A 64-Kbytes ITTAGE indirect branch predictor∗
André Seznec
The ITTAGE, Indirect Target TAgged GEometric
length predictor, was introduced in [5] at the same
time as the TAGE conditional branch predictor.
ITTAGE relies on the same principles as
the TAGE predictor several predictor tables in-
dexed through independent functions of the global
branch/path history and the branch address. Like
the TAGE predictor, ITTAGE uses (partially) tagged
components as the PPM-like predictor [2]. It relies
on (partial) match to select the predicted target of an
indirect jump. TAGE also uses GEometric history
length as the O-GEHL predictor [3], i.e. , the set of
used global history lengths forms a geometric series.
This allows to efficiently capture correlation on recent
branch outcomes as well as on very old branches.
Due to the huge storage budget available for the
ChampionShip, we propose an ITTAGE predictor fea-
turing 16 prediction tables. On the distributed set of
traces, using a path history vector recording only in-
formation from indirect jumps and calls was found to
be (slightly) more efficient than using a path/branch
history vector combining information from all kind of
1 The ITTAGE indirect jump target
Building on top of the cascaded predictor [1] and
on the TAGE predictor, the ITTAGE predictor was
proposed in [4]. In this section, we recall the gen-
eral principles of the ITTAGE indirect target pre-
dictor.equivalent storage budget. Some implementa-
tion details from the initial ITTAGE proposition are
slightly modified in order to improve the global pre-
diction accuracy.
1.1 ITTAGE predictor principles
ITTAGE relies on the same principles as the TAGE
predictor several predictor tables indexed through in-
dependent functions of the global branch/path his-
tory and the branch address.
∗This work was partially supported by the European Re-
search Counsil Advanced Grant DAL
The Indirect Target TAgged GEometric length,
ITTAGE, predictor features a tagless base predic-
tor T0 in charge of providing a default prediction
and a set of (partially) tagged predictor components.
The tagged predictor components Ti, 1 ≤ i < M
are indexed using different history lengths. The
set of history lengths form an increasing series, i.e
L(i) = (int)(αi−1 ∗ L(1) + 0.5). This is illustrated
in Figure 1. The counters representing predictions in
TAGE are replaced by the target addresses Target .
A predictor table entry also features a tag, a 2-bit
confidence counter Ctr allowing some hysteresis on
the predictor and a useful bit U for controlling the
update policy ( Figure 2).
Figure 1: The Indirect Target TAgged GEometric
length, ITTAGE, predictor
Figure 2: An entry of an ITTAGE predictor table
A few definitions and notations In the remain-
der of the paper, we define the provider component
as the predictor component that ultimately provides
the prediction. We define the alternate prediction
altpred as the prediction that would have occurred if
there had been a miss on the provider component.
That is, if there are tag hits on T2 and T4 and tag
misses on T1 and T3, T4 is the provider component
and T2 provides altpred. If there is no hitting com-
ponent then altpred is the default prediction.
1.1.1 Prediction computation
The prediction selection algorithm is directly inher-
ited from the TAGE predictor [4]. The optimization
for weak counters entries proposed for TAGE (Sec-
tion 3.2.4 [4]) is also implemented.
At prediction time, the base predictor and the
tagged components are accessed simultaneously. The
prediction is provided by the hitting tagged predictor
component that uses the longest history. In case of
no matching tagged predictor component, the default
prediction is used.
The optimization for weak confidence counters
We remarked that when the confidence counter of the
matching entry is null, on some traces, the alternate
prediction altpred is sometimes more accurate than
the ”normal” prediction. This property is global to
the application and can be dynamically monitored
through a single 4-bit counter (USE ALT ON NA in
the simulator). On the distributed benchmark set,
this optimization reduces the misprediction number
by 2%.
Prediction computation summary Therefore
the prediction computation algorithm is as follows:
1. Find the longest matching component and the
alternate component
2. if (the confidence counter is non-null or
USE ALT ON NA is negative) then the provider
component provides the prediction else the pre-
diction is provided by the alternate component
1.1.2 Updating the ITTAGE predictor
Update on a correct prediction The confidence
counter of the provider component is incremented.
Update on a misprediction First we update the
provider component entry. If the confidence counter
is non-null then we decrement it. If the confidence
counter is null then we replace the Target field in the
predictor entry by the effective target of the branch.
As a second step, if the provider component Ti
is not the component using the longest history (i.e.,
i < M) , we try to allocate entries on predictor
components Tk using a longer history than Ti (i.e.,
i < k < M). Since, the predictor size storage bud-
get allocated for the competition is huge we allocate
up to 3 of these entries. For smaller predictors, one
would try to limit the footprint of the application on
the predictor by allocating a single predictor entry.
