程序代写代做代考 concurrency flex algorithm database Advanced Computer System Exam

Advanced Computer System Exam

Haining Tong (znr113)

January 2018


1 Scenarios – Data Processing 2
1.1 State Algorithm . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
1.2 Count I/O Cost . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3

2 Scenarios – Replication 4

3 Scenarios – ARIES Recovery 5
3.1 undonextLSN . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
3.2 Transaction table and Dirty page table . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
3.3 Additional Log . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
3.4 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7

3.4.1 a . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
3.4.2 b . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7

4 Programming Task – Question1
High-Level Design Decisions, Modularity, Fault-Tolerance 7

5 Programming Task – Question2
Before-or-After Atomicity of Cart 10

6 Programming Task – Question3
Before-or-After Atomicity of Supermarket 10

7 Programming Task – Question4
Testing 12
7.1 Basic introduction for Test . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
7.2 before-or-after atomicity test . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
7.3 RPC, fail-soft test . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13

8 Programming Task – Question5
Experiments 13

9 Reference 14


1 Scenarios – Data Processing

1.1 State Algorithm

Our task can be split to: find all the users who had used small cars, get all the
users Id, and finally get the disjoint of these two set. Then we can get the users
who had only rented big cars. My solution is to use tournament sort (heapsort)
algorithm. And defines the size of input,output buffers are the size of every item
record in each table. The steps should be as follows:(Assume the table holds
cars data named ”car table”, the table holds rental data named ”rental table”)

• First: Use tournament sort to sort terms in car table based on their car id
to get a sorted car table.

• Second: Create an empty table ”small table” in disk to hold all the users
that have ever used small cars.

• Third: Project the rental table into a user table(eliminate userId dupli-
cate), and insert correct userId into small table. The detail operations
are as follows: Use tournament sort to sort terms in rental table based
on their user id . Comparing to normal tournament sort, my algorithm
should change as follows: In phase 1, every time before the item in out-
put buffer write into disk, we check the size category of car in this item
using the sorted car table we get on the first step. If big: write this term
directly to disk; if small: except insert this item into disk, we also insert
the user id into small table we create in step 2. According to the question
clarifies, our server’s memory is larger than the square root of any table,
but insufficient to hold any one of them completely. So there will be only
one pass in Phase 2. Before the items finally been writing back in Phase
2 to the ”user table” in disk, we should make sure to project it if it is
already exist for making only one entry for each userId left. So in this
step we can get a sorted rental table and a small table holds all users ever
rent small cars.

• Forth: Use tournament sort to sort terms in small table

• Fifth: Get the disjoint table of user table and small table: user table/small table.
So in this step we get our target set of users ”user table” holds users who
have only rent big cars

The total workload is the cost of three times sort + create and insert items
into a table + disjoint two sorted table. As I already sort the user table and
small table, the disjoint operation would not cost too much IO cost. Although
the sort work cause some IO cost, it helps us avoid using nested loop in disjoint.
So I think my algorithm is correct and effectively.
Compared to normal external merge sort, I tend to use tournament sort more
because using tournament sort to deal with data should normally be more ef-
fectively. As the runs we get on each step will be larger in average, then we can


decrease the number of passes in phase 2 of algorithm. (But in our question, as
it already give the size of memory that: ” You are provided with one server with
memory larger than the square root of any table, but insufficient to hold any one
of them completely”. Tournament sort would not have that much advantage
than normal merge sort in fact.)

1.2 Count I/O Cost

Assume the size of car table is m, the size of rental table is n, except overhead
for system and algorithm the memory can hold B terms. Then the cost of each
steps are:

• First:

