程序代写代做代考 data mining Excel assembly algorithm matlab 2nd International Conference on Engineering Optimization

2nd International Conference on Engineering Optimization
September 6-9, 2010, Lisbon, Portugal

A Robust and Reliability Based Design Optimization Framework for Wing

Ricardo M. Paiva, André Carvalho, Curran Crawford

University of Victoria, Victoria, British Columbia, Canada

Lúıs Felix, Alexandra A. Gomes, and Afzal Suleman

Instituto Superior Técnico, Lisbon, Portugal

This paper presents the outline of a framework for simultaneous analysis and robustness and reliabil-
ity calculations in aircraft design optimization, with the option of employing surrogate models. Robust
Design Optimization and Reliability Based Design Optimization are merged into a unified formulation
which streamlines the setup of optimization problems and aims at preventing foreseeable implementation
issues. The code in development expands upon and, in some cases, completely rewrites a previous version
of a Multidisciplinary Design Optimization tool that was solely oriented to deterministic problems.
Keywords: Multidisciplinary Analysis, Robust Optimization, Reliability, Surrogate Models

1. Introduction
The increasing competitiveness in the aerospace industry has manufacturers searching for designs that
are robust in the sense that they still perform well in off design conditions (flight conditions or load
uncertainty, for example), as well as reliable in the way that they present a low probability of failure.
Moreover, in early stages of the design, many parameters are yet unknown or poorly characterized.
The classical approach to structural design employing safety factors has frequently proved to be overly
conservative, thus leaving room for improvement and achieving an edge over competitors. Reliability
Based Design Optimization (RBDO) is therefore aimed at seeking a compromise between reliability and
cost (not strictly in the financial sense).
This paper details the advancements made in the development of an MDO tool that is aimed at implement-
ing robust and reliability optimization techniques simultaneously, when solving aircraft design problems.

2. Uncertainty based design optimization
To incorporate uncertainties in design optimization implies solving a suitably modified version of the
deterministic design optimization problem. The methodologies to do so are divided into two main groups:
Robust Design Optimization (RDO) and RBDO. The differences between RDO and RBDO are not
mentioned often enough in the literature [1], and as such, a clarification is in order.
RDO methods aim at optimizing the deterministic response of a system about a mean value – maximizing
robust performance while minimizing its sensitivity to random parameters. In this way the impact of
design uncertainties is harder to perceive (e.g. definition of standard deviation versus probability of a
realization residing inside an interval).
On the other hand, RBDO approaches provide a way of designing while taking into account safety
margins. In other words, the optimization can be performed while having a particular risk in mind –
target reliability (and/or performance).
While both architectures necessarily require more function evaluations than the equivalent deterministic
optimization problem, RDO can be performed on an unconstrained problem while RBDO is by definition
performed on constrained problems only.

2.1. Robust Design Optimization
A generic statement for a deterministic optimization problem can be:



subject to: gi (x) ≤ 0 i = 1, …, ng
xLBk ≤ xk ≤ x

k k = 1, …, nDV



where x is the vector of design variables (DVs), xLB and xUB are the lower and upper bounds on the
DVs, respectively. Reformulation of the same problem in an RDO perspective would yield [2]:


F (µf (x, r), σf (x, r))

subject to: Gi (µgi(x, r), σgi(x, r)) ≤ 0 i = 1, …, ng
P (xLBk ≤ xk ≤ x

k ) ≥ Pbounds k = 1, …, nDV


where µ and σ represent the mean and standard deviation of the quantities in the subscript (DVs,
objective or constraints). These may be computed as per Eqs. 3 and 4. In this formulation, the otherwise
deterministic parameters r are allowed a random distribution (in a typical design problem these may
constitute material properties, for instance), and the design variables x can now be either deterministic
or random. The robust objective and constraints are now functions of the mean and standard deviation
of objective and constraints, which in turn depend on the probabilistic distribution of the variables. The
bounds on the DVs are now themselves established in terms of their probability of residing inside the
preset interval.

