程序代写代做代考 data structure Haskell Erlang Advanced Programming – QuickCheck for Erlang and Haskell

Advanced Programming – QuickCheck for Erlang and Haskell

Advanced Programming
QuickCheck for Erlang and Haskell

Ken Friis Larsen

Department of Computer Science
University of Copenhagen

October 25, 2018

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Today’s Program

I Testing complex data-structures

I Testing stateful programs

I QuickCheck in Haskell

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QuickCheck recap

I Testing is a cost-effective way to help us assess the correctness
of our code. However, writing test cases are boring (and
sometimes hard).

I We need to come up with good input data — instead, generate
random data (from a suitable distribution).

I Often we write many test for the same underlying idea —
instead, write down that underlying idea (property) and
generate test cases from that.

I QuickCheck motto: don’t write a unit test-suite – generate it.

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Testing Data Structure Libraries

I dict: purely functional key-value store
I new()
I store(Key,Value,Dict)
I fetch(Key, Dict)
I . . .

I Even though Erlang exposes the internal representation, we
can’t really use it
I Complex representation
I Complex invariants
I We’ll just test the API

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Keys Should Be Unique

I There should be no duplicate keys

no_duplicates(Lst) ->
length(Lst) =:= length(lists:usort(Lst)).

prop_unique_keys() ->


I We need a generator for dicts

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Generating dicts

I Generate dicts using the API

dict_0() ->

?LET({K,V,D},{key(), value(), dict_0()},


I Generate dicts symbolically

dict_1() ->

?LET(D, dict_1(),


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Properties for Symbolic Values

prop_unique_keys() ->


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Improving our generator

I We can use frequency to generate more interesting dicts
dict_2() ->

{4,?LET(D, dict_2(),


I We use ?LETSHRINK to get better counterexamples

dict_3() ->


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Test your understanding: Generators

I Write a symbolic generator for dicts that will also generate
calls to dict:erase(K, D).

I dict_4() ->


?LET(K, key_from(D),


key_from(D) ->

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Testing Aginst Models

I A dict should behave like a list of key-value pairs

I Thus, we implement a model of dicts

model(Dict) ->

model_store(K,V,L) ->

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Commuting Diagrams









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Commuting Property

prop_store() ->


Dict = eval(D),


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Testing Aginst The Right Model

I A dict should behave like a list of key-value pairs

I Thus, we implement a model of dicts as proplists

I But we must make sure that our models have a canonical form,
that the lists should always be sorted.

model(Dict) ->

model_store(K,V,L) ->
L1 = proplists:delete(K,L),

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Test your understanding: Extending the model

I What do we need to do to support the erase function in the
model based testing?

I Make a model version of erase:

model_erase(K,L) ->

I Make a new property:

prop_erase() ->
?FORALL(D, dict(),

?LET(K, key_from(D),

Dict = eval(D),


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Process Registry

I Erlang provides a local name server to find node services
I register(Name,Pid) associate Pid with Name
I unregister(Name) remove any association for Name
I whereis(Name) look up Pid associated with Name

I Another key-value store
I Test against a model as before

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Stateful Interfaces

I The state is an implicit argument and result of every call
I We cannot observe the state, and map it into a model state
I We can compute the model state, using state transition functions
I We detect test failures by observing the results of API calls

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Testing Stateful Interfaces

I The commercial version of Erlang QuickCheck provides special
support for checking stateful interfaces, this is done via
callback modules.

I See the module eqc_statem (you can download the full version
and read the documentation.)

I For use in this course you the library apqc_statem which
should be API compatible with a subset of eqc_statem.

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QuickCheck CI

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Stateful Test Cases

I Test cases are sequences of commands taking us from one state
to the next

prop_registration() ->

{H,S,Res} = run_commands(?MODULE,Cmds),
equals(Res, ok)


I The model (aka abstract state machine) of the system under
test, is defined in a callback module.

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“Statem” Behaviour

-type call() :: {call, module(), atom(), [expr()]}.
-type command() :: {‘set’, var(), call()}

| {‘init’, sym_state()}.
-type dyn_state() :: any().
-type sym_state() :: any().
-type var() :: {var, pos_integer()}.

-callback initial_state() -> sym_state().
-callback command(sym_state()) -> eqc_gen:gen(call()).
-callback precondition(sym_state() | dyn_state(), call())

-> boolean().
-callback postcondition(dyn_state(), call(), term())

-> boolean().
-callback next_state(sym_state() | dyn_state(),

var() | any(),
call()) -> sym_state() | dyn_state().

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Register Example: Modelling the State

-type proplist() :: [{atom(), term()}].

-type model_state() ::
#{ pids := [pid()] % list of spawned pids
, regs := proplist() % list of registered names

-spec initial_state() -> model_state().
initial_state() ->

#{pids => [], regs => []}.

