程序代写代做代考 Java algorithm interpreter data structure CMSC420 Project – Spring, 2018

CMSC420 Project – Spring, 2018

Draft Part 3, Version 3.1

The BIG 420 Project∗

Part 3 will be due at 11:59PM on max(syll , submit server) (plus 48 hour grace period)

Last Modified July 3, 2018


1 Introduction and General Overview 1

2 MeeshQuest Components 2

3 Roadmap 2

4 Part 3: Sorted Map, Treap, PM quadtrees, and True Delete 2

5 3D Spatial Structures 3

6 General XML Output 4
6.1 Commands for Part 3 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6

7 General Policies and Criteria for Submission 18
7.0.1 README file Contents . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18

7.1 Grading . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
7.1.1 Testing Process Details . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
7.1.2 Small, Yet Costly, Errors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18

7.2 Standard Disclaimer: Right to Fail (twice for emphasis!) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
7.3 Integrity Policy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19

7.3.1 Code Sharing Policy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20

1 Introduction and General Overview

Welcome to the third and final part of the Spring, 2018, edition of Dr. Hugue’s CMSC 420 project. This
project relies on specific knowledge of the part 1 and 2 specifications and builds on them in new and exciting
ways. A substantial portion of your grade in this course will be determined by your performance on several
programming assignments (collectively referred to as The Project). The time commitment required on your
part varies from student to student, but expect to spend a good bit of time planning as well as coding and
debugging each part of the projects.

∗Participation in this project may prove HAZARDOUS to your health. Unfortunately, failure to participate early and often

will definitely adversely affect your GPA. Take my advice. Start now, because you’re already behind. If you don’t believe me,

ask anyone who took CMSC 420 with Dr. Hugue.


2 MeeshQuest Components

By this point we suppose that you fully understand the mediator and dictionary structures. We also hope
that you have a working understanding of spatial data structures—because it’s time for you to design your

Part 3 will introduce the concept of zooming. We now add the additional concept of a metropole. A
metropole (also known as a metropolis – but alas, the plural metropolises is infinitely confusing) is a large
urban area that can contain many cities. For this project, each metropole will have its own unique collection
of cities and roads. A metropole has its own set of coordinates relative to other metropoles. Additionally,
each city will have its own set of coordinates relative to other cities in the same metropole. In order to avoid
confusion, whenever we refer to the coordinates of a metropole relative to other metropoles we will use the
term remote coordinates. Whenever we refer to the coordinates of a city relative to another city in the same
metropole, we will use the term local coordinates. A city has both remote coordinates (the coordinates of
its associated metropole) and local coordinates (the coordinates of its position relative to other cities in the
same metropole).

To give an example, suppose City A has remote coordinates (1, 2) and local coordinates (1, 0). Suppose
City B has remote coordinates (1, 2) and local coordinates (0, 0). City A and City B lie inside of the
same metropole because their remote coordinates are the same. However, City A and City B do not occupy
the same position inside of the metropole at remote coordinates (1, 2) because their local coordinates are

We will refer to the collection of remote coordinates as the remote spatial map, which represents the
metropoles positioned relative to each other. We will refer to the collection of cities and roads corresponding
to a particular metropole as a local spatial map. Note that this means that there is only one remote map,
but there is a local map for each metropole.

You may only map a road to another city in the same metropole, meaning you can hopefully use your PM
Quadtree in some way. To traverse between metropoles, we’re introducing a new meaning for the isolated
cities–they now correspond to “airports” that will take you between your metropole and another metropole.

Finally, you will also have to expand your data dictionary, allowing it to delete items from the Treap.
Your Treap also needs to implement the rest of the SortedMap interface.

3 Roadmap

This is a roadmap of the major component that we will use in each part of the project. An asterisk (*)
indicates that we will be reusing the structure from the previous project with little or no modification. ”i”
stands for insert, ”f” stands for find, and ”d” stands for delete. (The command parser will have new
commands added with each project, but the overall design need not change after project 1 unless you want
to make it more efficient or elegant.)

