Proceedings Template – WORD
The Compliance Budget:
Managing Security Behaviour in Organisations
Adam Beautement
University College London
Department of Computer Science
Malet Place, London. WC1E 6BT
+44 20 7679 7214
M. Angela Sasse
University College London
Department of Computer Science
Malet Place, London. WC1E 6BT
+44 20 7679 7214
Mike Wonham
Hewlett-Packard Labs
Filton Road, Stoke Gifford,
Bristol, BS34 8QZ
A significant number of security breaches result from
employees’ failure to comply with security policies. Many
organizations have tried to change or influence security
behaviour, but found it a major challenge. Drawing on previous
research on usable security and economics of security, we
propose a new approach to managing employee security
behaviour. We conducted interviews with 17 employees from
two major commercial organizations, asking why they do or
don’t comply with security policies. Our results show that key
factors in the compliance decision are the actual and anticipated
cost and benefits of compliance to the individual employee, and
perceived cost and benefits to the organization. We present a
new paradigm – the Compliance Budget – as a means of
understanding how individuals perceive the costs and benefits of
compliance with organisational security goals, and identify a
range of approaches that security managers can use to influence
employee’s perceptions (which, in turn, influence security
behaviour). The Compliance Budget should be understood and
managed in the same way as any financial budget, as
compliance directly affects, and can place a cap on,
effectiveness of organisational security measures.
Categories and Subject Descriptors
H.1.2 [Models and Principles]: Human/Machine Systems –
human factors, human information processing. C.2.0
[Computer Communication Networks] General –security and
General Terms
Management, Economics, Security, Human Factors.
Security policies, security behaviour, Compliance Budget,
It is widely acknowledged in security research and practice that
many security incidents are caused by human, rather than
technical failures (e. g. Schneier 2000). Researchers
approaching the issue from a Computer-Human Interaction
(CHI) perspective – e. g. Whitten & Tygar (1999) –
demonstrated that many human failures are caused security
mechanisms that are too difficult for ordinary users. Even users
with good technical skills such as systems administrators and
software developers often struggle to keep up with the increased
complexity and workload created by security mechanisms
(Zurko & Simon, 1996; Flechais et al. 2003). The primary goal
of the flourishing research community focusing on usable
security, known as HCIsec, is to provide security tools that the
intended users can operate correctly [e.g. Yee 2005] and
complete a security task – such as encrypting an email –
effectively. Other key usability criteria established by the HCI
research community – user satisfaction and user cost – have
hitherto been addressed implicitly rather than explicitly in
usable security research.
Adams & Sasse (1999), Weirich & Sasse (2001), and Weirich
(2005) pointed out that to achieve effective security from an
organisational point of view security designers and managers
need to consider that:
1) Individual users have a choice on whether to comply with
security policies, and
2) This choice is influenced by the individual’s own goals,
perceptions and attitudes, and norms which govern the
individual’s behaviour.
Throughout this paper, we assume that the context is one in
which the employee has a choice. We recognize that in certain
high-security contexts, user choice can be curtailed or removed
entirely. But we focus on the majority of organizations where
security is not a top priority, and compliance cannot be
constantly monitored and enforced .
Recent evidence suggests that in these contexts, managing
employees’ security behaviour is still a major challenge.
Johnson & Goetz (2007) cite Theresa Jones, a security manager
at Dow Chemical:
“My biggest challenge is changing behavior. If I could change
the behavior of our Dow workforce, then I think I’ve solved the
Changing behaviour is important, but needs to be accompanied
by changes in the security tools and models used. How can this
be done? Johnson & Goetz (2007) report that current attempts
focus on placing more responsibility on line managers, in some
cases even imposing financial penalties on them if an employee
they are responsible for causes a security breach.
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While we agree that economic reasoning may help to change
employee behaviour, Weirich (2005) found that negative
reinforcement – which would include financial sanctions for
security transgressions– used in isolation, are as ineffective in
changing security behaviour as they have been in changing
behaviour most other areas of life. We propose 1) that
understanding the economics of compliance from an
individual’s point of view provides a better basis for influencing
individuals’ security behaviour, and 2) that organisations should
accept that compliance with security policies is a finite resource
that needs to be carefully managed. We express this proposal in
form of a new paradigm – the Compliance Budget. The results
of the interview study presented in this paper show that
individuals and organisations place different values on the cost
and benefits of behaviours associated with security policies, and
that an individual employee’s choice – to comply, or not to
comply – with a security policy is determined by the perceived
cost and benefit. The choice is not an entirely selfish one –
individuals consider the cost and benefits to both the
organisation and themselves – but:
1) The perception of cost and benefit is centered on the
individual employee’s immediate work context,
2) There is a limit to the amount of effort individuals are
prepared to expend on compliance unless there is a perceived
benefit to balance it,
3) Cost-benefit imbalances accumulate until the compliance
limit is reached.