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Generating Commands

I It’s straightforward to generate commands:

command(S) ->
[{call,erlang,register, [name(),pid(S)]},

I But how do we generate a valid pid in a given state?

spawn() ->
spawn(fun() -> receive after 30000 -> ok end end).

pid(#{pids := Pids}) ->

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Better Generation of commands

command(#{pids := Pids} = S) ->
[{call,erlang,register, [name(),pid(S)]}
|| Pids /= []]


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State Transitions

next_state(#{pids := Pids} = S, V,
{call,?MODULE,spawn,[]}) ->

S#{pids := Pids ++ [V]};

next_state(#{regs := Regs} = S, _V,
{call,_,register,[Name,Pid]}) ->

S#{regs := [{Name,Pid} | Regs]};

next_state(#{regs := Regs} = S, _V,
{call, _, unregister, [Name]}) ->

S#{regs := lists:keydelete(Name, 1, Regs)};

next_state(S,_V,_) ->

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Callback summary

I command and precondition, used during test generation and

I postcondition used during test execution to check that the
result of each command satisfies the properties that it should

I initial_state and next_state, used during both test
generation and test execution to keep track of the state of the
test case.

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Meanwhile, back in the land
of Haskell. . .

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I We have implemented a module for skew heaps, and we want to
test it

I The interface

module SkewHeap
( Tree(..)
, empty
, minElem
, insert
, deleteMin
, toList
, fromList
, size


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Symbolic Expressions

data Opr = Insert Integer
| DeleteMin
deriving Show

data SymbolicHeap = SymHeap [Opr]
deriving Show

eval (SymHeap ops) = foldl op SH.empty ops
where op h (Insert n) = SH.insert n h

op h DeleteMin = SH.deleteMin h

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Generating Symbolic Expressions

instance Arbitrary Opr where
arbitrary = frequency [ (2, do n <- arbitrary; return (Insert n)) , (1, return DeleteMin)] instance Arbitrary SymbolicHeap where arbitrary = fmap SymHeap arbitrary shrink (SymHeap oprs) = map SymHeap (shrink oprs) 29 / 39 Making a Model model :: SH.Tree Integer -> [Integer]
model h = List.sort (SH.toList h)

(f `models` g) h =
f (model h) === model (g h)

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Commuting Diagrams for Operations

prop_insert n symHeap =
((List.insert n) `models` SH.insert n) h
where h = eval symHeap

prop_deleteMin symHeap =
SH.size h>0 ==> (tail `models` SH.deleteMin) h
where h = eval symHeap

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Testing Algebraic Data Types

How can we generate random expressions for checking that Add is

data Expr = Con Int
| Add Expr Expr

deriving (Eq, Show, Read, Ord)

value :: Expr -> Int
value (Con n) = n
value (Add x y) = value x + value y

prop_com_add x y = value (Add x y) == value (Add y x)

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Generating Exprs

I Our first attempt
expr = oneof [liftM Con arbitrary,

liftM2 Add expr expr]

instance Arbitrary Expr where
arbitrary = expr

is correct,

I … but may generate humongous expressions.
I Instead we should generate a sized expression

expr = sized exprN

exprN 0 = liftM Con arbitrary
exprN n = oneof [liftM Con arbitrary,

liftM2 Add subexpr subexpr]
where subexpr = exprN (n `div` 2)

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Test your understanding: Check that minus is


I Add constructor and extend eval.

I Extend data generator:

expr = sized exprN
exprN 0 = liftM Con arbitrary
exprN n = oneof [liftM Con arbitrary,

liftM2 Add subexpr subexpr,
liftM2 Minus subexpr subexpr

where subexpr = exprN (n `div` 2)

I Write a property

prop_com_minus x y =
eval (Minus x y) == eval (Minus y x)

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Shrinking in Haskell

I The Arbitrary type class also specify the function shrink

shrink :: a -> [a]

Which should produces a (possibly) empty list of all the possible
immediate shrinks of the given value.

I For Exprs

instance Arbitrary Expr where
arbitrary = sized exprN
where expr N 0 = …

shrink (Add e1 e2) = [e1, e2]
shrink (Minus e1 e2) = [e1, e2]
shrink _ = []

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Generating functions and images

import Test.QuickCheck
import Codec.Picture
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as BL

instance Arbitrary PixelRGB8 where
arbitrary = PixelRGB8 <$> arbitrary <*> arbitrary

<*> arbitrary

genImage :: Gen (Image PixelRGB8)
genImage = do
f <- arbitrary -- a generated function (x, y) <- arbitrary `suchThat` ( \(x,y) -> x > 0 && y > 0 )
return $ generateImage f x y


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I Install Quviq Erlang QuickCheck

I Use symbolic commands

I Test against models

I Be careful with your specification

I Stateful interfaces can (and should) be tested with QuickCheck

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Course Evaluation
(This morning 40 out of 144 had answered)

Please give feedback on:

I Pre-lecture Quizes (I know I’ve not made these for all my

I Out of schema-group TA support (Robert in the canteen on

I OnlineTA for all assignments

I Extra focus on exam preparation

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I One week take-home project (2/11–9/11)

I Hand in via Digital Exam

I Check with OnlineTA before submission

I Max group size is 1 (one)

I (Please remember that the University have zero-tolerance policy
regarding exam fraud)

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