程序代写代做代考 database SQL SQL



(Note that the character ‘#’ is used in examples throughout but in most cases is not legal in SQL.]


select some data (column name(s))

from some table(s) (table names(s))

where condition (retrieved tuple(s))

select s#, sname, city

from s

where status >= 20;

select * from s;

(we use * as shorthand for all columns of a table)

Creating a Table

create table tablename

(columnname format {, columnname format})

create table s

(s# char(4), sname varchar(20),

status smallint, city varchar(10));

create table s

(s# char(4),

sname varchar(20) not null,

status smallint default 10,

city varchar(10)

constraint spk

primary key (S#));

For the table SPJ we might include
constraint spjpk

primary key (s#, p#,j#)

constraint spjfk

foreign key (s#) references s(s#)



where i is precision (no. of decimal digits)and

j is scale (no. of digits after the decimal point)

e.g. CHARACTER(n), CHAR(n)


has values TRUE and FALSE (and UNKNOWN represented as NULL !?)

e.g. DATE yyyy-mm-dd


TIME hh:mm:ss

DATETIME e.g. ‘2004-02-24 11:35:16.999’


e.g. BIT(n), (BLOB, IMAGE)

Inserting rows into a table

insert into s

values (‘S8’, ‘STEIN’, 20, ‘SWANSEA’);

insert into s (s#, sname)

values (‘S9’, ‘STEIN’);

[Some DBMS implementations provide a copy command or similar function to allow an easy method to load data

into a table from a file. Be careful with some as they may bypass the normal integrity constraint checks!]

Selecting specific rows and columns from a table

selecting columns
select s#, sname, city from s;

selecting rows
select * from s where city = ‘LONDON’;

The where clause causes the table to be searched and the data satisfying the search-condition is


We can use AND and OR for multiple conditions (also NOT)

and we can use = <> < <= > >=

(and we can use + – * / ** in arithmetic expressions)

select sname, city from s

where (city = ‘LONDON’ or city = ‘PARIS’)

and status > 20;

not (city = ‘LONDON’);

city <> ‘LONDON’;

[A large number are usually available in most DBMS implementations.]

Type conversion
e.g. cast(expr as datatype)

e.g. abs(n), sin(n), sqrt(n)

e.g. concat(c1,c2), lower(c1), left(c1, n)

e.g. day(date), datediff(datepart, startdate, enddate)

Set (Aggregate)
e.g. count, sum, avg, max, min


LIKE Operator

% matches any string of zero or more characters

_ matches a single character

… where sname like ‘R%’

… where sname like ‘_R%’

… where module_code like ‘CS-M__’

… where notes like ‘%20\% discount%’ escape ‘\’

… where notes like ‘%20%% discount%’ escape ‘%’

BETWEEN Operator

select s#, sname, city

from s

where status between 20 and 40;

[where status >= 20 and status <=40] IN Operator select s#, sname, city from s where status in (10, 30, 50); IS NULL Operator ... where sname is null ... where sname is not null [... where not (sname is null)] Ordering Rows select sname, status, city from s where status >= 20

order by status asc, city desc;

Distinct Rows

select city select distinct city

from s; from s;

Table Correlation Names (Range Variables)

select sx.sname

from s sx

where sx.status >= 20;

[By default, a range variable exists with the same name as each table in the query.]

Find the name of suppliers whose status is greater than the status of supplier S5

select s1.sname

from s s1, s s2

where s1.status > s2.status

and s2.s# = ‘S5’;


Querying Multiple Tables (Join Query)

What are the names of parts supplied by supplier S3?

(we could think of the solution like this:

select p# P#

from spj —> P3

where s# = ‘S3’; P4

and then
select p#, pname P# pname

from p —> P3 SCREW

where p# = ‘P3’ P4 SCREW

or p# = ‘P4’;

But rather than two queries, we can use just one:

select p.p#, p.pname

from spj, p

where spj.s# = ‘S3’

and spj.p# = p.p#;

This illustrates how SQL is non-procedural (like relational calculus); we simple state the

conditions which define the data required.

Subqueries are, however, allowed

select p#, pname

from p

where p# = (we could have used in instead of =)

(select p#

from spj

where s# = ‘S3’);


select city from s union select city from j;

select city from s intersect select city from j;

select city from s except select city from j;

By default duplicates are removed from the result, however, duplicates are not removed when the

word all is added to the operator e.g.

select city from s union all select city from j;

Renaming attributes in result relation

select city as supplier_city from s;

Aggregate Functions
[Several further aggregate operators were added by the “online analytical processing” (OLAP) amendment.]

select avg(qty) as average_quantity

from spj;


select city, count(s#) as howmany

from s

group by city;

select s#, avg(qty) as average_quantity

from spj

group by s#;

select *

from spj

where qty >

(select avg(qty)

from spj;

Get part numbers for parts supplied by more than one supplier.

select p#

from spj

group by p#

having count(distinct s#) > 1;

The HAVING clause is used to eliminate/select groups (just as the WHERE clause is used to

eliminate/select rows).

DELETE Command

delete from s where s# = ‘S5’;

delete from s where city = ‘PARIS’;

delete from s; (Ooops!, we just deleted all the rows from S!)

