We are going to be looking at a two player board game called “war of life”
Introduction to Artificial Intelligence Coursework1
(Submission by groups of two students allowed/welcome)
Due date: Monday 12 February 2018
Electronic submission (code + this worksheet) on CATE
1. Introduction
We will be looking at a two player board game called “war of life” which will be played on an 8×8 board.
Player 1 will start with a random configuration of 12 blue pieces and player 2 will start with a similar
random configuration of 12 red pieces. An example initial configuration might be (where b stands for
“blue piece” and r stands for “red piece”):
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
1 r
2 r
3 b b r b
4 b b r
5 b r b b b
6 b r
7 b b r r r
8 r r r
We call the board places where pieces can be placed cells (there are 64 cells on an 8×8 board). In the
game, player 1 goes first and moves one of his/her pieces. A piece can be moved to one of its neighbour
cells (vertically, horizontally or diagonally) as long as no other piece is occupying the cell to be moved to.
So, for example, the blue piece at (3, 8) can move to (2,7), (2,8) or (4,7) or (4,8), but not (3,7) because
there is a red piece there already. We say that a piece is surrounded by the pieces in neighbouring cells.
There is a twist: after each player moves, “life” on the board “evolves” according to the following rules
(referred to as Conway’s Crank):
For each of the (64) cells C on the board:
• If C contains a piece and the piece is surrounded by 0 or 1 other pieces, then the piece dies of
loneliness and is taken away (i.e., the cell becomes empty).
• If C contains a piece and the piece is surrounded by 4, 5, 6, 7 or 8 pieces, then the piece dies of
overcrowding and is taken away.
• (If C contains a piece and the piece is surrounded by 2 or 3 pieces, then it is happy and survives.)
• If C is empty and C is surrounded by
o 2 blue pieces and 1 red piece, or
o 3 blue pieces,
then a blue life is born and C is filled with a blue piece.
• If C is empty and C is surrounded by
o 2 red pieces and 1 blue piece, or
o 3 red pieces,
then a red life is born and C is filled with a red piece.
1 Thanks to Simon Colton
The game terminates as follows:
• If at some stage no (red or blue) pieces at all are left on the board, then the game is drawn.
• If, when it is his/her turn, a player cannot move anywhere, then the game is declared a stalemate
and is drawn.
• If one player has no pieces left on the board, then that player loses and the other player wins.
• If the game lasts for 250 moves without a winner, then it is declared an exhausted draw.
Part 1 – Getting to know the Game
Question 1
Draw the board state after
a turn of Conway’s Crank,
given the left board.
Download the Prolog program war_of_life.pl from CATE.
This provides a set of predicates for playing the game:
Top Level Predicates in File
start_config(+Configuration, -InitialBoardState)
This returns an initial randomised board state with 12 pieces for each player on an 8×8 board.
Given a board state in the format described below, this predicate will present it on screen.
next_generation(+BoardState, -NextGenerationBoardState)
This performs a Conway Crank and produces the next generation board state.
play(+Showboard, +FirstPlayerStrategy, +SecondPlayerStrategy,
-NumberOfMoves, -WinningPlayer)
This will play a game given the strategy of player 1 and the strategy of player 2. The +Showboard
variable is either set to verbose, in which case it will print out the board states as the game
progresses, or quiet, in which case it just returns an answer, namely the NumberOfMoves in the
completed game and the colour of the WinningPlayer.
Board states are represented in the program as pairs of lists, where the first list contains the co-ordinates of
all the alive blue pieces and the second list contains the co-ordinates of all the alive red pieces. For
example, this is a simple board state with two alive blues and one alive red:
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
1 b r
2 r b r
3 b b r b
4 b b r
5 r b
6 b r
7 b b b r r r
8 r r
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Question 2
In the box below, write down the Prolog representation for the initial board state given in question 1.
Use this representation, and the predicate
next_generation(+BoardState, -NextGenerationBoardState)
to check whether your answer for question 1 was correct. If it is, then run a further two generations, and
put the resulting board states in the tables below:
3rd Generation: 4th Generation:
Question 3
In a Prolog shell, load the file war_of_life.pl and run this query:
play(verbose, random, random, NumMoves, WinningPlayer).
This will play a game of war of life. Each player will randomly move a piece until the game is won or
drawn. The predicate records how many moves there were in the game and who won. Run this a few times
to get a feel for what it does and how the games progress when players choose randomly.
Now open a new file called my_wol.pl. In the file, write a (Sicstus) Prolog program to act as a wrapper
for the play/5 predicate. In particular, you should write a predicate called test_strategy/3 which
takes three inputs: the number of games, N, to play, the strategy for player 1 and the strategy for player 2.
