程序代写代做代考 assembly algorithm cuda Java GPU cache compiler PowerPoint Presentation

PowerPoint Presentation

Parallel Computing

with GPUs
Dr Paul Richmond


Assignment Feedback

Last Week

We learnt about warp level CUDA

How threads are scheduled and executed
Impacts of divergence

Atomics: Good and bad…

Do the warp shuffle!

Parallel primitives

Scan and Reduction


The code and much of the content from this lecture is based on the
GTC2016 Talk by C. Angerer and J. Progsch (NVIDIA)
S6112 – CUDA Optimisation with NVIDIA Nsight for Visual Studio

Provided by NVIDIA with thanks to Joe Bungo

Content has been adapted to use Visual Profiler Guided Analysis
where possible

Additional steps and analysis have been added


Learning Objectives

Understand the key performance metrics of GPU code.

Understand profiling metrics and relate this to approaches which
they have already learnt to address limiting factors in their code.

Appreciate memory vs compute bound code and be able to
recognise factors which contribute to this.

Profiling Introduction

The Problem

Visual Profiler Guided Analysis
Iteration 1

Iteration 2

Iteration 3

Iteration 4

The APOD Cycle

1. Assess

• Identify Performance Limiter

• Analyze Profile

• Find Indicators

2. Parallelize3. Optimize

3b. Build Knowledge

4. Deploy

and Test



CUDA Profiling Options

Visual Profiler (1st choice)
Stand alone cross platform (java on Eclipse) program

Guided performance analysis

Links to CUDA best practice guide

Command line profiler

Results can be visualised in Visual Profiler

Visual Studio Nsight Profiler
Built into visual studio

Detailed kernel and source level analysis (more than Visual Profiler)


Changes to your code

If you want to associate profile information with source line
–lineinfo argument

Works in release mode

Must flush GPU buffers

At end of program

Conveyor belt model

Our GPU program is like a factory assembly line
Data in and data out (in a new form)

Skilled operators (multi processors) doing stuff with chunks of the data

Both the belt and people have maximum operating speed

Ideal situation
Conveyor belt runs at full speed

Skilled operators always 100% busy

What is likely to effect this model?

Potential Performance Limiters

Program limited by memory bandwidth
Can’t get data to the registers on the device fast enough
Are you using lots of global memory but not faster local memory caches?
Have you exceed the amount of cache available?

Memory bandwidth well below peak
GPU is too busy performing compute
Have you got high levels of divergence with low warp execution efficiency ?

Poor occupancy = not enough active threads
Instruction execution stalls due to poor memory access patterns (sparse or poorly

used data)
Is problem size or block size too small? Are you using the memory bandwidth

effectively (cache line utilisation)?

Profiling Introduction

The Problem

Visual Profiler Guided Analysis
Iteration 1

Iteration 2

Iteration 3

Iteration 4




Introducing the Application

Grayscale Conversion

// r, g, b: Red, green, blue components of the pixel p
foreach pixel p:
p = 0.298839f*r + 0.586811f*g + 0.114350f*b;

Introducing the Application

Blur: 7×7 Gaussian Filter

400 300 120 20

225 90 15

90 36 6

15 6 1

90 15

36 6



15 6 1

20 120 300

15 90 225

6 36 90

1 6 15

15 90 225

6 36 90

1 6 15







Image from Wikipedia

Introducing the Application

foreach pixel p:
G = weighted sum of p and its 48 neighbors
p = G/256

Edges: 3×3 Sobel Filters
foreach pixel p:
Gx = weighted sum of p and its 8 neighbors
Gy = weighted sum of p and its 8 neighbors
p = sqrt(Gx + Gy)

-1 0 1

-2 0 2

-1 0 1

Weights for Gx:

1 2 1

0 0 0

-1 -2 -1

Weights for Gy:

Introducing the Application

The Starting Code


void gaussian_filter_7x7_v0(int w, int h, const uchar *src, uchar *dst)

