程序代写代做代考 algorithm Microsoft PowerPoint – lecture21 [Compatibility Mode]

Microsoft PowerPoint – lecture21 [Compatibility Mode]

COMS4236: Introduction to
Computational Complexity

Spring 2018

Mihalis Yannakakis

Lecture 21, 4/3/18

• Relativization: Oracle B s.t. PB = NPB



• Polynomial Hierarchy (PH)

• P = NP  PH = P

• i = i  PH collapses to i = i

P vs NP and Relativization

1. There is an oracle A such that

2. There is an oracle B such that

 Methods that relativize cannot resolve the P vs. NP
question one way or the other.

Part 1: Showed it last time.



• For any oracle B {0,1}*, define the language
LB = { 0ⁿ | xÎB s.t. |x|=n }

• For any B,
– Given a string 0ⁿ , guess a binary string x of the same
length, query if it is in B, and if it is then accept.

• We’ll define a B such that LB differs from the language of
any P-time machine with oracle B

• Enumerate P-time oracle machines M1, M2, … and
assume wlog that Mi runs in time at most ni

• We’ll define B in stages, where stage i kills machine Mi
• Before each stage i, we have specified for a finite set Si

of strings whether they are in B or not.

B BP NP for some oracle B


• Stage i. Take n large enough so that it exceeds the
length of all strings in Si and also

• Run Mi on input 0ⁿ. If it queries a string in Si answer
accordingly; if it queries another string answer No (B).

• At the end, if Mi accepts 0ⁿ, then specify that all
(remaining) strings of length n are not in B

• If Mi rejects 0ⁿ, then pick a string z of length n that Mi has
not queried and add it to B ; such a string z exists

• Mi does the wrong thing on input 0ⁿ
 it does not accept LB

If a string x is not specified in any stage then arbitrarily let
xB (it does not matter).

B BP NP for some oracle B

 2i nn

 2i nn

Relativization results for other relations

• Similar relativization results can be shown for essentially
all possible relationships between various classes (P, NP,
coNP, RP, BPP,…) that we do not know currently how they
relate. For example:

• There is an oracle A relative to which NP=coNP and an
oracle B relative to which NP≠coNP

• There is an oracle A relative to which P=NPcoNP but
P≠NP, P≠coNP

• etc.

Beyond NP and coNP
• There are various types of problems, that do not seem to

be in NP or coNP, though they are closely related to NP

• Exact Optimal Value Problems
• Example: Exact Maximum Clique problem
• Input: Graph G, number k
• Question: Does the maximum clique of G have exactly k

• Exact Min TSP cost
• Input: Distances {dij} between n cities, value b
• Question: Does the optimal tour have cost exactly b?

HW : Show they are not in NP or coNP unless NP=coNP

Exact Optimum Value Problems

• Involve two questions, one in NP and one in coNP:
1. Is the maximum clique k? (in NP:  clique of size k?)
2. Is the maximum clique ≤k? (in coNP: cliques size ≤k?)

1. Is the minimum TSP cost ≤b? (in NP)
2. Is the minimum TSP cost  b? (in coNP)

• Can be solved by a Ptime oracle TM with an oracle for
the Clique decision problem (or any other NP-complete
problem), i.e. in PNP

• but makes very little use of the oracle: only two queries

Other Types of Problems
• Critical Instance problems (eg, “ minimal forbidden

• Example: Critical 3-colorability
• Input: Graph G
• Question: Is it is the case that G is not 3-colorable but if

we delete any edge it becomes 3-colorable?
(HW: Show that two queries are sufficient.)

• Unique Solution problems
• Example: Unique SAT
• Input: Boolean formula 
• Question: Does  have a unique (exactly one) satisfying

truth assignment?

• = class of languages that can be decided in P using
an oracle in NP.

• = class of functions that can be computed in P time
using an oracle in NP. In other words, there is an
algorithm that uses as a subroutine a decision problem
in NP and apart from the subroutine calls, it runs in
polynomial time.

• Example: Optimum value and optimal solutions of NP
optimization problems.

• Compute the size of the maximum clique, compute the
min cost of a TSP tour, …

• Compute a maximum clique, an optimal TSP tour, …



Minimum Size Circuit Problem
• Given a Boolean circuit C, find an equivalent circuit C*

that has minimum size, i.e. C(x)=C*(x) for every input
vector x and C* has the minimum number of gates

• Decision version
• Input: Boolean circuit C, number k
• Question: Is there an equivalent circuit C’ with ≤k gates?

• Why isn’t this problem obviously in NP?
• The equivalence problem, is CC’? is probably not in P.
• In fact even if C is a 3SAT formula and C’ is the trivial

circuit that answers False for every input, CC’? asks if
the formula is unsatisfiable.

Minimum Size Circuit Problem
• The equivalence problem, is CC’?, is in coNP

(Complement is in NP: Guess an input x such that

• We can solve the decision version of the minimum size
circuit problem with an NP machine that guesses the
circuit C’ and then asks an oracle if CC’? (i.e. a coNP
problem) or equivalently if C¹C’ (a NP problem).

• That is, the decision version of the Minimum Circuit
Problem is in NPNP = NPcoNP

Polynomial Hierarchy PH
• At each level i, a deterministic i) a nondeterministic (i)

and a co-nondeterministic (i) class defined with an
oracle from the previous level

• Level 0: P = 0 = 0 = 0
• Level i+1>0: i





i+1 i+1



co = coNP

 

 

  

Example. Level 1: 1 = P; 1 =NP; 1 = coNP

• Polynomial Hierarchy = PH = Union of all these classes

• That is, a language L is in PH if there is some constant i
such that L is in i or is in i or in i

Polynomial Hierarchy PH
• Many authors attach a P in the notation of the classes,

either as a superscript (eg. ) or next to it (eg. in the
book) to differentiate the classes from the “arithmetic or
Kleene hierarchy” (an analogous hierarchy of undecidable

• Properties
• i = coi for all i (by definition)
• The definitions do not change if we use i instead of i in

the oracles
• Each class at level i contains all the classes in all the

previous levels
• 

i iP

i i i
i 0 i 0 i 0

PH =
  

      

The Lattice of Containments



1 =NP 1=coNP



2 2


P = NP  PH = P


2 2

Suppose .
Then NP P


co coP P

    

    




i+1 i+1

Inductively, assume

Then P

co coP P

 

    

    

NP = coNP  PH =NP
• First show 2 = NP
• Consider a language L in 2 = NPNP

L is decided by a nondetermistic p-time oracle TM M with
oracle A in NP.
ANP=coNP  there is an NP machine M1 for A and an
NP machine M2 for it complement Ac

• NP TM M’ for L:
Run M on given input x.
For each query, guess whether the query string wA.
– if guessed ‘yes’ (resp. ‘no’) then run M1 (resp. M2) on w,
and if it accepts then continue else reject (and halt)
If at the end M accepts, then accept, else reject

• x L iff there is an accepting computation

NP = coNP  PH =NP ctd.

• 2 = NP  2 = coNP=NP

• Inductively, i = NP  i+1 = NPi = NPNP = 2 = NP
 i+1 = coNP=NP

i = i  PH collapses at i-th level
• If for some i, i = i then all classes at higher levels are

equal to i = i, i.e. the hierarchy collapses at the i-th level
• Proof:

Similar. First show that i+1  i, by a similar proof.
This implies i+1 = coi+1  coi = i = i

 Also, i+1  i  i+1  i+1  i

Inductively we can show then that all higher levels are also
equal to i :

j i
j i j+1 i+1 iIf then =NP NP

         