In the following section, we review previous research on 1)
organisational approaches to managing security and compliance,
2) economic techniques can be applied to security and security
spending, and 3) factors influencing individuals’ security
behaviour in organisational settings. Section 3 describes the
empirical study we carried out to collect data on individual and
organisational perceptions of cost and benefits of security
measures. In section 4, we present the costs and benefit of
security measures from individual employees’ perspective.
Section 5 presents the new paradigm derived from those results
– the Compliance Budget – and discusses how this notion helps
to gain a differentiated view of the overall cost of complying
with a security policy. In section 6, we outline two ways in
which the notion of a Compliance Budget can be applied to
manage security behaviour:
1) Organizations should track compliance efforts required by
different groups of employees, and ensure the limit is not
exceeded. As with any other budget, this can be done by
prioritising compliance on key security goals, and removing the
need to comply with less important ones.
2) Organisations can influence individuals’ perception of cost
and benefit of security measures, e.g. through awareness and
education, and improved risk communication,
In an increasingly tougher economic climate, organisations have
to decide how to spend their resources most effectively to
achieve their operational goals. While IT spending over the past
few years has remained fairly flat, spending on IT security has
increased by around 17% per year (Huang et al., 2007). But
there is growing awareness among researchers in information
security that the resources an organisation can spend on IT
security are limited, and have to be targeted to protect the assets
and processes that matter most to an organisation. Attention has
also been paid to the most effective way of disbursing a limited
security budget in the face of a variety of threats. Huang et al
(2007), for instance, highlight the need to “minimize security
risks with limited resources for implementing security
technologies and programs.”
To achieve this, there has been a growing trend in information
security research to employ economic models and approaches to
support decision-making regarding spending on corporate IT
security. Gordon and Loeb [4] argue strongly for applying
formal cost/benefit analysis techniques to the process of
managing corporate IT security. There is an ongoing research
effort to improve and refine the metrics that could be used in
information security, e.g. Herath and Herath (2007).
But to achieve meaningful metrics, security needs to be seen in
the context of the business it seeks to protect. To deliver
effective IT security, one must not only understand the threats to
an organisation, but how security fits into its business goals and
processes. As Johnson & Goetz (2007) point out, the biggest
challenge for security metrics is linking them to business in a
meaningful way; for example, being able to state the cost to the
business of a security incident in terms of revenue loss.
Currently there are no tools for managing security behavior and
modeling the impact of policy changes. This is something this
paper begins to address.
Equally challenging is establishing a metric’s validity and
building metrics that change over time to incorporate changes in
the organizational and risk environments while still allowing
meaningful comparison to previous results. The losses incurred
by a breach in confidentiality are very different from those
resulting from an availability failure (Kumar et al., 2007) and so
threats to availability and confidentiality need to be treated
differently depending on the focus of the organisation. Security
officers and corporate decision-makers therefore need to have a
full range of information about the systems they are working
with. By treating security spending as an economic exercise, it
is possible to for organisational decision-makers and security
specialists to develop a common framework and language for
planning and designing an organisation’s security policies.
Even though everyone understands that employees play a key
part in any organisation’s processes and performance, they do
currently not feature in the attempts to model the cost and
benefit of security measures. We argue that this needs to be
changed: any reasoning about cost and benefit of security
measures has to include the impact that those security measures
have on individual employees. Effective security relies on
employees complying with security policies, i.e. exhibiting the
behaviours specified in the policies. Previous research on users
and security (Adams & Sasse, 1999, Weirich & Sasse, 2001,
Weirich 2005) has pointed out that – unless there is constant
monitoring and enforcement – individual users have a choice on
whether to comply with security policies, and that this choice is
influenced by the individual’s own goals, perceptions and
attitudes. If the individual’s goals, perceptions and attitudes are
aligned with those of the organisation, then no conflict exists,
and most individuals are likely to comply with the policies.
The aim of the study reported in this paper was to explore the
relationship between individual security behaviour and
organisational security when there is a conflict of interest, i.e.
when the behaviour required by a security measure is not
aligned with individual employees’ goals. Employees focus on
completing their primary (production) tasks, and the behaviour
required by the security (enabling) tasks often presents an
obstacle on the shortest path to primary goal (Sasse et al. 2001).
This misalignment introduces friction between security and
business processes into the organizational system, and it is this
friction that is at the heart of individual compliance issues.
We explore how economic techniques can be applied to
effectively manage these conflict situations. The results from
our study show that techniques of economic management and
optimisation can be usefully applied to model this situation.
There is a limit to the amount of effort individuals are prepared
expend on security measures that do not obviously contribute to
their key production tasks, and this extra non-productive effort
required accumulates until a limit is reached. We have named
this limit the Compliance Budget. There are two key benefits
that can be obtained from understanding this effort:
1) Organisations can focus the effort available on key
security tasks to maximize their return on investment
and avoid wasteful expenditure on less critical
2) It is possible to determine the cost of achieving an
employees’ compliance with a security measure, and
to include this cost in models of cost and benefit of
security measures.
