程序代写代做代考 Programming Exercise 6-3

Programming Exercise 6-3

Programming Exercise 5-20
import random

# main function

def main():

# Initializing local variables

number = 0

play = 1

# Continue presenting numbers for the user

# to guess while the user wants to continue

# playing.

while(play > 0):

number = random.randint(1, 100)

play = playGuessingGame(number)

print(‘Thanks for playing!’)

# The playGuessingGame function receives the number that the

# user has to guess as an argument and prompts the user for

# guesses. If the user guesses incorrectly he is notified,

# and is prompted to try again. Otherwise, the user’s guess

# is returned.

def playGuessingGame(number):

# Get the user’s guess.

userGuess = int(input(‘Enter a number between 1 and 100, ‘ \

‘or 0 to quit: ‘))

# As long as user doesn’t want to quit

while userGuess > 0:

if userGuess > number:

print(‘Too high, try again’)

userGuess = int(input(‘Enter a number between 1 ‘ \

‘and 100, or 0 to quit: ‘))

elif userGuess < number: print('Too low, try again') userGuess = int(input('Enter a number between 1 ' \ 'and 100, or 0 to quit: ')) else: print('Congratulations! You guessed the right number!') return userGuess # Start the game again return userGuess # UserGuess is 0 and user wants to quit. # Call the main function. main()