µf (x) =

∫ +∞

f(t) px(t) dt (3)

σf (x) =

∫ +∞

[f(t) − µf (x)]
px(t) dt (4)

here f represents a function of interest and px is the joint probability density function. The analytical
evaluation of the integrals in Eqs. 3 and 4 is impossible in most practical cases, and for that reason
a numerical procedure is required. Among the various techniques that may be used are Monte Carlo
methods, the Taylor based Method of Moments [2], the Sigma Point technique, and surrogate models
approximating µf (x) and σf (x) directly [3].

2.2. Reliability Based Design Optimization
An equivalent statement to Eq. 1 in RBDO is [4, 5]:


f(x, r)

subject to: grci (x, r) ≤ 0 i = 1, …, nrc
gdj (x) ≤ 0 j = 1, …, nd
xLBk ≤ xk ≤ x

k k = 1, …, nDV


The constraints set is now divided into reliability constraints, grci , and other design constraints, g
j (for

which a reliability target is not established). Alternatively, the objective function may be defined in
terms of the probability of exceeding/not exceeding a certain target, which is to be minimized [1]:


P (f(x, r)− target ≥ 0) or P (target− f(x, r) ≥ 0)
subject to: grci (x, r) ≤ 0 i = 1, …, nrc

gdj (x) ≤ 0 j = 1, …, nd
xLBk ≤ xk ≤ x

k k = 1, …, nDV


The reliability constraints are of the form:

grci = Pfi − Pallowi = P (gi(x, r) ≥ 0)− Pallowi (7)

P (gi(x, r) ≥ 0) =


px,r (t) dt (8)

effectively ensuring that the probability of the originally deterministic constraint gi being violated is
at the most Pallowi – the allowable probability of failure. Determining the probability of failure, Pfi ,
requires either sampling (again, Monte Carlo methods) or techniques such as the First Order Reliability
Method (FORM) and the Second Order Reliability Method (SORM) [4]. While FORM is widely used
in reliability analysis, SORM has seen little practical use as it requires higher order information on the
objective function and constraints [1, 4, 5, 6].


2.3. R2BDO
A mix of robust objective/reliable constraints is believed to be better suited than the original RBDO
formulation for general purpose optimization, particularly when a performance target cannot be readily
established for a probabilistic type of objective. If the initial guess for a target is too far off what an actual
design can attain, the probability becomes either too close to zero or to one, slowly varying. As can be
seen in Fig. 1, when the expected value of performance of the system (µf ) exceeds the expectations set by
the target by a large amount, the objective function becomes insensitive to change since the probability
(accounting for the uncertainty in the design variables) is now being measured at either of the tails of the
probability density function (PDF). In practice, this means an optimizer would tend to stop prematurely,
before finding a true candidate to local/global minimum.

Figure 1: Possible issue with probabilistic objectives

On the other hand, constraint treatment in RDO is not transparent since the designer is left with a choice
of weights that will ultimately define how far from the failure surface should the average optimum lie.
In [7] and the ubiquitous six-sigma analysis [8], this is addressed by adapting the robust constraints so
that the weights are calibrated in order to mimic a probabilistic constraint. This calibration is usually
made using the PDF of the normal distribution. Although this is a good approximation for very low
input variances or quasi-linear constraints, in general, the constraint output type of distribution may
greatly differ from that of the input, thus invalidating this type of analysis. The R2BDO problem is then
stated as:


F (µf (x, r), σf (x, r))

subject to: grci (x, r) ≤ 0 i = 1, …, nrc
gdj (x) ≤ 0 j = 1, …, nd
xLBk ≤ xk ≤ x

k k = 1, …, nDV


Essentially, in this proposed hybrid formulation, the type of objective function used in RBDO (either
deterministic or probabilistic, as mentioned in the previous section) is replaced by the type used in RDO.
In addition, the framework is to make use of surrogate models to expedite the evaluation of objective
and constraint functions. For further clarification, a flowchart of the tasks involved in the R2BMDO
framework is presented in Fig. 2.