Part Dictionary Spatial Adj. List Application
1 Treemaps (i/f/d) PR Quad (i/f/d) n/a n/a Any implemen
2 Treap (i/f) PM3 Quadtree (i/f) Any (i/f/d) in O(log n) Dijkstra/Shortest Path
3 Treap (i/f/d) PR of PM1/3 Quadtrees (i/f/d) * MST

****NOTE: This roadmap is subject to change as the semester progresses.****

4 Part 3: Sorted Map, Treap, PM quadtrees, and True Delete

In part 2, you were asked to consider replacing your TreeMaps with Treaps.
In part 3, you’ll be asked to implement a (immediate) delete for your Treap. Unlike lazy deletion,

immediate deletion deletes a node as soon as delete is called.


Now that delete()’s on the table, so’s all of SortedMap. Notably, map.remove() and all of the remove()s
from the various views (entrySet(), etc.) must work. See the Java API for all the gory details. This
semester, you do not need to implement keySet(), values(), headMap(), tailMap(). You could, the-
oretically, now expunge any lingering TreeMaps from your code. I’d recommend you keep your guarded
structure around, however: you need a working dictionary for much of the project, and there’s really nothing
we can do if yours mysteriously leaks cities.

One last comment on the Treap: the tricky parts of entrySet() (and all other views) become much more
important here. Insertion wasn’t supported in all of those views, as you recall, so the need to reflect changes
was really only one-way. Deletion is supported from the objects returned by entrySet() and subMap()
which makes this relation two-way. (You hopefully already know how to do this, though: it was always
two-way for subMap().)

Part 3 will also require you to implement PM1 insert() and PM delete(). You may want to refer to the
part 2 spec for the piece on validators and code reuse. There’s even pseudocode for delete(). Because the
spatial structure now incorporates zooming and metropoles, you’ll need a way to accommodate metropole
coordinates. One such way is a PR Quadtree from part 1, since you will only be storing coordinates (see

5 3D Spatial Structures

As mentioned previously, your major task for this project will be designing and implementing your own
structure. We’ve made it easier for you by giving you restraints on the roads that can be mapped. For a
road to be mapped, both cities’ remote coordinates must be the same. This tells us that the road exists
within the scope of a single metropole and does not extend to any other metropole.

We will allow you to use either a PM1 or PM3 quadtree whenever possible, depending on which one you
feel you implemented more solidly. That is, when pmOrder is not given, it is up to you to decide what value
(1 or 3) you are more comfortable with. However, if pmOrder is specified, you are required to implement that
particular type of PM Quadtree. We will also allow you to use whatever structure you want to aggregate
the trees, as long as you can perform search queries on O(log n).

Your structure will still be graded using printPMQuadtree, but we now add remoteX and remoteY
parameters to this command—you only have to print out one tree at a time. The tree you print out will be
the metropole whose remote coordinates are (remoteX, remoteY).

Travel between different metropoles is only possible through airports. Airports correspond to isolated
cities in Part 2. Like cities, airports have both remote and local coordinates, but airports are isolated instead
of connected points. When an airport is mapped, a corresponding terminal is also mapped. Terminals have a
road connecting to a city that is already mapped. After an airport is mapped, other terminals corresponding
to that airport may also be mapped. To access an airport, you must first travel to one of its terminals.
From the terminal, you travel directly to the airport, taking the shortest path, i.e. a straight line. Note that
there is no road between the airport and the terminal (pretend there is some sort of shuttle service). Your
adjacency list becomes more complicated compared to part 2, so implementing it as a separate class is more

Rather than write shortest path again, you will construct a minimum spanning tree for the graph con-
sisting of all things mapped. You must use Prim’s algorithm. Using another algorithm may not produce
the same output. To break ties in the priority queue, always choose the city that comes last in asciibetical
order. When outputting the tree, the children of a node should appear in reverse asciibetical order.

While finding nearest cities and airports are restricted to a specific metropole, ranging cities will en-
compass all possible cites in Part 3. Given remote coordinates x,y, you must return all cities part of any
metropole whose remote coordinates are in range of that point.


6 General XML Output

General Output
This is an example of the form (in the exact output order) of a general tag. All tags will
be present even if there are no parameters or outputs.

