Project Assignment:
Start your project with part 2 (Database Implementation).
The project will have two parts:
Part1: Database design
Consider the following Supply Chain information system
description. The system should support a collaborative supply
chain composed of suppliers, manufacturers, shippers and end-
Items of different kinds are being moved in the the supply chain.
Manufacturers use Items of materials to manufacture Items of
products for customers. Suppliers supply Items of materials to
manufacturers; they also supply Items directly to Customers.
Shippers (e.g., UPS, Fedex etc) move items from one business
entity (supplier, manufacturer, customer etc) to another.
Items have a unique id and weight. Every business entity
(suppliers, manufacturers, customers etc.) is identified by its id,
and has a shipping location (to be used by Shippers for shipping
address, phone, web location, and contact information.
Every product item (e.g., a table) has a number of associated
material/part items in certain quantities necessary to produce 1
unit of the product item. For example,
a table product item, requires 1 table top item, 4 leg items and 8
screw items. Suppliers supply Items, using price per unit, which
may vary among different Suppliers for the same Item.
Suppliers have volume discount applied on the dollar amount
computed based on price per unit.
Volume discount is described by a percentage of deduction for
amount above a predetermined bound.
Manufacturers produce product Items; this production has an
associated setUpCost and product cost per unit.
Manufacturers may offer volume discounts to customers applied
the same way suppliers apply volume discounts.
Shippers price shipping services per pairs of (source, destination)
pairs, where sources and destinations are shipping locations of
business entities.
The pricing of each shipper is based on the total weight of
shipment from source to destination, using price per lb, and a
volume discount applied on the total dollar amount..
Customers have demand quantity for certain Items.
The orders are recorded separately for shipping, manufacturing
and supply.
Shipping orders capture information about a shipper, sender, and
receipient (who are business entities) and the Item being shipped,
and record the quantity of the Item shipped.
Manufacturing orders capture information about a manufacturer, a
manufactured Item and the ordered quantity; and
Supply orders capture information about a supplier, Item and the
quantity supplied.
1. Create an ER diagram, and specify all integrity constraints. If
some information is missing, suggest additional assumptions
and briefly explain their rationale.
2. Translate the ER design into CREATE TABLE definitions
using SQL, and add CHECK constraints as necessary
Part 2: Database implementation:
A. Create the following tables (using SQL) and populate them
with a database instance. For foreign key constraints definition,
note that suppliers, manufacturers, shippers, customers, senders
and recipients are business entities. Note also that product items,
and material items are items.
1. items(item,unitWeight)
⁃ item has unitWeight. Assume that all items,
including supplied and manufactured must
appear in this table.
2. busEntities(entity, shipLoc, address, phone, web,
⁃ every business entity has shipLoc (to be used
by shipping companies), address, phone,
web link, and contact info. Assume that all
business entities, including suppliers,
manufacturers and customers must appear in
this table.
3. billOfMaterials(prodItem, matItem, QtyMatPerItem)
⁃ to produce 1 unit of prodItem, manufacturers
need QtyPerItem units of matItems (e.g., if a
table (prodItem) needs 4 Legs (matItems),
QtyPerItem = 4)
4. supplierDiscounts(supplier, amt1, disc1, amt2,
⁃ supplier gives discount disc1 for purchase $
amount between amt1 and amt2, and disc2
for purchase amount above amt2. Note that
discounts will be expressed as fractions
rather then percentage, e.g., 0.15 rather than
15 (%).
5. supplyUnitPricing(supplier, item, ppu)
⁃ item supplied by sup has ppu (price per unit)
6. manufDiscounts(manuf, amt1, disc1)
⁃ manufacturer manuf gives discount disc1 for
manufacturing cost in excess of amt1 of the
base cost, which is computed according to
manufUnitPricing table – see below.
