程序代写代做代考 The CSC Cluster tinis

The CSC Cluster tinis

Account registration

The CSC cluster tinis is the university’s newest computing cluster, coming
online in November 2015. It provides 3500 single-processor nodes for research
purposes throughout the university. For the CS402 module a number of nodes
have been reserved for our use. This document will guide you through the initial
task of registering an account on the cluster.

1 Create a SCRTP account

A SCRTP account is necessary in order to have a storage area on tinis. Visit
this page to create an account, using your university credentials to authenticate:


Further information can be found at:


2 Creating an SSH key

Access to tinis is provided via an account that is accessed by an SSH key, and
so you must generate one for yourself:

1. Open a terminal window and type:
ssh-keygen -t rsa -b 4096

This command will generate a pair of RSA keys, public and private, with
a key length of 4096 bits.

2. You will then be asked to provide a �lename for the new key. The default
name id_rsa is �ne unless there already exists a key with that name, in
which case you should provide an unused name (for example tinis_rsa).

3. Next you will be asked for a passphrase. Please use a strong passphrase.

4. You will now have two new keys in the directory ${HOME}/.ssh/. The
key ending with .pub is the public key and should be provided during
registration; the other key is the private key and should not be disclosed,
only used to log into tinis.

Further information can be found at:



3 Account registration

The account registration form is found at the following link:


Fill the form using the following information:

3.1 System and type of access

Select “Tinis”

3.2 Department or research group

Select “Department of Computer Science – CS402 Taught Module”

3.3 Research code

Leave blank

3.4 Classi�cation

Select “UG (undergraduate)”

3.5 Lead academic

Type “Ligang He”

3.6 Brief description of research

Type “CS402 taught module”

3.7 Public key upload

Click the link named “Attach �le(s)” and upload your public SSH key.


Create a SCRTP account
Creating an SSH key
Account registration
System and type of access
Department or research group
Research code
Lead academic
Brief description of research
Public key upload