程序代写代做代考 algorithm List Exercise

List Exercise

Lists Recap, append and Exercise

Fariba Sadri

Recap on List Unification

% children_of(Mother, Father, [Child1,..,Childk])

children_of(elizabeth, philip,[charles, ann, edward, andrew]).

children_of(diana, charles, [harry, william]).

children_of(jane, bob, [june]).

children_of(mary, peter, []).

children_of(mo, joe, [charles, james]).

Example Queries:

?-children_of(M, F, [ ]).

?-children_of(M, F, [C]).

?-children_of(M, F, [C|Cs]).

?-children_of(M, F, [C1, C2|Cs]).

?-children_of(M, F, [C1, C2, C3, C4]).

?-children_of(M, F, Children), length(Children, 4).

children_of(elizabeth, philip,[charles, ann, edward, andrew]).

children_of(diana, charles, [harry, william]).

children_of(jane, bob, [june]).

children_of(mary, peter, []).

children_of(mo, joe, [james, charles]).

More Example Queries:

?-children_of(M, bob, Cs).

?-children_of(M, F, [charles|Rest]).

?-children_of(M, F, [ann|Rest]).

?-children_of(M, F, X), member(charles, X).

?-children_of(M, F, X), member(charles, X),

\+ member(ann, X).

Appending Lists: append/3
built-in predicate

append(L1, L2, L) :

L is the result of appending list L1 to

the front of list L2.

e.g. append([a,b],[c,d,e],[a,b,c,d,e])

append([], [1,2], [1,2])

Definition of append

append([ ], L, L).

append([H|L1], L2, [H|L3]):-

append(L1, L2, L3).

Use of append/3

?-append([1], [2, 3], [1, 2, 3]).


?-append([1], [2, 3], X).

X = [1,2,3]

?-append(X, [2, 3], [1, 2, 3]).

X = [1]

?-append([1], X, [1, 2, 3]).

X = [2, 3]

?-append(X, Y, [1, 2, 3]) .

(find all splittings of a given list)

X = [ ], Y = [1, 2, 3] ;

X = [1] , Y = [2, 3] ;

X = [1, 2], Y = [3] ;

X = [1, 2, 3], Y = [ ] ;


?- append(F, [3|R], [1,2,3,4,5]).

(split at an element)

F=[1,2], R=[4,5]



last(E, L) where E is the last element of list L.


• one version with append, and

• one version without append.


Let L be a list of tuples of the form

(Hospital_name, Type) giving the name of a hospital
and its type (nhs or private). Assume all nhs hospitals
come before the private ones in L.

Write a program for

hosp_list(L, NHS, Priv)

that takes such a list L, and produces a list NHS of the
NHS hospital tuples and a list Priv of the private


E.g. Given

L= [(st_thomas, nhs), (st_george, nhs),

(guy, nhs), (bupa, private), (harley, private)]

NHS will be

[(st_thomas, nhs), (st_george, nhs), (guy, nhs)]

and Priv will be

[(bupa, private), (harley, private)]

Do two versions:

1. Using append

2. Using aggregation

Edit the program So:

NHS will be a list of NHS hospitals, e.g.

[st_thomas, st_george, guy]

and Priv will be a list of private hospitals, e.g.

[bupa, harley].

List Processing Styles

E.g. The Bubble Sort Algorithm

[1, 2, 4, 6, 3, 5]

[1, 2, 4, 6, 3, 5]

[1, 2, 4, 3, 6, 5]

[1, 2, 4, 3, 6, 5]

[1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 5]

[1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 5]

[1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]


bubble(L, L) :- sorted(L).

bubble(L, SL) :-

append(L1, [X, Y|Rest], L),


append(L1, [Y, X|Rest], NewL),

bubble(NewL, SL).

sorted(L) :-

\+ (append(L1, [X, Y|Rest], L), X>Y).

Bubble with a cut

bubble(L, SL) :-

append(L1, [X, Y|Rest], L),



append(L1, [Y, X|Rest], NewL),

bubble(NewL, SL).

bubble(L, L).

Direct recursion or using an accumulator:
Example – Reverse a List


rev([H|T],R) :-



reverse [1, 2, 3]

reverse [2, 3] add 1 at the end

reverse [3] add 2 at the end, add 1 at the end

reverse [] add 3 at the end, add 2 at the end,
add 1 at the end



[3, 2]

[3, 2, 1]

Reverse with Accumulator

rev2(L, Inv) :- h_rev(L, [], Inv).

h_rev([], Acc, Acc).

h_rev([H|T], Acc, Inv) :- h_rev(T, [H|Acc], Inv).

Reverse with Accumulator

reverse [1, 2, 3]

List Accumulator Result

[1,2, 3] []

[2, 3] [1]

[3] [2,1]

[] [3,2,1] [3,2,1]

Direct recursion or
using an accumulator

E.g. Summing the elements of a list

[4, 6, 8] —–> 18

With Direct Recursion

sumList([N|L],S) :- sumList(L,SumL), S is N+SumL.

[4, 6, 8]

4 [6, 8]

4 6 [8]

4 6 8 []

4 6 8 0

4 6 8

4 14


With an accumulator

summing(L, S) :- sum_acc(L, 0, S).

sum_acc([], S, S).

Can also be written as:

sum_acc([], SumSoFar, S) :- S= SumSoFar.

sum_acc([E|Rest], SumSoFar, S) :-

NewSum is SumSoFar+E,
sum_acc(Rest, NewSum, S).

list sum so far final sum

[4, 6, 8] 0

[6, 8] 4

[8] 10

[] 18 18