程序代写代做代考 Java Week 2

Week 2

FIT9131 Week 2


Programming Foundations

Defining a class
Week 2

FIT9131 Week 2


Lecture outline

• review of OO concepts from last week
• defining a class

• fields
• constructors
•methods and method signatures

•parameter passing, return values
•“accessor” and “mutator” methods

• data types
• displaying information

FIT9131 Week 2


Review : Objects and Classes

• objects
• represent ‘things’ from the real world, or

from some problem domain (example: “the
customers for a local library”)

• classes
• represent all objects of a particular kind

(example: ‘Cat’).

• multiple instances (ie. objects) can be created
from a single class. In a way, a class is like a
template used to produce objects.

FIT9131 Week 2


Review : Attributes, behaviour,
state, identity

• An object has attributes and behaviour.
• The class defines the attributes of an object, but each

object stores its own set of values for its attributes
(the state of the object). (eg. an object of the class Cat
could have a ‘colour’ attribute, and the colour of a
particular cat may be ‘brown’). These values define
the “state” of an object.

• The class also defines the behaviour of the object.
(For example: a Cat object can climb, jump, etc)

• Each object has an “identity”, which makes it unique
from any other object. In other words, all objects are

FIT9131 Week 2


Example : a Circle Class & two Circle

Circle Class

Object #1

Object #2

An example of how
we can represent
Classes & Objects
using diagrams

FIT9131 Week 2


The State of a Circle object
The “State” of an object refers to the values of its attribute at a
particular moment in time.
BlueJ allows us to examine an object’s state with its Inspector.

The “state”

of this Circle

FIT9131 Week 2


Defining a class in Java

Each class is defined by its source code (Java code).
Basic elements of a Java class definition:

• fields (sometimes known as instance variables)
• constructors (special methods to create objects)
•methods (these define the objects’ behaviour)

We will look at an example of a class definition
using the naïve-ticket-machine project from the
BlueJ Projects directory (chapter02).
– these sample projects are available for download
from the BlueJ website (or the FIT9131 website)

FIT9131 Week 2


Java Classes and Programs

• A typical Java program is made up of many Java
classes. Generally, one of these classes acts as the
“command centre” to control all the other classes.
During the lifetime of the program, objects are
created from the various classes, and the objects
interact with each other (to make the program
perform some specific tasks).

• The naive-ticket-machine sample program consists
of only one Java class (“TicketMachine.java”).
BlueJ stored this in a “project” named “naive-

FIT9131 Week 2


TicketMachine – logic

• The ticket machine works by user “inserting money”
into it, and then requesting a ticket to be printed.

• This is a “naive” machine because:
• it does not check the money entered to see if it is

enough for the ticket
• it does not give a refund if too much money is

• it does not check to ensure that the customer enters

a sensible amount of money
• It does not check that the ticket price passed to its

constructor is sensible

FIT9131 Week 2


TicketMachine – an external view

Exploring the behavior of a ticket machine from the
naive-ticket-machine project.
•This machine supplies tickets of one fixed price.
•Other behaviour … ?

Some questions we might ask:
•How is the ticket price determined?
•How is ‘money’ entered into a machine?
•How does a machine keep track of the money that is

•How is the ticket ‘printed’?

FIT9131 Week 2


TicketMachine – an internal view

Interacting with an object (by calling its methods)
gives us clues about its behaviour.

Looking inside (by examining the Java code) allows us
to determine how that behaviour is implemented.

All Java classes have a similar-looking internal view
(or code structure).

BlueJ provides an interface for us to perform the
above tasks easily.

FIT9131 Week 2


Basic class structure

public class TicketMachine

Inner part of the class omitted here for brevity…

public class ClassName



The outer
“wrapper” of a


The contents (or
“body”) of a class

The Java code that implements a class has the
following general structure:

The Java code for the TicketMachine example:

FIT9131 Week 2



We have learnt some common OO terminology.