– Cost of Phase 1 = 2N

As I choose to use heapsort, the average length of a run we get in phase
will be 2(B-2). If # passes in Phase 2 is P then: B(2(B − 2))P = N

p =

log2(B−2) dN/Be

– cost of each pass = 2N

– cost of phase 2 = 2N ∗

log2(B−2) dN/Be

So the total cost is: 2N ∗ (

log2(B−2) dN/Be

+ 1). But according to the

question, ” You are provided with one server with memory larger than
the square root of any table, but insufficient to hold any one of them
completely”. Using the result of our slides of lecture: lecture-12, P31,
our situation satisfies that sqrt(N) < B < N , means there would be only one pass in Phase 2, So the IO cost result of this step is in fact 2N ∗ (1 + 1) = 4N • Second: Because we only create an empty table, the IO cost is 1. • Third: – cost to get a sorted user table by projecting rental table is similar to first step = 2M ∗ ( ⌈ log2(B−2) dM/Be ⌉ + 1) – cost to get small table: Assume the average case is half of the record are small cars, that is M/2.(will be used in counting cost of Forth step) Because what we do is check index of car table in disk for each term in M, the cost will be M 3 So the total cost is : 2M∗( ⌈ log2(B−2) dM/Be ⌉ +1)+M = 2M∗( ⌈ log2(B−2) dM/Be ⌉ + 1.5). But similar to step1, according to the question, sqrt(M) < B < M , So there would also be only 1 pass in Phase 2, the IO cost of this step is in fact:2M ∗ (1 + 1.5) = 5M • Forth: Using the assumption in aforementioned step three, the size of total data in small table is M/2, so the cost of this step is similar to the first step: = 2 ∗ (M/2) ∗ ( ⌈ log2(B−2) d(M/2)/Be ⌉ + 1) = M ∗ ( ⌈ log2(B−2) dM/2Be ⌉ + 1) = M ∗ (1 + 1) = 2M • Fifth: Our work is similar to projection to rental table but add a check operation before we write into disk. – total steps = M – cost of check disjoint with small table in each step = 1. Because the small table is already sorted. So the IO cost of each step is 1, the total cost is M. So the total cost = 4N + 1 + 5M + 2M + M = 4N + 8M + 1 2 Scenarios - Replication Event Vector Clock at Process Before Message Vector Clock Action Token by Process Vector Clock at Process After A (0,0,0) (1,0,0) A2 (1,0,0) B (0,0,0) (0,1,0) A2 (0,1,0) C (0,1,0) (1,0,0) A3 (1,1,0) D (0,0,0) (0,0,1) A2 (0,0,1) E (1,1,0) (1,1,0) A1 (1,1,0) F (0,0,1) (1,1,0) A3 (1,1,1) G (1,0,0) (0,1,0) A3 (1,1,0) H (1,1,0) (0,0,1) A3 (1,1,1) I (1,1,1) (1,1,1) A1 (1,1,1) J (1,1,0) (0,0,1) A3 (1,1,1) K (1,1,1) (1,1,1) A1 (1,1,1) Brief justification: • Vector compare: To determine whether should we update vector clock of a process after it receiving a message we need to define how to compare the vector clock of messages and processes. Assume the vector clock of pro- cess is Vp = (p1, p2, p3), the vector clock of message is Vm = (m1,m2,m3). We say that vp < vm, standing for the process is ”at least partly older than” the message (and it should be update) if there exits any 1 ≥ i ≥ 3 4 satisfying pi < mi. Otherwise, we say that the process is ”completely newer than” the vector: vp ≥ vm • Action Token: when a process receive a message, we should compare their vector clock using the compare method defined aforementioned. If pi < mi, the process should take A2 or A3: when the update is caused by client, take A2; when the update is caused by receiving message from other process, take A3. If vp ≥ vm, we do not need to update the vector clock of the process, so we take A1. • Other simple situations: When a process send out a message, the vector clock of message should be the vector clock of process at that certain time. When a process receives a message with same vector clock, the process takes A1 because it does not need to do any update. These are how I construct my table. 3 Scenarios - ARIES Recovery 3.1 undonextLSN For convenient I will use number standing for the operation with corresponding LSN. (e.g. (5) stands for the operation with LSN = 5) • A = 5 Because this CLR with LSN = 13 corresponds to the operation : undo (7). According to the table the XACT ID of (7) is T2, and its PREV LSN = 5. So the UNDONEXTLSN of (13) should be set to 5. • B = 4 Because this CLR with LSN = 15 corresponds to the operation : undo (9). According to the table the XACT ID of (9) is T1, and its PREV LSN = 4. So the UNDONEXTLSN of (15) should be set to 4. • C = 3 Because this CLR with LSN = 16 corresponds to the operation : undo (4). According to the table the XACT ID of (4) is T1, and its PREV LSN = 3. So the UNDONEXTLSN of (16) should be set to 3. • D = NULL Because this CLR with LSN = 17 corresponds to the oper- ation : undo (5). According to the table the XACT ID of (5) is T2, and its PREV LSN = NULL. So the UNDONEXTLSN of (17) should be set to NULL. • E = NULL Because this CLR with LSN = 18 corresponds to the oper- ation : undo (3). According to the table the XACT ID of (5) is T1, and its PREV LSN = NULL. So the UNDONEXTLSN of (18) should be set to NULL. 5 3.2 Transaction