The M-i-1 uj useful bits are read from predictor
components Tj, i < j < M . The allocation algo-
rithm chose up to four entries for which the useful
bits are null, moreover we guarantee that the entries
are not allocated in consecutive tables. On an allo-
cated entry, the confidence counter is set to weak and
the useful bit is set to null.
Updating the useful bit u The useful bit u of the
provider component is set whenever the actual pre-
diction is correct and the alternate prediction altpred
is incorrect.
In order to avoid that useful bits stay forever set,
we implement the following reset policy. On allo-
cation of new entries, we dynamically monitor the
number of successes and fails when trying to allocate
new entries after a misprediction; this monitoring is
performed through a single 8-bit counter (u=1, incre-
ment, u=0 decrement). This counter (variable TICK
in the simulator) saturates when more fails than suc-
cesses are encountered on updates. At that time we
reset all the u bits of the predictor. Typically, such a
global reset occurs when in average half of the entries
on the used portion of the predictor has been set to
useful. This simple policy was found to be more ef-
ficient than the previously proposed management for
useful counters for the TAGE predictor [5][4].
2 A few optimizations
2.1 The global history vector
The combination of the global branch history vec-
tor and a short path history (limited to 1 bit per
branch) used in [5] was found to be significantly
outperformed by a global history vector introducing
much more information for the indirect branches as
well as for the calls. Respectively 10 bits and 5 bits
mixing target and program counter are introduced for
the indirect branches and the calls. This reduces the
misprediction number by nearly 16 % compared with
using a single (taken/not taken) bit for each branch.
Experiments showed that using only path informa-
tions bits of indirect branches and calls results in bet-
ter performance on the set of distributed traces than
also incorporating information for the other branches.
However drawing conclusions from this experi-
ment appears as really hazardous as the perfor-
mance difference with using a global history vector
where other branches are inserted as a single bit is
marginal (about 3,000 mispredictions in total over
the 40 distributed traces). It should be pointed out
that, for the submitted predictor, three single indi-
rect branches constitute a very significant fraction of
the mispredictions: two branches common to traces
INT05 and INT06 (which are traces from the same
application) and aone branch from SERVER01. The
two branches from INT05 and INT06 are better pre-
dicted by the history vector combining only indirect
branches and calls. Discounting INT05 and INT06
(or even only one of them) would have pushed to use
the more conventional history including all branches.
2.2 Leveraging target locality
The target field represents the major storage cost
in a predictor entry. However branch targets exhibit
some address locality. Exploiting such locality is not
that simple since some of the benchmarks use tar-
gets scattered on more 1K 4Kbytes pages. However
we found that all the benchmarks uses less than 128
256Kbytes. Therefore the Target field (32 bits) in
a predictor entry is replaced by a Region offset (18
bits) and a Region pointer ( 7 bits), thus saving 7
bits on each entry (Figure 3). A 128-entry target
region table must be added to rebuild the complete
address, each entry featuring a 14-bit region address
and a Useful bit for replacement. On a prediction,
the target region table is only read at a given ad-
dress. On a misprediction, the target region table is
fully-associative searched for the matching region for
the effective target; in case of a miss on the target
region table, a target region entry is allocated.
The total storage for the target region table is
15*128 bits, i.e. 240 bytes. It should be noticed that
Figure 3: Exploiting indirect target locality
for 64-bit architecture the use of indirect access to
target region table would allow to nearly halves the
total storage size of the predictor.
2.3 Miscelleanous optimizations
We present here two optimizations that are pro-
posed for the ISL-TAGE predictor for the companion
conditional predictor contest. We have implemented
them in the submitted predictor, but that do not
bring very significant benefit: in total they reduce
the misprediction number by less than 1 %.
2.3.1 Sharing storage space between predic-
tor tables
As represented on Figure 1, ITTAGE predictor fea-
tures independent tables. For some applications,
some of the tables are underutilized while some others
are under large pressure. Sharing the storage space
among several tables can be implemented without re-
quiring to a real multiported memory table, but a
bank interleaved table. E.g on Figure 4, T1. T2, and
T3 are grouped in a 4-way interleaved table, history
vector of length L(1) is hashed to determine the bank
that will deliver prediction for T1, prediction for T2
is delivered by the adjacent bank , etc,.