To obtain an empirical basis for our model, we conducted a
study to elicit factors that contribute to corporate and individual
security cost. One of the authors conducted 17 in-depth
interviews with security staff, employees and managers in two
major UK companies – a financial institution and the research
lab of a technology company. The interviewees included the
chief security officers in both companies, and 4 security
researchers or operational security staff. The remaining 10
participants were staff working in the companies’ main-line
activities – financial services or technology research, and one of
them was a lawyer. All participants had a university degree and
at least two years’ work experience.
The interviews were semi-structured, exploring
• The tasks and responsibilities of interviewees,
• Their perception of the risks facing the company,
• Their attitudes to the company’s security polices and security
measures, and
• The perceived impact of security measures on individual’s
tasks and responsibilities, and company productivity.
Whilst the interviews covered a range of security policies and
measures, all interviewees were asked about their usage of one
specific bit of technology – USB sticks- and their awareness of
security policies surrounding the use of these policies. These
sections of the interviews have been analysed in-depth and
reported elsewhere (Pym et al. 2008). For this paper, we
analysed the transcripts of the interviews in their entirety, and
analyzed using techniques from Grounded Theory. Grounded
Theory [Strauss & Corbin] is a qualitative data analysis method
widely used in social sciences, which allows identification of
salient concepts and relationships between them. Over the past
10 years, the method has been successfully applied to model
user perceptions and attitudes in Human-Computer Interaction
in general. Adams & Sasse (1999) used this approach to identify
factors that affect employees’ perceptions of corporate security
policies, and Weirich & Sasse (2001) modeled employee
decision-making on compliance with password security policies.
The interviews using axial coding (the first stage of Grounded
Theory) to produce an inventory of the individual employee’s
cost and benefit associated with security policies and
mechanisms they came in contact with, and the cost and benefit
for the organization. Data were coded by two researchers
The analysis of the interviews provided many examples of
participants complying and not complying with security
measures. The costs and benefits of security policies featured
large in individuals’ discussions of their security behaviour.
This is not, however, a simple equation compliance = cost to the
individual, benefit to the organisation, and vice versa. Rather,
the actual costs and benefits are a complex web of perceived
costs and benefits to the employee (both from a professional and
individual point of view), and the perceived cost and benefit to
the organisation. The individual employee’s perception of cost
and benefit is, however, largely determined by the impact of
compliance on their tasks and responsibilities; the goal of their
primary work task dominates their perspective whereas the
security goal of the organization is a distant spot on the horizon.
We identified a number of different scenarios in which
individual cost/benefit decisions were traded off against
compliance with security policies. These are described in detail
in the following section.
4.1 Example Cost/Benefit Scenarios
In this section, we present 5 key scenarios illustrating
individuals’ cost/benefit perceptions of security measures. The
quotes from the interviews illustrate the examples given.
Centrally scheduled maintenance tasks, such as weekly
automated virus scan
Participants provided many examples of production tasks being
disrupted by centrally scheduled maintenance tasks, such as
virus checker updates, patches, and licence management
software. The effect is either a complete interruption of the
employee’s production tasks, or their machines being slowed
down to the point where they cannot work effectively:
P6: “when [the virus scanner] is turned on, our program takes
an extra 20 minutes to build and test”.
Most participants acknowledged that there was a purpose to
those security measures. If they had the luxury of doing so, they
would re-organise their work: “go for a coffee”, and resume
when the maintenance task was completed. All participants felt
it was justified to circumvent these security measures if they
interfered with their ability to deliver their work on time,
especially if they were up against a deadline. A minority,
however, was more militant, feeling that no interruption of their
work was justified. Each participant seemed to evince some
awareness of the tradeoff between personal and organizational
P3: “Anything that loses time is not good for the business.”
Others were clearly resentful of the loss of control over their
own machines, and their ability to complete their work being at
the mercy of “whatever they think of next”, especially if they
could not perceive any benefit of those updates. In one of the
organisations, several employees had permanently opted out of
the updates:
P11: “next thing I know I’m installing some tiresome patch that
I don’t want to be installing… I used to circumvent that
whenever I was in this building.”
Employees did this either openly or covertly (some deliberately
switched to an operating system or application software that was
not centrally supported) – some with, some without knowledge
of the security/IT managers. Most employees were aware that
there must be organisational need for running these updates, and
that their “opting out” would undermine this.
P16: “different IT groups all want to scan these machines so I
don’t think they are too happy about that.”
The prevailing attitude, however, was that – whatever the
organisational need for these measures – it did not justify
“stopping people from getting their work done”, and leaving
several participants to wonder “why they cannot run these
things at night?”This last example highlights a lack of
awareness that their might also be conflicting goals at the
organizational level, in this case the desire to reduce energy
consumption versus effective security.
4.1.1 Additional authentication
Several passwords need to be (re)entered, e.g. to connect to
additional VPNs. At worst, failure to recall the correct
password leads to failure to access (no availability), which in
turn means inability to get work done.
