程序代写代做代考 data structure Assignment 1 — Bignum Package

Assignment 1 — Bignum Package

In this assignment you are asked to implement a service that performs basic algebra on integers of
arbitrary lengths, called bignums. The service includes two main components: a library that provides an
API for managing and operating on bignums, and a calculator program that performs basic calculations with
arbitrary length integers. Postgraduate students need to implement the complete library. Undergraduates
only need to handle positive integers.

1 Library

1.1 Interface

The library provides one abstract data structure bn t, which is a pointer to the (externally abstract) struct
bn. The functions operating on this structure are described below. This interface is defined in the file bn.h,
which is available from myuni.

1.1.1 bn t bn alloc(void)

Allocates a new bignum and initialises it to (positive) 0. Returns NULL if not enough resources are available.
We provide a sample implementation of this function, which you can use.

1.1.2 void bn free(bn t bn)

Frees all the resources associated with the bignum bn.

1.1.3 int bn add(bn t result, bn t a, bn t b)

Adds the bignums a and b and places the sum in result. Returns 0 if completed successfully and −1

1.1.4 int bn sub(bn t result, bn t a, bn t b)

Subtracts the bignum b from a and places the difference in result. Returns 0 if completed successfully
and −1 otherwise.

Undergraduate students: if a is smaller than b, the result is set to 0.

1.1.5 int bn mul(bn t result, bn t a, bn t b)

Multiplies the bignums a and b and places the product in result. Returns 0 if completed successfully and
−1 otherwise.

1.1.6 int bn fromString(bn t bn, const char *str)

Read the decimal number in the string str and stores its value in bn. Returns 0 if completed successfully
and −1 otherwise.


Undergraduate students need only handle non-negative numbers. Postgraduate students need to handle
both positive and negative numbers.

1.1.7 int bn toString(bn t bn, char *buf, int buflen)

Converts a bignum bn to a string. including the terminating NUL character. If buflen is large enough
to store the converted string, the function stores the string in buf and returns 0. Otherwise, buf is not
changed and the return value is the number of characters required to store the string representation, The
function returns a negative number in case of error.
We provide a sample implementation of this function, which you can use.

1.1.8 int bn IAmAnUndergrad()

Returns 1 if you’re an undergraduate student, 0 if you’re a postgraduate student. It is highly recommended
not to return the wrong value. Implementations that return 0 will be marked on handling both positive and
negative numbers.. Implementations that return 1 will only be marked on handling non-negative numbers
only, with a penalty of 20% for postgraduate students that use this option.

1.2 Sample Implementation

We provide a very partial implementation of the library. (Available from myuni.) This includes a sample
declaration of the bignum structure struct bn (Figure 1), and implementations of the bn alloc and
bn toString function. You do not have to use this implementation, but keep in mind that for Assignment 2
we will extend the sample implementation to also perform division and possibly other operations. If you do
not use the sample implementation you will have to implement bn toString and the extended functionality.

struct bn {
int bn_len;
int bn_size;
int bn_sign;
uint16_t *bn_data;


Figure 1: Bignum abstraction.

The fields of the structure are:

bn len The length (number of digits) of the number represented by the structure.

bn data An array that stores the values of the digits of the number.

bn sign The sign of the number. The value of the sign is 1 for positive numbers and −1 for negative
numbers. Undergraduate students should set the field to 1 when allocating numbers and may assume
it does not change after that.

bn size The number of digits allocated in bn data.

The number is reprsented as a sequence of digits in base 216 = 65536. That is, if s is the value of bn sign,
l the value of bn len, and di the value of the i

th element in bn data (i.e. bn data[i]), then the value
represented by the structure is given by: s ·



1.3 An Example

Figure 2 shows a program that uses the library to calculate the first 1000 elements of the Fibonacci sequence.


#include “bn.h”

int main() {
char buf[1000];
bn_t a = bn_alloc();
bn_t b = bn_alloc();

bn_fromString(a, “0”);
bn_fromString(b, “1”);

for (int i = 0; i < 1000; i++) { bn_toString(a, buf, sizeof(buf)); printf("%2d: %s\n", i, buf); bn_add(a, a, b); bn_t t = a; a = b; b = t; } Figure 2: Calculating the first 1000 Fibonacci numbers. 2 Calculator Word Description Decimal number Decimal numbers consist of a sequence of one or more decimal digits ('0'–'9'). For postgraduate students, the number may be preceded by a sign ('-' or '+'). When processed, the input number is converted into a bignum which is pushed to the stack. +, -, or * Pops two values from the stack and pushes their sum, difference, or product back to the stack. in the case of subtraction, the bignum at the stack top is subtracted from the value below it. For example, the sequence ''5 3 -'' leaves the number 2 at the top of the stack. dup Copies the value of the bignum at the top of the stack and pushes the duplicate value into the stack. pop Pops a bignum from the top of the stack. print Prints the value of the bignum at the top of the stack followed by a newline ('\n'). swap Swaps the order of the two bignums at the top of the stack. dump Prints the contents of the stack, one bignum per line, starting from the stack top. The stack is not modified. clear Clears the stack. Table 1: Calculator syntax. The calculator uses the library you developed to evaluate arithmetic expressions and display the results. The input consists of a sequence of words separated by one or more white spaces. (Technically, a white space character is a character for which isspace() returns TRUE.) Table 1 summarises the words that the calculator recognises. 3 2.1 Error Handling In case of error, your calculator should issue an error message. The message should be printed to stderr and should start with the word ‘Error’. 2.2 Examples Input Output 3 5 + print 8 3 5 + print 8 3 dup * print dup * print dup * print 9 81 6561 3 5 - print 0 (undergraduates) -2 (postgraduates) 3 Submission Guideline You should submit a tar or a tgz file. When the contents of the file is extracted, it creates a single folder whose name is your a number. The folder should contain a Makefile and all of the sources required for building your library and calculator. Running make in the folder should create the library libbn.a and the binary calc. It may also create other intermediate files, e.g. object files. Make should compile all the sources with -Wall, and the compilation should issue no warnings. (Note that you may only use C for the assignment). We will provide a test program that you can use to perform some sanity tests on your submission. 4 Library Interface bn_t bn_alloc(void) void bn_free(bn_t bn) int bn_add(bn_t result, bn_t a, bn_t b) int bn_sub(bn_t result, bn_t a, bn_t b) int bn_mul(bn_t result, bn_t a, bn_t b) int bn_fromString(bn_t bn, const char *str) int bn_toString(bn_t bn, char *buf, int buflen) int bn_IAmAnUndergrad() Sample Implementation An Example Calculator Error Handling Examples Submission Guideline