程序代写代做代考 database FTP SIT104: How to FTP files to Deakin Server

SIT104: How to FTP files to Deakin Server

1 of 4 2/07/2015 2:16 PM

How to FTP files to Deakin Web Server
Sometimes you need to upload/download files to/from deakin web server (hostname: interactive.deakin.edu.au
or ftp.deakin.edu.au) using FTP software when not on Deakin campus. There are many free FTP clients
available on Internet. The following instructions and screenshots demonstrate how to use Winscp to transmit
files. Mac user can use Fetch which is available from here

1. Install Winscp software on your local computer
This free software Winscp can be obtained here (http://software.deakin.edu.au/category/connectivity-tools/).

Download and install it.

2. Run the program and set the hostname “interactive.deakin.edu.au” or

Run the program, put in interactive.deakin.edu.au or ftp.deakin.edu.au as the Host Name. Enter your
deakin login username as the User name; and leave the password field blank.

You will be prompted for password when you connect to the Deakin server:


3. Transmit files between local computer and deakin Web server

Once log in, you will be taken to your ‘home area’ on the Deakin web server. Go to public_html directory, you
can make a subdirectory (eg. named SIT104) and upload your files (PHP, HTML, images, databases etc.) to it.

You can select different local system from left panel area, and different remote system from right panel
area. To download file, use “Download” button. To upload file, use “Upload”button.

If you have trouble accessing the web server, make sure that you have entered the right address, username
and password; if you still have problems, please contact IT Help (http://www.deakin.edu.au/students/help/it-


You can upload, delete, rename files and create sub-directories in this area.

4. Test

To test if you have transmitted the file successfully, locate and open it locally if download. Or type in the
URL(e.g. http://www.deakin.edu.au/~your_username/…dir path…/file_name_uploaded ) and open it in a
browser window if upload. Note: the URL is case sensitive.

5. Other FTP tools

If you use other FTP tools, such as FileZilla, use the same settings in your FTP program:

• Server: ftp.deakin.edu.au
• Connect using Protocol: SFTP
• Username: [Your Deakin Username]
• Password: [Your Deakin Password]

1. Install Winscp software on your local computer
2. Run the program and set the hostname “interactive.deakin.edu.au” or “ftp.deakin.edu.au”
3. Transmit files between local computer and deakin Web server
4. Test
5. Other FTP tools