General Output
This is the form (in the exact output order) of a general tag. The tag will
always be present even if there are no parameters to the command. In each command there may be
several errors; in this case you will only output the error of highest priority. For more information see
XML Input specification for each command.

General Output
This is the form of a General tag. This is used when there is a problem with the entire

General Output
This is the form of a general tag. This is a default error that will be used if there
is an error that is not specified in the spec and is discovered post freezing.

General sorting of and tags.
Ordering of tags that are contained within the tag is in descending asciibetical order
of the city’s name according to the java.lang.String.compareTo() method unless the method for
sorting is specified within the command’s specification.

Ordering of tags that are contained within the tag is in descending asciibetical order
of the start city’s name. If two roads have the same start city, the end city’s names would appear in
descending asciibetical order. The java.lang.String.compareTo()method is used unless the method
of sorting is specified within the command’s specification.

Prints the PM quadtree. Since PM quadtrees are deterministic once the order of quadrants has been
fixed, your XML should match exactly the primary input/output. Because cities now have two sets
of coordinates (remote coordinates and local coordinates), we introduce the parameters remoteX and
remoteY, which denote the remote coordinates of the metropole we want you to print. There are two


possible error conditions. First, if we specify remote coordinates that are not in the bounds of the
remote spatial map (see commands for part 3 for details), you should return a metropoleOutOfBounds
error. Second, if the PMQuadtree for the associated remote coordinates is empty, you should return a
metropoleIsEmpty error.



Possible :

A tag will be contained within output. This tag will have one attribute order
which will be the PM order of the tree you are printing (this is given in the commands tag).
and will contain several and nodes.
The first node in the quadtree will be the root node, this node can be gray or black, then
the rest of the PM Quadtree follows. Remember, the exact structure of the quadtree will be
represented by the XML output.

Nodes will contain 4 children nodes with ordering decided by the order of the nodes
within the actual gray node in your PM quadtree. nodes will have the attributes
x and y, these are integers that identify the location (local coordinates) of the gray node.
They will appear as such

Nodes in a PMQuadtree can contain at most one or tag (not both).
Nodes can also contain several tags, depending on the type of tree (PM1 or
The format of , , and tags will be as such:

The ordering of the city and road tags within the black node will be as such: first
the or tag will be printed (if it exists) then the tags will be
printed in the ordering specified in the General sorting of and tags
section. Since the roads are undirected, within the road tag, the start city is the one
whose name is first in descending asciibetical order.
Black nodes have the attribute cardinality which is the total number of cities, roads,
and airports contained within the black node. Black nodes will appear as such:

Nodes represent an empty node in your PM quadtree and will appear as such;

Possible types:




This is identical to part 2, with the exception that instead of printing (x,y) coordinates as the value
for each node, you should print (localX, localY) coordinates. Airports and terminals should not be
part of the Treap.

6.1 Commands for Part 3

This is the root element of the XML tree for the input files. It contains attributes that will affect the
behavior of your command interpreter.

The first attributes are localSpatialWidth and localSpatialHeight, both integer powers of two in
the range of 21 to 225. These two attributes define the rectangular region the local spatial data struc-
tures can store. Recall that a local spatial map represents a PMQuadtree for a particular metropole.
All local spatial maps will be bounded by the closed rectangle whose lower left corner is (0, 0) and
whose width and height are given by localSpatialWidth and localSpatialHeight.

The second two attributes are remoteSpatialWidth and remoteSpatialHeight, both integer pow-
ers of two in the range of 32 bit 2’s complement integers. These two attributes define the rectangular
region that the remote spatial data structure can store. This refers to the map of remote coordinates
and represents coordinates of metropoles relative to other metropoles. The remote spatial map will
be bounded by the rectangle whose lower left corner is (0, 0), whose width and height are given by
remoteSpatialWidth and remoteSpatialHeight, whose left and bottom boundaries are closed, and
whose top and right boundaries are open.

Pay attention to the difference between the local and remote spatial map rectangular regions. Lo-
cal spatial maps are closed on all four sides, as in a PM Quadtree. The remote spatial map is open on
the top and right boundary, as in a PR Quadtree (you are encouraged to use one for globalRangeCities).