// Position of the thread in the image.
const int x = blockIdx.x*blockDim.x + threadIdx.x;
const int y = blockIdx.y*blockDim.y + threadIdx.y;

// Early exit if the thread is not in the image.
if( !in_img(x, y, w, h) )


// Load the 48 neighbours and myself.
int n[7][7];
for( int j = -3 ; j <= 3 ; ++j ) for( int i = -3 ; i <= 3 ; ++i ) n[j+3][i+3] = in_img(x+i, y+j, w, h) ? (int) src[(y+j)*w + (x+i)] : 0; // Compute the convolution. int p = 0; for( int j = 0 ; j < 7 ; ++j ) for( int i = 0 ; i < 7 ; ++i ) p += gaussian_filter[j][i] * n[j][i]; // Store the result. dst[y*w + x] = (uchar) (p / 256); } What is good and what is bad? https://github.com/chmaruni/nsight-gtc The Starting Code https://github.com/chmaruni/nsight-gtc void gaussian_filter_7x7_v0(int w, int h, const uchar *src, uchar *dst) { // Position of the thread in the image. const int x = blockIdx.x*blockDim.x + threadIdx.x; const int y = blockIdx.y*blockDim.y + threadIdx.y; // Early exit if the thread is not in the image. if( !in_img(x, y, w, h) ) return; // Load the 48 neighbours and myself. int n[7][7]; for( int j = -3 ; j <= 3 ; ++j ) for( int i = -3 ; i <= 3 ; ++i ) n[j+3][i+3] = in_img(x+i, y+j, w, h) ? (int) src[(y+j)*w + (x+i)] : 0; // Compute the convolution. int p = 0; for( int j = 0 ; j < 7 ; ++j ) for( int i = 0 ; i < 7 ; ++i ) p += gaussian_filter[j][i] * n[j][i]; // Store the result. dst[y*w + x] = (uchar) (p / 256); } What is good and what is bad? https://github.com/chmaruni/nsight-gtc Profiling Machine NVIDIA GeForce GTX980 GM200 Compute Capability SM5.2 CUDA 7.0 Windows 7 Visual Studio 2013 Nsight Visual Studio Edition 5.0 Profiling Introduction The Problem Visual Profiler Guided Analysis Iteration 1 CUDA API Calls Device Activity Hints Results We are using only a single stream Kernels have data dependencies so cant be executed in parallel This is a problem The guided analysis will try and address this Guided Analysis guassian_filter_7x7_v0 kernel has highest rank What is this telling us about our code? Memory Bound Problem! Memory vs Compute vs Latency Comp Mem Compute Bound Comp Mem Bandwidth Bound Comp Mem Latency Bound Comp Mem 60% Compute and Bandwidth Bound Better Occupancy might improve compute use What about occupancy? Occupancy: “number of active warps over max warps supported” Increasing achieved occupancy can hide latency More warps available for execution = more to hide latency warp 0 warp 1 warp 2 warp 3 warp 4 warp 5 warp 6 warp 7 warp 8 warp 9 The warp issues The warp waits (latency) Fully covered latency warp 0 warp 1 warp 2 warp 3 No warp issues Exposed latency, not enough warps Occupancy In our case we are not achieving theoretical occupancy (we have latency) warp 0 warp 1 warp 2 warp 3 warp 4 warp 5 warp 6 warp 7 warp 8 warp 9 What is the problem here? The warp issues The warp waits (latency) Occupancy In our case we have good occupancy but still high latency Schedulers cant find eligible warps at every cycle Exposed latency at high occupancy No warp issuing warp 0 warp 1 warp 2 warp 3 warp 4 warp 5 warp 6 warp 7 warp 8 warp 9 Warps are waiting for memory (transactions) The warp issues The warp waits (latency) More information Transaction per access = 5:1 We are using only 20% of the effective bandwidth Transactions per access? Think back to Lecture 11 To get 100% efficiency our threads need to access consecutive 4 byte values 32 Threads in warp accessing 4B each 128B total via 4 L2 cache lines 256192 2240 32 64 96 128 160 addresses from warp __global__ void copy(float *odata, float* idata) int xid = blockIdx.x * blockDim.x + threadIdx.x; odata[xid] = idata[xid]; } Profiler is telling that we could use only 1 transaction but are using 4/5 (only 1 transaction required for each thread in warp to read a single byte char) n[j+3][i+3] = in_img(x+i, y+j, w, h) ? (int) src[(y+j)*w + (x+i)] : 0; Memory is indexed based on x==threadIdx.x: Suggests access is coalesced. Cause not clear….. Analysis The limiting factor of our code is L2 Throughput There is nothing wrong with having high throughput Except: There is not enough compute to hide this We cant increase occupancy any further to hide this Solution: We need to reduce the time it takes to get data to the device to do compute on it. Either by Moving data closer to the SMPs Making our L2 reads/writes more efficient Currently ~4-5 Transactions/Access Our L2 cache lines are being used ineffectively Causes of Transaction per access: Striding? Lecture 11 example Strides (like above) cause poor transactions per access In the above case 8 transactions where we could have used 4 256192 2240 32 64 96 128 160 __global__ void copy(float *odata, float* idata) int xid = (blockIdx.x * blockDim.x + threadIdx.x)* 2; odata[xid] = idata[xid]; } 256192 2240 32 64 96 128 160 Lecture 11 Example: If memory accesses are offset then parts of the cache line will be unused (shown in red) e.g. Use thread blocks sizes of multiples of 32! __global__ void copy(float *odata, float* idata) int xid = blockIdx.x * blockDim.x + threadIdx.x + 1; odata[xid] = idata[xid]; } Causes of Transaction per access: Offset? What is our current data layout? Block 1 Block 2 … Warp 0 Warp 1 Warps are 8x2Blocks are 8x8 Why might this be a problem What is our current data layout? Block 1 Block 2 … Warp 0 Warps are 8x2Blocks are 8x8 threadIdx.x not consecutive within the warp Overfetch from L2 Cache 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 Data Overfetch Warp 1 Warp 2 Line 245 for i=0, j=0: src[x] //threads 0-7 only Line 245: src[(y+j)*w + (x+i)] 6448 560 8 16 24 32 40 Cache line (always aligned by 32B boundaries) Overfetch with L1 Caching 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 Data Overfetch Warp 1 Warp 2 Line 245 for i=0, j=0: src[y*w + x] Line 245: src[(y+j)*w + (x+i)] Any Ideas for improving this? Optimisation: Improved Memory layout Minimum block width should be 32 (each thread requires only 1 byte) Use Layout of 32x2 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 6448 560 8 16 24 32 40 Cache line (always aligned by 32B boundaries) Deploy: Improved Memory layout Kernel Time (ms) Speedup Rel. Speedup Gaussian_filter (Step 0) 5.49 1.00x - Gaussian_filter (Step 1a) 1.00 5.49x 5.49x Break What do we expect the analysis to look like next? Any ideas for what else may be required? Half time summary The guided profiler will help us optimise the right thing Hotspot tells us the most appropriate place to optimise Performance Limiter tells us what to focus on to improve Code may be Memory, Compute or Latency Bound Improvements so far Changed the access pattern (by changing block size) Reduced memory dependencies? Profiling Introduction The Problem Visual Profiler Guided Analysis Iteration 1 Iteration 2 Identify the hotspot Examine GPU Usage in Visual Profiler Examine Individual Kernels Gaussian filter kernel still the highest rank Performance Limiter Tex Instruction Units? Grid Block (0, 0) GPU DRAM Local Cache Thread (0, 0) Registers Thread (1, 0) Registers L2 Cache Global Memory Shared Mem Constant Cache L1 / Read-only Block (1, 0) Local Cache Thread (0, 0) Registers Thread (1, 0) Registers Shared Mem Constant Cache L1 / Read-only What are texture instruction units and why might our code be using them? Tex Instruction Units? What are texture instruction units and why might our code be using them? Hint: void gaussian_filter_7x7_v1(int w, int h, const uchar *src, uchar *dst) Grid Block (0, 0) GPU DRAM Local Cache Thread (0, 0) Registers Thread (1, 0) Registers L2 Cache Global Memory Shared Mem Constant Cache L1 / Read-only Block (1, 0) Local Cache Thread (0, 0) Registers Thread (1, 0) Registers Shared Mem Constant Cache L1 / Read-only Tex Instruction Units? What are texture instruction units and why might out code be using