P3: “The only [problem] I can think of is if either you lose a
password or forget it.”
Additional passwords increase cognitive load, and worry that e
systems recall password accurately.
P10: “there are a lot of systems that need a lot of passwords
and you know keeping a track of them is a bit of a pain.”
Additional authentication hurdles cause delay in accessing
systems and cause frustration at having to repeat a task.
4.1.2 Using encryption for data storage/transfer
Mandatory use of encryption for all data stored on USB sticks.
For some participants, the risk to availability of data they
needed was the key concern, but many participants balanced this
against the confidentiality risk to their organisation.
From the individual’s perspective, the worst-case cost is
permanent loss of data or lack of availability at a critical time
for their tasks. The very possibility of losing access to data was
an unacceptable cost to some participants.
P12: “I just feel a lack of control because most of the time the
threat is unavailability created by the encryption system.”
The fear of the risk to availability is deep, and several
participants expressed a fundamental unwillingness to rely on a
technology they did not understand.
P13: “I know very few people who run encrypted file systems on
a laptop … because they don’t trust the file system. They want
their data to be accessible.”
In this context, data does not equal data – the fear is strongest
for data that individuals have created or generated themselves;
they felt strong ownership and resented this date being subject
to a blanket company policy.
P10: “[USB encryption] would be irritating because much of
the content is private.”
Even if the data would not be permanently lost (e.g. because the
file is still on the organisation’s system) there a perceived risk to
availability: not being able to access the data when it is needed.
The result could be lost business opportunity, or embarrassment
(looking incompetent).
P1: The only one I can think of would be the password on the
device – I could forget it.
I: And what would be the result?
P1: I wouldn’t be able to do my presentation. And that would be
quite embarrassing.
The additional time to encrypt and decrypt data was a lesser
perceived cost.
P10: “there is a cost to [USB encryption] in that it wastes my
These perceived costs made some participants feel entitled to
break the policy
P10: “if {USB encryption] was mandated I would probably
work around it.”
while others acknowledged the risk to the organisation, and the
consequences that a breach of confidentiality would have.
P5: Well, for sure, a competitor could get hold of something and
do something with it. The press could find out there was a
breach and publicize that. And the client wouldn’t be too happy.
It’s just bad at all levels if confidentiality were breached. [If]
there was any perception of wrongdoing it taints the firm’s
brand and the value of that is huge.”
4.1.3 Restrictive Firewall
Firewall settings blocking access to a wide range of websites –
from adult entertainment to social networking. In the worst case,
participants reported that they could not get their work done,
e.g. software developers could not access ports needed for
running a virtual machine, and felt they had to break the policy.
P6: “the [company] firewall doesn’t like those network ports
being open. It lacks flexibility… By being too restrictive for my
use they end up forcing people to cheat to disable things.”
Other participants perceived the restrictions as more than an
inconvenience – they felt it could damage business, and this, in
turn would also affect their earnings:
P5: So how do you quantify that extra cost? … [it] can range
from something as dramatic as business we won’t win because
we’re not aware of information. And those fees [we miss out on]
could be millions of dollars over 1 year or 2. You know, if a
company went public that we just had no idea existed, because
we couldn’t see the webpage.
Participants felt they were being forced into workarounds, so
they work effectively.
P4: “I think people don’t try to not follow the rules just for fun.
When we do it’s for a reason.”
4.1.4 Over-zealous security classifications
Participants from one organisation stated that all data and
documents tended to be blanket-marked as confidential. They
reported that this led to unintentional breaches of the security
policy, e.g. when sharing data with colleagues outside the
organisation, even though the sharing was clearly needed to get
their work done.
P10: “there is a kind of blanket imposition of inappropriate
security restraints, sometimes on documents.”
Not being able to share data was seen as resulting in lower
productivity and freedom of thought/expression.
4.2 Perceived Cost and Benefit
As Weirich (2005) points out, when an individual is presented
with a security task, he has a choice of
1) Complying and performing the required behaviour (at
least try to do so), or
2) Attempting to bypass the task.
The results from the analysis of our interviews suggests that the
decision – to comply, or not to comply – is the result of an
internal cost/benefit analysis, in which the individual weighs up
the advantages and disadvantages of complying or not
complying. This does not mean individuals regard compliance
with security behaviour purely as a cost: the participants in our
study value security, both for themselves and for the
organisation they work for. The initial disposition is to comply
with security policies – up to the point at which the perceived
benefit of doing so is exceeded by the costs associated with
complying. (Or the point at which anticipated cost of
complying – i.e. worrying about forgetting a password, and the
consequences of forgetting it – is perceived to be higher than the
benefits of compliance.) Examples of costs perceived by
individuals are:
1) Increased physical load. These are extra steps added
to production tasks, increasing time and effort
required to execute production tasks (such as a
machine being slower because of security updates), or
new tasks added (such as additional authentication to
enter building/log in to network, additional training to
be completed for new security devices).