We will not be dealing with negative coordinates. Observe that these four values have an impact


on the success of the and the commands, but Do Not affect the success of the
command. Cities can be created in the data dictionary with local or remote coordinates
outside their boundaries. New for part 3, these four values will also have an impact on the success of
the command.

Additionally, the attribute pmOrder specifies which variant of the PM quadtree should be used. Pos-
sible values are 1 for PM1 quadtree and 3 for PM3 quadtree. If it is not specified, you may use either
PM1 or PM3 quadtree.

Possible errors:

If there is any problem with the attributes in the tag a tag is
outputted without a tag, and the program exits.

Creates a city (a vertex) with the specified name, local coordinates, radius, color, and remote coor-
dinates. A city can be successfully created if its name is unique (i.e., there isn’t already another city
or airport or terminal with the same name), its coordinates are also unique (i.e., there isn’t already
another city or airport or terminal with the same local AND remote coordinates), and the coordinates
are non-negative integers. Names are case-sensitive.

New for Part 3: city names cannot be the same as those of existing airports or terminals. Errors should
be returned if trying to create a city with the same name as an existing airport (duplicateCityName).

Parameters: (In output order)


Possible :


Possible types (In priority order):




Removes a city with the specified name from data dictionary and the adjacency list. The criteria for
success here is simply that the city exists.

Note also that unlike last time, a city may be deleted even if it exists in some quadtree. In the case that
it is mapped as a road, you’re required to print a roadUnmapped command that looks the same as the
one below, for all of the roads that have the specified city as either the start or the end. Sort the tags
in descending asciibetical order by start, tie breaking by end, as usual. Although other cities may inci-
dentally be unmapped (if the last road to them is removed), these will not be printed as that is a side
effect. You do not need to handle the case where a city deletion would cause a terminal to be unmapped.



Possible :

A list of roadUnmapped tags, with a single cityUnmapped tag before it, which follow the
specifications below for unmapRoad or unmapCity

Possible types (In priority order):



Resets all of the structures including the PM Quadtrees, clearing them. This has the effect of removing
every metropole, every city, every airport, every terminal, and every road. This command cannot fail,
so it should unilaterally produce a element in the output XML.



Possible :


Possible types:




Prints all cities currently present in the dictionary. The order in which the attributes for the
tags are listed is unimportant. However, the city tags themselves must be listed in sorted order either
by name or by coordinate, as per the sortBy attribute in the listCities command, whose two legal
values are name and coordinate. The ordering by name is descending asciibetical according to the
java.lang.String.compareTo() method, and the ordering by coordinate is similar to the one defined
in the Part 1 spec, but is modified for Part 3. Coordinate ordering is done by comparing remoteY
values first; for cities with the same remoteY value, one city is less than another city if its remoteX
value is less than the other. If remoteX and remoteY are identical, then you compare by localY . If
both cities have the same localY , then you compare by localX. This command is only successful if
there is at least 1 (1 or more) cities in the dictionary.

Note that airports, terminals, and metropoles are not cities and as such should not be included.



Possible :

A tag will be contained in output and will contain 1 or more city tags of the form:

Possible types:



Prints the structure of your Treap tree as specified in General XML output. This takes no parameters,
and airports and terminals should not be part of the Treap.


Inserts a road between the two cities (vertices) named by the start and end attributes in PM quadtree.
The obvious error conditions follow: the start or end city does not exist; the start and end are the
same; the start and end are not in the same metropole; the road from start to end already exists.
However, there are two error conditions you must handle.

First, the new road should not intersect any road already mapped at a point other than a vertex of
the road (this is a requirement of the PM quadtree family). Also, you must check that inserting this
road into the PM quadtree will not cause the tree to be partitioned beyond the smallest size (that is,
less than a 1 by 1 partition). This should produce a roadViolatesPMRules error.

For Part 3, a road is in bounds if and only if both cities have remote coordinates that are within
the bounds of the remote spatial map, and the line segment connecting both cities’ local coordinates
intersects the local spatial region.