3. MDO Tool
The current version of the MDO tool includes higher fidelity, more capable analyzer modules than previous
installments. A three dimensional panel code replaces the vortex lattice method previously in use and a
finite element structural analysis code is employed instead of an equivalent plate model [9, 10]. Because
user interaction is of prime concern in design optimization, particularly in the initial stages, a graphical
user interface (GUI) for the tool was developed. More importantly, the interface incorporates a self-
updating, interactive 3D viewer with a detailed representation of the wing, so that the user is fully aware
at all times during the optimization procedure. The interface is divided into several tabs representing
each of the modules, the first of which is the geometry module (Fig. 3), where the wing shape is defined.
At this point, three custom airfoils may be defined from which the wing is extruded according to user
defined planform variables (semispan, chords at root, break station and tip, among others).
In the aerodynamics module, the results are shown in terms of a pressure distribution contour plot and
major aerodynamic coefficients (and their derivatives should the user require it).


Figure 2: R2BMDO framework layout

Figure 3: Geometry generation tab.

The doublet/source lattice code in use was developed specifically for this tool and inherits and expands
upon the capabilities of the previous aerodynamics module. Contrary to the latter, however, it returns
a complete surface pressure field. It also includes compressibility corrections and a skin friction estimate
which uses a combination of the Eckert Reference Temperature method for laminar flow and the van Driest
II formula for turbulent flow [11]. Support has also been added for the definition of wing mounted pylons
and nacelles (with inlet/outlet boundary conditions) as well as control surfaces (see Fig. 4). Inclusion of
fuselage and tail assembly is also being considered.
The next module is dedicated to the definition of the wing’s structure which remained largely unchanged
from previous versions. This is accomplished through a treeview control comprising four main categories:
spars, ribs, stringers and skin panels (Fig. 5). Popup menus allow the definition of individual compo-
nents positioning, section parameters and material properties. Structural analysis is performed through
a finite element package which employs University of California FEAP [12] as a solver. The latter was


Figure 4: Aerodynamics tab.

Figure 5: Wing structure definition tab.

coupled with an inhouse developed automatic meshing code which allows the definition of a detailed wing
structure composed of spars, ribs, stringers and skin panels (see Fig. 6). The meshing process involves
Delaunay triangulation on skin panels, spar and rib caps, and quad-dominant mesh on spar and rib webs.
The triangular mesh is required since structural elements may be arbitrarily positioned relative to the
planform (linear constraints are however in place to prevent them prevent from overlapping). Stiffners are
simply modeled as beam elements. This module is capable of performing both static and modal analysis
of the wing structure. Future capability includes provisions for cutouts in the wing skin to accommodate
control surfaces and landing gear bay. Lastly, there are the controls for the operation of the optimizer

Figure 6: Finite element module.

module, defining variables for optimization and their respective ranges. The optimizer, which controls the
activity of the other modules, makes use of a gradient based algorithm – Feasible Sequential Quadratic
Programming – to search for the minimum of a user defined objective function (and can be coupled with


both direct analysis and surrogate model modules) [13]. It replaces a previously implemented MATLAB
based optimizer with the added advantages of being faster and of supporting multi-threading. Among
geometric, aerodynamic, and structural parameters, there is a choice of over 300 different variables to be
considered for optimization. The optimizer may call the analyzer modules directly or use surrogate mod-
els instead. The surrogate model types implemented at present are: quadratic interpolation, regression
Kriging and artificial neural networks (these approaches are further elaborated in the following section.

4. Surrogate models
As mentioned before, both RDO and RBDO are computationally much heavier than conventional deter-
ministic optimization due to either the additional design variables that are introduced in the problem
or the required evaluation of probabilities. By replacing the computationally expensive analyzers (for
aerodynamics, structural analysis, etc.) with suitable surrogate models/metamodels, the optimization
process can be greatly accelerated even if at the expense of a loss in fidelity [14]. Much like with RDO and
RBDO, in R2BMDO there should also be the possibility of using surrogate models to replace objective
and constraint functions, especially in regards to limit state functions and the determination of the MPP.
Three response surface/metamodel generating methods have been implemented thus far [10]: quadratic
interpolation, Kriging and neural networks. The following sections serve as an introduction to each of
them in some detail.