Figure 4: Sharing storage space between predictor
Experiments showed that global interleaving of all
tables is not the best solution, but that interleaving
between for a few adjacent history lengths can be
Groups T0 T1-T2 T3-T10 T11-T15 Total
Entries 4K 4K 4K 2K 14 K
Tag bits 0 9 13 15
U bit 0 1 1 1
bits/entry 27 37 41 43
Kbits 108 148 164 86 506
Table 1: Characteristics of the tables of the ITTAGE
2.3.2 Dealing with delayed updates: The im-
mediate update mimicker
On a real hardware processor, the predictor tables
are updated at retire time to avoid pollution of the
predictor by the wrong path. A single predictor table
entry may provide several mispredictions in a row due
to this late update. In order to reduce this impact, we
implement an add-on to TAGE, the IUM, immediate
update mimicker.
However on a misprediction the history can be re-
paired immediately and when a block is fetched on
the correct path, the still speculative branch history
is correct. In practice, repairing the global history
is straightforward if one uses a circular buffer to im-
plement the global history. We leverage the same
idea with IUM predictor. When fetching an indirect
branch, IUM memorizes the identity of the entry E
in the ITTAGE predictor (number of the table and
its index) that provides the prediction as well as the
predicted direction. At branch resolution on a mis-
prediction, the IUM is repaired through reinitializing
its head pointer to the associated IUM entry and up-
dating this entry with the correct target.
When fetching on the correct path, the associated
IUM entry associated with an inflight branch B fea-
tures the matching predictor entry E that provided
the ITTAGE prediction and the effective target of
branch B (corrected in case of a misprediction on B).
In case of a new hit on entry E in the predictor before
the retirement of branch B, the (ITTAGE predictor
+ IUM) can respond with the direction provided by
the IUM rather than with the ITTAGE prediction
(on which entry E has not been updated).
IUM can be implemented in hardware through a
fully-associative table, It allows to recover about 3/
4th of the mispredictions due to late update of the IT-
TAGE predictor tables. The storage cost of the spec-
ulative predictor is only 64*48 bits, i.e. 384 bytes,
plus the pointers to determine the head ( position of
the last fetch branch) and the tail ( position of the
next to be retired branch) of the IUM.
3 The submitted predictor character-
The characteristics of the submitted are summa-
rized in Table 1. Both Tables T0 and T1 are directly
indexed with the program counter since some of the
benchmarks feature a huge number of static indirect
branches and it appeared that the performance of the
predictor on those benchmarks might have been im-
paired by conflicts on T0. T0 does not feature tags
and u bits.
We have chosen a guided search of the best set of
history lengths. Using a geometric series with min-
imum history length 8 and maximum history length
2000, we first determined the number of tables (16),
their grouping, their respective sizes and their tag
widths. Table T0 is not shared. Tables T1 and T2
form a first sharing group. T3 to T10 form a second
sharing group and T11 to T15 form the last group.
The set of possible history lengths was then explored
with the geometric series as the starting point. The
set of history lengths in the submitted predictor is {0,
0, 10, 16, 27, 44, 60, 96, 109, 219, 449, 487, 714, 1313,
2146, 3881}. These characteristics are summarized in
Table 1.
The storage cost of the predictor consists in a total
of 506Kbits of storage for the ITTAGE predictor ta-
bles, 240 bytes for the target region table, 384 bytes
for IUM, i.e. a total of 65,392 bytes of storage for
predictions and target regions.
The storage needed for the extra logic consists of
a circular buffer of for storing the history bits (for
simplifying the code, we use a 4Kbits buffer), two 12-
bit pointer on this buffer for respectively speculative
history and retire history, a 32-bit register for pseudo-
random value computed on the fly, a 8-bit counter
to control the reset of the u bits, a 4-bit counter to
control the possible use of the alternate prediction,
two 6-bit pointers on the IUM i.e a total of 4176
bits of extra storage for the history and control
4 Options of the submitted ITTAGE
Through commenting some #define lines, one can
run different versions of the submitted predictor.
�#define IUM enables the IUM predictor.
#define INITHISTLENGTH enables the use of the
best found set of history length.
#define SHARINGTABLES enables the sharing of
storage tables among the logic tables of the ITTAGE
[1] K. Driesen and U. Holzle. The cascaded predictor:
Economical and adaptive branch target prediction. In
Proceeding of the 30th Symposium on Microarchitec-
ture, December 1998.
[2] Pierre Michaud. A ppm-like, tag-based pre-
dictor. Journal of Instruction Level Parallelism
(http://www.jilp.org/vol7), April 2005.
[3] A. Seznec. Analysis of the o-gehl branch predictor. In
Proceedings of the 32nd Annual International Sympo-
sium on Computer Architecture, june 2005.
[4] André Seznec. The l-tage branch predic-
tor. Journal of Instruction Level Parallelism
(http://wwwjilp.org/vol9), April 2007.
[5] André Seznec and Pierre Michaud. A case for
(partially)-tagged geometric history length predic-
tors. Journal of Instruction Level Parallelism
(http://www.jilp.org/vol8), April 2006.