Possible :

The road mapped will cause a roadCreated tag in the and will appear as such:

Possible types (In priority order):



Creates an airport at the specified local and remote coordinates. Note that unlike the good old isolated
cities, an airport doesn’t get its data from a createCity. It has no color or radius, and you should not
store airports in your city data dictionary. An airport cannot have the same name as any other airport,
terminal, or city (mapped or unmapped). Furthermore, an airport cannot have the same coordinates
in the same metropole as any other airport, terminal, or city (mapped or unmapped). An airport
is out of bounds if either its remote coordinates are out of bounds of the remote map or its local
coordinates are out of bounds of its local map. Corresponding errors should be returned when any of


these errors happen. The command also maps a terminal with the same remote coordinates, specified
local coordinates and name, and it maps the road between the terminal and its connecting city. The
connecting city must already be mapped in the same metropole. Of course, mapping the terminal and
the road may cause any of the error conditions of mapRoad.



Possible :


Possible types (In priority order):




Creates a terminal at the specified local and remote coordinates, associated with the specified airport
and connected to the specified city. Terminals may not share a name or local coordinates with any
other terminal, city, or airport. The terminal must be lie in the remote and the local spatial maps;
otherwise it is considered out of bounds. The road between the terminal and its connecting city must
also be mapped and may throw errors as in mapRoad. The connecting city and airport must already
be present in the spatial map for the command to succeed.



Possible :


Possible types (In priority order):



Will remove a road and its associated endpoints from the map, unless the endpoint (city) is part of
another mapped road. Note that you cannot unmap a road between a terminal and a city. This should
throw one of the start or end does not exist errors.




Possible :

The road unmapped will cause a roadDeleted tag in the and will appear as such:

Possible types (In priority order):



Will remove an airport from the map. All terminals associated with the airport will also be unmapped.
Of course, the roads connecting the terminals to their cities will also be unmapped.



Possible : Each terminal that corresponds to the airport will also be unmapped, producing
a terminalUnmapped tag in the output and will appear as such:

Possible types (In priority order):




Will remove a terminal from the map. If the associated airport has no remaining mapped terminals,
then the airport is also removed. Of course, the roads connecting the terminals to their cities will also
be unmapped.



Possible : The airport associated with the terminal may be unmapped, producing an air-
protUnmapped tag in the output and will appear as such:

Possible types (In priority order):



Prints the PMQuadtree corresponding to the command parameter pmOrder, if given, as specified in
the General XML output page. Because we have quadrants numbered as: (1) NW, (2) NE, (3) SW,
(4) SE, the PM quadtrees are deterministic, you should use the output rules described in the previous
section to assure that your XML matches ours.

Saves the current map to a file. The image file should be saved with the correct name. It should match
our image file: same dimensions, same cities, same colors, same partitions, etc. For part 3, a particular
metropole is specified. There are two errors conditions: the remote coordinates are out of bounds of
the remote spatial map, or the metropole at the specified remote coordinates is empty. Roads should
be drawn as black (java.awt.Color.BLACK) line segments. Everything else from the last part will be
the same (e.g. Cities and airports should be drawn as black (java.awt.Color.BLACK) named points)
with one exception: To differentiate from Roads, quadtree partitions should now be gray
(java.awt.Color.GRAY) crosses.

Parameters (In output order):

name – filename to save the image to

Possible :

Possible types:




Lists all the cities present in any spatial map within a radius of a point x,y in the remote map. Any
city whose remote coordinates are in range of the specified point is included. Cities on the boundary of
the range are included, and x,y are integer coordinates. Only cities that are in the spatial structure, in
this case, the PM quadtrees, are relevant to this commmand. Airports and terminals are not considered
cities. Keep in mind also that the cities for this command can come from any metropole. Design your
structure so that this is efficient; if you use a HashMap and you have to check every possible metropole
within the radius , you will be unhappy. will result from the existence of at least one
that satisfy the range check condition. If none do, then an tag will be the result. If
the radius is 0, but the query point coincides with the remote coordinates of any cities, a list of those
cities should be returned. It should be noted that the radius attribute for a city does not factor into
this calculation; all cities are considered points.
Parameters (Listed in output order):


Possible :

The output will contain one which will contain the list of cities. This is an
example of a city tag:

The cities should be printed in descending asciibetical order of the names according to

Possible types:




Will return the name and location of the closest city to the specified point in the spatial map at the
specified metropole only, where the set of valid cities excludes airports and terminals (which are not
cities). If the metropole is empty, has no cities, or the remote coordinates are out of bounds of the
remote map, then you should return a cityNotFound error. Terminals are not considered airports. To
do this correctly, you probably want to use a PriorityQueue-based algorithm–otherwise, you might
not be fast enough. In the case of a tie (two cities equally far away from the point), choose the city
with the asciibetically greatest name. The ordering by name is descending asciibetical according to
the java.lang.String.compareTo() method.