2) Increased cognitive load – additional information
needs to be stored and recalled on demand (such as a
password to encrypt/decrypt data). Research in
psychology and human-computer interaction has
established that human will try to avoid increased
cognitive load even more than increased mental load
(e.g. Norman, 1983).
3) Embarrassment – security measures impacting on
business practises may cause the individual
embarrassment (such as not being able to open an
encrypted file for presentation to a customer or
audience) in addition to the inability to complete the
task. Individuals also anticipate that the perceptions
formed as a result of such an event could have a
potential long-term negative impact on their career..
4) Missed opportunities – the increased time required to
go through the steps of a security task, or the
restrictions placed on data access by a security policy
may mean a worker in a competitive environment
misses an opportunity to effectively do business e.g.
websites relevant to a deal blocked by firewall rules.
As with embarrassment (3), individuals are concerned
about the cost of long-term impact on their career.
5) The ‘Hassle Factor’ –the perceived the cost associated
with complying is often higher than the actual cost,
because the knock-on effect on certain situational or
contextual factors. For example, if an individual is
under pressure to meet a deadline, waiting for a patch
to install feels more onerous than if it happens over
lunch or at a period of low activity.
At the same time, compliance with required security behaviour
can have perceived certain benefits:
1) Avoiding the consequences of a security breach. The
most obvious benefit is avoiding the consequences of
a security breach – such as losing data – which would
have a negative impact on the individual’s task.
2) Protection from sanctions – there is no danger of
being “caught” in breach of policy, and exposed to the
sanctions stipulated by the organisation. Therefore
the individual does not have to worry about being
caught, or the sanctions. However, the degree of
worry depends on the individual’s risk appetite (see
section 5), and the likelihood of sanctions being
applied. Adams & Sasse (1999) and Weirich (2005)
point out that if policies are routinely breached, but
stipulated sanctions are not applied, individuals quite
reasonably do no expect any consequences from being
caught in breach of policies.
. .
Security mechanisms will not be effective if individual
employees chose not to comply. . Most employees will comply
if this does not require any additional effort. When extra effort
is required, individuals will weigh this extra effort against
benefits for them, in the context of their production tasks. If
their goals are aligned with the organisation’s security goals,
there is no conflict, as the behaviour required individual
translates into perceived gain for them as well as for the
organsiation. Thus, security policies are likely to be followed –
at least by most individuals, most of the time.
(Based on the results of Weirich (2005), there will be some
exceptions to this rule, because 1) some individuals have a high
propensity for risk-taking, or 2) some individuals may have
other issues with the organisation, and contravene security
policies as a way of expressing dissatisfaction or dissent.)
Conversely, most individuals will not be inclined to choose the
behaviour required by the organisation if there is a conflict
between the security behaviour and their own goals. In this case,
either some part of the joint set of goals will not be met, and the
individual to expend effort without gain to help the
organisation’s security goals.
Compliance is if the individual chooses the behaviour required
by the organisation, even though it makes it harder for them to
realise their goals, or even prevents them from reaching them
altogether. Compliance can be seen as a kind of organisational
altruism. From the individual’s perspective, this is a situation of
‘pain but no gain’ (recall we are focusing on conflict situations
where individual and organizational goals are unaligned). The
‘pain tolerance’ – the amount of extra effort an individual is
prepared to make for no personal gain – is what we call the
Compliance Budget. The limit of the Compliance Budget is
referred to as the compliance threshold; this being the point at
which the individual no longer has the will to comply with
official requirements. The closer an individual is to his
compliance threshold the higher the cost to the organisation of
achieving compliance, as the perceived cost to the individual
will also be higher. Once the compliance threshold has been
exceeded, there will be almost no way to achieve compliance,
except through heavy monitoring of individuals’ behaviour, and
When an individual is faced with a compliance decision, the
costs detailed in the results section will be weighed up by the
individual (consciously or subconsciously) and measured
against the benefits. As stated before the issue of compliance
only comes into question when the individual is placed in a
situation where there is a cost to him but no direct benefit. The
decision to comply or not comply can be addressed by the
following simple formula:
Task cost = individual benefits – individual costs.
Compliance if task cost < compliance threshold.
It is worth mentioning at this point that the hassle factor will
also bring into play the effect of previous security tasks. If the
task in question is the tenth that day, the individual has been
expected to undertake it will be seen as a far greater burden than
the exact same task earlier in the day. This means that a steady
erosion of the Compliance Budget will take place as tasks stack
up, and the individual’s tolerance for further tasks (or repetitions
of the same task) will be reduced.
In addition to the internal factors identified in section 4.2, there
are external factors that impact an individual’s compliance
budget. External factors are created by the production task
performed by the individual, and the organisatonal environment.
