CISC 108: Introduction to Computer Science I, Spring 2016 Exam 1
You have 75 minutes to complete the exam. You may have with you a single piece of
paper with notes on both sides. You may have only your sheet of notes, a single
writing implement, and the exam on your desk (e.g., no cell phones, laptops, water
bottles, etc.).
You do not need to show contracts, signatures, purposes, templates, or test cases
unless specifically asked. However, they may help you earn partial credit if you can
not provide a complete solution.
Question 0 (20 points)
Question 1 (10 points)
Question 2 (20 points)
Question 3 (20 points)
Question 4 (15 points)
Question 5 (15 points)
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CISC 108: Introduction to Computer Science I, Spring 2016 Exam 1
Question 0: Terminology (20 points, 1 each)
Match the term to the BEST letter. Some letters may not be used (choose “Z: None of the
above”). Some letters may be used more than once (choose any one).
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____ comment
____ interval
____ enumeration
____ itemization
____ parameter
____ argument
____ template
____ clause
____ constant
____ unit test
____ MarineAnimal
____ predicate
____ constructor
____ selector
____ structure definition
____ constant definition
____ function definition
____ signature
____ function call
____ boolean
;; a HealthNumber is a number between [1, 10]
;; where 1 is dead and 10 is excellent health.
(define-struct loc (lat lon))
;; make-loc: number number -> Loc
;; lat and lon are the latitude and longitude
;; GPS coordinates, respectively.
(define LOC1 (make-loc 39.68 75.75))
(define-struct fish (loc health size))
;; make-fish: Loc HealthNumber number -> Fish
;; loc is the fish’s current GPS coordinate
;; health is fish health, size is fish weight in oz.
(define FISH1 (make-fish LOC1 10 400))
;; a BirdLifeString is one of
;; “juvenile”, “egg-laying”, “foraging”, “geriatric”
(define-struct bird (loc health male? cycle))
;; make-bird: Loc HealthNumber boolean
;; BirdLifeString -> Bird
;; loc is the bird’s current GPS coordinate
;; health is bird health, male? is true if male,
;; otherwise female/false and cycle is the life
;; cycle state.
(define BIRD1 (make-bird LOC1 8 false “egg-laying”))
;; a MarineAnimal is
;; — a fish, or
;; — a bird.
(define (marine-animal-fun ama)
(cond [(fish? ama) (fish-fun ama)]
[(bird? ama) (bird-fun ama)]))
;; ma-loc: MarineAnimal –> Loc
(check-expect (ma-loc FISH1) LOC1)
(define (ma-loc ama)
(cond [(fish? ama) (fish-loc ama)]
[(bird? ama) (bird-loc ama)]))
CISC 108: Introduction to Computer Science I, Spring 2016 Exam 1
Question 1: Simple Function (10 points)
Design a function celsius->fahrenheit that converts temperatures in degrees Celsius to
temperatures in degrees Fahrenheit. For reference, a temperature T in degrees Fahrenheit (°F) is equal
to the temperature T in degrees Celsius (°C) times 9/5 plus 32.
Show the signature/contract, purpose, test(s), and definition for the function.
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CISC 108: Introduction to Computer Science I, Spring 2016 Exam 1
Question 2: Cond (20 points)
Beats per minute (BPM) is a unit typically used as a measure of tempo in music. For ease of use,
composers often use a set of basic tempo markings to indicate how quickly a piece of music should be
Develop a function classify that consumes the BPM for a song and produces a corresponding tempo
marking according to the following chart:
Show the signature, test(s), and function definition, including any additional data definitions you require.
BPM Tempo Marking
<76 Largo 76–120 Andante 121–168 Allegro >168 Presto
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CISC 108: Introduction to Computer Science I, Spring 2016 Exam 1
Question 3: Data Definitions and Templates (20 points)
Consider a Reminders app that allows users to set a reminder to go off either on a specific date and time
or when arriving or leaving a location. All reminders are handled in a single unified interface. A time
reminder records the reminder text, the date, and the time of the reminder. A location reminder records
the GPS location (as two numbers, latitude and longitude), the reminder text, and whether to remind
when you arrive or when you leave the location.
Develop data definitions for Reminder and either TimeReminder or LocationReminder. Provide
additional data definitions for any other types that are necessary.
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CISC 108: Introduction to Computer Science I, Spring 2016 Exam 1
Question 4: Structures (15 points)
Consider the following definitions for a date:
(define-struct date (day month year))
;; make-date: DayNumber MonthNumber YearNumber -> Date
;; interp: day is the day [0, 31]
;; month is the month [1, 12]
;; year is the year [>= 0]
a position:
(define-struct location (latitude longitude))
;; make-posn Number Number -> Location
;; interp: latitude is the latitude component
;; longitude is the longitude component
and an event:
(define-struct event (when where))
;; make-event: Date Location -> Event
;; interp: when is date of the event
;; where is the location of the event
Design a function conflict? that consumes two events and produces true if the events have the same
date and false otherwise.
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CISC 108: Introduction to Computer Science I, Spring 2016 Exam 1
Question 5: Lists (15 points)
(1) [2 pts] Is the following a correct (well-formed) recursive data definition? Circle your answer.
;; a ListOfBoolean is
;; — empty
a. No, it does not have a self-referential case
b. No, it does not have a base case
c. No, it does not have a self-referential case or a base case
d. Yes, it is a correct recursive data definition
(2) [2 pts] Is the following a correct (well-formed) recursive data definition? Circle your answer.
;; a ListOfWidget is
;; —- empty
;; — (cons Widget ListOfWidget)
a. No, it does not have a self-referential case
b. No, it does not have a base case
c. No, it does not have a self-referential case or a base case
d. Yes, it is a correct recursive data definition
(3) [11 pts] Design a function called count-evens that consumes a list of numbers and counts how
many even numbers are in the given list. You may use the function even? to check whether a given
number is even.
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James Clause
You will not have a questions about lists