V , let G′ be G, but where every edge has its weight increased
by 1. Prove that G and G′ have the same set of shortest paths from s to t, or provide
a counterexample. (? ?)

4. Unique Bonsai

Solve C-15.3 in the text. (? ?)

5. Bonsai No More

(a) Solve C-15.9 in the text. (?)

(b) In the setting of C-15.9, suppose that instead of adding 1 to the weight of every
edge, we multiply the weight of every edge by 2. Are the minimum spanning
trees of G and G′ still the same? Prove, or provide a counterexample. (?)

6. Burma Shave

You’ve learned, much to your dismay, that the LED text display in the Glennan
Student Area has been replaced. In its place is a new-fangled and expensive iLED
display produced by Plum Inc. which has reduced functionality, only capable of
inserting, deleting, or replacing one character per second 1. It has a very nice touch-
screen interface on the back, however, which lets you easily enter a list of strings for

1But dang, do those string transitions look pretty.


it to cycle through in sequence. You’ve been tasked with writing a program which
takes as input a set of strings and returns an order to display the strings which
minimizes the total transition time between strings in each cycle. A wise elder in
HackCWRU informs you that it may not be tractable to achieve the minimum to-
tal transition time, but you should be able to come up with a somewhat bearable
solution which is within a factor of two of the minimum.

(a) Describe an algorithm to do this which has polynomial runtime in the total
length of the strings. Assume that you have access to a method TimeBetween(S1, S2)
which computes the minimum number of seconds it would take to transition
between the string S1 and the string S2 and runs in O(|S1| ∗ |S2|) time. (? ? ?)
Hint: If we have three strings S1, S2, S3, how do TimeBetween(S1, S2),
TimeBetween(S2, S3), and TimeBetween(S1, S3) relate?

(b) Extra Finals Practice (Not Graded):
Implement TimeBetween using dynamic programming. As an example of
TimeBetween’s expected behavior, if we let S1 =”arrhythmic” and S2 =”algorithmic”
2, then one sequence of edit operations we could perform to get from S1 to S2
would be:
String Edit Operation
alrhythmic (replace ”r” with ”l”)
algrhythmic (insert ”g”)
algorhythmic (insert ”o”)
algorythmic (delete ”h”)
algorithmic (replace ”y” with ”i”)

which turns out to have the minimal number of edit operations (5), so TimeBetween
would return 5. (? ? ?)

7. FedUP, Regulated Federally

Solve A-18.4 in the text. (? ?)

8. The following is for EECS 454 students only.

Read Section 17.5 in the textbook and then solve the following problems:

(a) R-17.3
(b) R-17.14

Hand in your paper in-class by the beginning of class on the due date. Always check
Canvas for updates and corrections.

2Our mixtape, ”Algorhythmic” will be dropping this summer, brought to you by the Applicative Funk-