It is factors in this second category that security managers can
use to influence individuals perceptions of cost and benefits of
compliance, and their security behaviour. Most of these
measures are well known measures; the advantage of seeing
them in the context of the Compliance Budget is that 1) these
measures can be targeted more precisely to influence cost-
benefit assessment, and 2) the impact of these measures on
employee security behaviour can be understood and measured.
The key external factors are:
1. Design. A) The most direct way to influence cost-
benefit perception is to reduce the actual mental and
physical workload that individuals have to expend on
compliance. B) Well-designed security seeks to
minimize friction between security and business
processes, and avoids putting individuals in situations
where they have to choose between security goals and
production goals. Improving the design of the security
system will reduce the cost of each security action,
meaning more tasks can be undertaken within the
same Compliance Budget.
2. Awareness, Training, Education. A) Effective training
in using security measures can improve individual
performance, which in turn reduces the cost associated
with security measures. It can also build individuals’
competence – which is a benefit to them, and their
confidence – which can reduce stress and anxiety
associated with C3 and C4 (see section 4.2) with using
security mechanisms. B) Raising awareness of the
risks and vulnerabilities faced by the organization
increases the perceived benefits of compliance. .
3. The culture of the organization. The more security-
minded an organization is, the less friction compliance
causes. Weirich & Sasse (2001) report that
individuals’ security behaviour is strongly influenced
by behavioural norms – most individuals try to “fit
in”, rather than seek conflicts with their colleagues.
Building a positive and strong security culture reduces
friction and perceived cost of compliance
4. Monitoring. The visibility of the organisation’s
compliance monitoring, and willingness to administer
advertised sanctions, will determine how likely it is an
individual thinks they will be detected and
reprimanded if they do not comply with policy. This
will in turn feed into their decision to comply or not.
5. Sanctions. Avoidance of sanction is a perceived
benefit. Thus, for sanctions to be effective, they must
be enforced, and seen to be enforced (Sasse et al.,
2001) used in response to a security failure will be
factored in to the cost/benefit analysis of the
individual. They influence the level of perceived
benefit from the protection gained through
In general, each of the external factors affects either the total
Compliance Budget, or the rate at which it is spent. This is an
important distinction to make, as there is a finite improvement
that can be made to the total Compliance Budget available
through improving awareness, training and culture. Beyond this
limit, further attempts will be counterproductive either in the
business sense (time spent away from work) or in terms of the
Compliance Budget (individual costs imposed through time
taken up and attention demanded away from the individual’s
agenda). The implication here is that initial gains should be
made through reducing the cost of each security task, and
therefore slowing the rate of spending of the Compliance
Budget. The most effective way to do this is to improve the
design and integration of the security system.
The effect of the Compliance Budget and compliance threshold
is to place a cap on the effectiveness of an organisation’s
security policy – the compliance limit. Once this threshold is
reached, several outcomes can result, of varying significance.
Firstly, adding in further security measures that require
compliance from the ‘overspent’ individuals are unlikely to
improve security, unless they are heavily monitored and
enforced. In some cases not only will new measures have no
effect, but existing security measures will be become
significantly less effective as individuals lose patience even with
security tasks they were previously willing to undertake.
The results of our empirical study allow us to draw three main
conclusions. Firstly, an individual’s Compliance Budget sets a
cap on the effecitveness of security practises they are involved
in. This is because - once the threshold is crossed - the
individual will chose work arounds motivated by their own
needs, rather than the more altruistic process of compliance.
Secondly, the closer an individual comes to crossing the
compliance threshold, the higher the organisational cost of
achieving compliance will be. This cost may come in the form
of an increased need for monitoring and sanctions, and/or a
passive cost in the form of increased stress and reduced
goodwill . Thirdly, the organisaton can influence individuals’
perception of where the threshold lies, through an understanding
of the decision-making and feedback cycles associated with a
compliance. Fourthly, the organisation can employ economic
reasoning to ensure the available budget is used to achieve
compliance in areas where it matters most.. A possible outline
for these cycles is presented as part of this conclusion.
Figure 1: The effect of the compliance threshold on
organisational effort required to achieve compliance. Effort
rises as we approach the threshold and rises dramatically
once it is crossed.
Figure 1 illustrates the effect of the compliance threshold on the
effort required to ensure continuing compliance. The closer an
individual is to their compliance threshold, the higher the
perceived cost of each task will be. This means that to ensure
compliance, the organisation will have to expend more effort or
resources in monitoring/sanctions etc. Once an individual is
pushed passed his compliance threshold, it becomes very
difficult to ensure compliance as the individual will be seeking
ways to reduce the burden of compliance. The possible
responses of the individual vary in severity. They may be
willing to accept exceeding the compliance threshold for a short
term if provided with sufficient motivation (increased
remuneration, promise of future perks etc). They may continue
to undertake their current compliance tasks, but refuse to adopt
any further measures. In extreme cases, the individual will
effectively cease to comply whenever possible, and focus on
their own goals entirely. Their last resort is, of course, to simply
leave the organization.
