Imperial College London – Department of Computing
MSc in Computing Science
580: Algorithms
Tutorial: Dynamic Programming
1. The array A = [A1, . . . , AN ] contains N integers.
(a) A prefix subarray of A is any continuous subarray that starts with A[1]. Write a
Θ(N)-time algorithm to find the greatest sum of any prefix subarray of A.
(b) The greatest sum of any continuous subarray of A can be found as follows. For each
position i in the array, find si, the maximum sum of any continuous subarray starting
at i. The solution is then the maximum of those si values. There are N such values,
so this method will take Θ(N2) time using your answer for (1a). This is referred to
as a naive solution.
By considering the structure of the naive solution, design a Θ(N)-time solution to
the problem.