COMP2610 – Information Theory – Lecture 11: Entropy and Coding
COMP2610 – Information Theory
Lecture 11: Entropy and Coding
Robert C. Williamson
Research School of Computer Science
1 L O G O U S E G U I D E L I N E S T H E A U S T R A L I A N N A T I O N A L U N I V E R S I T Y
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27 August 2018
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Brief Recap of Course (Last 6 Weeks)
How can we quantify information?
I Basic Definitions and Key Concepts
I Probability, Entropy & Information
How can we make good guesses?
I Probabilistic Inference
I Bayes Theorem
How much redundancy can we safely remove?
I Compression
I Source Coding Theorem, Kraft Inequality
I Block, Huffman, and Lempel-Ziv Coding
How much noise can we correct and how?
I Noisy-Channel Coding
I Repetition Codes, Hamming Codes
What is randomness?
I Kolmogorov Complexity
I Algorithmic Information Theory
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Brief Overview of Course (Next 6 Weeks)
How can we quantify information?
I Basic Definitions and Key Concepts
I Probability, Entropy & Information
How can we make good guesses?
I Probabilistic Inference
I Bayes Theorem
How much redundancy can we safely remove?
I Compression
I Source Coding Theorem, Kraft Inequality
I Block, Huffman, and Lempel-Ziv Coding
How much noise can we correct and how?
I Noisy-Channel Coding
I Repetition Codes, Hamming Codes
What is randomness?
I Kolmogorov Complexity
I Algorithmic Information Theory
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Brief Overview of Course (Next 6 Weeks)
How can we quantify information?
I Basic Definitions and Key Concepts
I Probability, Entropy & Information
How can we make good guesses?
I Probabilistic Inference
I Bayes Theorem
How much redundancy can we safely remove?
I Compression
I Source Coding Theorem, Kraft Inequality
I Block, Huffman, and Lempel-Ziv Coding
How much noise can we correct and how?
I Noisy-Channel Coding
I Repetition Codes, Hamming Codes
What is randomness?
I Kolmogorov Complexity
I Algorithmic Information Theory
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This time
Basic goal of compression
Key concepts: codes and their types, raw bit content, essential bit content
Informal statement of source coding theorem
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1 Introduction
What is Compression?
A Communication Game
What’s the best we can do?
2 Formalising Coding
Entropy and Information: A Quick Review
Defining Codes
3 Formalising Compression
Reliability vs. Size
Key Result: The Source Coding Theorem
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What is Compression?
Cn y rd ths mssg wtht ny vwls?
It is not too difficult to read as there is redundancy in English text.
(Estimates of 1-1.5 bits per character, compared to log2 26 ≈ 4.7)
Copyright Cambridge University Press 2003. On-screen viewing permitted. Printing not permitted.
You can buy this book for 30 pounds or $50. See for links.
24 2 — Probability, Entropy, and Inference
abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz– y
abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz– y
(a) P (y | x) (b) P (x | y)
Figure 2.3. Conditional
probability distributions. (a)
P (y |x): Each row shows the
conditional distribution of the
second letter, y, given the first
letter, x, in a bigram xy. (b)
P (x | y): Each column shows the
conditional distribution of the
first letter, x, given the second
letter, y.
that the first letter x is q are u and -. (The space is common after q
because the source document makes heavy use of the word FAQ.)
The probability P (x | y =u) is the probability distribution of the first
letter x given that the second letter y is a u. As you can see in figure 2.3b
the two most probable values for x given y =u are n and o.
Rather than writing down the joint probability directly, we often define an
ensemble in terms of a collection of conditional probabilities. The following
rules of probability theory will be useful. (H denotes assumptions on which
the probabilities are based.)
Product rule – obtained from the definition of conditional probability:
P (x, y |H) = P (x | y,H)P (y |H) = P (y |x,H)P (x |H). (2.6)
This rule is also known as the chain rule.
