程序代写代做代考 Fortran flex Microsoft PowerPoint – MPI-3 [Compatibility Mode]

Microsoft PowerPoint – MPI-3 [Compatibility Mode]

High Performance Computing
Course Notes

Message Passing Programming III

Dr Ligang He

2Computer Science, University of Warwick

MPI functions

MPI is a complex system comprising of numerous
functions with various parameters and variants

Six of them are indispensable, but can write a large
number of useful programs already

Other functions add flexibility (datatype),
robustness (non-blocking send/receive), efficiency
(ready-mode communication), modularity
(communicators, groups) or convenience
(collective operations, topology).

In the lectures, we are going to cover most
commonly encountered functions

3Computer Science, University of Warwick

Communication mode

 The communication mode is only related to the
send routines and the receive routine does not
specify communication mode

 There are 4 communication modes
 Standard mode
 Synchronous mode
 Buffered mode
 Ready mode

4Computer Science, University of Warwick

Standard Mode

 The messages are handled in the standard way designed by
the MPI implementation

 The messages may or may not be copied to system buffer
depending on the MPI implementations

 Can have acceptable performance for all possible
communication scenarios, but may not give the best
performance in certain situations

 Blocking Standard send and non-blocking standard send
 Blocking send (MPI_Send): the routine returns after the data

has been copied from application buffer to system buffer
 Non-blocking send (MPI_Isend): the routine returns


5Computer Science, University of Warwick

Standard Mode

 What happens next after the data has been

copied to system buffer?

 At the sender, the MPI system

 sends a “ready to send” message to the receiver,

 waits for a “ready to receive” message from the receiver,

 Starts transferring the data after receiving the “ready to


 At the receiver, when the receive routine is called, the

MPI system sends a “ready to receive” message to the


6Computer Science, University of Warwick

Standard Mode

 What will happen if the message to be sent is

bigger than the system buffer?

 The send routine will block until

1) the receive routine starts receiving data and therefore

empty the system buffer;

2) the rest of the message has been copied to the system


7Computer Science, University of Warwick

Question 1

Process p1:

1. Call MPI_Send to send
message B to p0;

2. Call MPI_Recv to receive
message A to p0;

Process p0:

1. Call MPI_Send to send
message A to p1;

2. Call MPI_Recv to receive
message B to p1;

What will happen if the size of message A exceeds
its system buffer?

8Computer Science, University of Warwick

Question 2

Process p1:

1. Call MPI_Send to send
message B to p0;

2. Call MPI_Recv to receive
message A to p0;

Process p0:

1. Call MPI_Send to send
message A to p1;

2. Call MPI_Recv to receive
message B to p1;

What will happen if the sizes of both message A and
B exceed the system buffer?

9Computer Science, University of Warwick

Synchronous mode

 Blocking synchronous send: MPI_Ssend

 The routine doesn’t return until 1) the data has been
copied to system buffer and 2) the MPI system has
received the “ready to receive” message

 If the receive routine is posted later than the send
routine, synchronization overhead is incurred

 Non-blocking synchronous send: MPI_Issend

 The routine returns immediately
 The communication is considered complete only after

the data has been copied to system buffer and the MPI
system has received the “ready to receive” message

10Computer Science, University of Warwick

The sender uses the explicitly defined buffer
instead of system buffer (the system buffer is

Needs to make sure the user-defined buffer is big enough

Communication is considered complete when
the application buffer can be reused, which means that the
data has been copied from the application buffer to the user-
defined buffer

If the message is bigger than the user-defined
buffer, the routine exits (by default).

Buffered mode

11Computer Science, University of Warwick

 Format:

MPI_Bsend(&buf, count, datatype, dest, tag, comm)

 The sender doesn’t return until the application

buffer can be reused

 Must attach buffer space using:

MPI_Buffer_attach(buffer, size)

 Buffer space is detached using:

MPI_Buffer_detach(buffer, size)

Blocking buffered send (1)

12Computer Science, University of Warwick

Blocking buffered send (2)

Determining the size of the buffer
MPI_Buffer_attach( buffer, size );
MPI_Bsend( …, count=20, datatype=type1, … );
MPI_Bsend( …, count=40, datatype=type2, … );

The value of size should be no less than the value computed

MPI_Pack_size( 20, type1, comm, &s1 );
MPI_Pack_size( 40, type2, comm, &s2 );

size = s1 + s2 + 2 * MPI_BSEND_OVERHEAD;

MPI_BSEND_OVERHEAD can be found in mpi.h
(for C) and mpif.h (for Fortran)