Parameters (In output order):


Possible :

The output will contain one city tag which is the nearest city. This is an example of a city tag:

Possible types:



You will have to construct a minimum spanning tree for all mapped objects using Prim’s algorithm,
starting at a specified city (not airport or terminal). City-city and city-terminal travel takes place on
roads, terminal-airport travel is in a straight line from the terminal to the airport, and airport-airport


travel is in a straight line from one metropole to the other (using remote coordinates). Every airport
is connected to every other airport. When considering two edges with the same cost, break ties by
choosing the one who appears first in reverse asciibetical order.

The mst command takes a starting city, and outputs the tree produced. The root will be the starting
vertex. Each element’s children should appear in descending asciibetical order by name.

Note that you must use Prim’s algorithm for this, otherwise it’s possible that you produce a different
minimum spanning tree.

Parameters: (In output order)


Possible :

A tag with attribute distanceSpanned will be contained in output. The value of
distanceSpanned is the sum of all of the edges in the minimum spanning tree. The first
and only child of the mst tag is a tag with attribute name containing the name of the
starting city. The rest of the tree is outputted as shown below – every tag contains
its children in reverse asciibettical order. Just like the root node, each of the children is
represented by a tag with attribute name containing the name of the city, terminal,
or airport of the node in the minimum spanning tree.

Possible types (In priority order):




7 General Policies and Criteria for Submission

7.0.1 README file Contents

Although README requirements also remain unchanged, their importance is greater for this part than the
last, due to the new avenues for sources (the canonical, online resources, other students’ submissions). Thus
for your convenience we leave them here. Your README file must contain the following information:

• your name

• your login id

• citations of sources you used, including documentation of all portions of the code that were borrowed
or adapted or otherwise not written from scratch by you.

• any additional information you think might be relevant–including documentation of non-working parts
of the project–this can be useful later when you’ve forgotten what works or doesn’t.

7.1 Grading

There will be several methods used to grade your projects. Your projects will be graded by running them
on a number of test files with pre-generated correct (we hope) output. We then run your output through a
complex set of filters and verify that the result is identical to our expected output.

New for part 3 is the fact that some of your data structures may be included with the TAs own testing
code to test their efficiency and correctness. Thanks to the miracle of automation you should expect your
projects to be run on very very large inputs.

7.1.1 Testing Process Details

Each part of your project will be subjected to a variety of tests with points assigned based on the importance
of the structure to the project, and the relative difficulty of producing working code. Note that we will do
our best to assure partial credit where possible by decoupling independent tests.

Evaluation of your project may include, but is not limited to, the following testing procedures:

• Basic I/O: when the structure is deterministic, the test outputs are processed using a a special “XML
diff” that parses your output into a DOC (just like your program does) and then compares it with a
valid output. Thus, you can put whitespace wherever you want it, and order attributes within tags
however you like. However, your output MUST be syntactically valid XML. IF WE CANNOT PARSE

• Rule-Based: when multiple correct answers, we will use code-based verification that your results satisfy
the required properties.

• Interface: when you are required to implement an interface, we will use our test drivers to execute your
code. (Not for Part 1)

• Stress and Timing: used to verify that your algorithms meet the required asymptotic complexity

7.1.2 Small, Yet Costly, Errors

In general, your project will either completely pass each test, or completely fail it. In particular, the following
“small” mistakes have been known to fail projects completely in many tests:

• Forgetting to match each “open” XML tag (e.g. ¡¿) with a “close” XML tag (eg. )


• Forgetting to include the / at the end of single tags (eg. )

• Sloppy capitalization (eg. )

• Misspellings (eg. or . . . .

