CMSC 417 Computer Networks Fall 2018
Programming Assignment 3
Assigned: October 23 Due: October 30, 11:59:59 PM.
1 Introduction
In this project, you will use Google Protocol Buffers (Protobufs) to implement a Remote Procedure
Call (RPC) mechanism.
RPC is a generic term for a function call that is serviced in a different address space than the
caller’s. RPC necessarily entails a protocol for the caller’s process, C, to encode the function name
and arguments and send them to the servicing process, S, as well as for S to encode the return values
and send them to C. In this assignment, the encoding will use serialization, a term for converting
a language level data object to a sequence of bytes. The inverse operation – reconstituing a data
object from a sequence of bytes (as stored on disk or sent over the network) – is called deserialization.
Protobufs is precisely a framework for describing data objects and serializing/deserializing them.
The provided resources are in the assignment repository, which is protobufs.
2 RPC Protocol
For this assignment, the RPC protocol has two messages: (1) Call, which encapsulates the function
invocation, and (2) Return, which encapsulates the function return. In Protobufs notation, the
message types are specified as:
message Call {
required string name = 1;
required bytes args = 2;
message Return {
required bool success = 1;
required bytes value = 2;
The Call message consists of two required fields: the name of the function as a string, and the args
(arguments) of the function as an array of bytes. The Return message consists of two required
fields: the success of the RPC as a boolean, and the value returned by the function as an array
of bytes.
The args and value byte arrays hold serialized content specific to a given function. Specifically,
you must define additional Protobuf messages to describe each function’s argument list and return
value (void argument lists and return values aside). The serialization of the Protobuf message
corresponding to a function’s argument list is the value for Call’s args field; the serialization of
the Protobuf message corresponding to a function’s return value is the value for Returns’s value
Logically, an RPC client is a connection to an RPC server. Over the client’s lifetime, the client
may make multiple RPCs over the same connection. To wit, if a process connects to an RPC
server, issues an RPC, disconnects, and then re-connects to the RPC server, the server considers
the second connection a new client.
To aid in receiving messages, you will likely want to prepend a simple header to the serialization
of Call and Return that denotes their length.
3 RPCs
You must implement two functions as RPCs: add and gettotal. Implemented locally, the functions
static uin32_t total = 0;
add(uint32_t a, uint32_t b)
total += (a + b);
return (a + b);
return (total);
Note that:
• Each RPC client has its own version of the variable total; total is the accumulator of the
client’s add operands.
• Both RPCs are blocking; the caller waits for the RPC to return before calling another function,
whether local or remote.
• For this assignment, you do not need to worry about integer overflow.
4 Setup
You may use any language on the VM for which there is a supported version of Protobufs.
There is a version of Protobufs installed on the VM already, and should include all of the avail-
able languages. Google officially maintains a number of these, which may be obtained from You may also use the unofficial C version (Google main-
tains one for C++) from Either of these reposi-
tories can be downloaded by git cloning the URL. Read the documentation for installation instruc-
tions, if you need to install Protobufs on another machine. Make sure the versions are compatible,
especially if you are committing generated code, which you shouldn’t need to — you should be able
to generate the needed code in your Makefile.
Please read the Protobufs language guide [1]. There is a tutorial for the C++ version [3] and for
the C version [2]. Additionally, the example directory of the assignment repo contains an example
that uses the C version to create an RPC for the function:
inverse(bool b)
return (!b);
5 Driver Programs
5.1 Client
The client is a command line utility that takes the following arguments:
1. -a
as an ASCII string (e.g., Must be specified.
2. -p
base-10 integer. Must be specified.
3. -t
Must be specified, with a value in the range of [0,30]. A value of 0 means that the next RPC
should execute immediately after the previous RPC returns.
4. -n
with a value in the range of [1,10].
An example usage is:
client -a -p 41714 -t 5 -n 10
The client connects to the server based on the values of (-a) and (-p). The client then performs
add RPCs every (-t) seconds, drawing the two values to supply as arguments uniformly at random
from [0,1000]. The client must print a single line after the RPC completes that contains the two
values being added, as well as the result. These values must be printed in base-10, and must be
separated by a space.
Every (-n) add RPCs, the client additionally performs a gettotal RPC. The client then prints
a single line that contains the total as returned by the server, in base-10.
The client should run until terminated.
5.2 Server
The server is a command line utility that takes the following arguments:
1. -p
integer. Must be specified.
An example usage is:
server -p 41714
The server opens a TCP socket, and binds and listens on the port specified by (-p). The server
must be able to handle many concurrent clients via poll or select. The server must support the add
and gettotal RPCs as specified in Section 2.
6 Grading
Since the on-the-wire protocol is intentionally incomplete, we will only test your client with your
server, and vice-versa.
7 Additional Requirements
1. Your code must be submitted as a series of commits that are pushed to the origin/master
branch of your Git repository. We consider your latest commit prior to the due date/time to
represent your submission.
2. Your git repository must contain a subdirectory called ‘assignment3’, in which your code
should be put.
3. You must provide a Makefile that is included along with the code that you commit. We
will run ‘make’ inside the ‘assignment3’ directory, which must produce ‘client’ and ‘server’
executables also located in the ‘assignment3’ directory.
4. You must submit code that compiles in the provided VM, otherwise your assignment will not
be graded.
5. Your code must be -Wall clean on gcc/g++ in the provided VM, otherwise your assignment
will not be graded. Do not ask the TA for help on (or post to the forum) code that is not
-Wall clean, unless getting rid of the warning is the actual problem.
6. You are not allowed to work in teams or to copy code from any source.
[1] Google Protocol Buffers: Language Guide (proto2).
[2] protobuf-c Example.
[3] Protocol Buffer Basics: C++.