Next we will also look at some common programming

You will need to understand all these in order to
understand important programming concepts.

FIT9131 Week 2


Language Syntax

• In programming, the word “Syntax” is used to
describe the structure of statements in a computer
language (i.e. how the statements are to be

• For programs to be able to be translated/executed
by computers, the statements need to be written
in a well-defined and well-structured manner.

• We will start by learning the Java language
syntax. Most high-level languages have very
similar syntax.

FIT9131 Week 2



A Java Statement is an action, or series of actions, ending
with a semicolon ‘;’ .

Syntax : JavaStatement;

Examples : price = 0;
sum = number1 + number2;

FIT9131 Week 2


Variables (introduction)
Variables are “containers” which are used by programs to store
values. Most modern programming languages allow programmers to
specify the types (eg. integers, strings, etc.) of the variables.

Variables typically need to be the “declared” before they can be
used. What this usually means is that programmers need to
explicitly specify what is the type of a variable, so that the computer
can allocate sufficient memory space to store it.

Syntax : type varariableName = value;

Examples : int number = 10;
String surname = “Smith”;

Variable type variable name variable value



FIT9131 Week 2


Fields store values (ie. the attributes) for an object. (Note that
they are also known as instance variables but we will use the
term field). We can treat fields as special variables.
Use the Inspect option in BlueJ to view an object’s fields.
Fields define the state of an object.

public class TicketMachine

private int price;
private int balance;
private int total;

Constructor and methods omitted…

private int price;

visibility modifier

variable name
note the


3 fields declared here

Syntax for declaring fields

FIT9131 Week 2


Assignment Statements
Values are stored in fields (and other variables) via

assignment statements.
In Java, the assignment operator is = It is read as

“becomes”, “takes on the value of “, or “is assigned”.

Syntax : variable = expression;
Example : price = ticketCost;

price = 50;

puts the value 50 into an existing variable named price.


FIT9131 Week 2


An expression returns a value. The value replaces the

expression in the code. We evaluate the expression to get
its value. Some examples:

ticketCost (a single-value expression)
balance + amount (an arithmetic expression)

This “return value” can be assigned to a field (or another
variable), or passed to a method as an argument, or used
in another expression. Eg:
price = ticketCost;

balance = balance + amount;

return balance;


FIT9131 Week 2



The behaviour of objects is implemented by
defining methods.

Methods have two main parts: a header and a body.
An optional comment describing what the
method does should also be included.

* Return the price of a ticket

public int getPrice()
return price;





FIT9131 Week 2


Method signature

The header specifies who can access this method,
what type of data it returns, its name, and what
other information it needs. This information is
necessary in order to be able to use the method.

The method name and the following parameter
list is called the signature of the method.

public int getPrice()

public void insertMoney(int amount)

The body is the set of instructions that tells the
computer how to do the job that this method is
designed to do.

method signatures

FIT9131 Week 2



A class can create an instance of itself (i.e. creating
an object). When it does so, a special method
known as a constructor is called.
A constructor has the same name as the class.
A constructor’s task is to assign initial values to the
attributes of the new object that is being created.
They may also receive external parameter values to
initialise some or all of the attributes.
public TicketMachine(int ticketCost)

price = ticketCost;
balance = 0;
total = 0;


Constructor for
the TicketMachine


FIT9131 Week 2


Using Constructors

When a new object is created, it must be in a
sensible state (ie. its attributes must have some
sensible initial values).

We must write code in a class’s constructor(s) to
ensure that this condition is met.

A “Default Constructor” is a constructor which does
not have any parameters. Typically, we first create a
default constructor for a class, and then add other
constructors as necessary. If no default constructor
is specified for a class, Java automatically creates

FIT9131 Week 2


Passing data via parameters

Parameters are defined in the header of the
constructor (or header of a method).

The following constructor has a single parameter
of type int (integer):

public TicketMachine(int ticketCost)

The parameter names inside a constructor or
method are referred to as formal parameters,
and parameter values outside (ie. when the
method is actually called) are referred to as
actual arguments.