Sum rule – a rewriting of the marginal probability definition:
P (x |H) =
P (x, y |H) (2.7)
P (x | y,H)P (y |H). (2.8)
Bayes’ theorem – obtained from the product rule:
P (y |x,H) = P (x | y,H)P (y |H)
P (x |H) (2.9)
P (x | y,H)P (y |H)”
y! P (x | y!,H)P (y! |H)
. (2.10)
Independence. Two random variables X and Y are independent (sometimes
written X!Y ) if and only if
P (x, y) = P (x)P (y). (2.11)
Exercise 2.2.[1, p.40] Are the random variables X and Y in the joint ensemble
of figure 2.2 independent?
If you see a “q”, it is very likely
to be followed with a “u”
The letter “e” is much more
common than “j”
Compression exploits
differences in relative probability
of symbols or blocks of symbols
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What is Compression?
Cn y rd ths mssg wtht ny vwls?
It is not too difficult to read as there is redundancy in English text.
(Estimates of 1-1.5 bits per character, compared to log2 26 ≈ 4.7)
Copyright Cambridge University Press 2003. On-screen viewing permitted. Printing not permitted.
You can buy this book for 30 pounds or $50. See for links.
24 2 — Probability, Entropy, and Inference
abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz– y
abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz– y
(a) P (y | x) (b) P (x | y)
Figure 2.3. Conditional
probability distributions. (a)
P (y |x): Each row shows the
conditional distribution of the
second letter, y, given the first
letter, x, in a bigram xy. (b)
P (x | y): Each column shows the
conditional distribution of the
first letter, x, given the second
letter, y.
that the first letter x is q are u and -. (The space is common after q
because the source document makes heavy use of the word FAQ.)
The probability P (x | y =u) is the probability distribution of the first
letter x given that the second letter y is a u. As you can see in figure 2.3b
the two most probable values for x given y =u are n and o.
Rather than writing down the joint probability directly, we often define an
ensemble in terms of a collection of conditional probabilities. The following
rules of probability theory will be useful. (H denotes assumptions on which
the probabilities are based.)
Product rule – obtained from the definition of conditional probability:
P (x, y |H) = P (x | y,H)P (y |H) = P (y |x,H)P (x |H). (2.6)
This rule is also known as the chain rule.
Sum rule – a rewriting of the marginal probability definition:
P (x |H) =
P (x, y |H) (2.7)
P (x | y,H)P (y |H). (2.8)
Bayes’ theorem – obtained from the product rule:
P (y |x,H) = P (x | y,H)P (y |H)
P (x |H) (2.9)
P (x | y,H)P (y |H)”
y! P (x | y!,H)P (y! |H)
. (2.10)
Independence. Two random variables X and Y are independent (sometimes
written X!Y ) if and only if
P (x, y) = P (x)P (y). (2.11)
Exercise 2.2.[1, p.40] Are the random variables X and Y in the joint ensemble
of figure 2.2 independent?
If you see a “q”, it is very likely
to be followed with a “u”
The letter “e” is much more
common than “j”
Compression exploits
differences in relative probability
of symbols or blocks of symbols
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Compression in a Nutshell
Data compression is the process of replacing a message with a smaller
message which can be reliably converted back to the original.
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A General Communication Game
Imagine the following game between Sender & Receiver:
Sender & Receiver agree on code for each outcome ahead of time
(e.g., 0 for Heads; 1 for Tails)
Sender observes outcomes then codes and sends message
Receiver decodes message and recovers outcome sequence
Sender Receiver
Coding Decoding
Heads, Tails, Heads, … Heads, Tails, Heads, …
Goal: Want small messages on average when outcomes are from a fixed,
known, but uncertain source (e.g., coin flips with known bias)
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Sneak peek: source coding theorem
Consider a coin with P(Heads) = 0.9. If we want perfect transmission:
Coding single outcomes requires 1 bit/outcome
Coding 10 outcomes at a time needs 10 bits, or 1 bit/outcome
Not very interesting!