When run, the predicate will play the war of life game N times and tell you (print to screen) how many
draws and how many wins for each player there have been, the longest, shortest, and average moves in a
game, and the average time taken to play a game. Use the test_strategy/3 predicate to run the game
1000 times, with both players moving pieces randomly. Record the results in this box:
Number of draws
Number of wins for player 1 (blue)
Number of wins for player 2 (red)
Longest (non-exhaustive) game
Shortest game
Average game length (including exhaustives)
Average game time
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Question 4
Does it look like there is any advantage to playing first if both players choose moves randomly? Answer
in the space below.
Part 2 – Implementing Strategies
In this part, we will be implementing search strategies in order to improve a war of life playing agent’s
performance. They already have one strategy: random, which chooses any piece randomly and moves it
randomly. The question is: can we implement any strategy which out-performs this one?
We will look at four strategies:
This strategy chooses the next move for a player to be the one which (after Conway’s crank) produces the
board state with the fewest number of opponent’s pieces on the board (ignoring the player’s own pieces).
Self Preservation:
This strategy chooses the next move for a player to be the one which (after Conway’s crank) produces the
board state with the largest number of that player’s pieces on the board (ignoring the opponent’s pieces).
Land Grab:
This strategy chooses the next move for a player to be the one which (after Conway’s crank) produces the
board state which maximises this function: Number of Player’s pieces – Number of Opponent’s pieces.
This strategy looks two-ply ahead using the heuristic measure described in the Land Grab strategy. It
should follow the minimax principle and take into account the opponent’s move after the one being
chosen for the current player.
In your file my_wol.pl, write five predicates (use Sicstus Prolog):
bloodlust(+PlayerColour, +CurrentBoardState, -NewBoardState, -Move).
self_preservation(+PlayerColour, +CurrentBoardState, -NewBoardState, -Move).
land_grab(+PlayerColour, +CurrentBoardState, -NewBoardState, -Move).
minimax(+PlayerColour, +CurrentBoardState, -NewBoardState, -Move).
These predicates will implement the four strategies described above by choosing the next move for a
player. They will all do the same thing: choose the next move for the player. PlayerColour will either
be the constant b for blue or r for red. The CurrentBoardState will be the state of the board upon
which the move choice is going to be made. The predicate will produce a NewBoardState, in the usual
representation (pair of lists) which will represent the board state after the move, but before Conway’s
crank is turned. The predicate will also return the Move that changed the current to the new board state.
This will be represented as a list [r1,c1,r2,c2] where the move chosen is to move the piece at co-ordinate
(r1, c1) to the empty cell at co-ordinate (r2, c2).
It should be possible to run these strategies in the same way as the random strategy, using the constants
bloodlust, self_preservation, land_grab, minimax. For example, if you load
war_of_life.pl and my_wol.pl into Prolog, then type the query:
play(verbose, bloodlust, land_grab, NumberOfMoves, WinningPlayer).
this will play a game in which player 1 uses the bloodlust strategy and player 2 uses the land_grab
strategy. Check that this is working OK by running a few games with different strategy pairings.
Part 3 – A Tournament
Question 5
We want to know which, if any, strategy is the best for playing this game, and we’ll do this by using a
tournament. Play as many games as time will allow for each pairing of strategies, and fill in the table over
the page.
Question 6
If both players have the same strategy, for which strategies does it appear that playing first is an
advantage/disadvantage? Answer in the space below:
Question 7
Imagine playing football in a gale force wind and where the pitch is extremely muddy. Here, it is hardly
worth the players kicking the ball, because the environment plays too big a factor in the game. What
evidence do you have against the claim that the environment plays a bigger part than the movement of
pieces in the war of life game? The environment here is Conway’s Crank, which is beyond the control of
the players. Answer in the space below:
Submitting Your Work
Electronic submission: submit
1) Your code my_wol.pl (written in Sicstus Prolog and executable on the lab machines). Please do
not include or load (or ensure_loaded) war_of_life.pl in my_wol.pl! (Yes, this means
my_wol.pl will not work on its own, but this is crucial for the autotesting) Furthermore, use
play(quiet,…) rather than play(verbose,…) and don’t include any write-statements other than
the necessary ones in test_strategy (like no. of draws, average time, …).
2) A file worksheet.pdf (your completed version of this worksheet).
P1 strategy P2 strategy Games
Draws Av.
Random Random
Random Bloodlust
Random Self Preservation
Random Land Grab
Random Minimax
Bloodlust Random
Bloodlust Bloodlust
Bloodlust Self Preservation
Bloodlust Land Grab
Bloodlust Minimax
Self Preservation Random
Self Preservation Bloodlust
Self Preservation Self Preservation
Self Preservation Land Grab
Self Preservation Minimax
Land Grab Random
Land Grab Bloodlust
Land Grab Self Preservation
Land Grab Land Grab
Land Grab Minimax
Minimax Random
Minimax Bloodlust
Minimax Self Preservation
Minimax Land Grab
Minimax Minimax