Safari 浏览器
(require “simpleParser.scm”)
; definign a function that takes an input file
to be executed and returns a value
(define interpret
(lambda (filename)
((not (string? filename)) (error “File
name must be a string!”))
(else (lookupvar ‘M_state_return
(call/cc (lambda (return) (run
(parser filename) M_state_nullState return ‘()
‘() ‘()))))))))
; abstractions
(define getFirst car)
(define getAfterFirst cdr)
(define getSecond cadr)
(define getAfterSecond cddr)
(define getThird caddr)
(define getAfterThird cdddr)
(define getFourth cadddr)
(define addlayer cons)
(define emptyLayer ‘())
(define poplayer cdr)
(define topLayer car)
(define key car)
(define value getSecond)
(define M_state_nullState ‘(()))
(define addBinding cons)
(define bind list)
; defining a function for variable declaration
so that it returns the state after the
declaration statement
(define M_state_declaration
(lambda (dec state)
((null? (getAfterSecond dec))
(getAfterFirst dec) state))
(else (M_state_Declaration_updateBinding
(bind (getSecond dec) (M_value (getThird dec)
state)) state)))))
; defining a function that returns the value
of an expression
(define M_value
(lambda (exp state)
((number? exp) exp)
((eq? exp ‘#t) ‘true)
((eq? exp ‘#f) ‘false)
((symbol? exp) (lookupvar exp state))
((and (null? (getAfterSecond exp)) (eq?
(getFirst exp) ‘-)) (- 0 (M_value (getSecond
exp) state)))
((eq? (getFirst exp) ‘+) (+ (M_value
(getSecond exp) state) (M_value (getThird exp)
((eq? (getFirst exp) ‘-) (- (M_value
(getSecond exp) state) (M_value (getThird exp)
((eq? (getFirst exp) ‘*) (* (M_value
(getSecond exp) state) (M_value (getThird exp)
((eq? (getFirst exp) ‘/) (quotient
(M_value (getSecond exp) state) (M_value
(getThird exp) state)))
((eq? (getFirst exp) ‘%) (modulo
(M_value (getSecond exp) state) (M_value
(getThird exp) state)))
((or (eq? (getFirst exp) ‘==)
(or (eq? (getFirst exp) ‘<)
(or (eq? (getFirst exp) '>)
(or (eq? (getFirst exp)
(or (eq? (getFirst exp)
(or (eq? (getFirst
exp) ‘!=)
(or (eq?
(getFirst exp) ‘&&)
(or (eq?
(getFirst exp) ‘||)
(eq? (getFirst exp) ‘!)))))))))) (M_value
(M_bool exp state) state))
(else (error “unknown operator”)))))
; defining a function for assignment so that
it returns a state after the assignment
(define M_state_assignment
(lambda (asg state)
(M_state_Assignment_updateBinding (bind
(getSecond asg) (M_value (getThird asg)
state)) state)))
; defining a function for the return
whileReturn throwReturn statement that returns
the value of the expression being returned
(define M_state_return
(lambda (stmt state)
((null? (getSecond stmt)) (error
“Nothing to M_state_return”))
(else (M_state_Declaration_updateBinding
(bind ‘M_state_return (M_value (getSecond
stmt) state)) state)))))
; defining a function for throw so that
returns a state after throw
(define M_state_throw
(lambda (stmt state)
((null? (getSecond stmt)) (error
“Nothing to M_state_throw”))
(else (M_state_Assignment_updateBinding
(bind ‘throw (M_value (getSecond stmt) state))
; defining a function that returns a boolean
based on the input statement
(define M_bool
(lambda (stmt state)
((null? stmt) (error “Conditional
statement needed!”))