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Sneak peek: source coding theorem
Consider a coin with P(Heads) = 0.9. If we want perfect transmission:
Coding single outcomes requires 1 bit/outcome
Coding 10 outcomes at a time needs 10 bits, or 1 bit/outcome
Not very interesting!
Things get interesting if we:
accept errors in transmission
allow variable length messages
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Sneak peek: source coding theorem
Consider a coin with P(Heads) = 0.9. If we want perfect transmission:
Coding single outcomes requires 1 bit/outcome
Coding 10 outcomes at a time needs 10 bits, or 1 bit/outcome
Not very interesting!
Things get interesting if we:
accept errors in transmission (this week)
allow variable length messages (next week)
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Sneak peek: source coding theorem
If we are happy to fail on up to 2% of the sequences we can ignore any
sequence of 10 outcomes with more than 3 tails
Why? The number of tails follows a Binomial(10, 0.1) distribution
There are only 176 < 28 sequences with 3 or fewer tails
So, we can just code those, and ignore the rest!
Coding 10 outcomes with 2% failure doable with 8 bits, or 0.8
Smallest bits/outcome needed for 10,000 outcome sequences?
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Sneak peek: source coding theorem
If we are happy to fail on up to 2% of the sequences we can ignore any
sequence of 10 outcomes with more than 3 tails
Why? The number of tails follows a Binomial(10, 0.1) distribution
There are only 176 < 28 sequences with 3 or fewer tails
So, we can just code those, and ignore the rest!
Coding 10 outcomes with 2% failure doable with 8 bits, or 0.8
Smallest bits/outcome needed for 10,000 outcome sequences?
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Generalisation: Source Coding Theorem
What happens when we generalise to arbitrary error probability, and
sequence size?
Source Coding Theorem (Informal Statement)
If: you want to uniformly code large sequences of outcomes with any
degree of reliability from a random source
Then: the average number of bits per outcome you will need is roughly
equal to the entropy of that source.
To define: “Uniformly code”, “large sequences”, “degree of reliability”,
“average number of bits per outcome”, “roughly equal”
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Generalisation: Source Coding Theorem
What happens when we generalise to arbitrary error probability, and
sequence size?
Source Coding Theorem (Informal Statement)
If: you want to uniformly code large sequences of outcomes with any
degree of reliability from a random source
Then: the average number of bits per outcome you will need is roughly
equal to the entropy of that source.
To define: “Uniformly code”, “large sequences”, “degree of reliability”,
“average number of bits per outcome”, “roughly equal”
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Generalisation: Source Coding Theorem
What happens when we generalise to arbitrary error probability, and
sequence size?
Source Coding Theorem (Informal Statement)
If: you want to uniformly code large sequences of outcomes with any
degree of reliability from a random source
Then: the average number of bits per outcome you will need is roughly
equal to the entropy of that source.
To define: “Uniformly code”, “large sequences”, “degree of reliability”,
“average number of bits per outcome”, “roughly equal”
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1 Introduction
What is Compression?
A Communication Game
What’s the best we can do?
2 Formalising Coding
Entropy and Information: A Quick Review
Defining Codes
3 Formalising Compression
Reliability vs. Size
Key Result: The Source Coding Theorem
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Entropy and Information: Recap
An ensemble X is a triple (x ,AX ,PX ); x is a random variable taking
values in AX = {a1, a2, . . . , aI} with probabilities PX = {p1, p2, . . . , pI}.
The information in the observation that x = ai (in the ensemble X ) is
h(ai) = log2
= − log2 pi
The entropy of an ensemble X is the average information
H(X ) = E[h(x)] =
pih(ai) =
pi log2
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Entropy and Information: Recap
An ensemble X is a triple (x ,AX ,PX ); x is a random variable taking
values in AX = {a1, a2, . . . , aI} with probabilities PX = {p1, p2, . . . , pI}.