Figure 2: How perceived individual costs relate to
effectiveness of security. Alternative rates of compliance
expenditure are also shown for comparison. Once the
compliance threshold is crossed security effectiveness drops
sharply as altruistic behaviour is increasingly exchanged for
selfish options.
In Figure 2, we can see how the effectiveness of the security
system changes with the costs placed on the individual. It is
important to recognise that it is perceived cost that is important.
The individual is making decisions from a personal perspective,
so it is the impression of the costs placed upon him that is
relevant. Adding new security measures will place some burden
on the individuals using or encountering them. This will
increase security in the organisation. However, as the
compliance threshold approaches, the rate of gain of
effectiveness starts to slow as the individual perceives a higher
cost to each new task. Once we cross the threshold, the
individual may choose to remove himself from the security
process, at which point the effectiveness of the system drops
dramatically. Now not only are new measure ineffective, but
previously-performed tasks may be neglected. The level of
effectiveness does not return to zero because in the course of
normal business practise certain security measures will still be
undertaken (such as using a password to log in to the network)
even though no effort is being expended on security per se.
The initial gradient of the line indicates how fast the security
budget is being spent. The more each task costs, the faster the
budget is used up and the lower the gradient of the line. If each
task costs relatively less we spend the budget slower and the
gradient of the line increases. We can achieve better security
behaviour, and a better return on security, for the same level of
effort. By changing the rate of spending (for example by
reducing the cost of each task through better system design), it
is possible to alter the how effective it is possible to make the
security of the system before this breakdown takes place.
Spending the budget at a faster rate leads to a lower maximum
level of security (we are able to implement fewer security
policies before the threshold is reached). Slowing the rate of
expenditure leads to a higher maximum level of security before
the threshold is reached.
So how is the Compliance Budget set, and how can the rate of
expenditure be influenced? In answering these questions we
must be aware that these are not set values. They exist in a
dynamic situation, and are subject to constant change and
revision. The results of previous compliance decisions and the
organisational environment all contribute to the maintenance
and expenditure rates of the Compliance Budget. This is
illustrated in figures 3 and 4.
Figure 3: Feedback cycle for the individual. Positive
compliance decisions increase the weight given to individual
costs. Negative compliance decisions increase the weight
given to individual benefits.
Figure 3 shows the costs and benefits that feed into a
compliance decision from an individual’s perspective. The left
arrow indicates the results of a positive compliance decision.
This gives more weight to the costs associated with compliance
as it moves the individual closer to their compliance limit. The
right hand arrow shows the results of a negative compliance
decision. As this increases the risk of sanctions it gives more
weight to the benefits of compliance. Organisational factors also
feedback into this loop as can be seen in Figure 4.
Here we can see how the organisational environment impacts on
the cost/benefit analysis performed by the individual. Improving
system design, and creating a positive security culture, will
simultaneously decrease the perceived cost of security tasks,
and improve the rate of expenditure of the Compliance Budget.
On the other hand increasing sanctions and monitoring will give
more weight to the benefits associated with compliance. Both
sides of this cycle make a positive compliance decision more
Figure 4: How organisational factors can be used to increase
the likelihood of compliance. Improving system design and
creating a security culture decrease the perceived cost of
compliance. Harsher sanctions and monitoring increase the
perceived benefits of comp.
The aim of this paper was to identify a way of understanding
and influencing individual employees’ security behaviour.
Based on the results from an empirical study on the perceived
cost and benefit of security measures, we concluded that the
effort individuals are willing to make to comply with security
policies is limited, and an organization can influence security
behaviour by managing the Compliance Budget effectively.
However, this is only part of the story. The next phase of our
research will look at possible techniques and methods for
achieving real-world change based on our insights. The model
was derived from subjective data – employees recounting their
security behaviour. Such recollections may be incomplete and
biased, and need to be validated against objective data of actual
security behaviour.
We also need to explore of how relevant established theories of
human behaviour in the face of risk – principally Adam’s (1995)
Risk Thermostat - can be integrated with our new paradigm.
Adam’s model suggests that an individual’s propensity to take
risks will be influenced by the rewards experienced by risk-
taking. In our model, we have indicated that non-compliance
will trigger a heightened awareness of the possible sanctions
resulting from non-compliance. However, if these sanctions do
not arrive (the individual’s lack of compliance is not detected)
then Adam’s risk thermostat will take over and the rewards from
non-compliance (increased working flexibility, data availability
and spare time) will reinforce this behaviour. This indicates that
the window for affecting compliance decisions through
sanctions and monitoring may be small. We intend to explore
these behaviours and their consequences through our work.
In this paper, we talk exclusively about either the individual or
the organisation, but these are not the only participants
considered in a decision making process. Weirich & Sasse
(2001) identified the influence of colleagues’ security
behaviour, so the way how they respond to compliance or non-
compliance needs to be taken into account.
We anticipate that our research will lead to the development of a
software-based compliance management tool. This tool would
be intended for use by information security managers and policy
designers. Appendix 2 shows a mock-up of an interface for such
a tool.