13Computer Science, University of Warwick

Ready mode

 In this mode, sender will send the data
straightway without waiting for the “ready to
receive” message

 This mode can be used only when programmer
can make sure that the receive routine will be
called before the send routine

 When a ready send is called, but the receive
routine has not been called, an error occurs (the
default behavior is the routine exits)

14Computer Science, University of Warwick

Ready mode

 Blocking ready send: MPI_Rsend: the sender returns when
the application buffer can be reused

 Non-blocking ready send: MPI_Irsend

15Computer Science, University of Warwick

MPI functions

MPI is a complex system comprising of numerous
functions with various parameters and variants

Six of them are indispensable, but can write a large
number of useful programs already

Other functions add flexibility (datatype),
robustness (non-blocking send/receive), efficiency
(ready-mode communication), modularity
(communicators, groups) or convenience
(collective operations, topology).

In the lectures, we are going to cover most
commonly encountered functions

16Computer Science, University of Warwick

Blocking and non-blocking forms for the
communication modes

All these four communication modes have both
blocking and non-blocking forms

The communication modes refers to the send routines

Standard send: MPI_Send (blocking), MPI_Isend (non-

Synchronous send: MPI_Ssend (blocking), MPI_Issend
(non- blocking)

Buffered send: MPI_Bsend (blocking), MPI_Ibsend (non-

Ready send: MPI_Rsend (blocking), MPI_Irsend (non-

17Computer Science, University of Warwick

Two Receive routines

Blocking receive routine: MPI_Recv()

Non-blocking receive routine: MPI_Irecv()

18Computer Science, University of Warwick

Virtual topology

Is a mechanism for naming the processes in a
communicator in a way that fits the communication
pattern better

Add convenience to MPI (can make coding easier)

19Computer Science, University of Warwick

MPI functions

MPI is a complex system comprising of numerous
functions with various parameters and variants

Six of them are indispensable, but can write a large
number of useful programs already

Other functions add flexibility (datatype),
robustness (non-blocking send/receive), efficiency
(ready-mode communication), modularity
(communicators, groups) or convenience
(collective operations, topology).

In the lectures, we are going to cover most
commonly encountered functions

20Computer Science, University of Warwick

Cartesian Topology

naming the processes in a communicator using
Cartesian coordinates

21Computer Science, University of Warwick

Cartesian topology

Create a Cartesian topology

int MPI_Cart_create(MPI_Comm comm_old, int ndims,
int *dims, int *periods, int reorder, MPI_Comm

[ IN comm_old] input communicator
[ IN ndims] number of dimensions of cartesian grid
[ IN dims] integer array of size ndims specifying the number of
processes in each dimension
[ IN periods] logical array of size ndims specifying whether the grid
is periodic (true) or not ( false) in each dimension
[ IN reorder] ranking may be reordered ( true) or not ( false)
[ OUT comm_cart] communicator with new Cartesian topology

The topology is only accessible through the new
communicator returned in comm_cart

22Computer Science, University of Warwick

Converting between ranks and

MPI_Cart_rank (comm, coords, rank)

converts process grid coordinates to process rank.

It might be used to determine the rank of a particular
process whose grid coordinates are known, in order to
send a message to it or receive a message from it

MPI_Cart_coords (comm, rank, ndims, coords)

converts process rank to coordinates.

It might be used to determine the grid coordinates of a
particular process from which a message has just been

23Computer Science, University of Warwick

An Example of Cartesian Topology

int main(int argc, char *argv[])

int rank, size;
MPI_Comm comm;
int dim[2], period[2], reorder;
int coord[2], id;
MPI_Init(&argc, &argv);
MPI_Comm_rank(MPI_COMM_WORLD, &rank);
MPI_Comm_size(MPI_COMM_WORLD, &size);
if (size != 12) {
printf(“Please run with 12 processes.\n”);

dim[0]=4; dim[1]=3;
period[0]=0; period[1]=1;

24Computer Science, University of Warwick

An Example of Cartesian Topology

MPI_Cart_create(MPI_COMM_WORLD, 2, dim,

period, reorder, &comm);
if (rank == 5) {

MPI_Cart_coords(comm, rank, 2, coord);
printf(“Rank %d coordinates are %d %d\n”,

rank, coord[0], coord[1]);

if(rank==0) {
coord[0]=3; coord[1]=1;
MPI_Cart_rank(comm, coord, &id);

printf(“The processor at position (%d, %d) has
rank %d\n”, coord[0], coord[1], id);

return 0