The information in the observation that x = ai (in the ensemble X ) is
h(ai) = log2
= − log2 pi
The entropy of an ensemble X is the average information
H(X ) = E[h(x)] =
pih(ai) =
pi log2
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Entropy and Information: Recap
An ensemble X is a triple (x ,AX ,PX ); x is a random variable taking
values in AX = {a1, a2, . . . , aI} with probabilities PX = {p1, p2, . . . , pI}.
The information in the observation that x = ai (in the ensemble X ) is
h(ai) = log2
= − log2 pi
The entropy of an ensemble X is the average information
H(X ) = E[h(x)] =
pih(ai) =
pi log2
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What is a Code?
A source code is a process for assigning names to outcomes. The names
are typically expressed by strings of binary symbols.
We will denote the set of all finite binary strings by
{0, 1}+ def= {0, 1, 00, 01, 10, . . .}
Source Code
Given an ensemble X , the function c : AX → {0, 1}+ is a source code for
X . The number of symbols in c(x) is the length l(x) of the codeword for x .
The extension of c is defined by c(x1 . . . xn) = c(x1) . . . c(xn)
The code c names outcomes from AX = {r, g, b} by
c(r) = 00, c(g) = 10, c(b) = 11
The length of the codeword for each outcome is 2.
The extension of c gives c(rgrb) = 00100011
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What is a Code?
A source code is a process for assigning names to outcomes. The names
are typically expressed by strings of binary symbols.
We will denote the set of all finite binary strings by
{0, 1}+ def= {0, 1, 00, 01, 10, . . .}
Source Code
Given an ensemble X , the function c : AX → {0, 1}+ is a source code for
X . The number of symbols in c(x) is the length l(x) of the codeword for x .
The extension of c is defined by c(x1 . . . xn) = c(x1) . . . c(xn)
The code c names outcomes from AX = {r, g, b} by
c(r) = 00, c(g) = 10, c(b) = 11
The length of the codeword for each outcome is 2.
The extension of c gives c(rgrb) = 00100011
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Types of Codes
Let X be an ensemble and c : AX → {0, 1}+ a code for X . We say c is a:
Uniform Code if l(x) is the same for all x ∈ AX
Variable-Length Code otherwise
Another important criteria for codes is whether the original symbol x can
be unambiguously determined given c(x). We say c is a:
Lossless Code if for all x1, x2 ∈ AX we have x1 6= x2 implies
c(x1) 6= c(x2)
Lossy Code otherwise
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Types of Codes
Let X be an ensemble and c : AX → {0, 1}+ a code for X . We say c is a:
Uniform Code if l(x) is the same for all x ∈ AX
Variable-Length Code otherwise
Another important criteria for codes is whether the original symbol x can
be unambiguously determined given c(x). We say c is a:
Lossless Code if for all x1, x2 ∈ AX we have x1 6= x2 implies
c(x1) 6= c(x2)
Lossy Code otherwise
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Types of Codes
Examples: Let AX = {a, b, c, d}
1 c(a) = 00, c(b) = 01, c(c) = 10, c(d) = 11 is uniform lossless
2 c(a) = 0, c(b) = 10, c(c) = 110, c(d) = 111 is variable-length lossless
3 c(a) = 0, c(b) = 0, c(c) = 110, c(d) = 111 is variable-length lossy
4 c(a) = 00, c(b) = 00, c(c) = 10, c(d) = 11 is uniform lossy
5 c(a) = −, c(b) = −, c(c) = 10, c(d) = 11 is uniform lossy
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A Note on Lossy Codes & Missing Codewords
When talking about a uniform lossy code c for AX = {a, b, c} we write
c(a) = 0 c(b) = 1 c(c) = -
where the symbol - means “no codeword”. This is shorthand for “the
receiver will decode this codeword incorrectly”
For the purposes of these lectures, this is equivalent to the code
c(a) = 0 c(b) = 1 c(c) = 1
and the sender and receiver agreeing that the codeword 1 should always
be decoded as b
Assigning the outcome ai the missing codeword “-” just means “it is not
possible to send ai reliably”
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1 Introduction
What is Compression?
