Com 4521 Parallel Computing with GPUs: Lab 07
Spring Semester 2018
Dr Paul Richmond
Lab Assistants: John Charlton and Robert Chisholm
Department of Computer Science, University of Sheffield
Learning Outcomes
Understanding the limitations of atomic operations on the Kepler architecture.
Understanding how to use recursive kernel calls to implement a parallel reduce type problem.
Understanding how to use shared memory to improve the performance of a parallel reduction
Understanding how to use warp shuffling to perform a parallel reduction problem.
How to compare and contrast approaches through benchmarking.
Lab Background
It’s the future… and the popularity of COM4521 has grown almost out of control. The file
‘COM4521.dat’ contains records of student assignment marks. The purpose of the exercise is to
calculate the maximum mark and the student who achieved this mark. The starting code in the file
‘’ contains a naïve implementation of an atomic approach which creates a critical
atomic section to compare each individual mark with a global maximum mark. The performance of
this kernel is terrible as it serialises access to the global variable for each student record. We are going
to try a number of alternative solutions to see which is the most effective.
Exercise 01
The starting code contains a function readRecords which reads the student assessment data from
the provided file and stores it in an array of (student_record) structures. We know from the
previous week’s exercises that an array of structures is a poor choice of memory layout for GPU
memory access so an additional structure of arrays (student_records) has been provided.
1.1 Complete the placeholder comment by implementing a method to convert the array of structure
(recordsAOS) data into structure of array format. The resulting structure of array can be saved
into the host memory allocated to the h_records pointer.
1.2 You should now be able to compile and execute the program in release mode to note the
performance of the naïve atomic approach. Record your result in Table 1.
Exercise 02
There is no need to create a new project for this lab we will implement all of our code within the same
sources files in a single project.
A placeholder function has been created to allow you to implement an improved recursive method of
calculating the maximum mark and associated student. Complete the maximumMark_recursive
function and kernel (in kernels.cuh) by implementing the following;
2.1 Each thread should load a student record into shared memory using a student_record
structure to hold the data (there is no penalty for array of structure reading from shared memory).
Synchronise the threads to ensure shared memory is fully populated.
2.2 For evenly numbered threads, read in two records from shared memory (the record saved by the
thread and the record saved by the proceeding thread). Compare these values to find the
maximum and write the maximum value to the d_records_result array so that it is compact
(resulting in an array with half the number of values as the input data in d_records).
2.3 Implement the host side code to repetitively call maximumMark_recursive_kernel. If you
have not statically defined the shared memory size you will need to pass this as a third argument
in the kernel launch configuration. The first call should have NUM_RECORDS in the input array.
The final call should result in THREADS_PER_BLOCK values in the resulting array. You will need
to swap the outputs from a previous kernel call to be the new input and vice versa. Hint: use a
temporary pointer.
2.4 Move the final THREADS_PER_BLOCK values from the GPU to CPU memory (in the memory
allocated to h_records_result).
2.5 Reduce the final THREADS_PER_BLOCK values using a loop on the CPU. Save the maximum
mark in the max_mark variable and the associated student id in the max_mark_student_id
variable. Execute your code in release mode and record the results in Table 1. Ensure that you get
the correct result (as given by the atomic version).
Exercise 03
The recursive method improves performance but can be drastically improved by reducing all of the
values that are saved to shared memory. A place holder function has been created to allow you to
implement an improved shared memory (SM) method of calculating the maximum mark and
associated student. Complete the maximumMark_SM function and kernel (in kernels.cuh) by
implementing the following;
3.1 As with the previous kernel, each thread should load a single student record into shared memory.
3.2 Implement a strided shared memory conflict free reduction. Hint: consult the lecture material.
3.3 For the first thread in the block write the reduced value to the d_reduced_records array so
that the result array contains a record for each thread block.
3.4 Within the maximumMark_SM host function implement a call to the kernel you have just
3.5 Copy back the reduced values from the GPU to CPU memory (in the memory allocated to
3.6 Reduce the final values using a loop on the CPU. Save the maximum mark in the max_mark
variable and the associated student id in the max_mark_student_id variable. Execute your
code in release mode and record the results in Table 1. Ensure that you get the correct result (as
given by the atomic version).
Exercise 04
For the final exercise we will consider the performance implications of using warp shuffles rather than
caching values in shared memory. Complete the maximumMark_shuffle function and kernel (in
kernels.cuh) by implementing the following; Important Note: For all of exercise 4 you will need to
build your code for compute mode 3.5 minimum to have shuffle instruction support.
4.1 Implement a warp shuffle reduction to find the maximum assignment mark and associated
student id. Shared memory is not required for this exercise. Hint: Make sure that your shuffle
instructions are not dependent on conditions as two threads must execute the same shuffle
instruction to exchange information.
4.2 Execute the shuffle kernel. Copy the final result back. Reduce the warp results on the CPU. Execute
your code in release mode and record the results in Table 1. Ensure that you get the correct result
(as given by the atomic version).
Table 1 – Performance Results
method Execution Time (ms)
If you have completed the exercise you can get help with your assignment or alternatively you could
consider how to improve the performance further for very large NUM_RECORDS values. This would
require recursively calling kernels where there is sufficient work (i.e. enough threads) for the GPU
rather than reading the data back after the first reduction. A much larger data file
(com4521_large.bin) has been provided for this purpose with 220 records. A solution for this will
not be provided.