them? Compiler is reading src as read-only through Unified L1/Read-Only (texture cache) Grid Block (0, 0) GPU DRAM Local Cache Thread (0, 0) Registers Thread (1, 0) Registers L2 Cache Global Memory Shared Mem Constant Cache L1 / Read-only Block (1, 0) Local Cache Thread (0, 0) Registers Thread (1, 0) Registers Shared Mem Constant Cache L1 / Read-only void gaussian_filter_7x7_v1(int w, int h, const uchar *src, uchar *dst) Guided Bandwidth Analysis We are doing lots of reading/writing through unified cache Guided Bandwidth Analysis Still parts of the code reporting 2 transactions per access? Transaction per request Line 245 for i=1, j=0: src[x+1] Line 245: src[(y+j)*w + (x+i)] What is wrong with this access pattern? Transaction per request Line 245 for i=1, j=0: src[x+1] Line 245: src[(y+j)*w + (x+i)] What is wrong with this access pattern? Hint: Cache Lines are aligned by 32B boundaries Transaction per request Line 245 for i=1, j=0: src[x+1] Line 245: src[(y+j)*w + (x+i)] 40 48 560 8 16 24 32 Cache line Cache line We have an offset access pattern Guided Compute Analysis The guided analysis suggests that lots of our compute cycles are spent issuing texture load/stores Guided Latency Analysis: Occupancy Guided Latency Analysis: Occupancy Register usage is very high Occupancy currently limited by register usage Increasing occupancy might not help us however as we are dominated by texture load stores More work per SMP will just mean even more texture load stores! We can confirm this by looking at the unguided analysis: Kernel Latency PC Sampling Execution/Memory Dependency Rank these are best to worst Which have instruction and memory dependencies? int a = b + c; int d = a + e; //b, c and e are local ints int a = b[i]; int d = a + e; //b is global memory //I and e are local ints int a = b + c; int d = e + f; //b, c, e and f are local ints Instruction/Memory Dependency Rank these are best to worst Which have instruction and memory dependencies? int a = b + c; int d = a + e; //b, c and e are local ints int a = b[i]; int d = a + e; //b is global memory //i and e are local ints int a = b + c; int d = e + f; //b, c, e and f are local ints  Instruction Dependency  Second add must wait for first  Memory Dependency  Second add must wait for memory request  No dependencies  Independent Adds Analysis Our compute engine is dominated by load/store instructions for the texture cache Our texture bandwidth is good BUT Our warps are stalling as instructions are waiting to issue texture fetch instructions We still have poorly aligned access pattern within our inner loops Solution: Reduce dependencies on texture loads Move data closer to the SMP Only read from global memory with nicely aligned cache lines How? Analysis Our compute engine is dominated by load/store instructions for the texture cache Our texture bandwidth is good BUT Our warps are stalling as instructions are waiting to issue texture fetch instructions We still have poorly aligned access pattern within our inner loops Solution: Reduce dependencies on texture loads Move data closer to the SMP Only read from global memory with nicely aligned cache lines Shared Memory Shared Memory Single thread uses 7x7= 42 values Single block (32x4) uses 38x10 = 680 values Use shared memory to store all pixels for the block What important factor should we be considering? Also increased Block size Shared Memory Single thread uses 7x7= 42 values Single block (32x4) uses 38x10 = 680 values __shared__ unsigned char smem_pixels[10][64] Use shared memory to store all pixels for the block SM bank conflicts Also increased Block size BUT WAIT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Wouldn’t aligned char access have 4 way bank conflicts? NOT for Compute Mode 2.0+… “A shared memory request for a warp does not generate a bank conflict between two threads that access any address within the same 32-bit