A Communication Game
What’s the best we can do?
2 Formalising Coding
Entropy and Information: A Quick Review
Defining Codes
3 Formalising Compression
Reliability vs. Size
Key Result: The Source Coding Theorem
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Lossless Coding
Example: Colours
Three colour ensemble with AX = {r, g, b}
with r twice as likely as b or g
pr = 0.5 and pg = pb = 0.25.
Suppose we use the following uniform lossless code
c(r) = 00; c(g) = 10; and c(b) = 11
For example c(rrgbrbr) = 00001011001100 will have 14 bits.
On average, we will use l(r)pr + l(g)pg + l(b)pb = 2 bits per outcome
2N bits to code a sequence of N outcomes
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Raw Bit Content
Uniform coding gives a crude measure of information: the number of bits
required to assign equal length codes to each symbol
Raw Bit Content
If X is an ensemble with outcome set AX then its raw bit content is
H0(X ) = log2 |AX |.
x c(x)
a 000
b 001
c 010
d 011
e 100
f 101
g 110
h 111
This is a uniform encoding of outcomes in
AX = {a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h}:
Each outcome is encoded using H0(X ) = 3 bits
The probabilities of the outcomes are ignored
Same as assuming a uniform distribution
For the purposes of compression, the exact codes
don’t matter – just the number of bits used.
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Lossy Coding
Example: Colours
Three colour ensemble with AX = {r, g, b}
pr = 0.5 and pg = pb = 0.25.
Using uniform lossy code:
c(r) = 0; c(g) = −; and c(b) = 1
c(rrrrrrr) = 0000000; c(rrbbrbr) = 0011010; c(rrgbrbr) = −
What is probability we can reliably code a sequence of N outcomes?
Given we can code a sequence of length N, how many bits are expected?
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Lossy Coding
Example: Colours
Three colour ensemble with AX = {r, g, b}
pr = 0.5 and pg = pb = 0.25.
Using uniform lossy code:
c(r) = 0; c(g) = −; and c(b) = 1
c(rrrrrrr) = 0000000; c(rrbbrbr) = 0011010; c(rrgbrbr) = −
What is probability we can reliably code a sequence of N outcomes?
Given we can code a sequence of length N, how many bits are expected?
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Lossy Coding
Example: Colours
What is probability we can reliably code a sequence of N outcomes?
P(x1 . . . xN has no g) = P(x1 6= g) . . .P(xN 6= g) = (1− pg)N
Given we can code a sequence of length N, how many bits are expected?
E[l(X1) + · · ·+ l(XN)|X1 6= g, . . . ,XN 6= g] =
E[l(Xn)|Xn 6= g]
=N (l(r)pr + l(b)pb) /(1− pg) = N
= N log2 |{r, b}|
since l(pr) = l(pb) = 1 and pr + pb = 1− pg.
c.f. 2N bits with lossless code
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Lossy Coding
Example: Colours
What is probability we can reliably code a sequence of N outcomes?
P(x1 . . . xN has no g) = P(x1 6= g) . . .P(xN 6= g) = (1− pg)N
Given we can code a sequence of length N, how many bits are expected?
E[l(X1) + · · ·+ l(XN)|X1 6= g, . . . ,XN 6= g] =
E[l(Xn)|Xn 6= g]
=N (l(r)pr + l(b)pb) /(1− pg) = N
= N log2 |{r, b}|
since l(pr) = l(pb) = 1 and pr + pb = 1− pg.
c.f. 2N bits with lossless code
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Lossy Coding
Example: Colours
What is probability we can reliably code a sequence of N outcomes?