table and Dirty page table Transactions Table TransID Status LastLSN T3 active 6 T2 active 17 Explain: Because among these four transactions, T4 is a winner which has succeeded to commit before crash and already end, so T4 should be removed from Transactions Table. T1 has also been ended before crash after it aborted and undo, so it should also be removed from Transactions Table. The last two transactions T2 and T3 has no end log, so they should be kept in the Trans- actions Table. The corresponding status of them are both ACTIVE: T3 is in progress and T2 is being undo. The corresponding LastLSN are 6 and 17 which are the last operation of them according to the Log. Dirty Pages Table PageID RecLSN P3 3 P1 4 P2 7 P4 9 Explain: There are P1,P2,P3,P4 four pages been written since the checkpoint. The RecLSN stands for the oldest LSN writting to the certain page. Because our system use steal and no force strategy for improving performance. The the default set No Force determines all records in our dirty will not be removed unless flushed, regardless of the corresponding transactions end or not. 3.3 Additional Log Additional Contents of the Log LSN PREV LSN XACT ID TYPE PAGE ID UNDONEXTLSN 20 17 T2 end - - 21 6 T3 abort - - 22 21 T3 CLR P3 NULL 23 22 T3 end - - Explain: According to the Dirty Page Table I get on Point 3.2, the redo will start at LSN = 3. And according to Transactions table, undo should end at the smallest LSN of transaction which are still active in the transactions table, so the undo should end at LSN = 5. Using the result I get in Point 3.1, the undo of T2 has already finished except 6 a log for end. So I end T2 firstly. For T3 I abort it, then undo the changes it writes to P3, at last I end it. We do not undo the CLR, because we never undo the undo operation. So additional logs are what I get. 3.4 3.4.1 a When a transaction is committed, the log tail is forced to stable storage. So in the scenario of the question, the action with LSN = 10 of T4 will trigger writes to stable storage. Because besides writing every log record to stable storage, commit is a special action. The definition of a committed transaction is effectively ’a transaction all of whose log records, including a commit record, have been written to stable storage’. So if we do not write to stable storage, as our system is no force, there would be no way to ensure that the changes of a committed transaction survive crashes. 3.4.2 b Redo would not be written to stable storage. As we know, the redo phase begins with the log record that has the smallest recLSN of all pages in the dirty page table constructed by the Analysis pass. Starting from that log record, Redo scans forward until the end of the log. For each redoable log record (update or CLR) encountered, Redo plays all the action again after check the effect of actions before the checked LSN is still exist.(Effect not stands for some situation like the affected page is no more in the dirty page or the page was dirtied after the checked LSN) This repeating history paradigm distinguishes ARIES from other proposed WAL-based recovery algorithms and causes the database to be brought to the same state it was in at the time of the crash. Because of the properties of redo mentioned above, we know that according to our repeating history algorithm in redo phase we only need redo according to the log. So we do not need to record the redo log to stable storage. Whenever we meet with crash, we just redo every update (chosen by the method mentioned in two paragraphs above). For dealing with no force strategy, Redo would update all the pages not have been flushed as what they should be before the crash. 4 Programming Task - Question1 High-Level Design Decisions, Modularity, Fault- Tolerance overall code organization : 7 I implement Cart as CertainCart and Supermarket as CertainSupermarket in com.acertainsupermarket.business. I also module them for RPC by creating two proxy: CloudHTTPProxy and EdgeHTTPProxy in com.acertainsupermarket.client. Their corresponding servers and messageHandlers are located in com.acertainsupermarket.server. In CertainSupermarket I define two maps: supermarketLock and itemMap. The former is for holding locks which I will introduce in detail on Question2. The later is designed for holding all the Items and their information. Their Ids are set as the key of the itemMap and their self (MutableItem) are set as value. Because there are no API for initialing the items in Supermarket declared in the interface handed out to us, and the question said that all items information is fixed and known a priori in our exam task. I decided to define some default items in com.acertainSupermarket.utils.SupermarketConstants and add them into the itemMap in constructor function. Similarly, in CertainCart I also defined two maps cartLock and cartMap. The cartMap is a map from Integer to a list of MutableCartItem. The