CS430/630 – Homework 7
50 points
Due May 21 23:59:59
Instructions: The homework is due on Mon, May 21st, 11:59pm. Submission is done in electronic format:
create a folder HW7 in your course directory and place the source code there. Name your source file
knncloak.sql. Make sure you set the proper permissions for files!
Question 1 (50 points)
Given the coordinates schema we used in the class examples, and the additional structures (index),
write a PL/SQL procedure called knncloak which implements the two-rounds NN cloaking SKA
technique. The procedure must receive as argument the ID of the querying user, and an integer K. The
procedure must print on the screen the cloaking region (i.e., minimum bounding rectangle) obtained using
the 2-round KNN.