Sigma16 Instruction Set Architecture
Sigma16 Instruction Formats
RRR instructions
An RRR instruction is represented in one 16-bit word, which has four 4-bit fields: op, d, a, b.
The op field contains the operation code, which determines the specific instruction. The d
field is the destination register, while the a and b fields are the source registers (source a and
source b). An RRR instruction performs an operation on data in registers. It is one word,
organised into four 4-bit fields:
• The op field contains the operation code, specifying which instruction is to be
• The d field specifies the destination register, where the result of the operation will be
• The a field specifies the register that contains the first operand
• The b field specifies the register that contains the second operand
Arithmetic instructions have RRR format.
The following table shows the RRR instructions. For example, add R4,R8,R1 has an op field
of 0 (which means this is an add instruction), a d field of 4, an a field of 8, and a b field is 1.
RRR format instructions.
op format mnemonic operands action
0 RRR add R1,R2,R3 R1 := R2+R3
1 RRR sub R1,R2,R3 R1 := R2-R3
2 RRR mul R1,R2,R3 R1 := R2*R3
3 RRR div R1,R2,R3 R1 := Int(R2/R3), R15 := R2 mod R3
4 RRR cmplt R1,R2,R3 R1 := (R2
7 RRR inv R1,R2,R3 R1 := NOT R2
8 RRR and R1,R2,R3 R1:=R2 AND R3
9 RRR or R1,R2,R3 R1:=R2 OR R3
a RRR xor R1,R2,R3 R1:=R2 XOR R3
b RRR shiftl R1,R2,R3 R1 := R1 (R3 left shift) R2
c RRR shiftr R1,R2,R3 R1 := R1 (R3 right shift) R2
d RRR trap R1,R2,R3 pc := interrupt handler
e XX (expand to Xformat)
f RX (expand to RX format)
RX and X format
An RX instruction is represented in two 16-bit words, which must appear in consecutive
words in memory. The first word has four 4-bit fields: op, d, a, b. The second word is a single
16-bit field called the displacement. The op field is 15 for all RX instructions, and the b field
determines the actual instruction. Thus an op of 15 means that the real opcode has been
“escaped” to the b field. This technique is called an “expanding opcode”. The RX format is
used for instructions that have two operands, one in a register (the R operand) and the other
specified by an indexed address (the X operand). Examples are load, store, jumpf.
The X format is a special case of the RX format, where there is only one operand, which is an
indexed address. In the machine language, an X format instruction has a “don’t care” value in
the d field. The jump instruction has X format.
RX (and X) format instructions
op b format mnemonic operands action
f 0 RX lea Rd,x[Ra] Rd := x+Ra
f 1 RX load Rd,x[Ra] Rd := mem[x+Ra]
f 2 RX store Rd,x[Ra] mem[x+Ra] := Rd
e 3 X jump x[Ra] pc := x+Ra
f 4 RX jumpf Rd,x[Ra] if Rd==0 then pc := x+Ra
f 5 RX jumpt Rd,x[Ra] if Rd<>0 then pc := x+Ra
f 6 RX jal Rd,x[Ra] Rd := pc, pc := x+Ra