((eq? stmt ‘true) ‘#t)
((eq? stmt ‘false) ‘#f)
((symbol? stmt) (M_bool (lookupvar stmt
state) state))
((eq? (getFirst stmt) ‘==) (= (M_value
(getSecond stmt) state) (M_value (getThird
stmt) state)))
((eq? (getFirst stmt) ‘<) (< (M_value
(getSecond stmt) state) (M_value (getThird
stmt) state)))
((eq? (getFirst stmt) '>) (> (M_value
(getSecond stmt) state) (M_value (getThird
stmt) state)))
((eq? (getFirst stmt) ‘>=) (>= (M_value
(getSecond stmt) state) (M_value (getThird
stmt) state)))
((eq? (getFirst stmt) ‘<=) (<= (M_value
(getSecond stmt) state) (M_value (getThird
stmt) state)))
((eq? (getFirst stmt) '!=) (not (=
(M_value (getSecond stmt) state) (M_value
(getThird stmt) state))))
((eq? (getFirst stmt) '&&) (and (M_bool
(getSecond stmt) state) (M_bool (getThird
stmt) state)))
((eq? (getFirst stmt) '||) (or (M_bool
(getSecond stmt) state) (M_bool (getThird
stmt) state)))
((eq? (getFirst stmt) '!) (not (M_bool
(getSecond stmt) state)))
(else (error "Invalid conditional
; defining a function that returns a state
after an if statement
(define M_state_if
(lambda (stmt state return whileReturn
throwReturn breakReturn)
((M_bool (getSecond stmt) state)
(M_state (getThird stmt) state return
whileReturn throwReturn breakReturn))
((null? (getAfterThird stmt)) state)
(else (M_state (getFourth stmt) state
return whileReturn throwReturn
; defining a function that takes an initial
state and a list of statements and returns the
final state after runing the statements in the
(define run-cps
(lambda (stmtlis state return whileReturn
throwReturn breakReturn cpsreturn)
((null? stmtlis) (cpsreturn state))
((null? (getAfterFirst stmtlis))
(cpsreturn (M_state (getFirst stmtlis) state
return whileReturn throwReturn breakReturn)))
(else (cpsreturn (run-cps (getAfterFirst
stmtlis) (M_state (getFirst stmtlis) state
return whileReturn throwReturn breakReturn)
return whileReturn throwReturn breakReturn
; defining a wrapper for run-cps
(define run
(lambda (stmtlis state return whileReturn
throwReturn breakReturn)
(run-cps stmtlis state return whileReturn
throwReturn breakReturn (lambda (v) v))))
;defining a function that returns a state
after a while statement
(define M_state_while-cps
(lambda (stmt state return whileReturn
throwReturn breakReturn cpsreturn)
((definedInTopBinding (bind 'gotype
'break) state) (cpsreturn state))
((M_bool (getSecond stmt) state)
(cpsreturn (M_state_while-cps stmt (run
(getAfterSecond stmt) state return whileReturn
throwReturn breakReturn) return whileReturn
throwReturn breakReturn cpsreturn)))
(else (cpsreturn state)))))
;defining a wrapper for while-cps
(define M_state_while
(lambda (stmt state return whileReturn
throwReturn breakReturn)
(M_state_while-cps stmt state return
whileReturn throwReturn breakReturn (lambda
(v) v))))
(define returnit (lambda(v) v))
;defining a function that returns a state
after a statement
(define M_state
(lambda (stmt state return whileReturn
throwReturn breakReturn)
((null? stmt) state)
((eq? (getFirst stmt) 'var)
(M_state_declaration stmt state))
((eq? (getFirst stmt) '=)
(M_state_assignment stmt state))
((eq? (getFirst stmt) 'return) (return
(M_state_return stmt state)))
((eq? (getFirst stmt) 'throw) (if
(null? throwReturn) (error "Error: throw not
in try block") (throwReturn (M_state_throw
stmt state ))))
((eq? (getFirst stmt) 'if) (M_state_if
stmt state return whileReturn throwReturn
((eq? (getFirst stmt) 'while) (returnit
(call/cc (lambda (breakReturn) (M_state_while
stmt (M_state_Declaration_updateBinding (bind
'gotype 0) state) return whileReturn
throwReturn breakReturn)))))
((eq? (getFirst stmt) 'begin) (poplayer
(call/cc (lambda (whileReturn) (run
(getAfterFirst stmt) (addlayer emptyLayer
state) return whileReturn throwReturn
