Imperial College London – Department of Computing
MSc in Computing Science
580: Algorithms
Tutorial: Dynamic Programming
1. A thief can carry k kilograms of loot in his knapsack. He robs a shop containing N items.
Item i is worth bi bitcoin and weighs ki kilos. The thief wants to decide which items to
take to maximise the total value he steals.
(a) How would you decompose this problem into subproblems? Does the problem have
optimal substructure and overlapping subproblems?
(b) Write an algorithm that, given an array B such that B[i] is the value of item i and
an array K such that K[i] is the weight of item i, and a maximum weight k, solves
the problem in O(kN) time.
(c) Since he is greedy, the thief attempts to use the following strategy: the next item
chosen should always be the one with the greatest value per kilogram, from those
remaining. Show that this strategy is not guaranteed to give the optimal solution.