Minimum Spanning Trees Kruskal’s Algorithm
Kruskal’s Algorithm
There are two MST algorithms based on the same greedy choice
Kruskal’s Algorithm (Input: a connected, weighted graph G = (V ,E ))
Sort all edges in G by weight
Put each vertex in G into a separate set
For (u, v) ∈ E (in order)
If u and v are in different sets
Add (u, v) to the MST
Combine u’s set with v ’s set
Gradually join |V | components
Add next lowest weight edge if it joins two components
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Minimum Spanning Trees Kruskal’s Algorithm
Kruskal’s Algorithm
The set of edges is iterated over in weight order
If the next edge connects two distinct components it is added
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Minimum Spanning Trees Kruskal Implementation
Implementing Kruskal’s Algorithm
Kruskal’s Algorithm (Input: a connected, weighted graph G = (V ,E ))
Sort all edges in G by weight
Put each vertex in G into a separate set
For (u, v) ∈ E (in order)
If u and v are in different sets
Add (u, v) to the MST
Combine u’s set with v ’s set
How can the basic algorithm be implemented?
What is returned?
What data structures could be used?
What would be the performance?
Algorithms (580) Weighted Graphs February 2018 23 / 54
Minimum Spanning Trees Kruskal Implementation
Kruskal’s Algorithm: Implementation
Kruskal’s Algorithm (Input: a connected, weighted graph G = (V ,E ))
1 T = new Graph(V)
2 Add all edges in E to a queue Q prioritised by min weight
3 for v in V
4 Set Sv = {v}
5 while Q is not empty
6 {x,y} = Q.remove()
7 if x in Si and y in Sj and i != j
8 T.add edge(x,y)
9 Si = Si + Sj
10 Sj = {}
11 return T
T is a new graph, initialise with V (line 1), then add edges (line 8)
Sorting or using priority queue are equivalent
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Minimum Spanning Trees Kruskal Performance
Kruskal’s Algorithm: Performance
Kruskal’s Algorithm (Input: a connected, weighted graph G = (V ,E ))
1 T = new Graph(V)
2 Add all edges in E to a queue Q prioritised by min weight
3 for v in V
4 Set Sv = {v}
5 while Q is not empty
6 {x,y} = Q.remove()
7 if x in Si and y in Sj and i != j
8 T.add edge(x,y)
9 Si = Si + Sj
10 Sj = {}
11 return T
What is the time complexity?
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Minimum Spanning Trees Kruskal Performance
Kruskal’s Algorithm: Performance
Kruskal’s Algorithm (Input: a connected, weighted graph G = (V ,E ))
1 T = new Graph(V)
2 Add all edges in E to a queue Q prioritised by min weight
3 for v in V
4 Set Sv = {v} // use “disjoint sets” structure
5 while Q is not empty
6 {x,y} = Q.remove()
7 if x in Si and y in Sj and i != j
8 T.add edge(x,y)
9 Si = Si + Sj
10 Sj = {}
11 return T
The disjoint set data structure is O(log |V |) for all operations
See books for details
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Minimum Spanning Trees Kruskal Performance
Performance of Kruskal’s Algorithm
For a graph with V vertices and E edges:
Sorting the edges is O(E log2 E )
Remainder depends on set operations
Operations on disjoint sets such as these possible in O(logV ) time
See disjoint set (Cormen) , union-find (Sedgewick) data structure
So, the loop to build the MST is O(E log2 V )
E < V 2, so log2 E < 2 log2 V and E log2 E = O(E log2 V ) So, overall time is O(E log2 V ) Algorithms (580) Weighted Graphs February 2018 27 / 54 Minimum Spanning Trees Prim’s Algorithm Prim’s Algorithm Prim’s Algorithm (Input: connected, weighted graph G = (V ,E ), vertex r) Add r to MST While MST has fewer than |V | − 1 edges Add least weight edge that connects MST to new vertex Focus on one component Only consider edges from that component Algorithms (580) Weighted Graphs February 2018 28 / 54 Minimum Spanning Trees Prim Implementation Prim’s Algorithm: Implementation Prim’s Algorithm (Input: connected, weighted graph G , vertex r) T = new Graph(G.num vertices) tree vertex = new boolean[G.num vertices] tree vertex[r] = true Q = new MinPriorityQueue() // by weight for v in G.adj[r] { Q.add((r,v)) } while T has fewer than |V| - 1 edges (x,y) = Q.remove() // tree vertex[x] is true if not tree vertex[y] tree vertex[y] = true T.add edge(x,y) for v in G.adj[y] { Q.add((y,v)) } return T Just one set of vertices to track No new data structures needed Algorithms (580) Weighted Graphs February 2018 29 / 54 Minimum Spanning Trees Prim Performance Prim’s Algorithm Discussion What is the time complexity of Prim’s algorithm? Prim’s Algorithm (Input: connected, weighted graph G , vertex r) T = new Graph(G.num vertices) tree vertex = new boolean[G.num vertices] tree vertex[r] = true Q = new MinPriorityQueue() // by weight for v in G.adj[r] { Q.add((r,v)) } while T has fewer than |V| - 1 edges (x,y) = Q.remove() // tree vertex[x] is true if not tree vertex[y] tree vertex[y] = true T.add edge(x,y) for v in G.adj[y] { Q.add((y,v)) } return T Algorithms (580) Weighted Graphs February 2018 30 / 54 Minimum Spanning Trees Prim Performance Performance of Prim’s Algorithm Prim’s Algorithm also executes in O(E log2 V ) time assuming a queue implemented as a binary heap The queue operations determine the running time All edges are added to the queue Worst case: all edges removed from queue E log2 E = O(E log2 V ) as before Algorithms (580) Weighted Graphs February 2018 31 / 54