In- tegers are the CartIDs of cart, and their list of MutableCartItem stands for Items already been putted in this cart. I defined the fixed CartId in Super- marketConstants and add them to the constructor, mapping to an empty list at the beginning. CertainCart also hold an instance of Supermarket named beloningSupermarket, which standing for the Cloud Server(Supermarket) this Edge Server(Cart) belonging to. The beloningSupermarket is used when Cart need to invoke functions of Supermarket: in add and checkout. I build EdgeHTTPProxy and CloudHTTPProxy and their corresponding server for module cart and supermarket. For implement the RPC between the clients and the Cart and the Supermarket, I create an instance of CertainCart in EdgeHTTPMessageHandler and CertainSupermarket in CloudHTTPMessage- Handler. All the calls from client will be handled by invoking corresponding functions of instances in each proxy. For implement the RPC between Cart and Supermarket, I set an additional kind of message with tag called SETBELONG. This kind of message would invoke the initializeCertainCart of CertainCart, which will assign the beloning- Supermarket aforementioned. I tried to transfer Supermarket in a set inside a SupermarketRequest but failed. The console complained :”Cannot marshal the XStream instance in action”. It seems instance of CloudHTTPProxy can not be transform in XStream. So finally I choose to transfer the address of Cloud Server as String to Edge Server. And I called initializeCertainCart with the argument of Cloud Server this address corresponding to. Then the Edge Server will invoke functions of this Cloud Server, implement the RPC between Cart and Supermarket. Similar to our assignments, my system is test-driven, I create three test files corresponding to three kinds of clients: Mobile Client, Store Client and Admin Client. RPC semantics : At-most-once semantics is implemented both between client and the Cart and the Supermarket, and between the Cart and the Supermarket Server. There 8 are three semantics in design: Exactly once, At-most-once and At-least-once, and in this case, the architecture in design is demanded to ensure there would be no retry on invoke the function.The difference between At-least-once and At-most-once is that their failure mode is different.If At-least-once is applied here, that the function might be re-invoke more than once. The reason to choose At-most once between At-most-once and Exactly once semantic is that At-most-once is a safer method in system design consider there could be oper- ation or system crash, and At-most-once has better performance in this case. (partly quoted from My report of Assignment 1, Point 3.4) Failure: My failure containment implementation guarantees a fail-soft design for the Cart instances with respect to the Supermarket instance by set Cart to catch all the possible Exceptions as described below Supermarket may throw. My Cart will only invoke the functions of Supermarket in add and checkout functions. so if Supermarket crashes, the left functions of Cart would not be affected and can still work. InexistentItemException and SupermarketException are contained at Cart instance. Because there are two functions in Certain Cart will invoke the func- tions of CertainSupermarket: add and checkout. The add calls getItems when adding a new item if there is no such kind item in the cart yet. This may cause the Supermarket throw a InexistentItemException if there are no such ItemId store in Supermarket, the add operation should fail then. My CertainCart would catch this exception and inform the exception to client. The checkout calls up- dateStocks of Supermarket. If there are not enough stock the Supermarket would throw SupermarketException, then CertainCart will catch it and inform the client. all-or-nothing atomicity : • I achieve all-or-nothing atomicity at the Cart service by spliting the oper- ations of check and implement. For the cases where exceptions are propa- gated from the Supermarket service, such as in function ”add” my Certain- Cart would inovke getItems of Supermarket twice. First time for check and Second time for implement add the certain Item into Cart. This would certainly affect performance. So this design is an offset between all-or-nothing atomicity and performance. • I achieve all-or-nothing atomicity at the Supermarket service in the same way, by spliting the operations of check and implement. Because there are multiple input of API getItems and updateStocks, I create two loops, one for check every element of input List or Set, the other for implement the certain operation. 