P(x1 . . . xN has no g) = P(x1 6= g) . . .P(xN 6= g) = (1− pg)N
Given we can code a sequence of length N, how many bits are expected?
E[l(X1) + · · ·+ l(XN)|X1 6= g, . . . ,XN 6= g] =
E[l(Xn)|Xn 6= g]
=N (l(r)pr + l(b)pb) /(1− pg) = N
= N log2 |{r, b}|
since l(pr) = l(pb) = 1 and pr + pb = 1− pg.
c.f. 2N bits with lossless code
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Lossy Coding
Example: Colours
What is probability we can reliably code a sequence of N outcomes?
P(x1 . . . xN has no g) = P(x1 6= g) . . .P(xN 6= g) = (1− pg)N
Given we can code a sequence of length N, how many bits are expected?
E[l(X1) + · · ·+ l(XN)|X1 6= g, . . . ,XN 6= g] =
E[l(Xn)|Xn 6= g]
=N (l(r)pr + l(b)pb) /(1− pg) = N = N log2 |{r, b}|
since l(pr) = l(pb) = 1 and pr + pb = 1− pg.
c.f. 2N bits with lossless code
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Essential Bit Content
There is an inherent trade off between the number of bits required in a
uniform lossy code and the probability of being able to code an outcome
Smallest δ-sufficient subset
Let X be an ensemble and for 0 ≤ δ ≤ 1, define Sδ to be the smallest
subset of AX such that
P(x ∈ Sδ) ≥ 1− δ
For small δ, smallest collection of most likely outcomes
If we uniformly code elements in Sδ, and ignore all others:
We can code a sequence of length N with probability (1− δ)N
If we can code a sequence, its expected length is N log2 |Sδ|
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Essential Bit Content
There is an inherent trade off between the number of bits required in a
uniform lossy code and the probability of being able to code an outcome
Smallest δ-sufficient subset
Let X be an ensemble and for 0 ≤ δ ≤ 1, define Sδ to be the smallest
subset of AX such that
P(x ∈ Sδ) ≥ 1− δ
For small δ, smallest collection of most likely outcomes
If we uniformly code elements in Sδ, and ignore all others:
We can code a sequence of length N with probability (1− δ)N
If we can code a sequence, its expected length is N log2 |Sδ|
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Essential Bit Content
Intuitively, construct Sδ by removing elements of X in ascending order of
probability, till we have reached the 1− δ threshold
x P(x)
a 1/4
b 1/4
c 1/4
d 3/16
e 1/64
f 1/64
g 1/64
h 1/64
Outcomes ranked (high–low) by P(x = ai)
removed to make set Sδ with P(x ∈ Sδ) ≥ 1− δ
δ = 0 : Sδ = {a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h}
δ = 1/64 : Sδ = {a, b, c, d, e, f, g}
δ = 1/16 : Sδ = {a, b, c, d}
δ = 3/4 : Sδ = {a}
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Essential Bit Content
Intuitively, construct Sδ by removing elements of X in ascending order of
probability, till we have reached the 1− δ threshold
x P(x)
a 1/4
b 1/4
c 1/4
d 3/16
e 1/64
f 1/64
g 1/64
h 1/64
Outcomes ranked (high–low) by P(x = ai)
removed to make set Sδ with P(x ∈ Sδ) ≥ 1− δ
δ = 0 : Sδ = {a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h}
δ = 1/64 : Sδ = {a, b, c, d, e, f, g}
δ = 1/16 : Sδ = {a, b, c, d}
δ = 3/4 : Sδ = {a}
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Essential Bit Content
Intuitively, construct Sδ by removing elements of X in ascending order of
probability, till we have reached the 1− δ threshold
x P(x)
a 1/4
b 1/4
c 1/4
d 3/16
e 1/64
f 1/64
g 1/64
h 1/64
Outcomes ranked (high–low) by P(x = ai)
removed to make set Sδ with P(x ∈ Sδ) ≥ 1− δ
δ = 0 : Sδ = {a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h}