7. manufUnitPricing(manuf, prodItem, setUpCost,
⁃ For manufacturing of prodItem by manuf, the
manufacturer base cost is computed as
setUpCost plus the prodPricePerUnit times
the qty of the produced prodItem
8. shippingPricing(shipper, fromLoc, toLoc,
minPackagePrice, pricePerLb, amt1, disc1, amt2,
⁃ The shipping cost for a shipper from fromLoc
to toLoc is computed as follows:
⁃ determine the total weight of all items
shipped from fromLoc to toLoc (by all
senders at fromLoc to all recipients at
⁃ base cost: is computed based on total
weight of shipment and pricePerLb
⁃ discounted cost: then for amount
between amt1 and amt 2, disc 1 is
applied; and to the amount above amt2,
disc2 is applied
⁃ total cost: the maximum of
minPackagePrice and the discounted
9. customerDemand(customer, item, qty)
⁃ The demand by customer is qty units of item;
note that items may come from any
combination of manufacturers and/or
10. supplyOrders(item, supplier, qty)
⁃ qty units of item were ordered from supplier
11. manufOrders(item, manuf, qty)
⁃ qty units of item were ordered to be produced
by manuf
12. shipOrders(item, shipper, sender, recipient, qty)
⁃ qty units of item were requested to be
shipped by shipper from sender to recipient.
Note senders and recipients are business
entities such as suppliers, manufacturers and
B. Implement the following SQL views (use the given view
names), and generate the corresponding tables (by
materializing the views).
1. shippedVsCustDemand: For every (customer, item) pair in
customerDemand, compute the total qty of this item shipped
to this customer, along with the demand qty. Note that the
items may come from manufacturers and/or suppliers. The
resulting schema should be (customer, item, suppliedQty,
2. totalManufItems: For every (product) item in manufOrders,
compute the total qty of this item ordered from all
manufacturers. The resulting schema should be (item,
3. matsUsedVsShipped: For every manuf in manufOrders, and
matItem used by this manuf (i.e., manuf is ordered a
prodItem that requires a matItem according to
billOfMaterials) compute:
⁃ the total qty of this matItem requiered to produce all
(product) items ordered from this manuf,
⁃ the total qty of this matItem shipped by all shippers to
this manufacturer
The resulting schema should be (manuf, matItem,
requiredQty, shippedQty).
4. producedVsShipped: For every (item, manuf) in
manufOrders compute the total qty of this item shipped out
from this manuf (by all shippers to any recipient), along with
the total qty of this item ordered from this manufacturer (in
manufOrders). The resulting schema should be (item, manuf,
shippedOutQty, orderedQty)
5. suppliedVsShipped: For every (item, supplier) in
supplyOrders compute the total qty of this item shipped from
this supplier (by all shippers to any recipient), along with the
ordered qty of this item.
6. perSupplierCost: For each supplier in supplierDiscounts,
compute the total cost of items supplied by this supplier
(according to supplyOrders).
Clarification: to compute the perSupplierCost: (1) express
the cost before discount (summation of ppu*qty over all items
ordered from that supplier); (2) applying discount. For example,
assume that CostBeforeDiscount for supplier 17 is $2500; and
amt1=1000, disc1=0.1, amt2 = 2000, disc2 =0.2. The cost after
discount will be (1000 + (2000- 1000)*(1-0.1) +
(2500-2000)*(1-0.2) = 2300.
The resulting schema should be (supplier, cost)
7. perManufCost: For each manufacturer in manufDiscounts,
compute the total manufacturing cost of all items produced by this
manufacturer (according to manufOrders).
The resulting schema should be (manuf, cost).
8. perShipperCost: For each shipper in shippingPricing,
compute the total shipping cost of this shipper. The resulting
schema should be (shipper, cost).
9. totalCostBreakdown: Compute the total supply cost,
manufacturing cost, shipping cost, and the overall cost. The
resulting schema should be (supplyCost, manufCost,
shippingCost, totalCost)
C. Using the defined SQL views, implement the following
SQL queries:
1. Find customers, whose demand is NOT satisfied, i.e., are
not shipped all the quantities of items
2. Find suppliers, whose ers are not fully shipped out
3. Find manufacturers who do NOT have enough materials to
produce ordered product quantities, i.e., not enough
materials were shipped to them
4. Find manufacturers whose orders are not fully shipped out
Part 3: Bonus Option (do not attempt before all non-bonus parts
are implemented): Implement a web-based UI, that would allow
users to update the DB and ask selection/projection queries from
the defined views. You may want to use Oracle tools to do that.