((eq? (getFirst stmt) 'continue)
(whileReturn (M_state_Assignment_updateBinding
(bind 'gotype 'continue) state)))
((eq? (getFirst stmt) 'break)
(breakReturn (poplayer
(M_state_Assignment_updateBinding (bind
'gotype 'break) state))))
((eq? (getFirst stmt) 'try) (M_state_try
stmt state return whileReturn throwReturn
(else (error "Invalid statements")))))
; abstraction
(define tryBody getSecond)
(define catchBody getThird)
(define finalBody cadddr)
; defining a function for catch so that
returns a state after catch
(define M_state_catch
(lambda (stmt state return whileReturn
throwReturn breakReturn)
(if (null? stmt) state
(if (equal? (lookupvar 'throw state)
(run (catchBody stmt)
(M_state_Declaration_updateBinding (bind
(catchVar stmt) (lookupvar 'throw state))
return whileReturn throwReturn
; abstraction
(define finalStmt getSecond)
(define catchVar caadr)
(define catchStmt getThird)
; defining a function for finally so that
returns a state after finally
(define M_state_final
(lambda (stmt state return whileReturn
throwReturn breakReturn)
(if (null? stmt) state
(run (finalStmt stmt) state return
whileReturn throwReturn breakReturn))))
; defining a function for try statement so
that it returns a state after try statement
(define M_state_try
(lambda (stmt state return whileReturn
throwReturn breakReturn)
(M_state_final (finalBody stmt)
(M_state_catch (catchBody stmt) (call/cc
(lambda (throwReturn)
(run (tryBody stmt)
(M_state_Declaration_updateBinding (bind
'throw 'none) state) return whileReturn
throwReturn breakReturn)))
return whileReturn
throwReturn breakReturn)
return whileReturn throwReturn
; the following are functions written to hide
state implementation from the rest of
; This implementation of the state is a list
of list of pairs, each list of pairs is a
; each pair contains a variable name and its
; defining a function that updates the
bindings in a given state in a delaration
(define M_state_Declaration_updateBinding
(lambda (binding state)
((assq (key binding) (topLayer state))
(error "Variable already declared"))
(else (cons (addBinding binding
(topLayer state)) (getAfterFirst state))))))
; defining a function that updates the
bindings in a given state in a assignment
(define M_state_Assignment_updateBinding-cps
(lambda (binding state cpsreturn)
((null? state) (cpsreturn (error
"Variable not declared")))
((assq (key binding) (topLayer state))
(cpsreturn (cons (addBinding binding (topLayer
state)) (getAfterFirst state))))
(M_state_Assignment_updateBinding-cps binding
(getAfterFirst state) (lambda (v) (cpsreturn
(cons (topLayer state) v))))))))
; defining a wrapper for
(define M_state_Assignment_updateBinding
(lambda (binding state)
binding state (lambda(v) v))))
; defining a function that returns a value of
a variable if initialized or an error message
if not
(define lookupvar
(lambda (var state)
(if (findvar var state) (value (findvar
var state)) ((error "Variable not
; defining a function that returns boolean
indicating whether the binding defined in top
(define definedInTopBinding
(lambda (binding state)
(equal? (assq (key binding) (topLayer
state)) binding)))
; defining a function that adds a binding to
(define addBind
(lambda (binding state)
(cons (addBinding binding (topLayer
state)) (getAfterFirst state))))
; defining a function that finds the variable
in state
(define findvar-cps
(lambda (var state cpsreturn)
((null? state) (cpsreturn #f))
((assq var (topLayer state)) (cpsreturn
(assq var (topLayer state))))
(else (cpsreturn (findvar-cps var
(getAfterFirst state) cpsreturn))))))
; defining a wrapper for findvar-cps
(define findvar
(lambda (var state)
(findvar-cps var state (lambda(v) v))))
2018/3/29 02)09
第 1 ⻚页(共 1 ⻚页)