δ = 1/64 : Sδ = {a, b, c, d, e, f, g}
δ = 1/16 : Sδ = {a, b, c, d}
δ = 3/4 : Sδ = {a}
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Essential Bit Content
Intuitively, construct Sδ by removing elements of X in ascending order of
probability, till we have reached the 1− δ threshold
x P(x)
a 1/4
b 1/4
c 1/4
d 3/16
e 1/64
f 1/64
g 1/64
h 1/64
Outcomes ranked (high–low) by P(x = ai)
removed to make set Sδ with P(x ∈ Sδ) ≥ 1− δ
δ = 0 : Sδ = {a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h}
δ = 1/64 : Sδ = {a, b, c, d, e, f, g}
δ = 1/16 : Sδ = {a, b, c, d}
δ = 3/4 : Sδ = {a}
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Essential Bit Content
Trade off between a probability of δ of not coding an outcome and size of
uniform code is captured by the essential bit content
Essential Bit Content
For an ensemble X and 0 ≤ δ ≤ 1, the essential bit content of X is
Hδ(X )
= log2 |Sδ|
x P(x)
a 1/4
b 1/4
c 1/4
d 3/16
e 1/64
f 1/64
g 1/64
h 1/64
log2 P (x)!2!2.4!4!6
S0 S 116
0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9
25 / 28
Essential Bit Content
Trade off between a probability of δ of not coding an outcome and size of
uniform code is captured by the essential bit content
Essential Bit Content
For an ensemble X and 0 ≤ δ ≤ 1, the essential bit content of X is
Hδ(X )
= log2 |Sδ|
x P(x)
a 1/4
b 1/4
c 1/4
d 3/16
e 1/64
f 1/64
g 1/64
h 1/64
log2 P (x)!2!2.4!4!6
S0 S 116
0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9
25 / 28
The Source Coding Theorem for Uniform Codes
(Theorem 4.1 in MacKay)
Our aim next time is to understand this:
The Source Coding Theorem for Uniform Codes
Let X be an ensemble with entropy H = H(X ) bits. Given � > 0 and
0 < δ < 1, there exists a positive integer N0 such that for all N > N0
− H
∣∣∣∣ < �.
The term 1N Hδ(X
N) is the average number of bits required to
uniformly code all but a proportion δ of the symbols.
Given a tiny probability of error δ, the average bits per symbol can be
made as close to H as required.
Even if we allow a large probability of error we cannot compress more
than H bits ber symbol.
26 / 28
The Source Coding Theorem for Uniform Codes
(Theorem 4.1 in MacKay)
Our aim next time is to understand this:
The Source Coding Theorem for Uniform Codes
Let X be an ensemble with entropy H = H(X ) bits. Given � > 0 and
0 < δ < 1, there exists a positive integer N0 such that for all N > N0
− H
∣∣∣∣ < �. What? The term 1N Hδ(X N) is the average number of bits required to uniformly code all but a proportion δ of the symbols. Given a tiny probability of error δ, the average bits per symbol can be made as close to H as required. Even if we allow a large probability of error we cannot compress more than H bits ber symbol. 26 / 28 Some Intuition for the SCT Don’t code individual symbols in an ensemble; rather, consider sequences of length N. As length of sequence increases, the probability of seeing a “typical” sequence becomes much larger than “atypical” sequences. Thus, we can get by with essentially assigning a unique codeword to each typical sequence 27 / 28 Next time Recap: typical sets Formal statement of source coding theorem Proof of source coding theorem 28 / 28 Introduction Overview What is Compression? A Communication Game What's the best we can do? Formalising Coding Entropy and Information: A Quick Review Defining Codes Formalising Compression Reliability vs. Size Key Result: The Source Coding Theorem