word (even though the two addresses fall in the same bank): In that case, for read accesses, the word is broadcast to the requesting threads (multiple words can be broadcast in a single transaction) …” I.e. A Stride of less than 1 (4B word) can be read conflict free if threads access aligned data 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Bank … Thread 1 0 2 3 4 5 6 7 Improvement Significant Kernel Time (ms) Speedup Rel. Speedup Gaussian_filter (Step 0) 5.49 1.00x - Gaussian_filter (Step 1a) 1.00 5.49x 5.49x Gaussian_filter (Step 40) 0.49 11.20x 2.04x Profiling Introduction The Problem Visual Profiler Guided Analysis Iteration 1 Iteration 2 Iteration 3 Identify the hotspot Examine GPU Usage in Visual Profiler Examine Individual Kernels Gaussian filter kernel still the highest rank Getting much closer though Performance Limiter Actually very close to magical 60% of compute Lets examine 1) The compute analysis 2) The latency analysis Guided Bandwidth Analysis Compute Analysis  We are simply doing lots of compute  Additional floating point operations graph shows no activity i.e. all of our instructions are Integer What are all of these integer instructions? Compute Analysis by Line Selecting the CUDA function from compute analysis results allows a line by line breakdown This will switch to unguided analysis Also PTX instruction breakdown provided Guided Latency Analysis Would changing the block size, register usage or amount of shared memory per block improve occupancy? Guided Latency Analysis Line by Line Breakdown Latency Overview: Other 32.25% Stall reason other generally means that there is no obvious action to improve performance Other stall reasons may indicate either; 1. Execution unit is busy  Solution: Potentially reduce use of low throughput integer operations if possible 2. Register bank conflicts : a compiler issue that can sometimes be made worst by heavy use of vector data types  Solution: None 3. Too few warps per scheduler  Solution: Increase occupancy, decrease latency Guided Latency Analysis: Line by Line Lots of time spent loading into shared memory 2nd Highest latency is on memory Lots of time spent computing convolution Highest latency is on execution dependency memory other execution 1st Analysis We have a reasonably well balanced use of the from Compute and Memory pipes. There is some latency in loading data to and from shared memory Our compute cycles are dominated by Integer operations What operations are they? We can either examine the code and PTX instructions (from Compute or Latency Analysis) or run additional analysis via Nsight within Visual Studio More detailed analysis Not guided like the visual profiler Start profiling Kernel Analysis Select Profile CUDA Application Select the Kernel (optional, will profile all kernels otherwise) Select the Experiments (All) Launch CUDA Launches View Performance Indicators Achieved IOPS No surprises… int p = 0; for( int j = 0 ; j < 7 ; ++j ) for( int i = 0 ; i < 7 ; ++i ) p += gaussian_filter[j][i] * n[j][i]; Pipe Utilisation More detailed confirmation Integer operations dominate Issue Efficiency This is good We have no divergent code 2nd Analysis We have a reasonably well balanced use of the from Compute and Memory pipes. There is some latency in loading data to shared memory and on executions to read it back Our compute cycles are dominated by Integer operations There is some latency in loading data to shared memory and on executions to read it back Consider a simplified problem Each thread needs to load an r, g, b, a value into shared memory Which has fewer shared memory load instructions? __shared__ char sm[TPB*4]; char r,g,b,a; r = sm[threadidx.x]; g = sm[threadidx.x+1]; b = sm[threadidx.x+2]; a = sm[threadidx.x+3]; __shared__ char4 sm[TPB]; char r,g,b,a; char4 rgba; rgba = sm[threadidx.x]; r = rgba.r; g = rgba.g; b = rgba.b; a = rgba.a; There