To remove a table completely from the database we use the DROP TABLE statement:

drop table s;

UPDATE Command

update s

set status = 5

where city = ‘LONDON’;

update s

set status = status + 5,

city = ‘SWANSEA’

where s# <> ‘S3’ or s# <> ‘S5’;

What exactly does that last update do? (Just testing you are awake?)

What would it do if the “or” was replaced with an “and”?


alter table s

add address varchar(100);

alter table s

drop address;


Use of Subselects with Create Table and Insert

create table highstatus

as select * from s where status >= 20;

create table spnames (suppname, partname)

as select distinct sname, pname from s, spj, p

where s.s# = spj.s# and spj.p# =p.p#;

insert into highstatus

select * from s where status = 10;

Insert a supplier S6 STEIN SWANSEA with the same status as supplier S2

insert into s (S#, sname, status, city)

select ‘S6’, ‘STEIN’, status, ‘SWANSEA’

from s where s# =’S2′;

EXISTS Operator

The exists operator (corresponding to the existential quantifier from relational calculus) takes the

form exists (subquery) and it evaluates to “true” if and only if the set represented by

subquery is non-empty.

select distinct s.sname

from s

where exists (

select * from spj

where spj.s# = s.s# and spj.p# = ‘P2’);

(i.e. get the names of suppliers who supply part P2)

We can also use not exists.

SQL does not include direct support for the universal quantifier, FORALL, hence “FORALL-

queries” typically have to be expressed in terms of EXISTS and double negation e.g. Get supplier

names for suppliers who supply all the parts

select distinct s.sname

from s

where not exists (

select * from p

where not exists (

select * from spj

where spj.s# = s.s# and spj.p# = p.p#));

(i.e. get the names of suppliers such that there is not a part they do not supply)

ALL or ANY Conditions

(a) Which supplier makes at least one shipment with quantity >= 300?

(b) Which supplier makes all shipments with quantity >= 300?

select s# from spj spj1

where 300 <= any [<= all for (b)] (select qty from spj spj2 where spj2.s# = spj1.s#); Operator some is a synonym for any. The operator = any is equivalent to the operator in. 7 Joins select s.s#, s.sname, spj.p#, spj.qty from s, spj where s.s# = spj.s# We could lose information if a supplier does not currently supply a part select s.s#, s.sname, spj.p#, spj.qty from s left join spj on s.s# = spj.s#; We also have right join and full join (with optional use of word outer). (First example above is an inner join.) Views Views (derived relations) are virtual tables. They operate like tables but hold no data of their own. Views serve three main purposes: they simplify data access they provide data independence they provide data privacy create view ls as select s#, sname, status from s where city = 'LONDON'; We can now use SQL to operate on ls as though it were a table create view pqty (p#, pname, totqty) as select spj.p#, p.pname, sum(spj.qty) from spj, p where p.p# =spj.p# group by spj.p#, p.pname; create view biqpqty as select * from pqty where totqty > 1500;

Views allow the same data to be seen by different users in different ways (at the same time).

To delete a view definition use drop view viewname

One approach to view implementation is query modification, for example,

select sname from ls where status > 10;

select sname from s where status > 10 and city = ‘LONDON’;

Updating Views

Updating of views is complicated and can be ambiguous. For example, … (see later handout on

Updating Views).


(Commonly known as materialized views (and also indexed views) – a contradiction in

terminology!?) They are real, not virtual. Normally held as a ‘read only’ relation and refreshed at

regular intervals.


Null Values in Tuples

[The SQL 2003 Standard says the following about NULL.
The null value: Every data type includes a special value, called the null value, sometimes denoted by the keyword

NULL. This value differs from other values in the following respects:

– Since the null value is in every data type, the data type of the null value implied by the keyword

NULL cannot be inferred; hence NULL can be used to denote the null value only in certain

contexts, rather than everywhere that a literal is permitted.

– Although the null value is neither equal to any other value nor not equal to any other value – it is

unknown whether or not it is equal to any given value – in some contexts, multiple null values are

treated together; for example, the treats all null values together. ]

Nulls can have multiple interpretations, for example:

 the attribute does not apply to this tuple

 the attribute values for this tuple is unknown

 the value is known but absent, i.e. it has not been recorded yet.

not applicable e.g. house name in an address

unknown e.g. height in a person table

missing e.g. telephone number in a person table

(all three interpretations could apply to the telephone number)

Nulls can lead to problems with


specifying join operations

accounting for them when aggregate operators (e.g. Count, Sum) are used

SQL does not differentiate between the different meanings of null. In general each null is

considered to be different from every other null in the database. When a null is involved in a

comparison operation, the result is considered to be unknown (it may be true or it may be false).

Hence, SQL uses a three-valued logic with values true, false and unknown instead of the normal

two-valued logic (with values true and false). It is therefore necessary to define the results of

three-valued logical expressions when the logical connectives and, or and not are used.





In select/project/join queries, the general rule is that only those combinations of tuples that

evaluate the logical expression of the query to true are selected. Tuple combinations that evaluate

to false or unknown are not selected. However, there are exceptions to that rule for certain

operations, such as outer joins.

SQL allows queries that check whether an attribute value is null. Rather than using = or <> to

compare an attribute value to null, SQL uses is or is not. [Many database implementations also

provide a function such as ifnull(a, b) which returns the value b if the value of a is null, otherwise

it returns the value of a.]