On rare occasions, the tests may be extended to allow minor errors to pass, but only if we find that the
cost of that error is significant and unfair. However, in the large, you’d do better to get this stuff right the
first time, than expect partial credit.

The tests will try to test mutually exclusive components of your projects independently. However, if you
don’t have a dictionary which at least correctly stores all points, and some ‘get lost’, you may still end up
failing other tests since they all require a working dictionary. This does not reflect double jeopardy on the
part of the test data, since it is always possible to use some other structure (such as the Java TreeMap)
for the data dictionary, and receive points for portions of the tests that merely reference the data in the
dictionary. Do not hesitate to ask for suggestions as to how to work around missing project functionality.

7.2 Standard Disclaimer: Right to Fail (twice for emphasis!)

As with most programming courses, the instructor reserves the right to fail any student who does not make
a good faith effort to complete the project.

If you have problems with completing any given part of the project please talk to Dr. Hugue immediately—
do not put it off! While some may enjoy failing students, Dr. Hugue does not; so please be kind and do
the project, or ask for advice immediately if you find yourself unable to submit the first two parts of the
project in a timely manner. A submission that gets only 20 or 30 points is considerably better for you than
no submission at all. And, we employ the buddy system. If you are still lost after Part 2, please ask for
help. Recognizing when you need help and being willing to as for it is often a sign of maturity.

7.3 Integrity Policy

Your work is expected to be your own or to be labeled with its source, whether book or human or web
page. Discussion of all parts of the project is permitted and encouraged, including diagrams and flow charts.
However, pseudocode writing together is discouraged because it’s too close to writing the code together for
anyone to be able to tell the difference.

Since the projects are interrelated, and double jeopardy is not our goal, we have a very liberal code use
and reuse policy.

• In general, any resources that are accessed in producing your code should be documented within the
code and in a README file that should be included in each submission of your project.

• First and foremost, use of code produced by anyone who is taking or has ever taken CMSC 420 from
Dr. Hugue requires email from provider and user to be sent to Dr. Hugue. That means that any student
who wants to share portions of an earlier part of the project with anyone must inform Dr. Hugue and
receive approval for code sharing prior to releasing or receiving said code. This also applies to sharing
code from another course with a friend. Please, please, ask.

• Second, since we recognize that the ability to modify code written by others is an essential skill for a
computer scientist, and that no student should be forced to share code, we will make working versions
of critical portions of the project available to all students once grading of each part is completed, or
even before, when possible.

• Dr. Hugue is the sole arbiter of code use and reuse and reserves the right to fail any student who does
not make a good faith effort on the project. Violators of the policies stated herein will be referred to
the Honor Council.

Remember, it is better to ask and feel silly than not to ask and receive a complimentary F or XF.


7.3.1 Code Sharing Policy

During the semester we may provide you with working solutions to complete portions of the project. It is
legal to look at these solutions, adopt pieces of them, and replace any part of your project with anything
from them so long as you indicate that you accessed this code in your README.

Furthermore, any portion of your code that contains any portion of the distributed work should con-
tain identifying information in the comments. That is, indicate the source or inspiration of your code in
the file where it was used, as well as in your README. It is a good idea to wrap shared code with
comments such as “Start shared code from source XYZ” and “End shared code from source XYZ.”
You may also use comments such as “Parts of this function/file were based on code from source
XYZ.” You cannot err by including this information too often. Making it easy for us to find, makes it easy
for us to recognize your compliance with the rules.

Failure to properly document use of distributed code in your project could result in a violation of the
honor code. Indicate the distribution solution(s) on which your code is based.


[1] E. Gamma, R. Helm, R. Johnson, and J. Vlissides. Design Patterns: elements of reusable object-oriented
software. Addison-Wesley, One Jacob Way, Reading, MA 01867, USA, 1995.


Introduction and General Overview
MeeshQuest Components
Part 3: Sorted Map, Treap, PM quadtrees, and True Delete
3D Spatial Structures
General XML Output
Commands for Part 3

General Policies and Criteria for Submission
README file Contents
Testing Process Details
Small, Yet Costly, Errors

Standard Disclaimer: Right to Fail (twice for emphasis!)
Integrity Policy
Code Sharing Policy