Answers to Logic Coursework 1 Oct/Nov 2017
i) Every registered company has exactly one director.
X (reg(X)
D dir(D, X) D1, D2 (dir(D1, X) dir(D2, X) D1=D2)
ii) Any request for registering a company is rejected if a company of that name is
already registered, or if the director is disqualified, or if the share capital of the
company is less than £5000, otherwise the request is accepted.
ID, X, D, S (reqReg(ID, X, D, S)
[( reg(X) disq(D) S<5000 reject(ID) ) ( ¬reg(X) ¬ disq(D) ¬ S<5000 accept(ID))] iii) A director is disqualified and the share capital of all of his registered companies is set to zero if at least one of his registered companies becomes insolvent. D (X (reg(X) dir(D, X) insolvent(X)) [disq(D) X (reg(X) dir(D, X) share(X, 0))] iv) The director of a registered company who is not disqualified is warned if on at least two occasions the company’s accounts have not been filed by the due deadlines. X,D (reg(X) dir(D, X) ¬ disq(D) D1, D2 ( acc_due(X, P1, D1) acc_due(X, P2, D2) ¬ D1=D2 ¬ P1=P2 ¬ F1 ( acc_filed(X, P1, F1) F1 ≤ D1) ¬ F2 ( acc_filed(X, P2, F2) F2 ≤ D2) warn(D, X) v) If a director has been warned about one of his companies and the share capital of that company falls more than 80% below its initial capital (as noted in the request for the company’s registration) then the director is disqualified. C,D, ID, S1, S2 [warn(D, C) share(C, S1) reqReg(ID, C, D, S2) S1 < S2* 20% disq(D)] The questions have equal marks. Total 100.