FIT9131 Week 2


Passing data via parameters

in this example, ticketCost is a formal
parameter and 500 is an actual
argument. When a method is “called”,
its formal parameter is replaced by the
actual arguments.

In BlueJ, the value (ie. actual argument)
is entered via a dialogue box

the constructor
gets 500 as the
parameter here

FIT9131 Week 2


Accessor (“get”) methods

public int getBalance()

return balance;

return type
method name

parameter list

start and end of method body (block)

return statement

visibility modifier

Accessor methods are used to provide information about
an object. They are also often called “get “ methods.

FIT9131 Week 2


The return statement

The return statement in a method does two things:
• it sends back a value to the calling method
• it causes the execution of its own method to be

terminated immediately

This means that, if a method has a return statement,
it should generally be the last statement in the
method. If there is anything after the return
statement, it will never be executed.

FIT9131 Week 2


Mutator (“set”) methods

public void insertMoney(int amount)

balance = balance + amount;

return type method name

visibility modifier

assignment statementfield being mutated

Mutator methods are used to change the state of an object,
by changing the value of one or more fields. Mutator
methods typically receive parameters and contain assignment
statements. Mutator methods are also called “set “ methods.

FIT9131 Week 2


Attributes & Accessors/Mutators

In general, when you declare an attribute for a class, you
should also declare a pair of accessor & mutator methods for

For example, if your class has 2 attributes named
“studentID” and “studentName”, then you should have at
least these 4 methods :



FIT9131 Week 2


Variables (re-visited)

• Fields and parameters are special types of

• A variable is a storage location in the
computer’s memory that is able to store a value
– one piece of data.

• These values often change during the running
of a program – hence the name variable.

• To define a variable we need to specify its name
and the type of data that it will hold.

• We usually also specify the value that the
variable holds.

FIT9131 Week 2


Example : Creating a variable

We create (or define) a variable by
declaring its type and its name:

int age;

String name;



A variable must be defined before it can be



FIT9131 Week 2


Initialising a variable

If a variable is not initialised, it may have a value
of whatever happens to be in the memory
location allocated to it. This is a bad
programming practice.

Our coding standards specify that you must always
allocate an initial value to a variable when you
define it. This is called initialising the variable.

int age = 0;

String name = “Joe”;




FIT9131 Week 2


Data types in Java

When we create a variable in Java, we need to specify the
type of the value we want to put in there.

The type of a piece of data tells Java what can be done with
it, and how much memory needs to be put aside for it.

There are many different types of data. Some types are
defined by Java – others may be defined by the

There are different operations that can be performed on
data, depending on its type.

FIT9131 Week 2


Primitive types versus Object

Primitive types are predefined in the language. (e.g.
int, float, char, boolean)

Primitive values are stored directly in a variable.

Object types are defined by classes. These are pre-
defined (e.g. String) or we can write them ourselves.

Objects are not stored directly in a variable, instead, a
reference to the object is stored. More about this in a
later lecture …

We will now look at some of the primitive types …

FIT9131 Week 2


Type int
An int (integer) is a whole number (e.g. 21). You

can do arithmetic with an int.

int age = 21;



Arithmetic operators :
+ addition
– subtraction
* multiplication
/ division
% modulus (or remainder)


FIT9131 Week 2


Arithmetic operators

Given the following definition for the
variable age:

int age = 15;

What will these expressions evaluate to?

age + 3
2 * age – 4
2 * (age – 4)

FIT9131 Week 2


Arithmetic operators

Given the following definition for the
variable age:

int age = 15;

What will these expressions evaluate to?

age + 3 ➔ 18
2 * age – 4 ➔ 26
2 * (age – 4) ➔ 22

FIT9131 Week 2


Integer division and modulus

The operator / performs an integer division. The
result is an integer. Any remainder will be