9 5 Programming Task - Question2 Before-or-After Atomicity of Cart Method I use two phase Lock strategy for ensuring serializability at Cart instance. I create a one a map called cartLock, mapping from CartId to its corresponding ReadWriteLock. correctness My method is logically equivalent to a Conservative Strict Two Phase Lock- ing. Because all the APIs requires a certain CartId as argument, my method would lock the corresponding Lock of that Cart before doing certain work. After work finish, I unlock it. This satisfy the definition of Conservative Strict Two Phase Locking, I lock all the data(the cart) corresponding to my operation to- gether, and unlock them(in fact only one data node) together after the operation. reads on predicates vs. multigranularity locking I set add, remove and check out would lock a write lock, getCartItems would lock a read lock. As the first three functions would change the information of items store in the cart, but the last one would only read and not make any change. I do not think we need to consider the multi-granularity locking. Because all the APIs of Cart are only related to one cart, and would not affect other cart. Single-granularity seems already enough. Performance As I use a map that will only lock the corresponding cart, the performance would be much better than lock all the whole date set. And I believe locking is a better choice than optimistic approach. As our Cart service would serve multiple clients, there is a high probability some of clients trying to access a same Cart. As I set the return type of getCartItems to ImmutableCartItem, the costumer would not view any changes about the Car- tItem. This satisfied the task required. This set together with the lock strategy make sure the reliability of my system. Doing validation under such situation or using other optimistic approaches would be a huge cost for our server and might affect related clients. In contrast, locking is much easier to implement and can avoid conflict and save time and system cost to validation and correct. 6 Programming Task - Question3 Before-or-After Atomicity of Supermarket Method 10 I use two phase Lock strategy for ensuring serializability at Cart instance. I create a one a map called itemMap, mapping from itemId to its corresponding ReadWriteLock. correctness My method is logically equivalent to a Conservative Strict Two Phase Lock- ing. Because all the APIs requires a list of a set of itemIds as argument,my method would lock the corresponding Lock of that items before doing certain work. After work finish, I unlock them. This satisfy the definition of Conserva- tive Strict Two Phase Locking, I lock all the data(the items) corresponding to my operation together, and unlock them together after the operation. reads on predicates vs. multigranularity locking I set write lock for updateStocks, read lock for getItems. As the former would change the stocks of items stored in the supermarket, but the last one would only read and not make any change. I think my method already reach the multi-granularity locking. Because both APIs of Supermarket requires multiple itemIds, using map to lock all the corresponding items achieves a flexible-granularity locking. And the granularity is decided by the input. Performance Similar to Cart, as I use a map that will only lock the corresponding cart, the performance would be much better than lock all the whole date set. I believe locking is a better choice than optimistic approach. As our Super- market service would serve multiple clients and Cart servers, there would be a high probability some of clients trying to access some same items. I set the return type of getItems to ImmutableItem, the costumer would not view any changes about the Item. This satisfied the task required. I noticed that there is a property called lastRestockingTimestamp in ImmutableItem. I choose to set it with System.currentTimeMillis() as a time stamp. This property was not used in my system as I decide to use locking strategy. But this also gives us another way to achieve serialization: using time stamps to validate each oper- ations’ order. But doing such validation would in fact be a huge cost for our server and might affect related clients. In contrast, locking is much easier to implement and can avoid conflict and save time and system cost to validation and correct. 11 7 Programming Task - Question4 Testing 7.1 Basic introduction for Test I create three test files standing for three kinds of CLients: AdminClientTest, MobileClientTest and StoreClientTest. I set a bool variable localTest for config the test to run on local or RPC. at @BeforeClass I called intiializeCertainCart function of cart to set its be- longingSupermarket to the supermarket used in tests. Because there are no ease functions in the interface handed out to us, I ease the test by using remove of cart and updateStocks of supermarket. Change them back to the default stage. 