4.1. Quadratic interpolation
Quadratic interpolation based surrogate models are amongst the fastest available (in terms of execution
speed at both creation and evaluation time) and their implementation is rather trivial [15]. As the name
implies they involve the fitting of a second order polynomial to the function of interest (in some appli-
cations, incomplete versions of these polynomials are used, as some cross coupling terms are excluded).
Although this approach may not be adequate should the interpolated function exhibit oscillatory behavior
within its domain, it excels as an inexpensive global model. The interpolating polynomial is therefore
written as:

ŷ = c0 +

cjxj +


xkxjc1+nDV +

m=1 (nDV −m+1)+j−k (10)

The total number of polynomial coefficients (nt) is in this case equal to the the number of samples to be
taken (ns = nt = (nDV + 1) (nDV + 2) /2). The fact that sensitivities may be computed analytically is
an advantage of this type of models. Furthermore, the natural smoothness of the polynomial filters out
local disturbances in the interpolated function (which may be due to numerical errors, mesh adaptation,
etc.). This ensures that, in most cases, these sensitivities do represent the global design trends (though
the method may fill in local extreme).

4.2. Kriging
Kriging is a statistical interpolation method, initially designed to predict the size of oil reserves in the
mining industry. Originally introduced by Krige (hence the designation) in 1951, this field of geostatistics
would not be established until a decade later [16]. Some recent examples of the use of Kriging to develop
surrogates to be used in design optimization are the work of Huang [17], Lee and Park, [18] and Simpson
et al. [19]. Several types of Kriging have been employed thus far. Some of the most well known variants
are Simple Kriging (SK), Ordinary Kriging (OK), and Regression Kriging (RK). The latter is the one
which was chosen for use in the present work. Regression Kriging is a hybrid approach between a (usually
polynomial) regression and Ordinary Kriging models. It is based on the assumption that the value of a
given multivariable function, y(x), can be decomposed into deterministic and stochastic components:

y(x) = f(x) + z(x) (11)

f(x) represents the deterministic model, z(x) are the interpolated residuals and x is a location of interest,
where no samples were taken. While the regression model describes the behavior of the function on a
global level, the local discrepancies between such a model and the actual function are taken into account
through the Kriging model. The global regression model takes the form:

f(x) =


βk qk(x) (12)

qk are a set of predictor functions, nt is the total number of terms used in the regression, and βk are their
respective weights determined by means of fitting the sample data; in the present case generalized least


squares is employed. Least squares fitting of the polynomial approximations in section was not pursued
because of diminishing returns of a non locally refined and non-interpolating approximation. The current
implementation supports polynomials up to second order as the prediction functions. On the other hand,
z(x) is assumed to have zero mean and covariance defined by:

E [z(x) z(w)] = σ2R (w,x, θ) (13)

where σ is the standard deviation and R (w,x, θ) is a correlation function defined between points x and
w, fitted to sample data by means of the parameters θ. In the Kriging approximation, the samples are
weighted in the following manner:

ŷ(x) =


λk y(sk) (14)

where y(sk) are the values of the function at the sample points (sk), and λk are the Kriging weights which
need to be estimated. For the purposes of implementing a Kriging approximation of the objective and
constraint functions in the MDO problems, a MATLAB toolbox – DACE – was converted to C#/.NET
and hence designated DACE.NET. The detailed procedure of obtaining the weights in Regression Kriging
escapes, however, the scope of this paper, as it is thoroughly explained in the manual accompanying the
toolbox [20] as well as in other publications [16, 21]. Derivatives from the Kriging model are also easy to
obtain since the derivatives from the regression and correlation functions are well known [20, 16].

4.3. Artificial Neural Networks
Artificial Neural Networks (ANN) were first theorized by Pitts and McCulloch in 1943 [22]. Based on
their knowledge of the operation of organic brains, Pitts and McCulloch established several network
configurations for logical neurons. In the years that followed, ANN were studied in great detail by the
mathematical and computational analysis community.
The basic unit of ANN is the artificial neuron, which in its simpler form is referred to as a perceptron.
The perceptron is a functional with two components: a weighted summation of the inputs (Eq. 15), and
an activation function (Eq. 16) [23, 24].