The core function of this tool is to track the burden placed on
various groups or individuals by the security tasks they are
required to undertake. The interface would then allow managers
to view this information in several ways.
1) They can select a security task and see which individuals, or
groups of employees, are being asked to perform this task. The
selected task would appear in the centre left window. Selecting
a group or individual from this window will bring up their
details in the centre right window.
2) Selecting a group or individual will bring up their details in
the centre left window. Their current and threshold costs will be
displayed, along with their current burden, as a percentage.
Additionally all tasks associated with this group will be shown
below. These can be selected, thus showing their individual
details in the centre right window. This is the type of view
displayed in the figure.
Below these two windows a timeline will be shown showing the
burden on a the selected group over the current time period
(chosen from day, week, month, year at the top of the window).
If a task is selected this timeline will show how many groups are
performing the task at different times. This timeline allows
points of dangerous friction to be quickly identified.
3) To the left of the interface are the overview and critical item
panels. The overview panel allows the user to browse through
all tasks and groups through an expandable menu system. The
critical items panel alerts the user to groups that are operating
over their threshold, or tasks that are involved in pushing a
group over their threshold. It is anticipated that setting the
conditions for an item to appear in the critical panel will be part
of the functionality of the tool.
4) This tool would allow managers to plan changes in security
policy or employee structure and see in advance where hotspots
of high friction would be created or removed. Reducing the
friction between business and security is beneficial for both
processes and this tool could play a major role in achieving that
objective. However, we need data to allow us to set up the
thresholds and cost values in the software. Without this data, or
with only poor approximations thereof, this tool would be
useless, and possibly even damaging if it leads to poor decision
making. Providing accurate and usable data to support the core
function of this tool would be the major contribution of our
In summary, we have laid down the seed for a new way of
looking at compliance decision making and its affect on
security. Although the long term aim of the research is to
underpin the creation of a software management tool the real-
world implications of this result, and the nature of its
interactions with existing techniques and methods must first be
more fully evaluated.
The authors would like to thank colleagues on the Trust
Economics project (funded by the UK Technology Strategy
Board) for granting access and recruiting the staff who
participated in interviews: Robert Coles at Merrill Lynch
London, and David Pym and Michael Wonham at HP Labs
Bristol. Sincere thanks are due to all interviewees for their time
and willingness to discuss their security behaviour and decision-
making so openly.
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Security Task/Policy Individual Costs of
Individual Benefits of
Organisational Costs (as
perceived by the individual)
Organisational Benefits (as
perceived by the individual)
1. Centrally scheduled
maintenance task.
e.g. weekly
automated virus
Individual’s intended task
disrupted by the maintenance
procedure. A time penalty is
incurred. Workstation will
also be slowed/blocked
preventing other (possibly
critical) tasks being
completed in time.
Protection of individual’s
computer increased in case of
virus outbreak. Less chance
to have work
n. No risk of sanctions or
responsibility for wider
Reduced productivity of
workforce thus impacting
Organisational security
2. Additional
authentication. e.g.
passwords to
connect to additional
Delay in accessing the
required systems. Increased
cognitive load to recall
password accurately.
Frustration at having to repeat
a task.
Access to systems necessary
for business process. No risk
of sanctions or responsibility
for wider failure.
Slower business process
reducing workforce
Organisational systems
blocked to unauthorised
3. Using encryption for
data storage/transfer.
e.g. mandated use of
encrypted USB
Additional time to copy data
due to encryption/un-
encryption. Possible loss of
availability of data.
No risk of sanctions or
responsibility for wider
Longer time required to
transfer data meaning a less
dynamic and mobile
workforce. Potential data
No danger of humiliating data
leak in the case of lost or
stolen USB devices.
4. Restrictive firewall.
e.g. ports needed for
running virtual
machines for
Working practises need to be
changed. Certain tasks may
no longer be possible.
Individual may feel forced
into using a workaround to
continue to work effectively.
Loss of productivity.
Individual is protected from
unauthorised traffic. No risk
of sanctions or responsibility
for wider failure.
Security compromised to
facilitate necessary business
process, or business tasks
unable to be completed.
Organisation infrastructure
more secure in the face of
various common threats.
5. Limitations on
working practises.
e.g. data blanket
marked as
Unintended breaches of
policy while collaborating
with colleagues. Reduced
exchange of information with
partners. Lower productivity
and freedom of
Lower risk of loss of
intellectual property, legal
recourse in case of data theft,
No risk of sanctions or
responsibility for wider
Loss of collaboration and
exchange opportunities.
Reduced goodwill and
reputation amongst
colleagues and partners.
Organisation’s intellectual
property protected.
4.1 Example Cost/Benefit Scenarios
4.1.1 Additional authentication
4.1.2 Using encryption for data storage/transfer
4.1.3 Restrictive Firewall
4.1.4 Over-zealous security classifications
4.2 Perceived Cost and Benefit