7.2 before-or-after atomicity test I did the before-or-after atomicity test for Cloud Server in AdminClientTest and write two test for testing: testDirtyWrite() and testIsolution(). For testing the before-or-after atomicity on Edge Server, I write a test testBeforeAndAfter() in StoreClientTest. In testDirtyWrite() I create two thread: addthread and minusthread. The addthread would keep calling updateStocks for 10000 times, each time add one stock of ITEM1. The minusthread, on the contrary would keep calling update- Stocks for 10000 times and each time minus one stock of ITEM1. Enough stock has been added to the Supermarket at the beginning. These two threads runs concurrently in this test. And I check whether the number of ITEM1 after these two thread equals to its value at the beginning. Assume if dirty write appears during these two thousand times calling updateStocks, the end value would be not equal to the beginning value. So this test can check whether dirty write would happen in my system. In testIsolution(), Two clients running in different threads: changethread and peerthread, continuously invoke operations against the Supermarket in- terface. The changethread do the same operation for 10000 times: invokes updateStocks to minus one stock of ITEM1, changethread then invokes update- Stocks to add one stock of ITEM1. The peerthread continuously calls getItems of ITEM1 for 10000 times to get its quantity and ensures the snapshot of quan- tities either same to the beginning stocks or stocks minus one, as if ITEM1 had been just minus one or just replenished. Assume Before-and-After (Isolution) has not been implement in my system, peerthread would watch such abnormal values. So my test can succeed to test dirty reads and dirty writes. The testBeforeAndAfter() is quite similar to what I do in testIsolution(), but chahge the action to keep adding and removing ITEM1 from Cart1 for 1000 times. And I create another thread for check it always get the correct snapshot using getCartItems(). So this test can succeed to test dirty reads and dirty writes on EdgeServer. 12 7.3 RPC, fail-soft test I did the RPC and fail-soft tests in MobileClientTest file. In testRPC() I check whether checkout of EdgeServer would auto cause change on stock of the cor- responding item in CloudServer. In testFailSoft() I stop the CloudHTTPProxy then call getCartItems of EdgeServer and making sure the EdgeServer can still work. Proving my system is fail-soft. 8 Programming Task - Question5 Experiments workload design I set runFrequentGetItemsInteraction ro invoke getItem, runFrequentUp- dateStocksInteraction to invoke updateStocks and mix them each count 50% (percentCloudtInteraction = 50f in WorkloadConfiguration) in my work load. The runFrequentGetItemsInteraction would randomly pick an ItemID from a set of default I set in SupermarketConstants and calling getItem with it. The run- FrequentUpdateStocksInteraction would call SupermarketGenerator.nextListOfItemDeltas to generate a list of 50 ItemDeltas then using them to invoking updateStocks of CloudServer. The throughput are scale by divide the number of successful interactions with the latency: throughput = success interraction lantency . The success interraction and latency are gotten from WorkerRunResult experimental setup My laptop is Dell Inspiration, RAM = 8GB, CPU is Intel i7,my System is Win10, and I use Eclipse for this experiment. The hardware configuration I set to my computer is Balance Mode (Middle Level between High Performance and Power Saving Mode). The worker threads first run 100 times warm-up runs, and then run actual measurement runs 500 times. After running measurements, each worker returns a result consisting of the total number of interactions, the number of successful interactions run, the respective numbers of customer in- teractions, and the time taken by this worker. I set the maximum number of concurrent threads to 20. The value of throughput is calculated by divide the number of successful interactions with the time taken Result figure 13 (I used jfreechart-1.0.19 for plotting the result) discussion of results In fact every time I run the experiment it could not give results with a constant trend. The result shown before is one of the best tries match my expectations. I expect the value of throughput should rise as the number of concurrent threads increases, but at last it should become steady after reach some level. Because concurrency should make performance better than seri- alization, but this improvement is limited, because the speed of our CPU is limited, it could not hold too many threads run effectively. 9 Reference • Point 1.2 Using Our lecture slides: lecture-12, Page 31 • Point 3.4.1 Using Our text book: Advanced Computer System (ACS) DIKU Course Comprendium Block 2, 2015/16, Page 110, CHAPTER 18.4. • Point 3.4.2 Using Our text book: Advanced Computer System (ACS) DIKU Course Comprendium Block 2, 2015/16, Page 114, CHAPTER 18.6.2. 14 • Point 7.2 Using idea from the former assignment hand out: Assignment 2, Page 4, Test1 and Test2 • Point 8 Using code from the former assignment hand out: Assignment 3, file: com.acertainbookstore.client.workloads 15