If you want to know what the remainder is, the
operator % (called modulus) will give it to you.

int age = 15;

age / 2
age % 10
age % 20

FIT9131 Week 2


Integer division and modulus

The operator / performs an integer division. The
result is an integer. Any remainder will be

If you want to know what the remainder is, the
operator % (called modulus) will give it to you.

int age = 15;

age / 2 ➔ 7
age % 10 ➔ 5
age % 20 ➔ 15

FIT9131 Week 2


Whole number types
The int type (and other whole number types) are

stored in a binary representation with one bit
for the sign. The pattern for the number 13
stored as an int would be

short -32,768 to 32,767 (16 bits)

int -2,147,483,648 to 2,147,483,647 (32 bits)

long -9,223,372,036,854,775,808 to
9,223,372,036,854,775,807 (64 bits)

FIT9131 Week 2


Type double

The type double is used to store a real number ,
i.e. a number with a decimal point. It is stored
in memory in a different format from an int.

You can do arithmetic on a double.

double cost = 3.95;



cost * 0.10
cost / 2
cost + cost * 0.1


FIT9131 Week 2


Type double

The type double is used to store a real number ,
i.e. a number with a decimal point. It is stored
in memory a different format from an int.

You can do arithmetic on a double .

double cost = 3.95;



cost * 0.10 → 0.395
cost / 2 → 1.975
cost + cost * 0.1 → 4.345


FIT9131 Week 2


Type char

A char is a character, i.e. a bit pattern you can
produce by pressing a key (or a combination of
keys) on a keyboard.

Examples :

‘a’ ‘A’ ‘3’ ‘?’ ‘!’

char response = ‘Y’;

Note : you cannot add ‘3’ and ‘2’ and get ‘5’
(ie. characters are not the same as integers)



note the
single quotes

FIT9131 Week 2


Type boolean
A boolean variable can have a value of only
true or false. This could be stored as one bit
(but actually isn’t).

For example, a Person object may or may not
represent a student. We could have an attribute
of Person called isStudent which would be
either true or false for a particular Person

boolean isStudent = true;


FIT9131 Week 2


Type String
String is a “special” object type.
A String is a collection of chars (e.g. “Sally”).

String name = “Sally”;

A String value is always written in double quotes.
You can have an empty String, shown as “”.

Examples of behaviour of a String object include:
• give you its value in upper/lower case
• tell you how long it is (how many characters)
• give you the character at a specified position

note the
double quotes

FIT9131 Week 2


String concatenation

The plus operator (+) has different meanings
depending on the type of its operands.

• If both operands are numbers, it represents

• If both operands are strings, the strings are
concatenated (joined together) into a single string.

• If one operand is a string and the other is not then
the other operand is converted to a string and then
the strings are concatenated.

return “Student is: ” + name;

FIT9131 Week 2


Type compatibility during

In Java, every variable has a type. Java will not allow a
value of the wrong type to be put into a variable.

If we write, for example,
int aNumber = “3”;

BlueJ will give the error message
incompatible types -found java.lang.String but expected int

String aName = true;
produces the error message
incompatible types – found boolean but expected java.lang.String.

FIT9131 Week 2


Displaying information
Output on the screen is produced by invoking (calling) the
println method of the System.out object that is built into
the Java language. For example:

System.out.println(“# Ticket”);

This statement displays the string between the quotes and then
moves the cursor to the next line.

System.out.println(“# ” + price + ” cents.”);

The ‘+’ is used to construct a single string, which is then

Another option is the print statement which is identical to
println but it does not move the cursor to the next line.

FIT9131 Week 2


Example : Displaying information

public void printTicket()

// Simulate the printing of a ticket.
System.out.println(“# The BlueJ Line”);
System.out.println(“# Ticket”);
System.out.println(“# ” + price + ” cents.”);

// Update the total collected with the balance.
total = total + balance;

// Clear the balance.
balance = 0;


Note how the strings
are concatenated!