n = Wjxj + β (15)

y = γ (n) (16)

where xj are the inputs of the perceptron, β is a bias and Wj are the weights of each input. γ and y
are the activation function and the result of the functional, respectively. The activation function can be
any monotonic function, but the following are the most commonly used: origin crossing linear functions,
hyperbolic tangents, logistic functions or the sign function. Usually, linear functions are used in the
input and output layers of a network; the sign function is used for biological inspired applications or in
digital networks; the hyperbolic tangent is preferentially used in system identification and control; and
the logistic function in data mining [23, 24]. There are other, more complex, types of artificial neurons
(e.g. Radial Basis Perceptrons) but in this work only the regular perceptrons were employed.
The Multi-layer perceptron (MLP) is one of the configurations proposed by Pitts and McCulloch and
is the most versatile and simple network structure. As the name implies the MLP is comprised of a
series of sequentially connected layers of perceptrons. A layer is defined as a group of perceptrons sharing
a common set of inputs and, in the case of the MLP, there cannot be intra-layer connections between
perceptrons [23].
The main advantage of neural networks is their adaptive nature. The process by which an MLP learns is
called the back-propagation algorithm. The back-propagation algorithm systematically applies a gradient-
based optimization algorithm to each layer of the MLP. The back-propagation is divided in two parts: in
the first the sensitivities for each layer are evaluated, starting from the output layer and ending on the
first hidden layer; in the second part the weights are updated according to the computed sensitivities,
this process starts in the first hidden layer and ends on the output layer.
The mathematical equations of the algorithm are highly dependent on the optimization method being
used. For the steepest descent, which is one of the simplest and most common algorithms, Eqs. 17 and 18
represent the first and second parts, respectively:

δmi = γ

ij W

jk δ

k (17){

Wmij = W
ij + 2 η δ

i x


βmi = β
i + 2 η δ




where δmi is the sensitivity for neuron i of layer m, γ

ij is the Jacobian matrix of the activation functions

of the layer, Wmij and β
i are the weight matrix and bias vector for layer m and η is the learning rate.

The implementation of the neural network model was done in C++. The neural network is enclosed
in a class that has methods for training and testing the network. From these methods, one can obtain
the results of the surrogate model and the corresponding derivative for a given input point. In order to
be used with the MDO tool, the class was implemented in a dynamic library, thus maximizing portability.

4.4. Sampling

For the purposes of generating the samples required to build the surrogate models, both a random and
a Latin Hypercube samplers were implemented. The process of creating the sample space, though cus-
tomizable by the user, is oriented towards maximizing the number of samples lying within the constrained
design space while minimizing the number of actual objective/constraints functions evaluations. To that
end, a newly generated sample (which is already within the ”hard” bounds) is submitted to the tests il-
lustrated in Fig. 7, in which the distance to previously taken samples and linear constraints are computed
first to avoid a possibly superfluous MDA (Multidisciplinary Analysis) evaluation. In the case of nonlin-
ear constraints, after a number of failed tries the algorithm finally includes the constraint violating point
into the sampling set. This situation frequently occurs near the intersection of two or more constraints as
illustrated in Fig. 8 (the size of the clearance areas is exaggerated but the number of samples is reduced
in order to favor understandability). To further ameliorate this issue, there is the option in the algorithm
to include a tolerance for infeasible points (with respect to nonlinear constraints, i.e., g(x) ≤ �, � > 0,
instead of g(x) ≤ 0).

Figure 7: Sampling algorithm with constraint based filtering

Because an initial model will generally provide poor coverage and for that reason the optimum found
may still be far from a true optimum, an adaptive trust region can be defined around this point so that
the sample is updated and further refined around this area of interest. Hence, the sampling procedure
described above is executed only once on the overall design space and subsequently it is confined to the
limits of the trust region, which is also illustrated on Fig. 8.

5. Conclusions
Reliability calculations, in particular, are to require a large number of function evaluations, which will
hamper overall performance. The inclusion of surrogate model based optimization practices should then


Figure 8: Sampling region in the vicinity of constraints

prove instrumental in the type of framework envisaged. Future work involves the implementation and
testing of the proposed R2BMDO architecture, the choice of uncertain parameters and their respective
probabilistic distributions, as well as the complete validation of the new analyzer modules. Special at-
tention will be given to assessing the impact of reliability constraints on the results, and determining
whether the extra computational effort (vs. deterministic problems) is justified.

This work was supported in part by the Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia (FCT) under Grants
SFRH/BD/27863/2006, SFRH/BD/22861/2005, as well as by Aernnova, Aerospace S.A. The authors
also acknowledge AEM Design for supplying the CFSQP optimization code.


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