is some latency in loading data to shared memory and on executions to read it back Consider a simplified problem Each thread needs to load an r, g, b, a value into shared memory Which has fewer shared memory load instructions? __shared__ char sm[TPB*4]; char r,g,b,a; r = sm[threadidx.x]; g = sm[threadidx.x+1]; b = sm[threadidx.x+2]; a = sm[threadidx.x+3]; __shared__ char4 sm[TPB]; char r,g,b,a; char4 rgba; rgba = sm[threadidx.x]; r = rgba.r; g = rgba.g; b = rgba.b; a = rgba.a; Our compute cycles are dominated by Integer operations Which of the following is faster? int p = 0; for( int j = 0 ; j < 7 ; ++j ) for( int i = 0 ; i < 7 ; ++i ) p += gaussian_filter[j][i] * n[j][i]; int a, b, c; a = sm_a[i]; b = sm_b[i]; c += a * b; float a, b, c; a = sm_a[i]; b = sm_b[i]; c += a * b; Our compute cycles are dominated by Integer operations Which of the following is faster? int p = 0; for( int j = 0 ; j < 7 ; ++j ) for( int i = 0 ; i < 7 ; ++i ) p += gaussian_filter[j][i] * n[j][i]; int a, b, c; a = sm_a[i]; b = sm_b[i]; c += a * b; float a, b, c; a = sm_a[i]; b = sm_b[i]; c += a * b; Integer multiply add is 16 cycles Float combined multiply add is 4 cycles Analysis We have a reasonably well balanced use of the from Compute and Memory pipes. There is some latency in loading data to shared memory and on executions to read it back Solution 1: Reduce SM Load Stores dependencies by using wider requests. i.e. 4B values rather than 1B (chars) I.e. Store shared memory values as 4B minimum Our compute cycles are dominated by Integer operations Almost all MAD operations Solution: Change slower Integer MAD instructions to faster floating point FMAD instructions I.e. Use floating point multiply and cast result to uchar at end Improvement Significant Kernel Time (ms) Speedup Rel. Speedup Gaussian_filter (Step 0) 5.49 1.00x - Gaussian_filter (Step 1a) 1.00 5.49x 5.49x Gaussian_filter (Step 40) 0.49 11.20x 2.04x Gaussian_filter (Step 5a) 0.28 19.60x 1.75x Profiling Introduction The Problem Visual Profiler Guided Analysis Iteration 1 Iteration 2 Iteration 3 Iteration 4 Identify the hotspot Examine GPU Usage in Visual Profiler What should be our next step? Lets look at our Gaussian kernel anyway… Identify the hotspot Examine GPU Usage in Visual Profiler Examine Individual Kernels Gaussian filter kernel no longer highest rank! We can now optimise the sobel_filter kernel Lets look at our Gaussian kernel anyway… Performance Limiter Looking good VS NSight IOPS/ FLOPS Metrics Analysis Our algorithm is making good use of compute and memory Further improvement will be difficult (but not impossible) Solution: Optimise a different kernel sobel_filter_kernel to get the same treatment Solution: Improve Gaussian kernel by changing the technique (parallelise differently) Separable Filter: Compute horizontal and vertical convolution separately then approximate by binominal coefficients Ensure we apply the same optimisations to separable filter version Improvement 25x speedup on existing GPU code is pretty good Companion Code: https://github.com/chmaruni/nsight-gtc Kernel Time (ms) Speedup Rel. Speedup Gaussian_filter (Step 0) 5.49 1.00x - Gaussian_filter (Step 1a) 1.00 5.49x 5.49x Gaussian_filter (Step 40) 0.49 11.20x 2.04x Gaussian_filter (Step 5a) 0.28 19.60x 1.75x Gaussian_filter (Step 9) 0.22 24.95x 1.27x https://github.com/chmaruni/nsight-gtc Summary Profiling with the Visual Profiler will give you guided analysis of how to improve your performance Show you how to spot key metrics We are trying to achieve good overall utilisation of the hardware (compute and memory engines) Through an appreciation of memory and compute bounds Follow the APOD cycle Assess: What is the limiting factor, analyse and profile Parallelise and improve (apply the knowledge you have learnt over the course) Optimise Deploy and Test If in doubt use the lab classes to seek guidence!